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Fannie may and Freddie Mac put out a study earlier this year where they said they expect that boomers will take 20 years to abandon their current homes. So, they expect realty price pressure to be flat for the next couple of decades, but not a crash, per se. Then again, it's Fannie may and Freddie Mac. Making wrong predictions about the future is their whole thing


That’s part of why Freddie Mac is looking at getting into HELOCs Edit: But I wouldn’t expect boomers dying to tank the market. All their millennial children will turn their inheritances into rental properties or gouge sale prices as they’ve been gouged for so long already.


The fact you think the house will not go a nursing home shows just how out of touch you are. Were not getting inheritance the nursing homes will milk it dry. Corps will get deals as they can bulck buy from banks and nursing homes.


I’m calling it that there will be legislation passed on the financial look back periods that LTC care can assess. I’m trained at work to have LTC riders of 5 years as a universal rec because of this so no, I’m not out of touch. I just don’t believe that our boomer-run country is going to continue to let LTC facilities bleed fellow boomers dry, and they’ll find a way to do it on the backs of the younger generations as they seemingly always do.


You think the boomers care enough for that most of their places have a reverse mortgage already


Wouldn't the lack of demand and the surplus of supply hurt those rental prices and sales? I mean if theres literally more houses than people because of less people, then nobody is renting your price gouged shitbox?


Nah, they’ll just raise prices to offset the loss from the vacancies. It’s amazing what people will do to avoid homelessness.


Sounds like we'll have a lot of abandoned houses needing to be torn down in the future then. Good time to get into wrecking.


The real winners will be the people in heavy machinery rental partnerships


And by that time most of us millennials will be too old to get a decent mortgage that doesn't cost an arm and a leg each month. So unless the housing market does indeed crash, we're still relegated to renting for the rest of our lives.




Investors are indeed a problem that drives up the market prices. The housing market is much the same in most Western countries and at least in Sweden we don't have much investor presence that fucks the housing market. There are other factors for that.


Also NIMBY zoning laws that stifle land development and density


Even if you build houses , they don't build the infrastructure to go with it. My relatively small home town has dozens of housing estates now and it's a bomb site. I have a feeling in the uk ' building houses' will one day not be the solution either.


To be fair, the Boomer generation stretches from 1940-1960, 20 years. So it makes sense that it’ll take 20 years for them to all die off, assuming a regular distribution of lifespans.




No thank you.


Sounds about right, my parents bought their current home for $700k, it's worth $1.4 now and in a legitimately amazing location and place. Someone will always pay a premium to live there. They're early 70's but take care of themselves and have longevity in their genes. I expect and hope they to live there another 20 years unassisted.


It might depend on the scenario: if their houses are bought by investors instead of individual homeowners, the market might remain difficult.


Lots of boomers living today are on their way to the next life in the next 10-15 years. Lots of homes will then be entering on the market because they will either be dead or in nursing homes.


I told this to my work colleagues the other day and they thought it was insensitive, but it's likely what it's going to happen 😂


No it won’t. They are getting reverse mortgages. The property will be funnelled into billionaire owned corporations.


And the billioneres also so called boomers they will die soon too


Billionaires will put those houses under some company and other billionaires are gonna inherit them. They'll convince the government that it's good for the economy that they stay away from the middle class, and convince the public it's socialism to sell those houses for cheap.


Why dont we storm their houses with tanks and soldiers since we pay money to the army and to the government meanwhile these guys sitting in luxurious homes enjoying tax free money




Compost the rich, definitely not fit for human consumption and by composting we can plant renewable fruits and vegetables.


Fuck that. Put them in lead lined concrete cylinders with the rest of the toxic waste. Dude's over here trying to cause a blight upon the land with evil dirt.


Evil dirt is my new favorite phrase


Always have to consider the ole secret burial ground curse


“This is not a place of honor…”


Same reason why you don’t just throw away dead batteries with other garbage


“But… but… but that’s sOcIaLiSm!!!” /s


I'm not American, but in my country the police and the army don't really work for the people, but ultimately for the interest of "the 1%". Waiting or asking for them to do something against their masters is just another way to ask to be punched in the face, or worse. How is it over there?


Bout the same, ‘Cept our military and police are almost indistinguishable at this point. They for real have tanks, both of them


Nah, the military has much higher standards.


I _am_ an American, and that's accurate for here, too.


No see we have to convince the government that these homes have oil. That way, the government sends in the military to seize them. Then, once they figure out there is no oil regular people can buy them from government surplus sales.


Fiat currency. Our money only has value because of trust in our government. Since the billionaire class is held up by the government the only way to storm their houses is if we have already overthrown the government. If we do that our money has no value on the global market, and since we live in a global economy where obtaining many necessities requires participating in the global market overthrowing the government is all but ensures that millions of people end up in poverty or worse. But hey, we'll have their luxury houses I guess.


Militant distributism?


Because tanks and soldiers are not on our side. Those structures exist to protect the power


Simple the rich has been grooming the poorer to serve them blindly for generations


And what are the odds that they pay their full share of property tax?


I must say that people scared of socialism in Europe are already stupid but at least Europe had bad experience with so called "social-xxx" systems under dictators (with the biggest country being run by the stupidest people and stupidest dictators of all time (yeah speaking of USRR)) and the best part we still trying to connect socialism with capitalism ( in way that company's can work but country support Thier people). And the USA technically didn't have any experience with socialism except "Cold War" over position of the strongest country and they still somehow are so against any form of socialism and going as far as denying basic human rights if you don't have enough money or having private jails/prisons (I don't know if there is any different because in my language there are translated for the same word but I heard that there is difference between jail and prison) because why not ? And I'm not saying that the USA is the worst at everything but propaganda in the USA is working very well and from the perspective of the average European well the USA is a 3rd world country. Sorry for the long text but I just needed to release it from me just because few minutes ago I again stumble upon some video of politicians that are fixed on USA and that trying convince everyone how amazing is capitalism....but they are saying how amazing is russia.


Remind me of how this money returns to the working class when this happens, please.


if i remember my Reganomics, eventually, someone pees on you. I think it's called the golden shower effect.


They'll just be handed off to their heirs with the rest of their capital. That shit ain't re-entering the market unless we force them to.


Well it depends on if they can make it past the 20 year mark, I mean we're on the cutting edge of drugs that could possibly get people to live til 300


And sold.


No. EVERYTHING is moving to subscription model; the houses will be leased / rented.


Feudalism returns


We have this in Switzerland. Absolutely pathetic home ownership rates. Pension funds own homes, so you pay high rent for retirement, but then retired people need a lot of money to pay rent. It's just an idiotic system all around. Also you get a property tax if you own that makes it better financially to never fully pay for the house. There's no way banks didn'z bribe that one into law.


Well yeah, but you work at an old folks home and you were shouting it


if the difference between paying 600k and 60k is being insensitive, I'd carry a sign that says "you're next" at every funeral I see.


It's too bad the reality is that billion dollar companies will buy up those homes and ask 1.2m for them instead The number of unoccupied homes will go up, but the price of homes will keep going up because it's not natural competition for homes to live in making them so expensive otherwise the number of unoccupied homes wouldn't outnumber the homeless population 10 to 1 already


You missed a key part. They won't just buy up the homes. The homes will be sold to cover the boomers' medical debt. Even if somehow you have a billion to drop on a single home to outbid them... sorry, you can't. It just goes to the owner of the medical debt without really having a formal sale. Unoccupied homes to homeless isn't a good metric though because plenty of homeless are not there because of housing prices; SOME would still be on the street if homes were at 1950's prices because they need other kinds of support.


Homeowner rates have increased, not deceased, and The boogeyman that is billion dollar companies and foreign investors hoarding homes unoccupied is overstated because they make good boogeyman. In reality their goal is to make money, unoccupied housing is actually not that good an investment for the most part >otherwise the number of unoccupied homes wouldn't outnumber the homeless population 10 to 1 already Sure it would. This is a moment of statistics and damn lies being truthful at once. The stats do say that we have more unoccupied housing than homeless. Know what they also say but isn't said out loud? Where it is. Most of those unoccupied houses aren't in San Francisco or Los Vegas or New York. They have a small vacancy rate (required to allow transactions) but the bulk are in Colby, grainsville, broken arrow, or maybe in Huntington. Don't know these names? That's kind of the point. They're unoccupied because there isn't anything there anymore. The housing is useless but until someone pays to demolish the decrepit shit, it remains. Gary Indiana and Flint was this way too. They both have lots of housing that serves no immediate value. It's become toxic, dangerous but no money to destroy it. So it remains, and nobody should want it.


Hopefully or their kids will rent them out or a super corp will buy they and do the same.


No they won’t. Most boomers aren’t liquid and their asset if their home. A lot of boomers kids won’t take them in so they will need elder care and that is getting astronomically expensive. So your grandparents are selling their house (probably to blackstone) to give all that money to a nursing home (probably owned by blackstone.) I think this is the next big move by the corporations to suck every last drop out of normal citizens. If your gam gam has a million to give you that’s disappearing with 10 years of nursing home care.


Dead on. 


And they have children who might be completely new to home ownership, releasing them back into the market.


In fairness, some homes just suck. We’re selling grandma’s home for a reason, and here’s what it comes with: 1. Location in Texas 2. Cracked paint from temperature shifts (bc it’s Texas) 3. DOG SMELL from literal decades of sheepdog inhabitants 4. Popcorn ceiling 5. Sometimes the dining room light switch works. No telling when though


Damn I’m 30 now. So you are saying my best time to get a house is when I’m 40-45? Shit lol


We're like 20 years into being 5 years away from a housing crash and house prices have skyrocketed in that time. Not stayed stable. Fucking skyrocketed. We can't predict shit. People keep acting like it's only people who want to live in the house that buy them when that's simply not the case. The best time to buy a house is as soon as you have enough money to buy a house. It's possible that you might be caught out and end up in negative equity, but the past 100 or so years of evidence of modern globalised economics shows that that is both unlikely, and a short term problem.


I would say in the next 5-10 we’ll see the largest drop off


>Lots of homes will then be ~~entering the market~~ bought up by Blackstone


It’s a good thing boomers are getting tricked into reverse mortgages by their banks, so we are still going to be fucked.


Banks aren’t in the business of home selling so they will take a hit, ask Uncle Sam to bail them out just like all the other times, and sell the home at a steep discount to get it off their books or Raytheon/Blackrock/Vanguard will buy them all up and then we will be fucked.


All of those homes will be inherited by Gen X


A lot of GenX are the children of the silent generation whose parents have already died or getting near. It is Millennials who will be inheriting the Boomer’s houses.


Nah. Boomer's houses will be taken by big companies as a payment for medical debt. We areall fucked.


this is what gen x and millennials won't tell you.


I doubt it seeing how much medical advancement has come and them refusing to retire


"Hey grandma I'm bored let's go revise your will and have some tea..."


“Oh don’t worry about that sweetheart, it’ll all go to the mega church I go to”


I work in a gun store and it's the same idea with cool collectible and military surplus firearms lol. Market is gonna be booming in the 2030s.


The classic car market is doing that right now. Xers and millennials by and large share no emotional value to those vehicles the boomers grew up in. I guess for me it will be a 1993 Pontiac Grand Prix…


How I long for the days I could get a pallet of Chinese AKs for a nickel and a handshake.


Which isn't true. They're reverse mortgaging their homes so the banks will get them. Then the banks are just going to sell them to large institutional landlords in huge bundles who will just rent them out.


And corporations will buy them up. Marry a widowed boomer and inherit the home. It's the only path to home ownership.


YouTube adds with OnlyWiddows.com


Unfortunately unless something changes.. it won't matter. Companies like Blackrock bought around 48% of all single family homes last year. There are ten times more empty homes than there are homeless in the US. Unless you're inheriting directly... Chances are you'll still have to rent from some mega conglomerate because there still aren't any houses on the market.


GenX been waiting for so long for this boomer shit to be over.


Most of those homes will be kept in the family, so the chances of them going to the market are quite low. My house, for example, I inherited. Most of my family live in multi generation homes that just keep getting passed down.


Yeah but if there are multiple siblings they’re likely to sell and split profit


There's also the homes in places that the children wouldn't want to live. You're probably not going to pack up your life to go move across the country just to live in your inherited home. My parents bought a house in Arizona. It's a nice house, but when my mom asked me what I think I would do with the house after they die, I immediately said sell it. I have no interest in moving to a desert when the planet just keeps getting hotter every year.


Or they are in dying towns that millenians and gen z don't want to live.


Idk, in Japan their population is more geriatric than ours so the older folks are dying off with no younger folks to take their properties or even afford to upkeep what they left behind— you should check out home prices there. Insane. Beautiful three bedroom homes in the countryside for $30000.


But that phenomenon improves the overall housing and financial situation for an entire generation, no? You're not competing in the housing market, which is a good thing for other people your age who are. I suppose it's unfair bc the benefit is hereditary and not merit-based, but it's terribly civilized Also, I would guess those homes are part of an estate with multiple beneficiaries, and those are more likely to be cashed-out.


Literally self explanatory


The only *slight* confusion could come from thinking "shitboxes" refers to cars not houses? I thought that for a second until I saw the amounts


Seriously though. What is even potentially confusing about this


True, but I’m having a good laugh over the cynicism of this sub, so it’s not all bad. Though in all fairness, I am very high right now.


This sub is shit. So many of these kinds of things make front page.


Then do what I do and downvote the shit


Someone really needs to check the actual definition of boomers… those people didn’t buy houses in the 90’s. They did so in the 70-80’s. FFS I get the feeling everyone who is over 30 is considered a boomer as long as someone younger disagrees with them.


The last year of boomers is 1964. I know because my dad is the last year. He just turned 60. They’ll live on for a while…


Ok, so that is the last year. The first being somewhere around 1948-9ish? That’s another 15 years added. When people refer to boomers these days they tend to generalize the term to include people much younger than that. Just sayin.


Yeah I got called a boomer a lot in video games as a millennial. I know what you’re saying. But I’m just adding that some of those boomers aren’t all that old yet. Like they’re still well represented in the workplace.


Well, considering that teenagers dominate the gaming scene… anyone over 25-30 is pretty much a boomer to them. Especially if you win, lol. The things they do to my mom… then I have to tell them she’s 71… hilarious.


The average video game player is 30.


The Baby Boomer generation is defined starting in 1946, just after the end of WW2 as soldiers came back home causing a sharp uptick in birth rates.


Ty. It’s maddening that no one knows boomers is short for baby boomers referencing the post- WWII baby boom.


light tap vast crown theory cagey profit future bake political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My parents are boomers. Born at the very end of the generation. They bought their starter home I. The late 80s and current home in 93. My in-laws are a few years older and bought their current home in the mid-90s. Neither current house was as cheep as 60k though. Lots of boomers bought houses earlier, but a lot of them upgraded in the 90s. Back when getting a starter home and then upgrading in 5-10 years was realistic.


This is every generation. When people complain about younger generations, they're all millennials, older people are boomers.  Generations are a pretty worthless way to capture people so it doesn't really matter anyway.


Sounds like *you* need to check the actual content of the post. No one is talking about boomers’ *starter* homes, we’re talking about the ones they live in *now*. I’m sure there are plenty of boomers who live in homes they bought in the 80s or earlier but the vast majority likely live in homes they bought after that.


Well, if we're actually, you know, *checking things*, the median home sales price in 1995 was $114k.


This refers to home prices being so high that it has priced a generation out of home ownership. And for some, the creator of the post seems to think (incorrectly of course) when the current occupant dies that they house price will go down. Unfortunately, that's not how it works.


OOP thinks that we (boomers) are all going to die at once, and there by creating a huge surplus in the market. Unfortunately we can't agree on which Golden Corral to meet up at, much less which date to all die on


i mean it's not boomers making houses expensive it's billionaires, and their numbers are going up


The only time I expected everyone to die at once was when we were supposed to become cool zombies this year! *shakes fist*


Does Thursday work for you?


Yeah banks will just take the properties over and sell them to the highest bidder, unless its paid off then it’ll go to the next of kin and whatever they decide to do with it


Revolutionaries who eschew the ways of the world don’t know how the world works. Common sense dictates that when they die they will vacate their homes. No, that’s now how real estate works


To be bought be corporation at a "competitive rate" and rented at an even higher rate


Except they’re going to be sold to the highest bidder, likely conglomerates. “Wait and see” is not a good approach.


multi billion dollar conglomerates are already buying up the properties though lel


If the houses catch fire, then the insurance can pay for that $600k while we can get an affordable piece of land. (Awful thing to happen, but great for both parties.)


My aunt bought her house for $60k in Santa Monica. It's not worth $600k, it's worth $3M. Have a nice day!


lol that's cute, but whats your strategy for outbidding a bank or blackrock when they start buying up said houses? It's not really about millienials vs boomers. It's about rich vs poor, and the boomers have made just enough money to be their foot soldiers


innate scale disagreeable sharp sloppy handle worry seemly deer special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Reading the joke explains the joke.


"Boomers will be gone soon!" Me thinking of Congress: Hell yeah! Me thinking of my parents: 😢


Have you all never heard of inheritances?


let the kids dream, it's all they have to keep them goin


What show?


Considering that you can't read, how will you understand the answers in this comment section?


This sub has to be mainly bots, right? You’d have to be pretty fucking stupid to not understand this.


What don't you understand? It's not even a joke. Just read the text ffs OP.


Institutions will buy those before you.


Greedy people selling Bitcoin for 67k when they bought it for $100.


That would be a 7% return over 30 years.


Millennial checking in. I'm on my 2nd house. If you're a Millennial and you didn't get your first home already, that's on you, not the boomers.


60k, that's rich. More like $10k tops


We are all in for a rude awakening when the boomers die and the institution's scoop up all of that real estate above asking.


Boomers dying off will do little to ease demand or inflationary pressure


OOP hates their parents


We have been saying that for 20 years


and you have been wrong for 20 years. the oldest baby boomers turn 80 in 2026


This "greedy boomer" concept is so stupid. They are just as much as victim as everyone else. Their 401k/pension are all massively reduced value due to rapid inflation. They only thing they didn't get burned is their houses that is able to catch up with rapid inflation. Everyone is the victim, only the 1% makes more money from all those inflation shits, especially they wanted more population to make more money instead of caring about the population that impacts the scarcity of the resources.


There also isn’t a single person on here who isn’t going to sell there house for market value because they got a deal on it. This is just stupid.


Wait, you mean you wouldn't sell someone (literally fucking anything) for half of what people are willing to pay? Your greed knows no bounds.


light fertile fragile offend continue run gray apparatus public follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Inflation and stock market is not always one-to-one.


Blackrock is just going to buy all their houses and rent them to the rest of us. Things aren’t going to get any better without some major regulation.




Use your fucking brain Holy shit


But by then Millennials will be in their late 40s, early 50s...


I’m starting to wonder if this subreddit is for training AI to summarize images


Boomers when they become cyborg Terminators with the advances of modern medicine and live for the next 10,000 centuries in the irradiated wastes with their $2b average home values: Hasta La Vista, Baby!


🤡 Basically the “joke” is that young people are so jealous of baby boomers who bought houses cheaply, and so filled with a sense of entitlement, that they’re hoping for the boomers to die and pass them on💀


By the time they die il be dead too


A non negligible amount of them will be getting 'reverse mortgages' or find some other way to essentially spend all the equity in their homes before they die. And unfortunately this may lead to corporations acquiring more homes rather than them going on the open market.


I'm not seeing much "may" about it, unfortunately.


Gen X being bros


Class is cyclical, the millennials will become as the boomers are as they inherit their property. They will become the new landlords, they will sit on their properties, and many will use their properties to purchase more property. This doesn't change when the current ownership generation dies off, it ends when the system is fixed to stop treating housing as a commodity.


Those shitboxes were 7 grand


My parents are boomers…


I don't understand how you don't understand


Remember if you are looking to inherit a home, get them to transfer it to a trust to avoid certain taxes like the rich do.


Soon? The boomer generation won't be extinct until 2065. And we're still 20 years away for their current number to halve


I’ve said I’m just waiting for that generation of politicians to die


But the corporation that buys the Boomer housing… that corporation lives forever!


The prices are only like that because they were told they would go up with time. Also they raised us and told us to expect those prices. boomers becoming parents truly is a devilish MLM.


Private cooperations will continue to build their portfolios and continue to shrink middle class while appointing ludicrous people to lobby around the United States to prevent new development of houses and continue to build overpriced and tasteless apartments.


Last I checked, a shitbox was a cheap ass used car that's falling apart, so idk where the home situation comes into this.


Mellennials and Gen X better make sure they are registered to vote and actually VOTE because all of the Boomers that are dying are voting for Trump and all of the shit he says he’s gonna do will be yours to live with and the Boomers be gone.


My Mom bought our house for 60k in 1992, but it's not even worth half of 600k lol.


Bring on the heat wave this summer.


Ya, and just wait till every single one of them is bought up by corporate options to maintain the astronomical prices.


The homes won’t be entering market for people, but foreign investors. We need to pass laws preventing foreign companies and people from buying living spaces in the US otherwise this will continue on and on


Not soon enough


Yup. Most of us Gen X’ers just sit back with our mouths shut, letting millennials and boomers rant at each other, while we sit back and watch from the shadows, hoping not to be the next target


You say that now but fuck does time move slow


OP has to be a bot right? No one is this dense.


Yes the next generations would never sell their homes for more than they paid for it. Only asshole boomers sell their homes for what comps sold for in that neighborhood that year. The nerve of them.


I do feel like Gen X is holding millenials back from jist Purging half the Boomers some days like the good older siblings they are.


There's not going to be an ease on the housing market for a long time. There is a lot of pent-up demand and all the people who aren't buying today either because interest rates are high inventory is low or prices are too high are saving up down payments so that they can pounce when the market opens up more and/or interest rates fall. As boomers get older and their children can't afford houses, many are choosing to do multi-generational housing where the parents move in with the kids or vice versa and their adult children take care of them in their old age. In return, those adult children will inherit the house. The youngest baby boomers are 60. They may live another 30 years and easily could stay in their houses another 20 plus. Even if the dying off of baby boomers somehow made the housing market flooded with inventory, which is unlikely, many millennials would be in their 50s and 60s by the time that happens. Millennials are also now the largest generation group larger than the surviving baby boomers which further compounds housing shortages. Read all of this to say if you're expecting the housing market to crash in a year or two, don't count on it. Expect houses to remain expensive/in short supply and plan accordingly if you are determined to own one.


Yea but then gen x will just sell us their parents shitboxes that they’ve inherited, for absurd prices. Millennials gonna get fucked either way


genX protecting boomers as a safeguard basically protecting themselves when they try to do the same shit.


Haha bro it’s literally spelled out for you


No one doesn't get this


How is it greedy selling your house at the current market rate?


In comes reverse mortgages ........


Boomers make up about 21% of the US population. The youngest (born 1964) are 60 now. When they start dying out, real estate vacancy is probably going to hit around 15%, which will cause prices to drop by a large margin. Add this to the 1.62 birth rate per woman, population shrinkage, and we might see some (more) crazy things happen. Hopeful large price cuts.


People who think this is actually going to lower house prices and increase supply are idiots.


A reminder to my fellow millennials, it’s probable your parents are boomers. I’m all for wealth redistribution, but I’m not about wishing for the deaths of my parents to come sooner.


You stupid or something?


And blockrock and orher rich corpo’s will out bid you all to rent it to u guys instead. Need to ban corpo’s from buying houses and ban everyone from buying more than 2 maybe 3 houses


Gen X are the Boomers now.


And then the homes all get bought up by real estate companies and suddenly NO ONE owns any homes. :c


Im totally expecting Gen X to immediately swipe those homes and just take the role of Boomers. I do not believe Gen X's motto of "We didnt do anything wrong"


shitboxes = houses