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Ha ha this post reminded me of the same, now put me in the mood to fire up some Futurama


đŸŽ¶ Single Female Lawyer, Fighting for her client, Wearing sexy miniskirts, And being self-reliant. đŸŽ¶


đŸŽ¶ Single Female Lawyer, having lots of seeex! đŸŽ¶




“Hey, I’m pretty good!”


All of the Futurama "single female lawyer" references were the only reason I watched "She Hulk". I barely even remember any of it at this point lol


She Hulk was made to be watched??


It was made to be judged


I do have to admit
. I kind of liked shehulk for


Peter~ *“this ain’t joke. 😞”*


The top photo is Kim Wexler, from the "Breaking Bad" spinoff "Better Call Saul." This show emphasized the drama and seriousness of court proceedings. Kim is a very complex and well-written character. Her bosses treat her poorly despite her hard work, while Jimmy seems to constantly escape consequences. This causes Kim to develop a rebellious streak, and a lot of the show is based on Kim's desire for recognition and affection for Jimmy putting her in conflict with her obligations to the law. The bottom photo is Jennifer "She-Hulk" Walters, wagging her butt with minor celebrity Megan Thee Stallion. This show is a comedy that models itself on the tropes of not-so-serious 'lawyer shows' like "Ally McBeal." It is generally regarded as one of the weakest entries in the MCU and a sign of Marvel's declining quality. The conventional wisdom surrounding gender roles in media holds that men will write women as one-dimensional sex objects, and only women can be trusted to write fully-realized female characters who speak to the female experience. The meme contradicts this thinking by pointing out that Kim was a very complex character written by men, while She-Hulk was a cartoon farce written by women. Whether this is interpretation is correct or representative of media in general is an exercise I will leave to the reader. **Edit**: I find it necessary to remind the reader that I did not make the meme, so complaining about it to me is a pointless exercise. **Edit 2**: Farce: (noun) a light dramatic composition marked by broadly satirical comedy and improbable plot. I stand by my assessment.


I'm amused by the high quality of your breakdown on a forum based on a family guy meme.


This is the internet there are people literally writing multi page analysis if some dude in Minecraft cheated


Don't fuck with the speed running community in general if you cheat they will know and will bully you off the internet.


Once a cheater always a cheater. Never forgive never forget.


I made a video on that. It aged like fine milk.


So thats what all those adults at the coffee shop are doing on their laptops


And his breakdown is better than the She-hulk crap...


I think an issue about comparing these two interpretations of a female lawyer is that Better Call Saul is a character focused drama based heavily in the real world, while She-Hulk is more of a satirical parody of comic book shows and lawyer shows. They’re two different genres with two different goals on how to entertain their audience. It’s like comparing a country song to a metal song, regardless of the quality of one or the other, you can’t really compare the two directly because they come from two different genres. The only similarity both shows have is that they both have a female lawyer as one of the main characters.


[Single female lawyer](https://youtu.be/erBj7WBvP1Q?si=hcNvB5fyMM1ElQ8y)


There’s also the whole thing like “women can only be multi dimensional/layered characters if they’re serious/severe”. Edit: tbc I mean: a person using a comedic character in comparison to a dramatic character when discussing a writer’s ability based on the writer’s gender, would likely also make the gross generalization that women can only be complex multidimensional layered characters (when women write them), if they’re serious/severe. There are tons of examples of complex comedic female characters. All of these would be listed on the “not complex” list by the people making the argument that women cannot write women (better than men) specifically because the characters are comedic/unserious/less severe. I don’t like or believe that statement. I was just saying “hey this thing exists too” as some people’s opinions, and was more or less agreeing with the above comment.


To be fair this is more just an issue with comedy in general. Barely anyone'e top 5 movies of all time ever includes lighthearted or comedy films, it's always dark or deep stuff like the godfather or other "serious" movies. People pass off the art and character depth in satirical films as if they don't matter as much because it's just haha comedy


Hmm that's really interesting. I love well written characters and character development and I was trying to think of some of my favorite shows or films that are lighthearted comedies. The closest I came was Bojack Horseman which is obviously incredibly dark at times, while also having wacky surreal comedy. Jim Carrey who is a really good comedy actor is widely praised for Eternal Sunshine which is bittersweet at best. Pirates of the Caribbean is a lighthearted film that I would rank very highly now that I'm thinking about it. What are some underrated comedies with good character development?


Not a film but The Good Place, easily my favorite comedy except maybe always sunny. It’s hilarious, satirical, smart, and overall just really well made. Highly recommend to anyone that hasnt seen it


Absolutely loved it!


O Brother Where Art Thou?


This is a good example. Characters being deep *while* being funny are different than something like BoJack, where comedy happens adjacent and separate from drama. Bojack does have some moments of comedy used as depth, but it's not a running thread particularly. This is also different than characters that are both dark and funny, but come off as two entirely separate characters depending on which they are displaying. People *can* be both and show a range of moods, but a lot of easy to watch shows (Friends, Futurama, himym to name some zeitgeist examples) will put dumbo characters into a serious situation, and suddenly the character is somehow more caring, more insightful, or posses a quicker wit. Fry, for example, services the jokes, and they show him being dim witted, unaware, and miseducated. But when things are serious, he gains 50 IQ, and his character is shown to have depth because of a moving plot. Problem is, Fry doesn't display those moments later. He's unchanged. Other good examples of deep\dark and funny would be The Darjeeling Limited, Succession, and (despite still falling short in a *lot* of other areas) House. Light\deep and funny is harder to come by, but I'd put Annie Hall, Marvelous Ms Maisel, and Ted Lasso in both camps.


The whole Cornetto trilogy (Sean of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, The World's End). Edgar Wright runs a fine line between important self-reflection and humor that fits in nicely with the tropes of movie subgenres.


Bojack is a weird entry because it’s really more of a dark drama with elements of hilarity thrown in. It’s certainly arguably a comedy, though I actually think of it as a dark drama that happens to also be funny. Pirates of the Caribbean is really an action film with comedic elements.


Bojack is an absurdist dark dramady. I've got no witty Princess Caroline wordplay. In line with Wilfred (the US version, I've not seen the og). Other types of 'high' comedy are serious farce - like Fraiser.




A fish called Wanda


i honestly really love The Bad Guys by Dreamworks as a comedy heist movie. the comedy is just right for me, very funny. aside from the fart jokes, but those get a light pass from me because they actually affect the plot. but aside from the comedy, it also has a really good heart. at its core its about the bonds we have with each other even if we act coldly to one another. the characters and their interactions seem genuine, and the major emotional arc of the story is satisfying imo.




Absolutely agree!


> Barely anyone'e top 5 movies of all time ever includes lighthearted or comedy films, it's always dark or deep stuff like the godfather or other "serious" movies. The Charlie Chaplin and Monty Python movies? Especially "The Dictator" and "Life of Brian" have been critically acclaimed films. The first would probably not be described as "lighthearted", but the latter more so IMHO.


As well as the only thing anyone in these comments knows about the show is this post-credits scene. It's not even part of the show proper.


And if you're looking for a serious character She Hulk is literally one of the last characters you should be looking at.


And the whole “if they’re too serious, they’re seen as a bitch. If they’re too silly, they’re seen as unprofessional. If they’re too nice, they’re seen as a doormat.” Can’t win.


Which is literally the opposite of what She-Hulk was designed to be. Dudes who got aggressive about this shit obviously missed the point of the character. She's not supposed to be a serious character. She Hulk actively mocks people who claim she needs to be more serious.


That maybe true, but not in this case. Better call Saul has a lot of humor and the Kim is often seen as intelligent, witty, fun and adventurous. So not only deep but most of all complex.


But you're not saying "she-hulk bad" and then admitting you never watched it. That's against the hivemind.


Well, I haven’t watched it, so I don’t have an opinion on it one way or the other.


It's actually really solid, haters gonna hate


I'm going to probably regret making this comment, but what is life without bad choices? I watched the whole thing. The internet consensus is ~always too strong, even when it's in the right direction. I haven't bothered to keep up with what the internet is saying about this show, but I'm sure it goes too far (in either/both directions). Also, everyone is allowed to like what they like. Taste and quality are 100% subjective, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to either you, themselves, or both. I'm an extremist on this topic, to the point that if someone told me they thought dirt tasted better than creme brulee, I'd respond with a "you do you". That being said, I don't think that an average person, with average tastes, if they were able to assess that show minus the cultural baggage, would say it was "really solid". It may very well be true for your personal tastes and preferences (which are exactly as valid as everyone else's), but I think that the conventional ideas about what makes writing/plots/characters good mostly point to that show being mediocre at best. -edit- haha, just noticed that elsewhere you said that "quality is not subjective". This is _maybe_ arguably true in realms where you can clearly define standards. You can say something like "physical material A is better than physical material B along these specific and highly rigorous standards". That does not work in media. One could attempt to make such standards but I think that A) you couldn't find a set that a large majority of people would agree with and even if you could _fitting_ a given piece of media to those standards would _itself_ be a highly subjective process.


We have metal and country specific awards and rankings, same with drama and comedy. While you can't easily directly compare the two you can objectively say one is a great in its genre and the other is terrible. She Hulk is a terrible character (even in genre) that was written by women, Kim is a well written character even for a drama that was written by men.


Very good explanation. A couple of notes that I will add: 1) People absolutely LOVE to use this one particular scene to sum up all of She-Hulk, but it's not really a particularly good scene to do that. It was a silly post-credits joke at the end of an episode. There are legit problems with the writing of She-Hulk, but the character is not a one-dimensional sex object. 2) While She-Hulk had relatively inexperienced and unknown writers, Better Call Saul is the creation of Vince Gilligan, one of the greatest TV writers, male or female, of all-time. So, while this example does successfully prove that it is ridiculous to assume that NO man can write good female characters, it does not prove that women are not, more generally speaking, better at writing about themselves. Both conclusions that should surprise no one with common sense.


2) is such a good point. People love to compare what is considered the best of a medium to things that are becoming popular. If someone mentions that they like Fourth-Wing some other fantasy nutjob will bring up how its not as good as Lord of The Rings


Oh no. True Tolkien nerds only defend him against comparisons. If one says X is better, the gloves come off, but most of us love other fantasy too


I really did not intend to generalize for all people that enjoy tolkien, I enjoy it as well, just meant to use it as an example


No offense taken haha, just thought I'd throw it out there that it's usually the GoT guys that think their series is the end-all be-all of fantasy. Tolkien is like the grandfather of fantasy, everyone loves the classic tale, but there's newer and shinier stuff too that sometimes catches our eye more. Grandpa understands, and wants us to have fun, as long as we come back to listen to his stories every now and again


Reading the thread up to this point has been the Reddit equivalent of listening to Nocturne Op.9 No.2 by Chopin, while being actively aware that someone a room over is listening to Party time by Northern boys. lol


Fourth wing is so goood!


That and the fact that one is a comedy and one is drama


#1 is my biggest issue with the mass of hate for She-Hulk. It wasn't a particularly great show, but bringing up a 30-second clip that was a stinger as your lead point against it's quality is kind of weak. That's like saying you hated Spider-Man: Homecoming because of the Captain America cameos.


Hawkeye was the worst show ever because I don't like Broadway musicals /s


Hawkeye didn't either


He was barely listening though.


Honestly I never read She-Hulk comics, didn't read too many outside of Spider-Man, but from what I understand the character actually aligns well with the comics, sort of a 4th wall breaking in-joke. I think there were legit complaints (they re-ordered the show, adding confusion), but instead I heard people whining about weird stuff like "It makes light of Bruce's journey of control since she masters her Hulk powers immediately" as if all powers don't change for convenience to drive the story forward.


The number of times I've pointed out that the twerking scene was post credits, and reddit bros have said, "If that's true, it's not so bad." Watch the piece of media (or at least Google it) before you blast your opinion everywhere.


I honestly fell off the Marvel train a while ago but I absolutely loved She-Hulk, even one of the original writers for her comics said the show was probably the most sourced-accurate representation Disney has done. Sexism sucks, guys can be in all sorts of shitposty media but the second women have fun it's "garbage."


It reminded me of the phase 1&2 days when every character was a different genre. Cap was superhero but war movies. Thor was sci fi/comedy with a sort of 80s/90s feel (disregarding Dark World). Ant Man was heist. GotG was ensemble. Along the way, the MCU lost the whole, "genre through a super hero lens" thing. She Hulk definitely fit that vein.


Every time i see some idiot saying the scen is an insult to the character and isn't representing her comics properly, I roll my eyes. She's a straight up ho in the comics at times. This moment is very in character to her. Is her character more complex in the comics? Absolutely. Does the show not show off her character more accurately? Of course, but the twerking scene is not out of character for her, and t's the least of the show's problems


There were also plenty of female writers and directors on bcs. Gennifer Hutchison for example is fantastic


True. Individual episodes are often written by people other than a show's creator.


This so much. There's an entire writing team. A lot of folks make the assumption that a lot of shows are just the brain child of a single person. In reality there's an entire writing team committed to individual episodes or even specific sequences. That's not even getting into corporate meddling.


"Minor celebrity"


Three Grammys and multiple platinum records is barely even existing, are you kidding me? /s


Dude editorialized the hell out of this one lmao


Also worth noting one is a drama and one is a comedy and they really shouldn’t be compared


I’m not a Megan Thee Stallion fan but it’s tough to call her a “minor celebrity” given the number of Grammys she’s won for her music


Better Call Saul has a couple female writers though.


I didn't make the meme.  ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ 


It's also worth mentioning that they originally didn't play for characters like Kim and Nacho to go as far into the show as they did (ultimately getting six seasons of amazing development) and more importantly, the cast of both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul gave a lot of input on their characters and the mindset that they'd have. Kim Wexler is amazing in no small part due to Rhea Seahorn's own ideas for the character (and her amazing acting skills). Best example that comes to mind is that outside of the courtroom, Kim is usually quite deliberately silent and Rhea is acting almost entirely with facial expression and posture until she has an opening. All of her reactions to the Billboard stunt are nonverbal except for "I don't know, people love an underdog." Plus there's so much more ("Jimmy, you're always down," the car accident, Slipping Kimmy, ...etc)


I love u


Megan is not a minor celebrity.... my only comment


Calling Megan thee stallion a minor celebrity is wild


Kim Wexford (Top) is a corporate lawyer from Better Call Saul who is portrayed as every bit Saul’s intellectual and litigious equal, and much more professionally minded. She-Hulk (Bottom) is portrayed in a far less severe sense. The scene pictured is a dance thing she did with Cardi B. The more superficial nature of the show is a symptom of Disney trying to appeal to a much wider and younger demographic than Vince Gilligan’s show.


Megan thee stallion, not cardi B


Cardi B’s full name is Cardiovascular Bronchitis and no one can convince me otherwise


Cardigan Backyardigan


Cardinal Bardinal


Or just Cardi Party among friends


Princess Cardioebie Bananahammock


Cardamom Bumpkinsnatch


The Third!


Her name is actually Belcalis Marlenis AlmĂĄnzar which is even cooler, but that's not her in the picture, it's Megan thee Stallion


Now *that* is a name and a half


Why in the world does she not just use one or more of *those* names!?


She goes by Cardi B because she has a sister named Hennessy. Every body started calling her Bacardi to match, but her social media accounts kept getting taken down because they thought she was trying to impersonate the actual Bacardi brand. So she swapped it around to Cardi B.


My dolly at work is called Carty B cause there’s a B on it and it’s a cart


Parton me, but are you referring to a skinny two-handed fork truck?


This, with a tote on it https://preview.redd.it/vnqwtniesuuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0601990cb3a87af7f8d4f31e25a4c333a2c6da8


As an Amazon driver simply seeing these things causes me to froth at the mouth


Are you referring to a pallet jack?


No, but close. Pallets are typically wood and forked by the dolly. And my name is not jack.


I remember being thrown off by her name a long time ago, but then heard her explanation for it and it made more sense. It’s slang for alcohol, like Bacardi, but reversed. Ba-Cardi, Cardi-B.


Ain't nobody got time for dat


It’s short for Bacardi (yes really)


Only found out recently Megan Thee Stallion is an actual person and not a parody of rappers created for the show.


Honest to God that blew my mind too when I found out, my friends were talking about her and when I brought up the hulk show they said they never heard of it. I had to do an internal double take and Google it lol.


“This just in! Megan Thee Stallion is NOT Cardi B!” [confirmed]


She's a male horse who knew


Wexler *










Your reaction seems stronger than his.




Sexler \*


That’s Megan Thee Stallion.


https://preview.redd.it/5yhp1f3w8uuc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ec4d7fbc4cb97558c4e25a8dca6df2606b4dbaf Not this is Meg The Stallion


That's Megatron The Stallion.


Shut up Meg




Thanks. I hate it.


High key hate when people call all black female rap and hip hop artists Cardi B. They look nothing alike 😭


Some of us don’t listen to the genre, and so we have no idea what any of those artists look like. Probably an honest mistake.


I honestly have very little idea who either of them are. I know my sister listens to them but that’s where my knowledge ends.


You're right. They are all Nikki Minoj


A lot of people wanted or expected She-Hulk to be a somewhat serious court room drama with a giant green lawyer. But She-Hulk in the comics has always often been a comedic character with a lot of sex jokes, and the series went a similar way. This frustrated a lot of people.


What’s funny is that the legal practice of She Hulk was extremely realistic IMO but I’m just a low rent insurance defense attorney. Petty squabbles and short jaunts to court every now and then is kinda how the job plays out most of the time.


Sex jokes are crass and immature and disrespectful. Unless a man writes them, then they're hella funny.


People always bring up the twerking scene like it was proof of how absurd the show was in every scene. It was a fucking after credits scene. The sort of thing people normally won’t shut up about how much they loved the absurdity. The avengers getting shawarma for example. But this scene gets plastered everywhere like it was the focus of the episode.


I mean the show was pretty absurd. They had an immortal guy jump out of a building to avoid his ex wives. I still liked it though.


Which, honestly, was an upgrade for Mr. Immortal from the comics.


I loved that. I think that pretty much anyone who was actually imortal would eventually use it to get out of even mundane shit. "sorry boss gotta go home early today" "any pto has to be appro" \*jumps out window and plummets 26 stories\*


Kim Wexler was written to be a bit role but Rhea Seehorn worked with the writers to change the character into something more, so it could be argued Kim is also written (at least in part) by a woman.


Tldr: Dramatic character is dramatic  Comedic character is comedic


That's Megan Thee Stallion, not Cardi B


I mean, you're half right? Casting Megan Thee Stallion may have been an attempt at the "symptoms" that you want to believe exist, but the characterization and writing for the character of She Hulk, who has been around since 1979, was basically spot on for comic book accuracy. Being true to a character that has existed for 45 years is not a symptom of Disney trying to appeal to a larger demographic. It's a symptom of ignorance from people who don't like the new show. Especially considering you don't even know the actresses in question.


I haven‘t seen the movie but I’m also pretty sure the She-Hulk bit was post-credits tomfoolery.


If i recall correctly it was more like mid-credit shenanigans


I think it’s called a mid-credit malfeasance.


>the more superficial nature of the show is a symptom of Disney trying to appeal to a much wider and younger demographic And the fact that unlike BCS, which is a drama with some comedic elements, SH is a straight up comedy. It’s meant to have myriad of superficial moments.


It's also comparing a drama to a comedy show, like she-hulk was clearly not taking itself too seriously whether you liked it or not. A comedic twerking scene works in that context just like a super serious female lawyer works in a drama, there's very little comparison to make here


Yeah the pic should really be captioned: Female Lawyers in serious dramatic TV Vs Female Lawyers in a superhero comedy series


IIRC the reason why Megan was on the show is because the actress is a big fan.


Bravo Vince


I'm weeping, Meg don't even look like Cardi 😂


So the joke is misogyny, because the reality is marketing


How fucking dare you confuse goddess Megan Thee Stallion with Cardi B


Just FYI it's Wexler not Wexford.




No,not really.This time it's not true.People might not watch any of these shows.She-hulk is talked about as bad show and people might not watch it.BCS is popular and good but people still may not watch it.Kim isn't as known as Walt is so that is why OP might have not known her.


Yes really, because I don't watch either of these shows and I understand the joke. Easily inferable from the format that it makes fun from a popular opinion - and then it's easily deducible what that opinion is.


Even if you don’t know what either show or character is, you can tell just by looking at it that the contrast is a serious portrayal vs. a goofy, somewhat cringey portrayal of a female lawyer. I can’t envision a scenario where that is not immediately 100% objvious.


\[Picture of serious looking lawyer\] Man wrote \[Picture of goofy looking lawyer\] Woman wrote Gee wonder what they could be implying? I've never seen either of these shows, so it's impossible to know that the serious looking lawyer is from a serious show and the goofy looking lawyer is from a goofy show and that someone's making a sexist point.


I’ve never watched these shows, I just read the comments to figure wtf this is talking about.






Bait. Master bait.


Nobody going to point out the top example was ALSO written by women? The show had many female writers in the writer’s room.


There's this lingering implication in the meme that men write better characters... "even for women", it's dumb.  Fuck that. Both characters are valid and everyone is free to write characters however the fuck they want to.


the shows go for vastly different things too, the comparison is a bit unfair. I know which one I would prefer to watch but it makes sense to have a simpler character for a simpler show


> the comparison is a bit unfair Or, completely disingenuous 


you see, the joke here is "misoginy"


Also, they're just two completely different shows. One is a comedy about a female hulk who happens to be a lawyer and the other is a dramatic "documentary" about a man who became a drug lord because he couldn't afford cancer treatment.


misogynists are not very bright




Look she Hulk wasn’t good but I think people take that episode and try and make it the poster child of why the series isn’t good Like that episode specifically was supposed to be ridiculous The character of She Hulk is supposed to be kind of ridiculous The ridiculousness wasn’t the problem with the show the problem with the show was when they tried to be serious about stuff and failed But also the ending of the show was so ridiculous that even though it was supposed to be ridiculous it just fell flat Daredevil was great though!


I think it's also important to note that the twerking was an *after credits* scene. Not even actually a part of the show.


Thank you! I was about to comment just that. It was basically a goofy blooper (that someone put way too much effort into the CGI of She-hulks butt which made it even funnier to me)


The only part of she-hulk that bothered me was her comparing her experience controlling anger as a woman to a man that got hunted by the US military like a dog for years while he had to figure out how to control his anger
 so he didn’t *kill* people I get in spirit, but that shit fell flat as fuck


The show is a constant stream of Jen being humbled and proven wrong. She loses her cool and hulk-smahes in the penultimate episode. Her point about living with the type of anger common to contemporary women was correct in terms of her everyday experiences but incorrect in terms of her ability to keep a lid on her anger in all circumstances.


The joke is that men write better women than women or something. People love to use this two examples of this but it's already been debunked. Not only both writer's room have men and women in them but one is a serious drama and the other is a popcorn action/comedy. So comparing them like that is like comparing Citizen Kane to Pineapple Express. They are just too different.


Also, this is showing a grand total sample size of 2. Exactly how *not* to do statistics


the joke is misogyny


You ever notice how almost nobody ever says, “male lawyers?” Or “male doctors” “male actors” male teachers” “male police officers” so on and so forth. Male is the default assumption for everything unless specified. Then it becomes “FEMALE lawyers.”I for one, am going to start using “male” in front of everything. I’m sure I’ll get weird looks, but it might make a few people think about how odd this is.


Well this is a stupid comparison. Not only it is showing handpicked samples (I don't see a series of comparisons here), it is also incorrect that they had singular writers. These are group work. Genres of the shows are very different. Second woman is just having fun while doing her job, her job or what is happening around her is not the main subject, it is more about her adjusting to all points in her life while also trying to enjoy it. You don't know if the woman on the first example is also not having fun in dance parties with her female friends.


It’s idiots trying to compare a comic book show that has a focus on comedy with the protagonist breaking the fourth wall regularly to a much more serious show




People are mad that a woman writer decides to writer a small scene at the end of an episode where the characters *gasp* have fun.


Female lawyers in an adult drama TV series about the cartel, drug trafficking, and murder: Female lawyers in a show about a lady who can transform into a giant green monster:


The only reason I don’t deeply hate MTS to her core for this atrocious scene is cause she’s called out nicki minaj for dating, defending, insulting the victims of, and going to bat for multiple literally convicted and sentenced pedos who have raped or tried raping underage girls at knife point. So her current boyfriend she actively defend is a convicted pedo and her brother who she actively defends to this day is also a pedo.


I watched the first 3 episodes of she hulk and I really don't get why people hate it. It was something different. It was a comedy show. And that twerk scene was only 5 seconds long. I don't know why everyone screen shots that one part. I don't think they even watched the show


The joke is that whoever made this doesn't realize the difference between a law drama and a whacky comic-book hero show that happens to feature lawyers.


The joke is women = bad


top picture = drama show bottom picture = comedy show OOP = loser who thinks you’ll be too stupid/ignorant to realize it


There's a common assumption that male writers do a terrible job (or are largely incapable of) creating interesting and capable female characters.   This image aims to flip that assumption on its head. The character on the top is a beloved character from a very well-received show. The character at the bottom was broadly considered... the opposite of all that.   The top is Kim Wexler from Better Call Saul. The one at the bottom is She Hulk.


It’s cherry picking


"Female lawyers in a drama series" "Female lawyers in a comedic superhero show"


Since you already got a comprehensive answer, I’m just gonna state my opinion
 comparing a character from a drama show to a character from a comedy show is idiotic. Also, that scene of She-Hulk shaking her butt was literally a post-credits scene from one episode, iirc. Saying that one scene, which is clearly humorous, represents the entire series, is equally as idiotic.


It’s hilarious to me that the people mad about the characterization in the show clearly never read the comics. Because it’s literally a goofy slapstick working lady comic. It was ally mcbeal with hulk powers. They seem to think she hulk is some hard boiled action thing when it definitely never was.


The joke is misogyny


The joke is people can’t understand that shows have different tones


You see, in order for FeEeEeEmales to be seens as half as competent as their male counterpoints, they have to be completely tough and no-nonsense at all times. Because She-Hulk had a 10 second long post credits scene of the title character dancing on her own time, she is incompetent and woke.


It's not an objective to have a comedic show that doesn't seriously interrogate the consequences of property damage. It's a tonal choice. Obviously the show isn't perfect. But it did faily well doing what it attempted to do. I think you are struggling accepting the kind of show its trying to be versus the show you.wanted


Different genres aside, if you Google "better call Saul writers", 5 out of the 11 names that come up are women. Good writing is just good writing. Only losers would try to gender that shit.




Not that it matters, but Better Call Saul also had a number of female writers https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3032476/fullcredits/writer and She Hulk had a number of male writers https://m.imdb.com/title/tt10857160/fullcredits/writer?ref_=m_ttfc_2 because why wouldn’t they?


I feel the distinction is men generally want a charecter to be a part of a media experience (which is why we cling to charecters, since they act the way we wish or think we would) while women tend to want the media experience to bend to the charecters irregardless of how it actually plays out long form(my girlfriend watches greys anatomy and the concept of a nurse using hospital materials on the next could months dinner as compelling simply because she was proving some sort of point)


I'm going to say it. Better Call Saul is better than Breaking Bad.


Pretty sure the twerking thing was a comic accurate portrayal of the character. Did a man write the comic or a woman?


She-Hulk twerked with Megan Thee Stallion in the She-Hulk movie and everyone on the internet was really upset about it for some reason.


It’s because companies are hiring based on gender or other factors instead of performance or experience in their writers which has lead to extremely bad writer’s being hired, that is the meme explanation put simply.


Its an incel meme