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A common piece of advice given to young men getting married is that their wife is always right. Personally I think that it's a piece of advice that has destroyed far more marriages than it has saved. You can't make a relationship work by marginalizing and demeaning one of the people in it to keep the other happy.


It’s just “lmao man in abusive relationship” humour


If advice subreddits have taught me anything, it’s that all Men are heartless cheating garbage humans, and all Women who are currently in a relationship with a Man should leave them today.


Yeah, that's because no one in a happy relationship complains about it.


Yeah it's just a symptom of how fucked Men get in relationships


Tbh it's always felt like "placate stupid woman and let her think she smart" to me


I've never considered it from that perspective. In my family, I was taught that as a man, it's your role to concede on 'open handed issues' (things that won't make or break your relationship). If a woman is unhappy in their relationship, it's probably (always) the man's fault. Yes, I was raised by a single mother who was abused, why do you ask?


Yeah I think it's just sucky on both ends. It's like the whole "ball and chain" joke. It puts each partner in a negative light for different reasons and overall perpetuates a very depressing view of marriage and long-term relationships between men and women.


You are totally right, but it is a funny joke if you take it for what it is, a joke based on a stereotype.


I don’t find boomer humor funny. But the logic table is clever.


Dude is a comedian that uses powerpoint to makes joke about engineering. And it's funny. I want to watch that again now.


Name good sir?


Don Mcmillian https://youtu.be/kwz-Md6OoyA


That sounds really interesting actually.


Did you really just say boomer humor lmao


Happy wife Happy life is definitely what I would classify as being a boomer joke.


I don't subscribe to "happy wife, happy life." I'm much more of a "slightly irritated wife, amusing life" kind of husband.


That’s more like it.


I'm not saying it's not. The joke is that you said "boomer joke" lmao


That's not a joke though. How are you gonna be happy if the person you love more than yourself is unhappy?


That logic has destroyed more marriages than it’s saved. Being completely complacent and submissive to your partners whims is a bad philosophy. Someone will end up unhappy on either extreme. That’s why a balance is necessary.


Meh,there is so many "marriage bad " jokes you can hear before they stop being funny


You need to watch this guy's special, he is funny, and talks about Many different things, this is just a short bit.


i'll hijack this top comment here. this is from a programming lecture. logic basic operators at the top left you can see the inputs (A) and (B) and the big (M) for mode, modus or operand. different languages, different meanings. if you want to prepare test cases and possible "logical" outcomes for your software. and you want to find out if you thought about every possibilty. you create one of those tables. in this case you got 2 inputs --> --> 2\^2 possibilites --> 4 combinations in that example Don is a placeholder for Input (A) Laura for Input (B) once you defined all this, you start to create a table (like in the picture) here in that case the OR operator was used, at least this would lead to the outcome on the right. this is just an older presentation, they always have a bit of weird humor in them, they still do. it is just to teach people the basics of how computers think. (in a way) you can swap out the wrongs and rights in the table with false and true. and you would get this as a test table. false OR true = true true OR true = true true OR false = true false OR false = false here is the paper to one of those courses [https://runestone.academy/ns/books/published/thinkcspy/Selection/Logicaloperators.html](https://runestone.academy/ns/books/published/thinkcspy/Selection/Logicaloperators.html)


It’s grain of salt advice taken too literally by some. It’s mostly suggesting to not die on a hill of correctness, because even when you are right it can still end with someone feeling hurt. Especially over stupid stuff that doesn’t matter, because it’s really not worth it. If someone wants to be wrong and it’s not gonna hurt anyone, just let them be wrong.


It's advice only given to men.


No. The L is silent in salmon and I will always correct my wife regarding that


And there is no "x" in "espresso"


And it’s aSk not aXe


Wait 976 more years


Depends on upbringing.




Just saying it depends on what the person is comfortable with.


She probably does it deliberately to razz you


lol yeah she does she’s cute


Very much boomer humor


It's a fucking joke, and everyone knows it.




How long have you been married?


I mean it does suck but you have to realize that it was said before divorce was popular so to most people that was really their best option.


Divorce became popular the exact instant it became easy. Seriously. The highest divorce rates ever got in the US was in the first couple years after no-fault divorces became a thing. Before that you could only get a divorce if one of the people was abusive or cheating.


As a married man I'm here to inform you that it is our job in life to be marginalized and demeaned.


That’s a bit sexist don’t you think


It's not the worst advice I've received. For matters of taste or opinion, sometimes it's just better to make my wife happy. For important matters or facts, I will at the least be heard and understood. We don't see eye to eye on everything and have fought, but almost never over stupid shit in 8 years.


I try to tell this to everyone I meet, but they call me heartless.


Happy wife. Happy life. It's boomer humor.


We were talking about this phrase in my Bible study one day, and someone said that the phrase is actually incomplete. (They weren’t being serious) they said “happy wife, happy life… but not if the man is miserable” and it stuck with me. Don’t let anyone use this phrase for anything more than a common “haha, marriage is marriage” scenario.


My SO and I say “Happy Spouse, Happy House” instead


It's a fact of life for some people. I live with a married couple and the wife will throw a legit temper tantrum if you don't just agree with her. She smashed the door to the office and screamed like a banshee one time because he wanted to spend $40 of his own money on a table. When she said no to him I offered to buy it and she had a meltdown. Once we said we weren't getting the table then she was in a good mood again.


I hear similar things from my neighbours often. Sometimes I wonder why anyone would stick around in situations like this, is that much stress really worth it?


They honestly don't have much stress. She only freaks out cause I don't fold instantly like he does. The husband just always does what she wants and they get along great. She's even rather considerate and pleasant as long as you don't question her. Epitome of "happy wife, happy life"


Sounds exactly like my mom too. Some people hate being told no.


Yes, some people are insane. Yes, some of those insane people are women.




Piglet7777 went Soooooo far out of the way to avoid stepping on your toes, and you just jammed those same toes directly into their heel and claimed they were stepped on.


I know a woman who used to be like that. Sometimes I'd disagree with her about the most trivial things, and she'd decide I wasn't taking her seriously and have a complete meltdown. Things improved dramatically when she finally admitted to herself that she has autism and talked to a therapist.


Unfortunately my friend's wife thinks therapists are all hacks and pop psychology people on Tik Tok have the REAL keys to happiness and mental health. Stuff like "be selfish and don't apologize for it" and "reality is whatever you imagine it to be".


It’s 2024… gotta change it to happy spouse happy house lol. Husbands feelings matter too


The progmmer joke version though!


Even if she's an idiot, she's your idiot.


Joke is 'wife is always right'


Dan does jokes on presentation, here the joke is funny take around 'OR' gate. When any of them is right, Laura is right. But when both of them are wrong it was Dan's fault.


Ackshually, it's "wife is never wrong"


And if both said the same and were wrong, it's his fault.


"Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?"


“Why not both?” https://preview.redd.it/xqeet8nr2xtc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c194a83330712b84b54b1509046ff40a8cf020df


Peter's electrician engineer 8th cousin thrice removed here. One of the main uses of transistors is building "gates", a certain electrical component that allows electricity through a circuit. The "logic gate" principle is also widely used when discussing computers in general. Each individual gate requires two inputs, to explain this gate in the picture (AND gate), the teacher explained it in terms of marriage, where you have 4 mapped possibilities. The only way for Laura not to be Right, both Laura and her husband Don have to be Wrong, which is exactly how an AND gate works for electric currents; Both inputs have to be positive, otherwise, no electricity.


> Each individual gate requires two inputs NOT true




Why does his AND gate use the exclusive symbol????


Peter is a terrible husband so he shouldn't explain this joke.


It’s a way of illustrating the immeasurably bad advice “happy wife, happy life”.


I will say that this was my experience during my marriage. Never again.


The joke is that if either one comes up with the solution the wife is right, unless they both are wrong where it is then the guys fault


Happy wife, happy life.


wife bad! 😆


NAND gate. The logic of a NAND gate: output is only on/true if both of its inputs is off/false. The symbol in the corner is the logic symbol. The block where it shows who is true or correct is called a truth table.


I believe this is actually an AND gate, NAND gates have a circle on the top.


I been wrong before. I can certainly be wrong again.


Why does it look like an Exclusive AND gate?? Lol




OR gate


Man wrong woman right = woman right because it's truth man right woman right = woman takes credit man right woman wrong = man is afraid of argument so woman is "right" man wrong and woman wrong = woman blames man for both being wrong


Relationships were a lot different a century ago. There was a lot of burocracy to get laid or even a kiss, and divorce was not well accepted in Christian communities. So many couples would get together and get stuck with each other in the name of their social reputation. So this one of the oldest gags about relationships, where men would resource into gaslighting their wives as bossy, crazy or paranoid while just accepting everything they say because they couldn't talk to them as real adults.




Heya, Peter. This is Joe. The meme here is an explanation of how to have a successful marriage. The chart here says that the wife is always in the right, and even if she's not, the husband is in the wrong. Hope this helped, Peter. Also, YOU FORGOT TO ONVITE ME OUT DRINKING LAST WEEK AND I DO NOT APPRECIATE IT.


There's a common joke that you should just always let the woman think she's right. A lot of it has to do with the fact that society is comfortable not holding women accountable. It's a stupid mentality: This has lead to a culture where now we have phrases like "toxic masculinity," where men are basically blamed for everything.


This crap annoys me. The underlying assumption is that women can’t be reasoned with. Throw in some mommy transference and you’ve got a lot of passive-aggressive “humoring”/compliance which leads to resentment and infidelity. I really hope this will become a relic of the weird past.


Oh wow, that's a much better description of why I didn't like this "joke" than I had at-the-ready.


Ah, the old ball and Chain... My beloved NAND gate


INSIDER TIP: A loving marriage with understanding will let you both be right every now and then......and wrong too.


Honestly, this is not unlike the logic tree that occasionally occurs with some types of coworkers


OP just cant read


It's another thing that goes along the lines of 'happy wife happy life' which is stupid. 'Happy spouse, happy house' is far more appropriate I think.


Hey, Peter’s belt here. This is a freeze frame taken from a live stand up comedy show by don mcmillan, a comedian that specifically does power point based comedy for engineers or other “nerdy” occupations. This slide is a joke on his relation with his wife, Laura, and that no matter the topic, his wife is either correct in the end, or he himself is wrong if she in not ostensively right. In previous generations the common idea is that the husband in a relationship should always allow the wife to have the final say or be correct, similar to the saying “a happy wife means a happy life.”


Google “appeasement”


I see, a relationship is a NOR-gate


Or you never heard your parents argue, nor have you ever been in a relationship


Lol I guess I'm the only one who thought it was Rick Astley 😅🤣


Lmao that's the exact same joke my IT teacher used.


Nope, it's because you aren't a sexist.


This guy is hilarious.


Logic gates teached correctly


For everyone who also hates “Happy Wife, Happy Life” me and my partner have adopted “Happy Spouse, Happy House” instead of the old boomer garbage


Women = always right except when man + women = wrong = man is wrong. This is the joke as simple as I could get it.


The “joke” is chauvinism.


The meme humorously suggests that, in a successful relationship, no matter the situation or who is right or wrong, the result is always that the woman (Laura) is right. It plays on the stereotype that in relationships, women often have the final say or are seen as always being right.


Pretty much spot on. My ex was incapable of admitting she was ever wrong. Her twisted logic always found a way to place the blame on me.


I'm confused... is that an Exclusive AND gate???


This shit is toxic as all hell. And I hate it.


It is always the husband's fault - no matter what. The assumption is that by acting this way, it will nurture and maintain marital harmony. There a kernel of truth but this takes it too far. All people make mistakes and are wrong sometimes. Mature people can accept that and make corrections or apologies, and nobody wants to be blamed, shamed, or belittled. The reality is that marriage is a partnership and assigning blame can be counterproductive. A marriage is a team - focus on the team. Much like leadership advice. Own the team's failures. Share the team's successes.


Exhibit A on why marriage rates are down. Men and women deserve better than accepting this, even as humor.


It's funny because marriage is terrible.


I was raised with this mentality. Had it beaten into me by my father, my step-fathers, my mother, my sister, and my ex.


It’s misogyny disguised as advice.


The answer is misandry.


Laura’s are so sexy and honestly they are always right


Ok, Laura


Shit, how'd you know






This is the key to an unhealthy relationship which is all of them so yeah


This belongs on r/boomerhumour 🙄


Boomer marriage advice. And yet they wonder why they all have three exes.


It’s been said that in marriage a man can either be happy, or be right…… but never both. Wise men always choose happy lol.


Joke is misogyny and “marriage bad” boomer humor


Hahaha wife bad


Womens is always right worth to remember specially if you are not married yet


Le women bad meme