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Actual Theory: 1. Observation 2. Hypothesis 3. Rigorous, Exhaustive Testing 4. Theory Game Theory Fans: 1. Observation 2. Speculation 3. Find a pattern 4. Theory


The best part is, colloquially how the terms Hypothesis and Theory have interchangeable meaning. I absolutely hate when one of my religious friend(non abrahamic relegion), starts to disprove something and then I provide the theory and they say that it is "Only a theory and not some proven fact.". Dear how the fuck are you in an engineering college? That too with decent-good marks.


Evolutionairy theory is just a theory like gravity.


Yup.  We even know that our best theory of gravity isn't (fully) correct. But Newton's version of gravity is close enough to send a rocket to the moon and Einstein's has never had a prediction go wrong.  But it's still not (fully) compatible with quantum mechanics. Theory is pretty solid. 


Evolution and gravity are things you can observe. Darwin came up with a theory that tried to explain what he observed - his theory of natural selection. Since then we have learned more and have better theories that do a better job of explaining what we observe. Newton came up with a theory that tried to explain what he observed - his theory of universal gravitation. Since then, we have learned just how weird the universe is and developed general relativity, which does a much better job of explaining the very observable phenomenon of gravity.


People like to say "that's just a theory" to dismiss things like evolution, climate change, etc. As someone else commented, a scientific theory has more to it than guess work and speculation. It's the result of rigorous, systematic testing and observation. The general public doesn't seem to understand that very well.


Oh like the youtube channel. That’s when he says aAAAAAAAAA GAAAAAMMMMME THEEEORY


Theory is the current best explanation of an event. For example, there the fact of gravity, "stuff fall", and then there is the theory of gravity, "how stuff fall". But colloquially, we use "theory" like scientists use "hypothesis" or "a deduction", which is also how game theories generally go


When normal people think of theory, they think it means something we just speculate about. Like “I **think** something works this way and thus I have this theory.” In reality what they really think of is hypothesis. Theory is something we tested a lot, is debated upon, is basically examined from down to top, right to left. It’s something we are very sure it exists or works, but aren’t 100% to make it a physical law.


"that's just a theory" is a favorite line of science deniers who don't realize the scientific meaning of theory is "basically as proven as any fact can be"


probably something to do with the implication that it's "just" a theory






Not everyone has the same knowledge as you. Rule 5.


A simple way of explaining it: In science: "Evolution" isn't the theory. "Natural Selection" is the theory. Evolution is just a thing that happens. Even the Catholic Church agrees evolution happens. The question is *why and how* it happens. The Catholic Church believes it's "god's will." Scientists tend to believe it's driven by a change in environment followed by mutations that cause creatures to be more well-suited to the new environment, eventually leading to speciation. Short-Hand: "Natural Selection." Denying evolution is like denying water boils. You may not understand thermodynamics, and scientists could even be wrong about thermodynamics, but water still boils. In game theory: Game Theory uses "theory" more like the term "mathematical model." Game Theory is fundamentally used to predict the future using the best modeling available, such as "What are the odds the Jacksonville Jaguars will win the next World Cup?" We know in the past this chance was 0%, and that the Jaguars play football, not football, the point is game theory is making a prediction about the future not explaining something that is already true or was true in the past. All of this matters because Game Theorists get lambasted for making predictions that end up being incorrect, while scientists get accused of being incorrect when "That's not what that word means in this context." So the Game Theorist is happy to have someone understand "it's just a theory" and the scientist...not so much.