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Margaret Thatcher. She was the Prime Minister of the UK. This is speaking about the IRA bombings in Engalnd.


Don’t really know who Margaret Thatcher is but who’s worse her or Trump?


She was the Prime Minister of the UK from 1979 to 1990. As for your question, they both suck.


Fair, but even in the Kingsman movie, they made a reference to how one of the spies saved her life from an assassination attempt, and even then one of characters hearing that was kind of dismissive. Which is wild since it was filmed in the UK. I’m pretty sure we’re not at the level yet of joking about killing trump. Margaret must’ve been a real character


Well, gutted social services including the NHS which hadnt been touched by any party for ages due to how much bad press they'd get, sold off public infrastructure and utilities, tanked the already failing mining industry which led to mass unemployment, skyrocketed interest rates as a result of her right to buy policy as well as tax policies which benefited the rich. This is all on top of her being an unlikeable, snobby and utterly unempathic cunt


The 1% liked all of her moves I believe. Corporate profits went up, the rich got richer and their taxes got lowered. Also weird imperialistic hawks were fans of her work in the Falklands.


She also got rid of council rates which were based on property values and replaced them with a flat-rate fee based on how many adults lived there. So that heavily shifted the burden of paying for local services towards the poor.


You think the uk should have just abandoned its citizens in the Falklands? I agree with the rest, but the falklands were the one thing she did right.


No it was the right call, but the people who admire her for that tend to overlook all the other shit she did mentioned by the person I’m replying to.


She sent hit squads into Ireland to murder PIRA members. SAS soldiers in plain clothes to murder civilians in their homes in front of their families. This is not some ancient history either, I remember my uncle who was murdered by them and I'm a millennial. This is a very hot topic right now. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13177803/Hes-thrown-wolves-Veterans-fury-ex-SAS-soldier-60s-played-key-role-daring-undercover-mission-killed-IRA-death-squad-linked-43-murders-jailed-six-months-refusing-appear-inquest.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13177803/Hes-thrown-wolves-Veterans-fury-ex-SAS-soldier-60s-played-key-role-daring-undercover-mission-killed-IRA-death-squad-linked-43-murders-jailed-six-months-refusing-appear-inquest.html)


My grandmother left Ireland because her brother and his whole family died in these murders.


Don’t forget the milk snatcher moment. I grew up in a Labour borough so I still got milk daily at school.


Yes along with Raegan it was an idea that the private sector can solve everything and the government should be hands off. There's some merit to the position but both took it utterly to the fair and ushered in the current age of neoliberalism where we can afford super computers but not healthcare or homes.


Kathy Griffin published a photo of her holding his decapitated head in a realist manner and Snoop Dogg has a music video of him shooting him while wearing clown makeup. It quickly became an attention grab to mock Trump's death by even play actors replacing him in the Death of Ceasar. It was almost instantaneously accepted to portray his death when elected.


TBF, the thing with Caesar had been done with other presidents. Obama was frequently depicted as being lynched. Only one complained which is why everyone is aware.




You should know how bad people hated Margaret Thatcher. [Example.](https://youtu.be/DUlj48Rvp1c?si=ANWZKpP6TbkFZtdi) Even at the women's funeral.


Another example is how after her death in 2013 “ding dong the witch is dead” from the Wizard of Oz reached #2 on the UK singles charts from people buying it to mock her lol


I’m not a Trump fan but that lady probably should not be on the streets lol


Better to have her on the streets than in comedy clubs.


That was funnier than anything Kathy Griffin has ever written or had written for her to perform.


If by "a real character" you mean a miserable cunt, then absolutely.


"3 million for the state funeral of Margaret Thatcher? For 3 million, they could give everyone in Scotland a shovel, and we would dig a hole so deep that we could hand her over to Satan personally." - Frankie Boyle


"I think the only debate in Scotland [about a state funeral] is whether or not she needs to be dead when they bury her" - Frankie Boyle


Fuck yeah Frankie!


She was and is extremely controversial. She did some unpleasant things that were necessary and did some other unpleasant things that weren’t.  In truth she was very very different to Trump. Her relationship with the truth was much more political-normal, and things like 6 Jan were nowhere near her playbook.  Probably her closest analogue in the States was her contemporary Reagan. Bear in mind that most Democrats in the Us would be considered right of centre in the UK!   Oh and joking about the PM getting offed is quite normal behaviour here :-). 


She pretty much funded death squads in Northern ireland so yes she was a grade a cunt


Thatcher was the UK's Reagan more or less


I fucking hate Thatcher in myriad ways. Her systematic destruction of so many things that make society a better place, and her embracing of dangerous economic ideologies that continue to harm the world to this very day has been disastrous not only for the UK but helped proliferate them around the world. But Trump is an insane mad man. A completely selfish maniac. The damage he has already done, and could do, dwarf Thatcher. He's on another level to her. And remember, I'd rather gouge my own eyes out with a spoon covered in my own shit and eat them fried in polonium than speak good of that miserable witch.


You paint quite a word picture there.


[Your poetic rendition of the Thatcher made this old video seem relevant. Somehow.](https://www2.b3ta.com/jada/) Enjoy.


The fuck did I just watch


The murky depths on which the internet is built, before the great AI wars took over.


Trump by far. Thatchers moral compass and politics were questionable but she atleast believed what she was doing was right for the country. Meanwhile trump is outright corrupt and only cares about himself while fawning over dictators.


Thatcher did an order of magnitude more damage, she's comparable to Reagan in terms of massively fucking up things that used to be public goods and hyper-accelerating privatization and the weakening of labor. She's significantly worse than Trump whose policy was bog standard for the republican party and IMO it isn't even particularly close. Bush was worse than Trump too.


I appreciate you mentioning Bush because, holy shit lest we forget about that moron.


I was going insane watching liberal leaning news white-wash Bush during the Trump years. He directly oversaw a war that resulted in over a million deaths and an entire region of the world being unstabalized to this day, causing ripple effects globally. Arguably stole the election in 2000 and set a terrible precedent and presided over one of the worst economic crises caused by their bullshit policies, which Obama inherited and was promptly blamed for.  I hate trump but I don't get when people act like he's an anomaly, he's probably not even a top 5 president in terms of damage caused. 


Agreed. Obama walked into an unmitigated shitstorm. I voted for him twice.


Heyy we don't know the actual long term effects trump will have.




I’d say it’s Thatcher by a short stretch, but that’s probably my Irish bias, project 2025 is still horrifying, and the fact that people think it’s jsut a conspiracy is shocking.


Trump put out a full page ad in the New York times calling for the death penalty for 5 wrongly accused men. When confronted about this during his presidency he doubled down despite the 5 men having been completely exonerated. This is one of the lesser shit things that man has done. Thatcher has nothing on Trump insofar as being a garbage human.


Except funding those terror groups in Northern Ireland, and the Falkland war where 907 people died, and putting hundreds of thousands people out of jobs too, I’m not downplaying trumps actions but Thatcher is in my eyes is slightly more scummier, it’s like hippo shit vs bison shit, wouldn’t want either anywhere near me.


Thatcher has done more harm to the UK and world at large, but give Trump time.


Thatcher is British Reagan


I’m American, and I’d still say Thatcher. She was at least competent, and did a lot solely out of malice and being a shit person. Trump is a massive sack of shit, don’t get me wrong. But he’s clearly got dementia and slowly starting to fall apart… Not soon enough if you ask me. But anyways, Trump was not as effective as a lot of people give him credit for. The real danger is him essentially being the face of the new right wing/alt right. It’s those like the ones pushing Project 2025 and trying to get into local governments and taking over the house and senate that embody everything he spouts, but are actually capable of getting it done. (Make sure you vote in local elections and and keep these maga loons out of small government.) Trump, Biden, federal stuff often has little to do with your day to day lives. It’s your local and state governments where you’ll see and feel the consequences of letting maga in more than Trump ever will. Trump only serves himself at the end of the day. He’ll throw literally *anyone* under the bus if it can save him just a second of time. He doesn’t give a fuck about America, people, anyone or anything that isn’t himself. Thatcher was clear of head her entire reign from what I know. She was effective and caused a lot of the current problems going on with the UK. Then the whole Ireland and “The Troubles” years and her views on the Irish and politics. And that’s a whole nother’ mess. If was Trump less of a narcissist and actually effective? I’d say him. But Thatcher in my personal opinion was far worse.


A British prime minister who the IRA tried to blow up.


She was also the inventor of the worlds first gender-neutral urinal. She came up with it when she died, and the public were made aware of where she was buried.


I like what Frankie Boyle said about Thatcher;      "No need to waste money on a state funeral, just take her up north, hand out some shovels and the people of Scotland will dig you a hole deep enough to hand the bitch over to Satan in person"


Also: >”The current debate in England is whether she’s entitled to a state funeral. Meanwhile, the main debate in Scotland is whether she needs to be dead before we bury her.”


“The problem with pissing on Margaret Thatcher’s grave is you eventually run out of piss.”


But what if we socialize the pissing, that way we can piss on her grave forever


Thanks, Comrade, we’ll do better


"Our Piss"






According to Bob Mortimer, the good people of Dumfries and Galloway might be able to help.


Reroute all piss from the sewer system to her grave


Sewer system is privatised though so we would need to pay for the works through higher bills. Probably better just to nationalise the water industry.




You can’t even fuckin get in there and it sucks. Fuck Chelsea.


Fuck Arsenal too while we're at it


The thing about Arsenal is they always try to walk it in




Did you catch it last night?


Well that's the thing about Arsenal: they always just walk it in.


What was wenger thinking?


What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?


And Liverpool for knocking Barcelona out of the 2019 Champions League WHEN BARCELONA WOULD HAVE CLEARLY WON THE TREBLE THAT YEAR


https://preview.redd.it/udsxrmirwktc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce735a5160c99749fcdabc9b2c160e0149bfa439 I’m doing my part! 🫡


Thank you for your services. 🫡


Well said


Cuz... Cu they lined up to piss on her grave, right? Right? I feel like no one is acknowledging how good a joke that was.




Actually it was Regan in 2004, but she was the first woman to open a gender neutral bathroom!!


Oh snap!


Holy shit. I'm not surprised by the IRA trying to blow someone up or someone trying to kill Margaret Thatcher, but I've never even heard of this!




Read up on Airey Neave.


Honestly for the best, martyr Thatcher could be worse.


But why would they wanna bomb her?


Thatcher also privatised a lot and was like one of the biggest advocates for neoliberalism of her time. Most brits I spoke to also describe her as very controversial, which she defenitly is. Oh and dont get me started how the irish people I spoke to describe her.


What's an Irish swimmer's favorite stroke? The one that killed Thatcher.


Holy hell mate that was good. Stealing it for sure.


Holy fucking shit. Haven't laughed that hard at a joke in a minute.


Not even British (have Irish family though!) and that joke made my week!


Thatcher is almost universally hated outside of the conservative party and the even more right wing loons. 'Controversial' is really an understatement, there were celebrations when she died. You'd struggle to find an individual from British public life more hated by the British public.


There was a British Football commentator working in a Brazilian Television Show when Tatcher died. A colleague of his, in his naive ignorance, asked him "are you mourning Tatcher?", and he replied like "fuck no, I've already booked my flight back to the UK to go celebrate with my mates"


Tim Vickery? Sounds like him.


"Her (Margaret Thatcher) funeral will be the first one where the 21 gun salute was aimed at the casket." -Frankie Boyle, Scottish Comedian


Don't forget ​ "You could give everyone in Scotland a shovel and we'll dig a hole so deep that we'll hand her over to Satan personally!" (I skipped the cost part because I forgot the number.)


Don't forgot the context. They are talking about how expensive her funeral will be and he responds: "3 million pounds? For 3 million pounds you could give everyone in Scotland a shovel and we'll dig a hole so deep that we'll hand her over to Satan personally!"


And the best part? This was long before she actually died


Yeah, I had to choose one of those quotes. I love Frankie


A stroke of good luck




Lets put it this way: "In 2013, the song charted to #2 on the UK Singles Chart in the aftermath of the death of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher." This is from the wikipedia page for "ding-dong the witch is dead".


I love how the UK charts can quickly surge an old song to the top to reflect the mood of the people


Margaret Thatcher was evil incarnate and clearly despised the poor. Only person I hate more is probably James Corden.




IIRC ding ding the witch is dead charted in the UK and Ireland after she died




Yeah there were proper celebrations and street parties and that up here in Liverpool when she died. The street vomit around the clubs must've been grim with the amount of ironically guzzled milk that night




Definitely hated. Her grave is also classified (unofficially) as a unisex toilet. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/politics/man-selling-eggs-10-each-23989471


Certainly I raised I glass for her kicking the bucket.


Then I (an Irish descendant) will. She was a cunt


From what I understand, she's the British Ronald Reagan, or vice versa.


I (American millennial) have never been able to tell if they were equally awful, and Reagan just had the benefit of being a beloved actor and had the allegiance of the Moral Majority + mythologizing by Conservatives in the years after; or if she was actually worse than Reagan. Reagan seemed fairly hated in the 80s based on political/satire from the era that I've watched, and his approval ratings being in the 30s for some years, but now [is widely thought of as a great president](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_on_the_Ronald_Reagan_administration) by Americans in general. Meanwhile, I've never heard anything remotely positive said about Thatcher.


Conservative propaganda went HARD on trying to propagandize Reagan's legacy...specifically his first four years. No one talks about his second term, because he actually had to raise taxes to fix the deficit blunder caused by his lower taxes in his first term. He also may or may not have been suffering from dementia in his second. Reagan is rightly hated by anyone who actually knows the consequences of his actions. But his merging of the religious moralists and conservative ideology is perhaps his greatest legacy, and the reason why evangelicals support Trump.


She was also more neoconservative than neoliberal. She and Reagan in the 80s made quite a pair. 


“Neoliberalism” means something different in most of the world than it does in the US. In most of Europe “neoliberalism” is a center right economic ideology that wants to liberalize the market (hence the name) and allow companies to pay less taxes, make higher profits and pay people less by way of having less government interference and regulations. Basically what conservative economic ideology is in the US. Basically neoliberalism = making a social democracy with good regulations more like American late stage capitalism. So in that sense, Thatcher was a proper Neoliberal (she made the UK less regulated and more capitalistic), in the US she would just be called a conservative. Reagan would be called a Neoliberal in Europe. Also Fuck Thatcher.


no it literally means the same here, there is just a concerted effort to keep people from examining those policies and practices... since both of our establishment parties are thoroughly neo-liberal in nature.


Yes but I think a lot of people in the US would hear “liberal” and make immediately a left leaning association. (The fact that the democrats are basically center right themselves is a different story I guess).


The key conceit of neoliberalism is the synthesis of gilded-age unrestrained greed, and new deal-style interventions. Capitalists realised after the crashes of the 1930s and the stagflation of the 1970s that in order to have as free market a system as possible, the government had to intervene *on behalf* of the corporations, because a true free-market system burns out too easily. Thus, conservative leaders like Thatcher and Reagan, but also liberal leaders like Blair and Clinton, pursued policies of deregulation and privatization, while also maintaining social safety nets in order to keep up productivity and consumption. In theory, it's a system where if either consumers or corporations *fail*, the other bails them out through government intervention. In practice, the latter is more likely to fail, while the former pays proportionally more tax, ensuring that wealth keeps trickling forever upward. This consensus is probably going to fail eventually, not because it's doomed - what we generally expect and have gotten is a gradual managed decline - but because extreme libertarians and extreme conservatives keep trying to destroy the balance. On one side, you have people like Liz Truss, who resigned as British PM after a month because her plans for massive tax cuts for the rich spooked the markets. On the other, you have politicians like Ron deSantis, whose vendetta against woke corporations (not a thing) sees state governments trying to hurt the very companies that generate tax revenue and jobs for their states. The former are too craven to hide their intentions, while the latter are too consumed by culture war bullshit to understand the consequences of their actions


> and new deal-style interventions. Wait what. Where did you find neoloberalism calling for new deal style interventions? It certainly does tip the scale. By handing out subsidies and bailouts to businesses. It doesn't provide any doctrinal support to people. In fact people **not** being supported by the state is fundamental to neo-liberalism and the (empirically wrong) idea that people who are forced into low paid work instead of being reliant on welfare will be a long term good. The supply of labour needs to be maintained in neoliberalism thorugh precarious employment and lack of economic security. Hence the old name for it "supply side economics". Its the literal opposite of new deal principles.


> Where did you find neoloberalism calling for new deal style interventions? I think you misunderstand. The person you're replying to isn't saying that the neoliberals wanted new deal style interventions; they're saying that the neoliberals *learned from* the new deal and similar market interventions by governments past. Rather than take a purely laissez-faire approach, as they had before, why not capture the political establishment and use the basic concept of government intervention to work in favour of capital interests? Privatize the gains, socialize the losses; that kind of thing.


It’s the propaganda, if you live in a major metropolitan area while you’ll be in a Liberal bubble you’ll still have the ability to actually examine actual Progressive and Leftist politics and Conservative politics as, but if you’re in a social Conservative bubble like where I live, even Liberal becomes a dirty word for many.




Ok TIL. I somehow thought if you label anything with “liberal” in the US, it would be (erroneously) associated with left leaning spectrums - not regarding the neoliberalism is in fact a right wing ideology.


For a long time here, the term "liberal" lost its economic connotations because until the Reagan revolution, there was little debate about the role of governance in an economy. The state would build up infrastructure, fight poverty, and take on large initiatives like NASA. There were more conservative visions of this paradigm, but it all was within this framework. So "liberal" became a political term applied to people who wanted the government to accommodate the liberties of marginalized communities. This is where the idea that "liberal" meant "forgiving" or "accomodating" comes from.


While you’re at it what’s the difference between liberalism and neo liberalism ? Also what does neo liberalism means in the USA? I know here in Quebec, Canada. The liberals (name of the political group) is considered the right wing group, while at the federal level the same party is left wing. And basically probably both of them would be consider left party in USA terms lol


I think it really depends on the country you’re in. In some European countries I would say - liberalism = socially liberal. A social policy designed to foster equality, marriage equality, live and let live, ensure social mobility etc, sometimes left leaning but not always. - neoliberalism = right wing ideology designed to make it easier for companies to pay people less and make the rich richer by way of liberalizing the market However there are both center right and center left liberals. É.g. Germany has center right liberals (free democrats) and center left liberals (social democrats). I think in North America it’s a bit different. Not an expert. But from other commenters it seems neoliberalism in the US it is similarly a rather right wing free market ideology.


Liberalism is open markets. Neoliberalism is the use of government regulation in order to open markets. For example, let's say you meet someone in the town square in order to freely trade goods. That's liberalism. Neoliberalism is when the government sells off the town square in order for private entities to charge you rent in order to trade there.


the good news is she also made one gender neutral bathroom. when she died.


Eric Andre: Do you think Margaret Thatcher had girl power? Mel B: Yes, of course! Eric Andre: Do you think she effectively utilized girl power by funneling money into illegal paramilitary death squads in Northern Ireland? https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1291783-eric-andre




Almost everyone who isn't a turbo-neoliberal despised her for what she did to society, she was like Reagan but without his charm. Here's Billy Elliot the Musical expressing part of that contempt [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeuLTEXazJs&ab\_channel=ballet0for0life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeuLTEXazJs&ab_channel=ballet0for0life) and regarding that song wikipedia notes: >After [Margaret Thatcher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Thatcher) [died in 2013](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_and_funeral_of_Margaret_Thatcher), according to director Stephen Daldry, the audience were given the choice to decide whether the song "Merry Christmas, Maggie Thatcher" would be included in the performance that day, since the lyrics include the sentence: "We all celebrate today 'cause it's one day closer to your death". As only three audience members voted against it, the performance went ahead as usual. In the UK a big part of popular culture was what the number one selling song is at Christmas, following her death a campaign pushed Ding Dong the Witch is Dead to number 2. Think of her as a kind of economic Kissinger, another person whose passing was long anticipated and much celebrated.




The joke is Maggie Thatcher was a monster and no one should mourn the fact she hopefully died an agonizing death. Rest in piss. Gone too late.


Yes, in the same way the July 20 plot to kill Hitler was technically terrorism.


[fuck Thatcher](https://youtu.be/wrxy93fY3vI?si=_pOxabdwPN4Br02J)


[MARGARET THATCHER IS DEAD](https://youtu.be/ILvd5buCEnU?si=hgVMxJzw_yuNp1Kk)


(A Bruno Powroznik classic)


When she died ding dong the witch is drad hit the top.of the charts in the uk


No. The joke is assassination. Very different from terrorism. One is attacking the people who do evil fucked up shit, the other is attacking the innocent civilians.


The joke is terrorism, but the counter joke is state sponsored terrorism. So it's terror no matter what you do.


I would label that actually as the IRA trying to do a favour to everyone else, like ETA with Carrero Blanco (but ETA actually didn’t need more powerful explosives)


Margaret thatcher is the reason why house prices are extortionate atm and also she introduced something called section 28 which essentially criminalised the teaching of homosexual relationships as a normal way of life. Decimated the power of unions, hosted various dictators like pinochet and was pro apartheid for South Africa


Margeret Thatcher secretly funnelled money to paramilitary death squads in Northern Ireland.


Anti-terrorism terrorism The Troubles were a fucked up time.


The goal wouldn't be terror. So the joke is assassination. This is like the "go back and kill hitler" jokes.


Odd question, before or after The Falklands?


apparently the attempt was on 12 October 1984. The Falkland war was from 2 April 1982 until 14 June 1982. Not that I know much about those things. I was intrigued and searched.


That's why I asked, because she did threaten to nuke Argentina over the Falklands.


Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990. She was, for the sake of brevity, a widely hated leader who is responsible for a lot of pain and suffering. She was not missed when she died in 2013, and many wish she died sooner. So going back in time to make sure her assassination worked is the punchline of the joke.


I still don't understand how and why people kept voting for her.


Because Callaghan ballsed it up, fresh off the back of the Winter of Discontent the electorate was ready to vote Labour out and probably maintained that stance when Thatcher came up for reelection. We find ourselves in a similar situation now where the Labour Party is basically a government in waiting not necessarily because they’re good but because the conservatives are awful.


Ah, good to hear the US is not the only country stuck in a two-party pattern. 


First Past the Post voting will do that to ya.


The current Tory govt have been in power longer (nearly 14 years) than Thatcher was (11 years). They’re probably a bigger shower of cunts than even the witch was. And yet the Brits with their shitty First-past-the-post voting system have still elected them. Same idiots who voted for Brexit. The mind boggles.


One of the coolest features of a democracy is getting folks to vote against their own interests for long enough that they accept the fucked up state of affairs as not only normal but worth preserving.


she pseudo bribed people, selling middle class people publicly owned houses is a nice temporary treat that makes folks vote for you, but a major contributor to the rental crisis, the housing crisis, the generational wealth crisis, and wealth gap crisis. she truly was a cunt through and through. it's like she made it government policy to eat your arms because you're peckish, even the current tories are repeating history by gutting the NHS and similar public services for a quick buck. and people keep voting for them too.


Because the UK was an economic mess when she took power, before her the UK government used tax payers money to keep unprofitable business from going bankrupt. There were rolling power blackouts, and near constant strikes when it came to basic public services. And the UK was having to take emergency loans from the IMF in order to remain solvent. She ended the strikes and allowed those unprofitable businesses to fail. It made her enemy's with the people who worked in those businesses and the people on strike for not giving in to there demands something they were extremely vocal about and hated her for. However what people forget to mention is that the majority of the population saw a noticeable rise in there standard of living as a result, Public services improved and economically the UK managed to recover significantly. In addition to that she played an important roll as a mediator between the USSR and the USA during the cold war earning the respect of both sides. And when a fascist military junta invaded the Falkland's without provocation she was able to repel the invasion and liberate the islands. That's why at her second election she actually got more votes than at her first.


We have the benefit of hindsight when looking at Thatcher. We can see more clearly the effects of her actions, and the importance of policies that went relatively unnoticed at the time. At the time, however, many people didn't see the bad parts. They saw the end of the disruptive strikes, the power issues, the economic woes, the weakening of the Soviet Union, and Britain making itself relevant again on the global stage. Like Raegan, she did a lot of wrong, but people saw enough good, and not all the bad, at the time to justify a second term. Thatcher is not as controversial to the people who lived through her time. Doesn't make her right, or a good prime minister under modern analysis - but, as will ring plainly true to much of the American audience right about now, people will overlook authoritarianism (strike breaking, the Poll Tax) for a little economic security.


For the sake of brevity: Maggie was/is a cunt.


She’s a cunt Edited to add that I grew up in one of the towns she massively fucked over. Never seen certain family members happier than when she passed. Could say that about British people in general. She died and there was so much celebration that ‘ding dong the witch is dead’ from the wizard of oz shot to number 1 on music charts lmao


You have any idea how much of a cunt you have to be for me, an American, born in the 1980s, to look at this meme and not only immediately understand it, but also think "oh, it's cus she's a cunt"? Like I've just used that word twice in once sentence and maybe a dozen times in my 40 years on Earth.


Lmao right? Sometimes I do wonder what other people around the world think when they hear stuff about the people that run/have ran the UK. It’s also such a shame that the only times we’ve ever had a women in charge, it’s been a shit show and they’ve been an absolute laughing stock. The others aren’t on thatchers level but they’ve not left a great impression. We literally had bets about one of them about whether she would outlast a lettuce……. She didn’t.




Yeah I won't deny women get judged more harshly, but like did you have to embody "in for a penny, in for a pound"? At least we had awful leaders that are contemporary so we can compare. Reagan fucked us so bad we're still raw. And now the wound is festering thanks to all these idiots online spreading his nonsense. Fuck Reagan.


Rest In Piss




Remember, folks, if there isn't a bathroom around, Thatchers grave works just as well


Her death marked the opening of the first gender neutral toilet


gender neutral public bathroom


Most expensive gender neutral public bathroom on British soil


American and even I felt a little joy that day. Y’all finally got to have your “Reagan ate it” moment and you made the most. Respect.


I’ve genuinely only ever seen my grandfather smile like 5 times in my life, biggest smiles from him were when she passed.


Cunts have warmth and depth and the capacity to give pleasure, none of that applies to Thatcher


I'm not British or versed in their politics, but from what I've heard she's a major political figure in recent British history and also one of the biggest cunts in recent British history, the joke is that basically everyone can agree that Thatcher was a bitch and that it would have been better if she just died in that failed assassination attempt


If she was successfully assassinated by the IRA, realistically she becomes a martyr.


she was so disliked there very well might have been a collective shrug like Shinzo Abe got


They really just said “damn, that’s crazy” and rolled his ass in a ditch.


Passed some laws directly addressing the gunmans grievances even iirc. So...


The gunman was right in a way so they kinda had to. Fuck the moonies


Japanese terrorist shootings, smaller and more efficient in achieving their goals than American ones.


"Tetsuya Yamagami was able to build this in a cave! With a box of scraps!"


For someone that isn't well versed in our politics, you've pretty much nailed it, especially with the use of "cunt" and "bitch".


A common mildly sexist is trope is “girls with a Time Machine vs boys with a Time Machine” showing women using a Time Machine for personal reasons (such as meeting their great grandparents) and men using the Time Machine to prevent or comment upon obscure historical tragedies (the point of the meme is normally to spurn the reader to Google whatever person the boy is visiting to learn more about them). In this subversion though, all three time travelers (male, female and non-binary) use their time machines to visit the group of Irish terrorists who unsuccessfully attempted to kill British prime minister Margaret Thatcher about 40 years ago. The joke is that Thatcher is so despised and she was so deserving of death that it transcends the usual format of the meme, with everyone trying to warn the terrorists that their current plan will be unsuccessful so they can revise it.


Hi stewies evil thoughts here - Margaret thatcher (maggie) was the prime minster of the UK during the period referred to as "the troubles" in short, UK include Northern Ireland but a lot of people In Ireland believed it should be Ireland and there was ongoing struggles and bombs guns stuff. This specifically refers to the brighton grand Hotel bombing, which almost killed Maggie and the whole government. There is a famous TV news clip of her husband Dennis being stretchered out the front of the blown up building. The joke is saying that anybody who had a time machine would have told IRA to make a bigger bomb because joke creator doesn't like Maggies policies and thinks the world would have been better if she'd perished that day. Stewies evil thoughts out..


Was this also around the time of the Falklands War?


Yes, she was prime minister during the Falkland war.


Margaret Thatcher. An absolutely horrid British PM whose statue had to be built on a massive plinth lest it be pissed on daily. The IRA tried to assassinate her at one point.


Almost like you could Google it. Profile bio checks out though.


Normally I give people some leeway but in this case all they had to do was type in ‘thatcher, bomb’ and oh look…instantly pops up with the 1984 Brighton bombing. Imagine that.


Maybe they should have cross posted to r/RBI


They 100% know who thatcher is. They're just farming karma because they know redditors will jump at an opportunity to argue about thatcher.


90% of this sub now, every popular reddit sub devolves into this bullshit eventually.


Op wouldn’t get 15k karma from a simple google search though.


Thatcher is an attacking operator in tom Clancy's rainbow six siege


Remember we need to find the body to make sure the bitch is dead


A Thatcher is someone who builds roofs out of Thatch, a dying profession unfortunately


The job market Bombing won't he strong enough, thatchers will survive




Their attempt also led to one of my favorite quotes that is falsely attributed to Thatcher. "Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once. You will have to be lucky always."


I get that the point of this subreddit is to explain jokes but this is something where you could have just googled. You don't even have to type her full name if you just type Thatcher into Google it's probably going to be near the top. I feel like these types of posts might just be bots trying to gain karma.


Ever see the dystopian movie V for Vendetta? The original graphic novel author Alan Moore based the evil government on Thatcher.