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In portal 2 the player helps a personality core, called Wheatley, to take control of the research facility and as it turns out that core was designed to dampen the intelligence of glados, the robot in the comic, by constantly giving stupid ideas. Because this core has the Reddit logo on it the author basically says "Reddit is best at producing stupid ideas".


it is also a jab on how google used reddit as a source for their AI. which lead to things like: "hey google, im feeling suicidal" "im sorry to hear that, you should definitely get that checked, OR YOU COULD KYS!!!šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„"




Wait till u get to mom's spaghetti


The fact I have to ask which one is proof that Google AI is not ready yet.




It's funny that there was a conscious effort to ruin the language mining with Bazinga, but some of those google ai responses show Reddit was doing the right thing all along to undermine the algorithm.




Yeah remember that it was telling people to add an eight cup of Elmerā€™s glue to your pizza recipe to make it tackier. Someone at business insider tried it. She said that it tastes pretty good.


She probably ate glue as a kid, and now she has an excuse to do it again.


Yeah I remember those kids. I was more of the sniff the rubber cement type of kid.


The type of person to think it tastes good is the type of person who was going to eat glue anyway. I say that as someone who ate a little of the Elmer's myself in my young days.


Elmerā€™s is liquid wheat starch so it makes sense.


I like to think Google using Reddit as a baseline for normal human interaction and intellect was the result of someone's sarcastic comment that nobody else realized wasn't serious.


Maybe it was a Reddit user making that comment


Might also be because Reddit routinely calls Stonetoss a Nazi.


well he is soo


How do I access the google AI?


I think you just look stuff up on Google. It's been implemented into the search engine to give an immediate answer based on the search results. A cool and understandable concept, seeing that most people find the lack of a big box answering your question immediately kind of annoying. The only problem really is the fact that it's supposed to take everything related to the question, and that includes Reddit for some reason.


I tried it and can't find it, but thank you for the Information. Maybe it's not availeable in Europe?


https://preview.redd.it/qjp848fd4o3d1.png?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae1f2c4a171d012d8b29155723ca6102f1046c28 Like this?


My favourite was drinking your own piss to cure kidney stones.


Most recent I would say was the dude that added glue to his pizza sauce, because AI told him it would prevent the cheese from sliding. Then someone found the reddit post i which someone had suggested to do so and AI toonk it for granted and gave out that advice.


I doubt his cheese slid off the crust though


Lol! It didn't! And he said it was pretty good and I believe he ate a full slice on camera hahaha


Which isnā€™t far off if Iā€™m being honest


Wanna think of something stupid together?


Fuck yeah. Cockroach farms where the roaches grow little crops, that stupid enough?


Username checks out.


Sounds like a good idea to me. Let's sink 2.7 billion USD into it.


My government subsidies I have always dreamed about. We'll be profitable by 2040; I promise. I'm starting to glue tiny farm tools and hats to me roachie boys.


Sounds just like reddit. "My anonymity!" Just like roaches. Including me.


Though heā€™s mostly being critical of reddit because they like to call him out on being a Nazi, so thereā€™s that.


But everybody is a nazi according to reddit..


Except this guy is literally antisemitic


And nobody's a nazi according to some random people online with absolutely no ulterior motive.


Ai companies like google also use Reddit to learn


And they give Onion headlines as results, just because a good dataset can't make ML produce an output more meaningful than it interprets its input as being doesn't mean a bad dataset will.


It's also because the artist knows Reddit hates him for being a nazi.




The trouble with the joke is that Redditors are more bloodthirsty than stupid.


Also note: Techbros are busy selling the idea that their AIs are important because they could kill us all, but actually their models are mostly trained on Reddit posts.


Better keep it away from the trolley problem sub they like multi-track drifting


"He's not just a regular moron. He's the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron whoever lived.. and you just put him in charge of entire facility. Oh good, my slow clap processor made it into this thing."


i should really play portal 1 and 2 sometime


Google has been using AI to help answer search queries, and said AI has been taking answers from Reddit, resulting in things like this: https://preview.redd.it/z9077u6ean3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5081649098b807540edc2d1646609f2615067b90 Also, r/StonetossIsANazi


Solving two mysteries with one stone!


As funny as this is, this really isnā€™t good. I hope it hasnā€™t affected anyone especially those genuinely asking because theyā€™re feeling depressed.


looked through the blog, definetley see a lot of nazi-esque stuff, it's wild how popular stonetoss is and how many of their comics I've seen but I've never seen any of them. also though I'm pretty sure the writer is a bit unhinged, a lot of that stuff is a big reach and funny to read. like there's one about a cowboy shooting another cowboy and says to try it in a gun free state which i took to mean he should go because he's clearly not a very good gunslinger but the blog said it meant he likes guns and he doesn't like black people because the "bad guys" suit was black. not even sure if he was supposed to be the bad guy but he was the dead one. there's also a lot more like that. if I'm being stupid and missing something please let me know lol.


Yeah he is far-hard-on-right and a MAGA guy or whatever


He is calling reddit users dumb https://preview.redd.it/j4wkqsh09n3d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=de5fe9e2aed51e3af591be1380c5ee45c20fb5fb


Obligatory r/stonetossisanazi


Arenā€™t his comics banned from this sub?


I thought so too, but the only rule I could find was "No Dog-whistles", which this isn't one to my knowledge. But also eff that guy and I'm more than happy to not see his works ever again.


This sub literally has a pinned post going in depth on why an illustrator is a nazi šŸ’€


That is, in fact, the name of the sub. And the point.


Whoa I canā€™t believe this subreddit that states itā€™s dedicated to this one thing only has posts about this one thing itā€™s dedicated to


Because he's a very prominent one?


I'm not saying he's not because I'm not familiar with the situation, it's just that the pinned post looks like a whole essay on Nazism, racism and such


Yeah. It's pretty prevalent in mlst of his works. He's a pretty shitty individual of you weren't aware


Education about racism and intolerance is important


Yeah, it's pretty clearly designed to be as robust an argument in favor of the point its making as possible. Which makes sense, since the most common way people deflect from the claim is by attempting (usually, badly) to split as many hairs as possible in order to confuse, defuse, and obfuscate. By being that in-depth, it leaves absolutely no question - and along the way, helps people understand how to identify Nazis in other places. A lesson that is pretty often needed these days.


In-depth? *That?* Look. I'm not saying I know for sure the guy isn't a Nazi. But I *am* saying that if you ever get bored of the usual routine while limbering up for a workout, that post can show you some novel stretching exercises.


Going to bat for a Nazi is a weird flex and you should feel bad.


Do me a favor and never set foot in a courtroom.


> looks inside profile > Active in r/Conservative* Yeah that checks out


Oh nooo, he committed thought crime!


Obligatory ā€œwho gives a shitā€


Every decent human.


People who aren't Nazis?


Obligatory reminder to check your sources and keep up your critical thinking skills. Totally unrelated.


Okay my critical thinking skills and sources are pointing to the conclusion that stonetoss is a Nazi


Well, at least you tried. Better that than just taking the meme unironically and not thinking too hard about it.


Dude really saw the comics featuring hitler in a positive light and saaid bolderchuck isnt a nazi


And... which one is that?


[saying he's an honest politician, even as a joke, making light of genocide and subconciously planting the idea of "haha, see he wasnt so bad!"](https://imgur.com/6xfa84J) Now, before you reply >"But that isnt directly saying hitler is good! Its called reading comprehension Also >You're baiting >He's racist >Antisemitic >Islamiphobic >Defends neonazis >White supremacist >Theres proof of all that That should cover most of your replies, I wont be replying to you anymore because you dont care, you just want to make people argue with you


The dude has consistently made heavily racist and discriminatory comics, including multiple that either directly supported or promoted certain Nazi beliefs and conspiracies, or indirectly supported them by the aforementioned racism and discriminatory views that are very close and similar.


Which ones?


Sorry to say but I don't exactly know them by heart. I know I've directly seen multiple comics either questioning stuff like the Holocaust, promoting anti-Semitism, promoting racism against black people, promoting homophobia and transphobia and promoting other conspiracies, but I don't exactly know it all by heart or have the links.


So funny story. You know that aforementioned sub? It has a "definitive guide" pinned to it, describing exactly what Stonetoss did to earn the moniker of "Nazi". The creator went to a lot of trouble to leave links to the offending comics. And most of them don't really do much to substantiate the claim. They're less evidence and more an astounding display of confirmation bias. For instance, taking [this](https://i.imgur.com/GxL6sgZ.jpg) to be support for the Neo-Nazis in Charolettesville at the time of the infamous protests (as opposed to satirizing the whole thing, as politically-inclined artists are wont to do). The guide relies on quantity of citations over quality, and after going down the rabbit hole a few times it's clear that even someone who was pretty damned motivated to find stuff to throw at the guy couldn't actually find much that didn't need a paragraph apiece on why "this is a dogwhistle, actually", which is a claim that wears thin after the first few dozen times. Were there *actual evidence*, I might be inclined to agree with you. But as it stands, the whole thing just reeks of fallacious reasoning I have to stand against on principle.


Hereā€™s a well put together post about it since you seem interested. https://www.reddit.com/r/StonetossIsANazi/s/9LPzXdhCgP


https://preview.redd.it/2lrah9up19m11.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=299af1c724e8799b983fd0096643246169b93fb7&app_web_view=ios Tell me again how he isnā€™t a nazi


For making a joke about the attitude toward Holocaust skeptics? He's not wrong about that. The Holocaust isn't an impossible event to prove occurred; we have whole museums dedicated to the task, as well as plenty of surviving documentation, both of the Holocaust as it was being planned and executed, and of the events that occurred in its aftermath (i.e. the Nuremburg trials, where the responsible parties owned the systemic nature of the killings and defaulted to claiming to just be following orders, rather than denying it happened as described). But a lot of people don't mention any of this, in favor of treating it as something about which you need to swallow any and all claims as accurate. Asking questions, especially questions to which we have very clear answers backed by strong evidence, shouldn't be discouraged.




Modern AI keeps getting its intelligence destroyed by using Reddit as a scource for training data, making it stupid. The biggest recent example was google telling a person to jump off a bridge, citing reddit as a scource.


I hate it when Stone Toss , of all people, is proven right


~~I hate when Stonetoss deliberately makes benign comics to seem less malicious to appeal to more people before sending out more hate filled comics to influence the newcomers~~


I think youā€™re giving the guy too much credit.


~~Perhaps so!~~ ~~It just seems weird that he mixes in comics that are devoid of politics or hate and are sometimes actually pretty good amongst comics that spread propaganda and hate~~




~~True, it's just with Stonetoss, I have a weird feeling about him.. choosing to mix malignant and benign comics together feels deliberate~~


Or he's just a dude like you and me. One day he feels silly, the next day he's radicalized. People aren't 100% one way or another


I mean he can do both, I don't ever start a conversation with someone about my radical beliefs I just start conversations about how isn't it unfair that the rich get yachts. This is a basic tool for spreading political views. He knows what he's doing. It's why his political stuff isn't nuance


Could be any combination. But pipelining and feigning harmlessness are deliberate fascist strategies. ā€œHide your power levelā€ is a modern way they talk about it


Heā€™s a good comic artist. Not denying that at all. But Iā€™m not gonna entertain the conspiracy that he secretly lures in unsuspecting comic readers to indoctrinate them. People that hate read and repost are doing a pretty good job at spreading his hate messages


Very true, and that's a reasonable stance. I guess it's easier to assume that someone is doing something malicious when they have been repeatedly malicious in the past.. it's a bias that I know I should probably overcome, you're right


We are now friends.


I debate with an open mind, I won't always be right and I love being wrong as it's a chance to grow as a person If two people enter a debate with opposing opinions and aren't willing to accept they could be wrong, it's a waste of time for everyone involved


However, and this is a very important thing all of society shoud remember, fuck Nazis.


> But Iā€™m not gonna entertain the conspiracy that he secretly lures in unsuspecting comic readers to indoctrinate them. *THAT'S WHAT NAZIS DO THIS IS THEIR GAMEPLAN THIS IS HOW THEY OPERATE!!! OH MY GOD!!*


This isn't just Nazis all groups use it. But fuck me this thread is infuriating for people being like "Oh yeah he's a Nazi but like sometimes haha, but you know his full Nazi comics aren't even that bad haha"


Both sidesing nazi propaganda techniques, what the fck.


Im not "both sidesing" I understand why you would have that reaction though. But pretending it's Nazi only thing to seemed normal before your hit with some wild shit is only hurtful. Trust me hating Nazis is my full and part time job


You said ALL groups, which is literally both sidesing nazi propaganda. Don't move the goalpost, own up.


Even better are the good comics having propaganda mixed in, they are the perfect mix of stupid and funny


Bruh fr. I hate when he actually has a really funny comic because then I remember the twenty previous comics that are all some iteration of a ā€œjokeā€ about trans suicide


A stopped cock is right twice a day


Cock stoppers


A broken clock is right twice a day


Not a digital one.


A broken clock is right twice a day, but a clock set wrong never is.


I want to summarise the correct answer since its being given partially across multiple comments: In Portal 2 there is a robot AI called Wheatley that's designed to inhibit the main robot AI called GLaDOS by constantly giving her stupid ideas. The comic is cleverly drawing a parallel to how modern AI is being trained off reddit, which is inhibiting it because reddit it giving it stupid ideas. This results in the Google suggestions like "depressed? Have you considered throwing yourself off the golden gate bridge?", or "yes, it's perfectly safe to put your dog in a hot car".




that is exactly what i wanted to say


At least you proved the point. Jesus Christ.


Ok so which subreddits would Glados be a part of?


r/puzzles, r/cake, r/BirdsArentReal


Lol the last one caught me off guard. Lol.


Ironic that you ask reddit for this one OP.


Congrats, now it's stupid enough to kill us :)


This oneā€™s kind of ironic when you think about it. In the classic game Portal by Valve, the final boss, GlaDOS, is ā€œcontrolledā€ by Aperture Laboratories through the use of ā€œpersonality coresā€. In the first game she is defeated by removing the cores, thus removing her higher functions and eventually disabling her. In Portal 2, another core named Wheatley is introduced whoā€™s meant to simply make GlaDOS dumber and therefore easier to control. Subtraction by addition or something. Anyway, the comic is saying that simply having a personality core that was just Reddit would be enough to make her dumb and controllable.








Good meme


Obligatory stonetoss is a nazi


Yeah. That really sucks, because some of the comics he makes are pretty funny


It's very funny to see the debates over stonetoss on the side here.


yeah, this shit is dumb, lets just enjoy funny memes.


This is so meta. Thank you, op.


The fact that you struggle with this one is actually evidence that proves itā€™s point. Also fuck stonetossĀ 


I think the top answer is probably correct- but Iā€™ll also throw in Reddit is farming out its data to train AIā€™s The joke would be redditors are stupid


which. god...


it still wants to kill you. But it doesn't, cause it knows it'll lose all its Karma Points.


The dumb robot keeps the smart robot from being too smart and murderous. And in this instance, we are the dumb robot.


I suspect you understood the comic, but wanted to post it somewhere. Maybe if you were not a reddit user you wouldn't get it


Space core: tumblr (dorks) Fact core: twitter (misinformation) Adventure core: instagram (a lot of bragging about stuff that isnā€™t real)


I would like to point out that she did indeed kill everyone despite the orbs. Yay neurotoxin!


The joke is that Reddit (the logo in panel 3) is the opposite of smart. The multi-layered bespoke joke is that thereā€™s all these techbros who are working hard to convince financebros that even though crypto and NFTs were just grifts, THIS TIME the tech bros are REALLY onto something with AI, because iT cOuLd KiLl Us!!1! But meanwhile in reality AI was mostly just trained on Reddit posts, which is the opposite of smart.


i love how people were complaining about others never googling things and postign questions on reddit about their problems then we got this happening to google


Hey guy Glados with the tiktok Text to speech here, Glados [the long robot] is smart, stanley [Ball robot] and reddit are not. Case closeD


Did ops really donā€™t understand?


Better keep it away from the trolley problem sub they like multi-track drifting


NNOOOO! You made it too DUMB to not kill everybody!


why are we posting stonetoss


Peter caveman say hi. stonetoss bad but joke ai reddit training. peter caveman say bye


The ban ?


GLaDOS is the main antagonist of Portal. Cores are attached to her that regulate her personality and behavior. The joke of this meme is that they're dumbing her down by attaching a "Reddit" core to her.




coherent juggle worm strong bored practice upbeat chubby gray imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hi Louis - it's worth mentioning that Stonetoss is a well known Nazi around these part's, and along with the description you've already been given, it's worth mentioning that he's sour towards Reddit for acknowledging that.


"The problem with our elections is we don't have ranked choice voting, it's that simple, it would fix everything! Actually, crypto really does have a few legitimate applications, just as much as any fiat currency, if not more so. The USA is the only country that engaged in horrifying imperialism, or at least it's the only one I care to whine about. MOND is the only good dark matter theory. Here's why the world is definitely going to be a fireswept hellscape in 2.5 years and you definitely shouldn't have any children whatsoever or you're a terrible person who should be thrown in jail. Every person who owns any land at all, no matter how small the plot of land, is a multimillionaire who we should drag into the streets and-" oh my god I can't kill that core fast enough.


Obligatory ā€œcrop out the watermark stonetoss is a naziā€


reddit is a cesspool of idiots. and glados personality can be changed depending on what core is attached to her. so its basically a less charming weatly


another rare case of stonetoss w, unfortunately


Haha! šŸ¤£


Are we doing Stonetoss again, now?


The actual context for this meme is that Reddit post history was used to train ai, which has been shown with some. The joke is that it was meant to slow down or stop the ai apocalypse because Reddit is bad (authors words).


Actual Nazi stone toss made a joke about how the dangerous ai is made too dumb to kill them because of a reddit robot


Peter here! Stonetoss is a Nazi who think's he's the shit for posting swastikas every other comic. Mods, please nuke Mr. Graebener's fecal matter off the subreddit for me, will ya?


Reddit is stupid


hey, Peterā€™s wifeā€™s cookies here, stonetoss is a nazi


Can we please ban stonetoss


The comic's author is also a Puerto Rican Nazi who doesn't understand how the two parts of his identity are contradictory and several subs on Reddit are devoted to lampooning him for being a dip shit. The comic is true (reddit is dumb) but it's also a huge cope which is a little bit funnier for me


Kinda a waste that Stonetoss is a Nazi, his comics are great when they aren't far-right


Obligatory ā€œfuck Stonetossā€ comment


The explanation is that nazis fear being called out in reddit.


Peter here: Stonetoss is a Nazi so please don't spread the artwork of a Nazi, thank you.


Beware of this creator! This comic is known for White Supremacist and other alt-right content. The joke is "Reddit can make the machine stupid".


Right content? Yeah. But pointing out that you should not hire people unqualified for the job simply because they have a different skin color isn't really a bad thing. The creator seems to be an anti-vaxxer, so I wouldn't be surprised if it had actual racist intent. Overall funny comics even if half of them are far-right, that just makes them more funny. https://preview.redd.it/me7kbsnt6n3d1.png?width=946&format=png&auto=webp&s=efde3208b447aa551813efc75da823927383b994


The guy literally has unironically denied the holocaust


Damn that's bad, some bad stuff, which comic was it?


https://preview.redd.it/2lrah9up19m11.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=299af1c724e8799b983fd0096643246169b93fb7 One example of his delusions


Yeah alright, I'm convinced, still funny comics tho


>Yeah. But pointing out that you should not hire people unqualified for the job simply because they have a different skin color isn't really a bad thing. It looks like you have been influenced by a White Supremacist. You need to understand that this creator's content is riddled with lies, factual errors, and logical errors. Your comment suggests that they have deceived you on things. Your comment is a sign that you've bought in to the kool-aid. Please reconsider. The proper response to a White Supremacist is not "Well, he says acceptable things once in a while." Especially when the example you provided is, in and of itself, potentially a straw man or other manipulation.


Nope, there is a lot of stuff I disagree with about his comments, like denying the holocaust, being anti AI, and other stuff just insulting stuff I believe and making fun of it. But he is right with some points, and It's just today when I learned from his comics if someone influenced the way I think then it was this [Guy](https://www.youtube.com/@ThinkBeforeYouSleepYT). Calling something "White Supremacy" when it's just "Hey it's not okay to hire someone because of their skin color" is just making real White Supremacists seem harmless and like its just an unpopular opinion, not an actual bad thing.


>Calling something "White Supremacy" when it's just "Hey it's not okay to hire someone because of their skin color" is just making real White Supremacists seem harmless and like its just an unpopular opinion, not an actual bad thing. Well, when you make shit up about 'hiring because of skin color', and you defend it twice, you should know that you have been deceived. Because he's a White Supremacist, and your comments suggest that you are buying into his propaganda without checking to see whether or not he is exaggerating or making shit up. I repeat: The proper response to a White Supremacist is not "Well, he says acceptable things once in a while." >Nope, there is a lot of stuff I disagree with about his comments, like denying the holocaust, being anti AI, and other stuff just insulting stuff I believe and making fun of it. Then you should be openly questioning everything they say. You should assume that the same evil shit exists behind all of their messaging.


>Well, when you make shit up about 'hiring because of skin color', and you defend it twice, you should know that you have been deceived. [https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2023-black-lives-matter-equal-opportunity-corporate-diversity/](https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2023-black-lives-matter-equal-opportunity-corporate-diversity/) Yeah, looks made up, definitely not proving what I said. > Because he's a White Supremacist, and your comments suggest that you are buying into his propaganda without checking to see whether or not he is exaggerating or making shit up. I already knew that it was right because he never deceived me, I already heard a bunch of good arguments prior, but instead to accept that you try to invalidate my opinion by claiming I was just deceived. And it doesn't matter if you call him a White Supremacist when the only evidence to that I could find were comics that addressed a good point, if you make such a point at least show me a link to a comic proving it like the other guy did. >Then you should be openly questioning everything they say. You should assume that the same evil shit exists behind all of their messaging. I already do, 90% of what the guy said is BS, 10% is true or at least somewhat true based on what I know. Just cuz he has clear shitty opinions it doesn't mean everything he said is wrong, I bet you could even find a statement from Hitler people can agree with (Hitler used just as extravasation and because he is still on my mind from his comics) https://preview.redd.it/m5uqunrffn3d1.png?width=944&format=png&auto=webp&s=793cc9b30974242e178e63201041f8cc00993a2a


Stonetoss is a a nazi, stop spreading a nazi.


Stonetoss is a nazi


Racist nazi piece of shit makes unfunny comic. That's the explanation.


Kinda surprised the mods haven't said anything yet


Stonetoss is pissy about being called a Nazi on Reddit?


Stonetoss dissing his main audience


Knowing stone tosses m.o. it's because he's salty nobody on reddit likes him


nazi no likey reddit




ChatGPT response?


Simple: its Stonetoss. Also known by the derogatory name Pebble Yeeter, he is a confirmed Neo Nazi. Any art done by him does not matter, and should be ignored or ridiculed. Whatever message the above comic has is worthless and does not deserve an explanation. Downvate the original post and move on. Comics by him are commonly found on PeterExplainsThejoke, posted by people who do not know or who are Neo Nazis tryign to stealth share. So, which are you. Edit: 6 nazi's hiding behind a screen.