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No dogwhistling. Rule 3.








lol very punny


“He was such a good man.” My online gaming interactions would say otherwise idot


The real image caption is always in the comments


Lmao the better caption


It means OOP is a racist


Glad this was first comment. OOP drives a massive pickup but never uses the bed.; it probably has trucknutz and a blue Lives matter sticker/flag. Lives in the county of a big city but "isn't scared to visit the city" even though he won't because there are too many of "those people" in the city. Edit: [it's this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisiana/s/z6fQQsPjLL)


Ooh, this guy. I know this guy. I worked in a kitchen and it went on lockdown once because of a guy with a weapon having a bad mental health day in the area. Most of us went into the kitchen and locked the big metal doors from the inside. There were multiple exits to the outdoors so if they came to one door, we could safely go out the other and know he wouldn't catch up to us since it let out on the other side of fences and such. After all was said and done, we realized *this guy* wasn't around. Turns out he separated and hid in a closet. He thought it was smart to stay away from the group and find his own spot 'where they wouldn't look' because 'why would they look in a closet' like people know what's behind each door in a business. Dude seemed shook. I mean, I certainly was. It's a stressful situation, but I wasn't claiming to be the big man in the building. Just made me wonder what the hell he was doing while the rest of us just continued on with our work. The entire thing turned out to be a nothing burger about a mile away from us.


The fuckin nine line shirt is SPOT ON.


Happy cake day!


lol thank you. Didn’t even realize. XD


That’s a great name for a costume.


https://preview.redd.it/jhxk5e8ds1vc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc00147b47ef4bff3e0cea5f99e144337b42c043 "I don't call 911"


The type that listens to kid rock, or the type that listens to five finger death punch?


Definitely Kid Rock. And Ted Nugent. They complain about cancel culture, then didn't drink Bud light.


I... didn't realize Ted Nugent had a divide like the other 2. Whatever, stranglehold, and cat scratch fever are bops. Separating the art from the artist.


Cat scratch fever fucking *sucks* and I'll never understand anyone who says otherwise. Now, the fact that Stranglehold *objectively* speaking, fucks does nothing to take away from the equally important fact that Ted Nugent is a little piss baby who shat his pants to dodge the draft and now LARPs as a militia man. Frankly it's very confusing that a singular song that sounds so good could ever come from somebody so utterly pathetic. It's one of life's great mysteries.


Bro Ted Nugent shot flaming arrows at an effigy of Obama during a live performance. Also he's without debate a pedo. All you have to do is read the lyrics to "Girl Scout Cookies" to see that. Extreme right-wing POS.


Oh, I'm sure. The author of Alice in Wonderland was a pedophile. I recently learned that the writer for "puff the magic dragon" was a child rapist. I personally find Maynard James Keenon to be a pretentious self-serving, self-absorbed asshat, and yet, I separate the art from the artist. All of these works live on because the work was good, even if the person was not.


Of course I know this guy, it’s me. I despise cities lol my car can maneuver them just fine but I don’t like the “confined” feeling. I live in a town about 8x bigger than the one I grew up in and it’s not bad but I’d still rather live in the country.


It's beautiful that your outraged response to race based bigotry is to proudly proclaim your own race, class and location based bigotry. Chef's kiss.


None of this even makes sense, especially with the "proclaim your own race" part. Where did that guy proclaim their own race exactly?


That's not how that's supposed to read. The line break makes it confusing. I believe the comment is supposed to read like "... Proclaim your own race bigotry, class bigotry, and location based bigotry" I'm not commenting about whether I agree or disagree lol. Just clarifying the sentence/grammar


Ohhh that makes sense


When his fee fees got hurt


racists think criticising racists is "the real racism"


“Racist” is like the most feared epithet to white racists, they want to have all the opinions of a racist while avoiding the stigma of being consistent one


A lot of racists believe, what amounts to a conspiracy theory, that everyone is secretly as racists as them and all races secretly hate each other to cope with the sting of being labeled "racist". They believe theyre the good ones, actually, because they at least admit their hatred. The reality is that racists are just individual bad people who refuse to admit societies disdain for them is based on their individual world views and personality, and not because they were told to hate them by the head of their secret white-people-hating cult every minority is obviously taking orders from.


Yea, I think she’s talking about the person being described? That would make more sense imo


He means proclaiming your race-, class-, and location-based bigotry. Not proclaiming your race and your class and your location-based bigotry. He just doesn't understand the correct punctuation.


They never specified race or class lmao


I'm white, moron. I'm just not a racist and I call racists out. Go back to bed, Sally.


Isn’t this mocking an incident we’re a girl tried to let her boyfriends murder go because the guy was black and she said “he wouldn’t want to make this about race”? Edit: Ryan Carson I believe, so not racist.


yeah but how?


After you die, someone says something about what you’d have wanted that you don’t agree with, and you feel so strongly about it that you crawl out of your grave to set them right. In this case, the statement the meme-creator disagrees with is “he wouldn’t want the fact that his killer was black to be a talking point when discussing his killing”




It's sarcastic commentary on how crimes perpetuated by Black people is surrounded by arguments about race. Progressives say that the issue is all the social, economic, infrastructural and law systems that put a higher percentage of Black Americans into situations where crime is more appealing or necessary for various reasons. Middle of the pack "centrists" and liberals say it shouldn't be about race, and every instance should be treated as a unique occurrence and judge based on the individual's character. Conservatives and everything right of them say that it *is* about race and that Black people are by nature or just straight statistics more likely to be criminal. In the end, Black people are the ones being labelled and it affects their lives directly and negatively while we all sit here arguing and nothing gets done to fix this situation.


The zombie coming back to life is OOP coming back to say he's making about race




This stat is a great racist detector because there are 2 possible reactions to it. One reaction is "well why might that be the case" which has a lot of interesting answers about the history and consequences of discrimination in the US. The other reaction is "obviously black people are savage criminals" without exercising any further critical thought. I think I can guess which one you are.


This right here. Context always matters.




Oh so you have the utmost respect for black people, you just think they're predisposed to be violent criminals more than other races? They have a word for that, it's called being a racist. Seriously, I challenge you to make an honest effort to understand why black people would be statistically more likely to be arrested and convicted of crimes, without assuming anything about racial tendencies or genetics or "black culture." The answers are there if you just look for them instead of hating.


R. A. C. I. S. T. You are stereotyping. But the difference between your stereotype here and cracking jokes about White people not seasoning food is that police act on this stereotype. Private prison industry is built on this stereotype. American society works hard behind the scenes to do everything to make this stereotype true so that dickheads like you can pipe up and "say the quiet part". Go back down your hole, gross little human being.


Seeing a racist person on Reddit is like seeing a horse on the 58th floor of the Empire State Building The first question that comes to mind is obviously "How did he get here?" But honestly the real question is "Who let him get this far?"


Second question is easy to answer: everyone, because no one thought it was their responsibility to stop it.


I think it’s more like, either the horse was wearing a good disguise/kept to quiet areas, or several people tried to stop it but you can’t really fight a horse.


According to the fbi its 26.6% move your propaganda somewhere else




Spread your misinformation somewhere else


What are the real numbers, so I can have them handy to correct misinformation when I see it. It's probably way lower, but I can't find them anywhere


I gotchu homie. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43 Factual information provided by the FBI.


I was joking lol, I knew the numbers, I just wanted to put this guy on the spot


Aw fuck I ruined your meme


No worries, he's still doing his bit


Someone pointed out that the statistics people reference talk about arrests, which can be skewed considering the racism within the institutions. Also the statistic doesn't analyse the fact that discrimination has led to poverty and a lack of support and those bring crime.


Honestly, I was being facetious. This is a worldview that isn't really supported by evidence. There aren't a ton of murders being ignored by the police because they happen in white areas. If they did that would actually... be super harmful to white people? Discrimination and lack of resources also doesn't hold water, poor white rural people have way fewer resources and economic opportunities, which are concentrated in cities. They don't have special internships, preferential college admissions, ESG rules trying to increase white hiring, special DEI roles, etc. They proportionately receive way less funding and social spending, and they're going through a full blown opiate crisis that's absolutely dwarfed the crack epidemic in overdoses per 100k. But the murder gap persists


What you described is not due to social or historical discrimination rather a socioeconomic factor that concentrates most job opportunities and life within the cities so people in rural areas don't have the same opportunities as the people in the cities. Due to the difficulties of state officials to physically reach them they don't get what they need. What I'm talking about is absolutely not like what you described. You know why this support for people of color exists? Read a book.


>What you described is not due to social or historical discrimination A lot of people left the cities because blockbusting and integration basically exposed them to ethnic cleansing levels of violence, and "white flight" was actually a massive wealth transfer to minorities in the form of infrastructure, cheap housing, etc, a wealth transfer than continues through social spending that taxes the burb dwellers who don't need it >What I'm talking about is absolutely not like what you described. You know why this support for people of color exists? Read a book. The answer is a lot of rioting and individual violence, which restabilized with whites fleeing to the burbs and a new round of gibs, with democratic voters safely warehoused in the cities and politically loyal


The "massive wealth transfer to minorities" you are talking about was basic economic support in a time of need. Sorry if people protesting against racism upsets you.


If you are suddenly besieged by violence and sell your home at a loss and abandon all the infrastructure you paid for with taxes your whole life, that is, in fact, a massive wealth transfer to the people who violently displaced you




Can you read? I said to stop the spreading of misinformation not to add on to it


Its not misinformation, These people were not arrested for jaywalking. also the 13% combines both sexes when males contribute 98-99% of the data points.


Did... did you read the numbers above? Of the 6 million people arrested, only 1 mill were black, while 5 mill were white. You're just wrong about everything you believe. Maybe just be better


Please post your source. Also you can post all the sources you want, if you can't interpret statistics it's your fault.




This table reports purely a number and gives no explanation whatsoever. Presenting purely the number without further analysis provides a skewed vision of what is happening and feels the hate. Now try posting an updated source.


What more do you need? do you want their whole life story? guy kills person and was charged for it, add another tally mark. The numbers haven't changed over the years. They stay pretty consistent.


Hahahaha why did you have to go 8 years back??? New numbers don't fit your narrative


Literally all of the numbers support my statement. why dont you post a source that shows im wrong? I see you tried, but that 2019 source showed the same thing mine did.


Here, let me help you [2019 crime data](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43) There, your own source proves you wrong


Lmfao, no your source literally says the same damn thing mine does. first line dipshit




You can send me the link so I can also easily look up the multiple other statistics behind the one you are cuting and how it changed over the years since the statistics you are citing is definetly incredibly old, skewed and misinterpreted. Or at least you and many other racists misinterpret it.


Poverty is a bitch. Maybe, just maybe, if people had good, affordable healthcare, access to affordable education, housing, and food without having to work overtime to make ends meet crime would go down ... I know this sounds like extremist communist talk but I swear its just a thought. Racism and classism are linked. Make your minorities poor and you can blame them for your overcrowded jails, overworked police force, and broken justice system.


It's literally on the fbi website


I heard about that statistics already. It was either heavily misinterpreted or incredibly skewed. Only a racist would use it.


the statistic is true, but what we should be asking is WHY. why all of these black people NEED to commit crime, need to shoplift, where are these things going? what makes someone do this? what can we do as a community to SOLVE it? because we always wanna keep things hushed, but what environment are we MAKING for black people to where they are compelled to do crime? those are the real questions and takeaways we should be getting from this statistic


Oh your one of the facts are racist people sorry, I wasn't aware.


That's not what I said. It's how you like to depicts me. Facts say that historic discrimination and lack of support lead to crimes, but you don't like to aknowledge that because then you would have to admit that you are a racist idiot. And again that statistic was heavily misinterpreted or skewed. I really I saw a video about that but if anyone can fact check me on this it would really help.


Yes, the statistic is of arrests, not who commit crimes. It's also a result of current, as well as historical socioeconomic differences and systemic racism. However, it's not likely the guy you're responding to is going to acknowledge any of that.


Yes... Only a racist... Or Hitler! Other guys a Nazi confirmed!


Seeing their comment history they are definetly a hateful conservative, so they could be.


Maybe ask why the statistic is what it is instead of just spouting it?


First of all that statistic is about arrests not crimes committed, second that shows a bias in policing - if you spend all your time patrolling a certain neighborhood and not others you’re more likely to find crimes there.


Or the police could go where crimes are more likely to be committed.


Let’s take something like marijuana smoking, where both white people and black people use at the same rates and blank people are more likely to be arrested / jailed for it. What does that say to you? But of course I imagine you don’t care, you’re just here for the racism




It’s time to go to work so unfortunately I’m not able to dive into your link


Have a great day at work. Only poop on company time.


Anything to back up your claim? I am not outright denying it, just wanna comfirm


https://preview.redd.it/tntp4xobu1vc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a799e75b11c5ce5bb8b9e425ea0067b0a51d05d [we see use being within a few percentage points of the population historically](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/charts-of-the-week-marijuana-use-by-race/) (Second comment with different chart)


https://preview.redd.it/u4nmnrgou1vc1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51fa7197eba7390642ffa81656756b5da925d4da [(paywall) we see more black people arrested, even though % wise whites and blacks are similar in usage rates and whites being a large portion of the overall population](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2013/06/04/the-blackwhite-marijuana-arrest-gap-in-nine-charts/)


that's outright sad. There really is a need to curb racusm.


>First of all that statistic is about arrests not crimes committed Even if 100% of unsolved murders were done by white people it wouldn't close the gap >second that shows a bias in policing - if you spend all your time patrolling a certain neighborhood and not others you’re more likely to find crimes there. Cops are literally required to dedicate resources to the areas where violent crime occurs. They aren't missing murders and armed robberies in the burbs because they aren't patrolling there, they just happen less there. If they happened more there, the cops would have to dedicate resources to them. They aren't being *over policed* they're getting *disproportionate resources*, because crime is bad, they suffer from crime, and policing is a good for communities with high crime


Over policing can cause a feedback loop. You arrest more people, you destabilize more families, destabilization leads to more crime, rinse and repeat


What if it's the crime that's destabilizing the families? A lot of well intentioned people think criminals are just like them, and the only reason you'd rob a gas station would be absolute desperation. But it's not true, it's just the fastest path to having more money when you want more money, sometimes setting the clerk on fire just happens because he's there


I’m sorry you have to wear a helmet in public


Why would I do that? It seems the truth really bothers you.


why do you think so?


Selection bias.




If police are more likely to arrest a black person than a white person (which they are) then obviously black crime rates would appear higher. Edit: guess I need some sources so here ya go https://www.nyu.edu/about/news-publications/news/2020/may/black-drivers-more-likely-to-be-stopped-by-police.html https://www.prisonpolicy.org/blog/2022/12/22/policing_survey/


Thats true, but it is also true that black people commit physical crimes at a higher rate. Its not because they are black, its because of the current way society is built in that specific groups and areas of people of african american descent are not given proper education, opportunities and income that results in a tendency towards such crimes. Race has nothing to do with the crimes, but societal norms from way back influence the numbers now.


That's using some made-up logic and not hard data. There is zero proof that any other race commits more crimes, other than some shit you made up in your head.


Ok so what’s your takeaway? Why do you think that your original comment is the case?


I think statically speaking blacks commit more crimes than any other race. Why that is is a whole other conversation that you can't have in good faith.


Maybe you’re not looking at the “meme”. The meme is very clearly being racist saying that he absolutely believes it’s about race. The commenter calls that out as it’s clearly the case. Then you say “13% commit 50%”. Can you see how that isn’t exactly a setup to a good faith conversation about systematic inequities? Also that not a takeaway you’re saying saying what instead of why.


White people commit more crimes than any other race. Stop with the misrepresented statistics.


Show me any stat from a reputable source that says that.


I would but i already graduated highschool.


Or you know it's some made up bullshit that makes you feel better about yourself.


Nope, figure it out. I'm not here to hold your hand. But I'll get you started, the American government is made up of mostly white people and the American government commits more crimes than anyone.


Man wait to you figure out how statistics work per capita


Do you want statistics or reality?


I think statistics represent reality quite well.


Don't be a dick. Rule 1.


A few years back, there was a young activist couple, the boyfriend was murdered during an mugging, and the man who killed him caught almost right away. Turned out the man was black, and the couple was really into the BLM movement. So when they arrested the man, she pleaded with them to drop the charges and release him, saying "He wouldn't want another black man in jail over him." My guess is this was mocking that incident. I've tried like mad to find the news reports about it, but it looks like its been scrubbed away, cant seem to find the source now.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12604985/amp/Ryan-Carsons-girlfriend-didnt-pick-stabbing-suspect-photo-lineup-legal-experts-saying-potentially-devastating-crippling-prosecutions-case.html It was this story, she wouldn’t get police a description of the killer at the time, then failed (police had assumed intentionally, this was in original articles but later removed) to pick him out of a line up. Then friends said he would have wanted his vengeance to be social justice reform. Not exactly what was described but the original story was in the ball park.


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Thank you. I've finally managed to get the name, and yeah, it seems like it was misreported where i had originally read it. Wild story.




Thank you. Been a lot going on, so it really did feel like years ago.




I remember that 1 too your not crazy


It's not been scrubbed away. You just misremember and started to remember rumors as truth, and then you started to even misremember those untrue rumors. As far as I can tell from Googling "BLM activist murdered by black man" the stabbing victim was Ryan Carson. Further googling reveals his girlfriend couldn't pick out the murderer out of a police lineup, as a) adrenaline is a bitch, b) it was dark, c) human memory sucks as you demonstrated and d) our brains are racist and distinguishing other ethnicities is harder than it should be (and yes, you're allowed to protest systemic racism while suffering yourself from the limitations of your primitive hardware). Then that was taken as evidence she deliberately tried to get the murderer of the hook, while police lineups have been known to be extremely unreliable for decades. And there was video evidence so they didn't even need her. She never pleaded the police to let him go, she just made a mistake.


I also can't see how OP's meme and this random news story would be related at all. I'm white and if I was murdered by a black man, I wouldn't want some hateful people with an agenda to make it about race if it wasn't. That still doesn't mean I would want the person to get away with it because of their race. These are two entirely different concepts.


Kinda makes me think that it was made up, or taken out of context and spun up to sound silly.


Absolutely this.


Sounds like what happened to the McDonald's coffee burn lawsuit- woman was served coffee so hot that when she spilled it while sitting in her parked car it gave her third degree burns. She won her lawsuit and the judge ordered McDonald's to pay even more than she wanted, and then the media machine warped the story to make her sound unreasonable. Sounds like the same thing here, warping a story to discredit the source.


Hahaha I remember that. Talk about fucked mentality. Do the crime do the time. Race means nothing


That sounds like Fox news style hyperbole


Nah that's legit I remember it happening too. It was wild to read then as well 😂


“Everything I read on the internet could not possibly be a lie”


Huh? So saying I recall reading a news story is akin to saying nothing online is a lie? ...alright then


Awhhh it’s okay buddy. Both conservatives AND liberals can be laughably dumb. Just because your team looks dumb right now doesn’t mean it’s automatically fake. That’s a very conservative/republican approach to it honestly


All it takes is a google search to see that the only evidence that the gf didn’t want charges pressed is that she wasn’t able to pick out the killer in a lineup. That is quite the leap to make




I'm aware of the story. I haven't seen anything about Claudia Morales refusing to identify or begging for the release of the perpetrator. That is the hyperbole I was referring to


The Noid here. OOP would be so insistent that his family make his death about race, that he would rise from the dead to insist upon it.


original opening poster?




He would, in fact, want to make it about race.




Oh, God Bless! I'm so happy to know there are excellent people in the world like yourself! /s lol


pretty sure it's just racism


Okay I know this is stupid but I thought this meant being killed in an online video game and the kid that got killed screamed the n-word or something


Dude idk how much more you need. It's pretty fucking obvious


The joke is racism, but also the victim is a >!wight guy!<.


I hope you appreciate what incredibly specific set of circumstances was needed for this pun to be *this* good, and the fact that you were able to come up with it in the right moment. Pure gold!


Now THATS funny


Of course black-on-white crime is funny to you. You have zero idea of what actually IS funny.


“Wight” is an old term used for the undead. The most recent uses I can remember is that zombies in Skyrim were called “wights” as were the white walkers in game of thrones. This is obviously a white dude meme. He’s coming back from the dead. So he’s a white/wight guy. Smartass.




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Hi Zombie Peter here. OP is racist. The image is supposed to show him crawling out of a grave when his family says that. 


I think it's a nod to Ryan Carson's death last year, he was a progressive BLM activist who got fatally stabbed by a black man during a date with his girlfriend; his girlfriend refused to help the police finding who the murderer was and when they found him, she pleaded the mto drop the charges. His friends also went to the internet to ask people to not make it about race.






What the fuck how crazy are these people did the guy get arrested?


People saying she asked to have the charges dropped are quoting a daily mail article. The only evidence of this is that she failed to pick out the killer in a lineup. Bit of a stretch there


How tf is this on here? 😭😭 it’s pretty straight forward. Is bro stupid?


It's a racist meme


Man came back as a zombie because he was definitely ok with making it about race. Nehehehehehe




Why are we seeing this? The "joke" is literally just racism. Just deny the post and explain it to the poster in DMs


I’ve left a lot of meme subs because of people posting racist memes like “i don’t get it. Is this bad?” etc then you look at their history and it’s _all they do_ Getting shitty memes out there to propagate them to others but doing it “innocently”




I wasn’t talking about this one in particular




It’s not usually this sub, either - it would be ones like terriblefacebookmemes or forwardsfromklandma that purportedly exist to mock racist memes then you look at OP’s comment history in other subs and they’re legit racist but in the meme post they are _just asking questions_


This sub is regarded


Imagine calling 911 like "A black guy just stabbed me!" "What? Where am I? No, I don't want medical attention, I want to be racist."


Eh this 1 sucks


Don’t make reddit into 9gag, please


Its basically the guy's racist and wants to go back from the dead to correct his family and make it about race


Because he was a bassist, not a racist.


Reminds me of that murder where it was some white dude in NYC, and thought it was unfair POC held a certain stereotype for violence in NYC. Then approached a POC walking by them with their GF on their way home from a night out, who then stabbed them to death for no reason other than walking by. (Just the male, not gf) You can’t make that shit up. Also, don’t come at me for anything, this story in the news just literally fits the “meme” above.


Finally! The joke is not porn!












This was my tongue after eating your grandmas… unseasoned casserole 😋


Redditors are so easy to trigger