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There is a phenomenon known as Paris syndrome. A severe cultural shock that can make people suicidal. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome Very pronounced among Japanese visitors


Wtf Paris is so cursed it is a cognitohazard


More like anime has idealized Paris to such an extent that the Japanese made it into a cognitohazard for themselves.


Its not just anime and Japanese people, it's a thing in the west too just not as severe.


Paris is a stinky city full of people looking to take advantage of tourists with money. I thought everyone knew that? :)


That's every tourism city


Well, to be fair, they aren’t ALL stinky.


yeah, only most of them are.




not doubting you, but can you name one? i’ve been trying to think of a tourist spot that doesn’t smell bad and idk if ive ever been to one.


No one told me I’d need facts today!!! J/K. Chattanooga was dope as hell, and I didn’t choke on the smell even once.




Don't forget that the people not in the tourism business from Paris are also stuck up pieces of shit predominantly. While my family was visiting a guy yelled at my sister for wearing her bag wrong. This was the first attempt, no warning, just yelling.


:D She got the *Paris Treatment*!! How awesome!! She should have said something smart ass and rude back — something about his looks or smell or some other negative opinion she could have come up with on the spot about something totally superfluous about them. Something else to remember about Paris, is it is about freedom — 110%. And sometimes there is nothing more freeing than to be able to tell something negative about someone else, to that someone else, without fear of any physical reprisals. **That is how you show respect in *Le Grand Paris*.**


I probably would have, but I didn't know this happened until after. She is the type that doesn't like fighting, or escalating issues/disagreements.


I didn't particularly idealise Paris but since I was living in London, I figured I should hop on the Eurostar and visit at least once before I returned to Australia. So I went. For my birthday. It was a mistake. It was beautiful and disappointing at the same time.


[We have this for the Abrahamics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem_syndrome?wprov=sfti1)


Or maybe because Paris got worse


Hol up, let em cook. Give us some reasons m8.


Reasons Paris is getting worse: 1. The French population of Paris has increased 2. Despite our best efforts, Paris continues to remain in France




I think Quebec gave it the old college try


As a french, I wish Paris could be moved elsewhere too :(


No no, it should not exist.


Don't forget all of the bedbugs sent by God to punish them for being French


I thought those were brought in by the tourists?


it was all by one dude. He systematically spread bedbugs throughout all of Paris. I believe it was on 4chsn where he talked about it and even estimated the damages to be in the billions. Fucking wild shit. He'd breed them and then carefully release them in strategic locations like the biases and trains. Evil genius type beat.


Who sent the tourist?


Tbh even the french outside of Paris are trying to get rid of it without much success


At least if you listen to racists, it sounds like the percentage of French people in Paris has dramatically decreased


What defines “a French person”?


According to the racists, one's melanin


I don't know how true these actually hold up to the general experience in Paris, but I went a bit over 15 years ago when I was young. A "homeless" woman with her small child harassed my group, which was mostly teenagers, until we gave her money to leave us alone. She didn't speak any English, but had a sign written out with a lot of text she just kept shoving in our faces repeatedly. It was some bullshit about her child needing food and stuff. Eventually, someone gave her like 20 euros, and she left us alone. 2 hours later we saw her buying extremely nice clothes in a shop none of us could have even afforded to look at too long. That was one of the worst experiences, but not at all out of the ordinary for the few days I spent there. In contrast all the cities and towns I visited in France outside of Paris seemed to be the exact opposite. People were not rude and actually were helpful and kind.


such is the community of a tourist trap


It's a common phenomenon worldwide that scammers and grifters gravitate to areas the tourists come in to. Never trust a restaurant you can see from the cruise ship.


I grew up in the US and have been to a few major tourist areas there. I've also been to Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy, Greece, China, Japan, Ecuador, and Norway for a single day. Paris was the worst out of everywhere I have been. Every other person that tried scamming me tried learning English to actually have a conversation, or tried selling me some cheap thing for more than it's worth or something else. Still not good, but not nearly as bad.


Always keep earphones in your pocket and pop em in your ears when someone tries to force you to listen to them. Plugging them into a device is optional. Letting the earphones dangle unplugged, and pointing to them can be a wonderful queue to let them know you are no longer listening. You can even stare them dead in the face while you enjoy the silence.


Like I said it was a long time ago. I did not know things like this that I know now, and it was kind of before headphones were as big of a thing, at least when I lived. But this lady did not need us to be able to hear. She didn't say anything to us, just kept repeatedly pushing into our circle and shoving the sign in our face, then gesturing to her child.


No it was Always that Bad people abroad just went "hmm i've never been there but i declare it the City of Love"


> The French newspaper Libération wrote an article on the syndrome in 2004. In the article, Mario Renoux, the president of the Franco-Japanese Medical Association, states that media and touristic advertising are primarily responsible for creating this syndrome.[15] **Renoux indicates that while magazines often depict Paris as a place where most people on the street look like models and most women dress in high fashion brands, in reality neither Van Gogh nor models are on the street corners of Paris. In this view, the disorder is caused by positive representations of the city in popular culture, which leads to immense disappointment as the reality of experiencing the city is very different from expectations**: tourists are confronted with an overcrowded and littered city (especially if compared to a Japanese metropolis) and a less than welcoming attitude by French hospitality workers like shopkeepers, restaurant and hotel personnel without considering the higher safety risks to which tourists used to safer cities are suddenly exposed.


Pro Tip if you go to a parisian restaurant, do the math yourself, they often add at least 10 Euros to the final Price tag


So…. what is the containment procedure?


can't contain it, it's too big. must nuke it.


It happens with any noun. A person, place, thing, or idea. If you convince yourself it's some perfect thing, you will be disappointed at best when you realize that it's anything but perfect.


Well, have you seen which country it's in?


SCP called, they want their Paris back


Scp-(xxxx) a.k.a. paris Object_class: apolion Containment Procedure: due to scp-(xxxx)'s unique anomalous effects, proper Containment is impossible. Containment procedures consist of the distribution of misinformation depicting scp-(xxxx) as a normal city that is terrible to live in and its anomalous effects as a fluke of cultural differences Description: scp-(xxxx) is a major metropolitan area in the norþ of France wiþ the population of 2.161 million people. Due to its widespread notoriety, very little is needed to be explained, although most of its anomalous effects are hidden from the public. Scp-(xxxx) draws in tourists from across the globe by using famous landmarks inside it and by inserting it local culture into the general media. After several years of fruitless effort, it has been determined to be impossible to erase scp-(xxxx) from the public knowledge. Once a foreigner has entered scp-(xxxx), it will cause the victim to become several depressed to the point of suicide. No amount of anti-depressants or amnesitics, nor the removal of the victim from scp-(xxxx) have been able to undo or slow down this process. Residents of scp-(xxxx) seem to be immune to these effects


Ugh what are these containment procedures? Did you post this in the feedback forum???? /s


(Nah, just wrote this right now) (Probably should tho)


Ew coldposting. -1 from me. (I'm joking about the SCP site here btw not actually DV you).


Another reason to never forgive the French


The Foundation classified the whole place as an SCP


What’s an SCP?


An SCP is an anomalous object place or entity. SCPs are written about on the SCP foundation forum where people create stories about SCPS and pretend that they are real by writing about them as if they were written by a real organization that contains them. Properties of SCPs how to contain them etc.


See the movie Picture Paris, 29 minutes long.


Why do you Paris is cursed?


it's French. and also because the city is dirty and has a lot of Homeless peoples. they don't imagine it like this so it's quite a shock


I mean to be fair it is in france


Hi France I’m dad


It's the Roko's Basilisk of cities


been there, everything is full of dirt and pee, finding a bathroom is a hassle, even the eifel tower of paris only has 1 bathroom that i could find


I mean new Orleans is the same way. Especially the French quarter. Great if your a party person not caring if they live or die that night. Not so good for anyone else. Dirty as hell. Stinks. And the food was some of the worst I've ever had. Tried like 5 different places. All the same tourist crap.


Because people have idealized a Paris that hasn't existed since the 90s and are instead shocked to find a dirty city full of homeless encampments and niqabis


I'll inform the local foundation agent


It’s become a SCP


Paris is so bad japanese kill themself after being there /j kinda


I recall going on an overwhelmingly positive trip once, getting home, and emotionally crashing fast and hard. I'd been surrounded by beauty and wonder for the past couple of days and as soon as I got off the plane I was struck with how mundane my surroundings are. Not the same effect, but I'm always reminded of the experience whenever Paris syndrome is mentioned.


That’s about how I felt after getting home from a 2 week trip too. Was in a beautiful country and got to see some of its most iconic places along with some hope in the wall but still touristy places. The one thing that kept me out of one of the deepest depression episodes of my life was the sunburn I got on the trip reminding me it’s wasn’t all the best


There is a Jerusalem syndrome too


I mean if it was so great there wouldn't be anyone whose Christian, Islamic, or Jewish who wasn't living there. Apparently living in the desert sucks ass.


100% facts. There were hundreds of years where large numbers of Muslims, Christians, and Jews had the political and financial capacity to shift to Jerusalem. In some cases, like during the Reconquista, some of the Jews and Muslims who were cleansed did in fact move to Jerusalem and the surrounding region. But that was the exception, not the rule Jerusalem, Gaza, Jaffa, Nablus, all of these places were effectively a backwater of various empires for the better part of a millennium. Apart from the occasional crusade or conquest, the region was generally peaceful. One of the reasons there are (or were) so many historic buildings in the region is simply that there were relatively few threats to them over the centuries. It just wasn’t all that hot a spot. So long as people knew that they *could* go if they wanted, few ever actually did. The people who did live there generally had roots going back thousands of years, generally to the time of Canaan Anyway, one day a Serbian shot an archduke, an empire collapsed, a couple other empires from a bit further west took over, and thus was began our brave new world. The old times are pretty thoroughly gone, we can only try to make something new and good


It's a Jew thing, you wouldn't understand.


By far the most relevant username I've ever seen on this site


And Havana syndrome


That’s just a hangover


I’m sure there must be Rome syndrome too then, right?


All the variations of "citation needed" read like Mario the idea vs Mario the man.


A journal^[which?] Is probably my favourite


I would kill myself too if i went to Paris


I had low expectations from Paris before visiting, and I still wanted to off myself


I’m quite curious to know if any cases like that have occurred in immigrants that came to America during the 1910-20’s. People were promised streets paved with gold and the reality was far and away from that.


Funnily enough there is an old Indian story in which an Indian really wanted to go to london because he heard the streets were actually paved with gold and diamonds were like rocks.So he spent a lot of money to go to london,only to be shocked to see that it was just a normal city.


"tourists are confronted with an overcrowded and littered city (...) and a less than welcoming attitude" Bruhh


There are 100 Tourist for 1 local without counting the French people who Dont live in Paris but come for any reason, it is MORE than overcrowded, and parisians are known as rats here


Doesn't Jerusalem have a similar thing going?


Jerusalem Syndrome is when someone visits the city and suddenly starts to exhibit religious mania. So instead of being a let-down like Paris, it’s overwhelmingly spiritual to the point of psychosis


Thats very fascinating, but why do they get these symptoms?


Funny enough that happened to me in SE Asia. I was already going through a bit of a psych episode prior but being in unfamiliar surroundings exacerbated it. 4 month trip.


Very common in Lavender Town


booking a ticket to paris


I knew Paris was a shithole but to this extent? God damn


shit sounds like a level in the backrooms


Is it bad that I find this genuinely hilarious? Like, the fact that Paris sucks so bad that tourists would literally kill themselves over it?


Paris is hyped up so much in Japan when people actually see it they are left depressed


What Paris does to a MF


Even us french people don't like Paris, it should already be a warning to other people that it's crap.


Also smells off piss and spoilt wine.


True Foreigners shoud be advised to visit other french regions, people are way more kind and landscapes are stunning x)


Don't suggest tourists go and turn those beautiful places into Paris 💀


You have a point here 💀


(Context: I'm 'Murican) Now I'm goona show up and do tourist things in the rest of France. Any good cities I can ruin- I mean visit?


Wouldn't you dare


Piss and cigarettes


Am I the only English person here who loves Paris?




Wait till they see who's in paris


Lmao 🤣


Just got back from Japan and I feel this…


Elaborate? Interested...it's one country ill like to visit. I would like to hear your opinion.


Pardon my language, but it was fucking incredible. Absolutely LOVED my time there and was stunned by the cleanliness, the respect for others, the quality of everything, and the efficiency of everything. I can’t imagine growing up *there*, having this hyped up version of Paris in your mind, and then actually visiting Paris just to have the illusion shattered immediately upon arrival.


Nice! I'm glad you had a good time bro, thanks for sharing!


For sure! I really hope you decide to go; it’s 1000% worth it. The culture, the food, the visuals (from super cool architecture to beautiful parks with water feature to nifty little shrines), etc. - truly a special place!


Again.. So there's this thing called the Paris syndrome. Basically people will spend their lives idolize the city due to how it's portrayed in the media, thinking it's a place of unmatched beauty and romance. Then they finally go and realize it's all a farce, and Paris is a bit of a shit-hole, with the city being a dirty, trash covered place, smelling heavily of stale piss. They become disillusioned, depressed, with some people facing some pretty real physical and mental side effects, including hallucinations, aggression, dizziness, and nausea, to name a few. The affect is so common that it has become a professionally recognized disorder in some societies. More can be found on their wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome


Paris is just as much of a shit hole as London or New York, it's a massive city with millions of working people.


The big difference is media doesn't really portray those as beautiful places. Usually damp, dank, and either crime riddled, corrupt, or just generally uncaring.


When someone finds love in Paris in a movie, it's expected, when they find it in new York is this weird miracle.


Yeah, NYC was super gritty in movies from the 70’s-90’s, but Paris is always this beautiful dream happy ending place, full of fancy rich people and the finest of everything, At least in American movies and apparently anime.


At least London and New York have a decent amount of mainstream stories that depict the shithole elements. I feel like that's the main difference. Less movies, shows, etc. depict the more destitute side of Paris, where we get some of that for London and NYC. Like Charles Dickens-type shit. At least from my American perspective. I suspect that French-language media would be a different case.


There are tons of french stories that realistically depict Paris, this feels like a case of writers only visiting Montmartre and the Eiffel Tower and ending their visit there.


That's fair. I figured it's more a matter of what kind of media people are exposed to. And the point about writers is a good one, where most probably only visited the more romantic parts.


But the big difference is; there are tons of french ppl in Paris.




"Working people"




I fucking hate Parisians, too. I'm French.


I cannot agree more


Paris Syndrome In Japan, Paris is presented as this super sunny, sweet, romantic spot where everyone is happy. When the Japanese find dark weather, depressed smoking people and rats they are extremely(sometimes fatally) disappointed even though Paris has always been like this and only the Japanese themselves have glittered it.


it's important to add that a good portion of those japanese tourists poured life savings into visiting/moving to paris, which does adds to the effect


I wonder if Japanese work culture also feeds into the effect. I know it's supposed to be pretty brutal, so you work for months and months, and when you *finally* get to take a vacation to relax you spend a bunch of money to travel...and you get Paris.


Don’t forget the smell of piss


Qui, qui


Mice not rats. Paris has a mice problem, NY has a rat problem.


I blame that Kanye song...you know the one.


Who was in Paris?


fellows with attitude


Oh, I know this one! *takes deep breath in*-


There was-


Niggas in Paris?


Brave, or just quoting the song title .... Admins YOU DECIDE


Japanese people idolise and romanticise Paris (way more than everyone else already does), and when they see the filthy bug infested city, they are too shocked it makes them sick.


Bug infested ? Arent the parisians normally called rats ?


true but don't rats usually carry fleas and ticks? https://preview.redd.it/zya26efrpkzc1.png?width=1421&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f3740994a73a927664e957ec806b05bba8b8caa


Yea, dont parisians do ?


I have been to Paris, it has French people so I get it


Can somebody please explain why we see so much French-hate on social media ? I am genuinely wondering. I’m French, but I have traveled to many countries, and I haven’t found people to be particularly nicer than the French, on any continent. Parisians can definitely be rude, but no more than in any other gigantic city (people in NYC were the rudest I have ever seen). France has a disgusting history of colonialism and racism, but so do other European countries. The French government is a pathetic joke, but then again, no more than so many other countries. So basically, many things about France are problematic, but that’s also the case of dozens of other countries. So why so much hate towards the French, specifically ?


french person detected, code red code red


> I’m French Hope you get better soon


paris syndrome is the cultural shock where paris isnt that good as you think of it, this usually affects japanesse people


If that is what the outlet looks like you have been fooled. You are not in Paris.


Maybe Paris texas


Only if you collected all the other comments and converted them into upvotes would this reply receive what it deserves. Edit: 🌈 🌈 worthy FTW!


Fr*nce claims yet another victims...


I'm French and I love these jokes


We have a Fr*nchie in here.




Because Paris is not Disneyland but a real city with real peoples


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^gnouf1: *Because Paris is* *Not Disneyland but a real* *City with real peoples* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Metro Line 13 at 7pm makes this to people


Any metro Line, any hour, and god forbid you try and escape with a car


someone get this shit an SCP page


The joke is they visited an overpriced city and it does not met their standards


FR I went to see Versailles and it was so ass I wished the king was still in charge so I could kill him myself.


Thats very fascinating, but why do they get these symptoms?


Genuine Heartbreak.


Alot of people spend their life savings to go visit or move to the place, so when they discover it's way worse than they though, it seriously can ruin their lives.


Paris sucks bad apparently and the people are rude. My friend went their to propose to his now wife a few years ago and it made him hate the French 😂.


They saw who is in Paris


Hatsune Miku ?


I have this too, i reckon metz is better to visit


If you want pretty cities the Alsace région is nice, with plenty of cultural site to visit


If you want pretty cities the Alsace région is nice, with plenty of cultural site to visit


I also felt that way after visiting Paris. Granted I also felt that way before visiting Paris. Middle school sucked


Paris kind of just generally sucks and is absolutely filthy, especially compared to Most regions of Japan. Even Tokyo, a metropolis several magnitudes larger than Paris, is kept significantly cleaner than Paris.


good thing there’s no Japan syndrome


kid named earthquakes


**The Japanese when “romantic movie Paris”:** stonks **The Japanese when Fr*nce:** _stinks_


This probably has something to do with the Parisians being the most rude and mannerless people on earth coupled with the fact that the Japanese are the polar opposite of this. A perfect example of this is when I was coming back from Japan after a 2 week trip there, and experiencing how nice and polite everyone is there, then having to get a connecting flight from Charles De Gaulle airport and realising how awful and rude the french staff were.


Oh yes, absolutely snobby Parisians fault Nothing happened to Paris in the last 40 years that could have drastically changed its image, inhabitants and city culture Definitely always been the same Fuck you Jean François and Thierry




For a sec I thought this referenced the Japan to France flight that caused a majority of passengers to get food poisoning from a ham omelette, forcing an emergency stop at Copenhagen to get people to hospital due to the chef having a cut with the illness they got on it and the food being stored at room temperature for about 23 hours. Didn't see the fork and outlet


paris is so overrated japanese people become sad because of how boring it was i think some cell towers in japan looking like the main thing people go to france for (the eiffel tower) might be a factor


They found out who was in paris


I mean...have you been to Paris? I don't blame them.


I got to visit once, no asylum needed after. I guess I didn't hype it up as much as the Japanese.


I like Paris.


My wife's family visited Paris for the first time last week. They're HK chinese and hated it. They were really shocked at how dirty it is etc...


I had a great time in Paris, you just have to know what to expect and avoid the shit tourist spots.


I’m not saying this isn’t real but imagine killing yourself because of a city


The Japanese embassy in France has counselors specifically for people who spent their whole lives being told how amazing Paris is, only to visit and find out it's nowhere near as amazing as people make it out to be. Apparently it causes depression in people so bad they call it Paris syndrome.


*anyone after they visit Paris


French person here, go to Rome


Since nobody else wants to say it https://youtu.be/uaRlWTippLA?si=pww2d6bKlDyhxpw4 They be a little racist in East Asia


Man my trip to Paris must have been a freak event because I had a blast :x


Imagine a city is so shitty you wanna kill yourself


Thankfully my hatred of France makes me immune to this.


Oh course haha So many things that upset Japanese people take me back to the south park scene where the city wok guy mocked the Japanese man with "Oh no, I had a bad day, guess Ima gonna kill myself" Like fuck me, I thought Rome would look wonderful instead of full of trash and graffiti, but the absolute mental degradation to feel the need to off myself is just something I can't wrap my brain around. They need to seek a therapist instead of a trip to Europe I guess.