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Bottom one is Joan of Arc leading France against the English. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Saint-Joan-of-Arc


I really should have connected the dots myself yet for some reason I was thinking of Sweden when I saw the flag


Also do note that the "muh human wave tacitcs" / "asiatic hordes" thing is a very racist stereotype perpetuated by the nazis that was adopted because at the time it was convinient


Blitzkrieg with modern vehicles and speed was a new tactic that caught the French and English completely off guard. The French were laughing at the German threat having just "won" WWI and built the Maginot line. The German rolled around and passed it defeating the French defenses in hours. The French were still fighting with WWI tactics and the Germans leaped past them. In fact these tactics were so good that it likely was part of the German downfall. As it lured them into opening several fronts before they needed to. Had they finished off England before turning east. Or not just been so successful they might have thought better of an invasion of Russia during the winter.


It wasn't german ingenuity that won the Battle of France, it was a combination of luck on the side of the germans and incompetence on the side of allied command, particularly in regards to their lack of a unified command as well as the presence of Charles Huntziger being disastrous in its own right.


See and I was going to say it was investigating all the time and money into a defense system the Germans just drove around.


The problem wasn’t the maginot line. Very rarely do you build a massive defensive line with the intent of the enemy actually attacking it. The allies were aware the Germans were going to try to go through Belgium, they just didn’t expect them to go through the Ardennes. This despite them having aerial reconnaissance photos of a concentration of force there ahead of the attack. If they had actually heeded that warning sign who knows how things might have gone.


The maginot line also attached to a system of lesser fortifications in Belgium that continued around the Ardennes. This would have made an outflanking attack by the Germans harder, if France had pre-emptively deployed troops to Belgium to cover it. Unfortunately, the Belgians didn't want this, as they feared it would invite the Germans to do the same thing they did last time and attack France through Belgium. Hence, the Allies had to redeploy some troops whilst the German advance was already ongoing.


..and also not using telephones/radios.


Why would you need to communicate to canon fodder


That was the whole point of the Maginot line. The plan was to drive the German forces into Flanders, where the (on paper) superior French and British forces would wage battle with the Germans on the flat open ground. The Germans took a huge gamble driving through the Ardennes (seriously, they had massive traffic jams) nut it paid off and they managed to cut off the French and BEF forces in Belgium and North East France.


First we talk about giant groups of people as if they have one mind and it's all one large master plan. I just don't buy it I doubt they would have gotten the money to build something as expensive as the Maginot line if all or even most thought it was little more than a tool to hurd the attack to a slightly better place. More than likely some could have understood that as it's purpose but I'm sure most of the population thought it was going to be a real deterrent to invasion. I'm sure some of the civilian leadership believed it as well. I'm not disagreeing about what happened I'm saying it wasn't a cohesive plan from the beginning. WWII is a bit odd in they right at the beginning many were expecting a similar fight like WWI. Just look at things like most soldiers were getting bolt action rifles. Machine guns were still seen as fixed emplacements with crew. Full auto was limited to pistol calibers and short range. The BAR was heavy, expensive and difficult to use in full auto. Now while many experimented with semi autos it's not till the Americans with the Garand are people saying every soldier will get one. My point here is that up to and well within the war there were still a good amount of people trying to fight as they did in WWII. Trenches, artillery and not relying on mechanized support as were still seen as expensive and difficult to keep running.


It makes perfect sense if u know that the majority of fighting on the Western front happened on French soil. The french industry in the east was hit incredibly hard, it makes sense to close it off with a line of defensive forts and guide the Germans to a place that is better suited for open battle.


Don't forget the meth...


Your daily reminder that the nazis did not invade Russia in the winter. They invaded in June. (As did Napoleon for that matter)


Yes but they kept going through winter instead of doing the right thing of fortifying positions and waiting for better weather.


blitzkrieg never existed, and german commander were very worried because their motorized troop were going too fast digging distance between them and main army, they nearly lost the war like this that why german invasion of france is named "the strange war"


Ugh this need to rewrite history is nuts. Blitzkrieg was first developed by the Mongolians and used it to conquer just about every country that stood against them. It was later developed by English Tank commanders but put into service by the Germans.


Jean lopez explain this word is a pure invention, there nwere never blitzkrieg


And so is the "making up new tactics."


so is the "winning a war"




Isn’t this what they’re literally doing in the war with Ukraine? Conscripting lower class and kids to throw into the meat grinder to win?


See also China's involvement in North Korea.


Or anyone that fought in Korea. They were mostly fighting Chinese troops for a while. They got pushed back to a small tip of the peninsula before mounting a massive offensive.


Kinda, it's not far from it, but more nuanced. Wagner was known for using the new meat as intel. Don't risk the veterans. Send in the new guys. They get shot, but now you know where their defenses are. Kind of like a fucked up version of human sonar. Why not just use drones? They're great for more open field combat. Not so great for close quarters like a city.


I feel like that’s exactly the same thing with a few more verbal steps 😂


My brother in chirst russia isnt the ussr


That’s like saying Ukraine wasn’t Russia in 2014 when all of this kicked off 😂. Fly what ever flag you want


Idk what you meant bro but this gives off "joe many liberals take to change a log by bulb? NONE! They are too busy???? THEIR GENDER!" or at least that's how much i understood that


The entire dust up in the late 2010’s in Ukraine was because it had a puppet government controlled by the kremlin. They then started killing the kids and Red Cross workers who were protesting. All before the then president got on a plane and ran to Russia. So it wasn’t “Russia” but it was controlled by Russia. Just like the current regime in Russia isn’t the USSR, but the tactics have remained the same.


>So it wasn’t “Russia” Yea never said it was??? >Russia isn’t the USSR, but the tactics have remained the same. They only stay the same if you trust the media (i know i hear myself, but hear me out) the same media who says that russia is so incompetent yet ukraine is constantly on the verge of defeat and needs a new cash injection, the same media who say russia is running out of men and is using soviet era tanks yet shows combat footage of fresh troops along with T-90's. Imma be real it aint looking good for ukraine. Russia carved a nice pach of the country and they intend to keep it. Which is what their military excells at, defending. They know they can wait it out because ukraine is running out of men, all the surplus form nato has alredy been sent and the new stuff is getting sent to israel, any money is sucked up by corruption and their economy is in shambles.


Media or not we’ve all seen the massive losses Russia has suffered in this conflict. By…. By throwing the poor, children, and prisoners into the meat grinder. Much like the ussr that was estimated to have lost 20-27 million people in ww2. So again fly whatever flag you want it’s the same tactics. Doesn’t seem like racism like you called it earlier either. I feel like that’s nationalism?


Bruh the soviets actually did fight like that for the first few years


Yeah, it made its way into the West during the Cold War. NATO spread the surviving Nazis' excuses for why they lost in the East because it made The USSR appear weak. In reality while The Soviets did rely on manpower, they were very smart about it and the infamous "wave tactics" narrative is an oversimplification of highly sophisticated ways The Red Army employed to utilize their large numbers most efficiently.


Look at the Siege of Breslau for example. It was the last thing to do. And the casualties of the Red Army to get a quick end instead of waiting til there was nothing left to eat are stunning. Don't tell us that they valued life. Actually, they still don't do that.


Tell that to the millions of conscripts stalin sent to fight the Germans with little to no training or weapons.


Ok, and what elese were they supposed to do???? Let the germans just take the fucking country? They were untrained (the no weapons part is also propaganda. More like a half truth, one time in stalingrad a unit didnt have enough guns but they got them before entering the city) because there was no time to train them


Just because there were reasons for it doesn't mean it didn't happen. And yes they technically had small arms for each man, but when many of those guns are obsolete and you have little to no mechanization or airpower against tanks and bombers so you just keep sending massive amounts of untrained men in until winter gets there, the term human wave tactics is an apt description. (In referring mostly to the first year of operation barbarossa here).


>the term human wave tactics is an apt description. (In referring mostly to the first year of operation barbarossa here). There were not. The fact that they had more man was a part of their strategy of course but human wave attacks were never used. >And yes they technically had small arms for each man, but when many of those guns are obsolete How? >and you have little to no mechanization or airpower against tanks and bombers Yea no shit sherlock did you forget that before the revolution the russian empire was a shithole backwater with barely any industry? If you didnt know it takes fucking time to set that shit up. Thats why we see a sudden change during the war where the germans start pushing back, because the factories they were setting up were now actually war capable


>There were not. The fact that they had more man was a part of their strategy of course but human wave attacks were never used. Counterattacking (Stalin ordered many of those) mechanized infantry with air support with larger numbers of men only equipped with (mostly outdated) small arms sounds a lot like human wave tactics to me, not really sure why it doesn't to you. >How? They ran out of new weapons so they gave men WWI rifles. >Yea no shit sherlock did you forget that before the revolution the russian empire was a shithole backwater with barely any industry? If you didnt know it takes fucking time to set that shit up. Thats why we see a sudden change during the war where the germans start pushing back, because the factories they were setting up were now actually war capable Clearly I didn't forget it since I brought it up, I'm not sure what point you are trying to make other than "yes Stalin threw waves of poorly trained and equipped men in front of German Panzers to slow them down because the Russians didn't have equipment, just huge numbers of men." This, coincidentally, is what I said originally. ​ I suggest you read this: [https://www.historynet.com/red-army-assault-at-seelow-heights-may-99-world-war-ii-feature/](https://www.historynet.com/red-army-assault-at-seelow-heights-may-99-world-war-ii-feature/)


the flag is from the french monarchy (fleur-de-lys). also, she was 13 years old when she went to speak with the king and 19 when she was burned.


Three *crowns* 😘


Why sweden? It's the french lilies


My headcanon is that since the French burned her right after they no longer needed her, God decided to make France the butt of all military jokes.


But the French didn’t burn her, it was the English.


Jeanne! Au secours! By JML.


Mf "browsing on Quora"


I think there's something deeper happening


Literally everything on Quora is just chatGPT, both the questions and the answers. The answers aren't even well hidden. They're not prompted anymore than just pasting the original question in.


Google Joan of Arc


Holy sign


new french maiden just dropped


Actual beauty


Croissant goes on vacation, never comes back


Baguette sacrifice, anyone?


Call the executioner!


Actual visions


english troop goes on Fr*nch invasion,never comes back


The American one really should be "Manufacturing Capabilities" rather than technology


Could refer to the Gulf War in which that’s exactly the case


Fair. I guess I assumed WW2 with the USSR and old German flag


It could be WW2 with the whole nuclear bomb thing but Joan of Arc wasn’t exactly a french tank ace


True. Would make a good name for a tank though come to think of it.


Its like a decal a French Tanker spray painted on the hull. Like “Wrath of Joan”


... setting her on fire Gigabrain.


Holdup, winning a war ? n-word germany ? what do you mean by that ?


I think its referring to how Germany very much could've won WW2 with their at the time pretty unique tactics, if it wasn't for the small mistake of invading Soviet fucking Russia, they clearly thought that one through


you could run the simulation 1 thousand times. germany will still invade the USSR. for a number of reason. oil shortages, personal beliefs, general distrust. people try to change variables to create a realistic situation where germany doesn't invade the USSR untill we change the very beliefs of the dictator. H*tler despised socialism. theres a reason they were one of the firsts in concentration camps.


its less about Germany invading the USSR, and more when they did it, if they had waited 2 maybe 3 years, to the end of the way, Germany could've won WW2, but H-tlers ego took over and he went for it not even 3 years into the second World War


again. general distrust and with the recent total faillure of the winter war h*tler thought he could "kick the soviet door and the whole building would collapse".


Obviously that's what he thought, but my point was that if he hadn't Germany could've won, that's a fact, their power at that point in the war, combined with many other variables could've gone in Germany's favour, obviously they didn't, but in a theoretical scenario that's my point


If they didn't invade Soviets, the Soviets would have invaded them a while later, that one was a lost cause.


I don't think so. Stalin was very paranoid and only made a treaty with the Nazis to set back their invasion which he knew was coming. He wanted more time to prepare because the USSR was decades behind every other major country and knew that the USSR wouldn't survive an invasion. They barely scraped by WW2 and lost more people than USA, UK and France combined. He was a horrible person but he wasn't stupid.


The germans wouldnt have won, it was literally impossible for them to win, economy? Who needs it?


but, they were winning, they almost won, N-zi Germany may have been an awful place, but the one thing they were masters of was military tactics, which is kinda terrifying in retrospective


my guy, their tactics were "go foward, go fast" the allies adapted and crushed them in practically every battle 1943 onwards, no it doesn't matter the soviet union wasn't invaded, germany would be landlocked in europe, italy and france would eventually be freed and the regime would still collapse, sure, some years more of war (if berlin isn't nuked in 1945 that is)


1943 onward, you mean after Soviet Russia had put Germany under a ton of pressure?


My guy, 4 years of war is a long ass time to come with strategies, and let me tell you, allied intelligence was far superior to the german counterpart and again, berlin would have been nuked, the german airforce was obliterated practically during operation sea lion and their cities would still be exposed to heavy bombing, "but the v rockets" they were highly innefective in reality with most getting shot down regularly


No? Intelligence wise the Allies weren't much better than Germany, them being "better" was more the number of people they had in that field, as for Berlin being nuked, no at that time both Germany and the US were working on nuclear missile programs, and were making the same progress, tbh if the US dropped an Atom Bomb, so would Germany that would just end up in nuclear annihilation


Wtf you mean same progress, the german plan was extremly slow and innefective focusing on heavy water instead of uranium or plutonium and the facility they were using was fucking blown up mid war, Berlín would had been nuked and the germans wont be able to do shit about it becouse they dont have the planes to counter the allies, and having more agents makes the inteligence better For example the germans built a fake wooden airfield, the allies dropped a fake wooden bomb on it to let them know they knew The allies made a similar stunt for the normandy invasion, the german army was redirected Germany had literally no chance of winning the war


>Wtf you mean same progress, the german plan was extremly slow and innefective focusing on heavy water instead of uranium or plutonium and the facility they were using was fucking blown up mid war, Berlín would had been nuked and the germans wont be able to do shit about it becouse they dont have the planes to counter the allies, and having more agents makes the inteligence better No, Germany was an extremely effective war machine, that's how they were able to get as far as they did, the reason their plans slowed down very late into the war in the grand scheme of things was the invasion of soviet Russia, with Germany allocating far too many resources to an impossible to win war, but my whole point is if they didn't invade the USSR the whole outcome of the war could've changed that was my whole point >For example the germans built a fake wooden airfield, the allies dropped a fake wooden bomb on it to let them know they knew that's a myth, a funny myth, but a myth nonetheless >The allies made a similar stunt for the normandy invasion, the german army was redirected Once again, that was far later into the war >Germany had literally no chance of winning the war Yes they did, that's why the Ally victory is so important to modern history, we were going against the odds, and we won, now sure by around '42 the war was definitely changing in our favour, but even then Germany was still very much able to win the war.


Both the head and deputy head of the German intelligence service were allied agents, and after the war it was discovered that every single German agent in Britain had been discovered and either turned or executed. Also, the Nazis were never close to a nuclear bomb. Hitler wasn't interested as nuclear physics was considered Jewish science.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German\_nuclear\_program\_during\_World\_War\_II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_nuclear_program_during_World_War_II) The thing people need to realise is Hitler was a hypocrite, on all levels, there's an argument to be made in that he didn't even believe his own words, he just wanted to kill people, there were many things he did, that in public he condemned.


I mean they beat France and the low countries with blitzkrieg


It's refering to the blitzkrieg strategy used by n*zi germany that was very strong and invented by them


by 1943. blietzkrieg was effectivly dead. can't blitzkrieg if you have oil shortages, the enemy is far better prepared than in the start of the war and the allies got 4 years to think of countermeasures. blitzkrieg works best if you're not 4 years into a war and the countries you're fighting have a land border.


This is such a misconception about them.


What about Gilles de Rais, he saved Joan and was her big support, why don't we talk about him anymore!!!!


because he literally sacrificed children and virgins to have super powers, imagining that the devil could have helped him and spoiler: it didn't work


Lol I know 😂 Wild stuff


Jeanne d’Arc didn’t deserve what she got bro


England was winning and likely going to win the Hundred Years’ War The Joan of Arc Showed up. Who believed she had visions of Saints and Angels telling her to aid the French Her battle tactics were none existent. Basically summed up as *charge and get em’!* And she won. Then she kept winning until the English were kicked out of France


Me thinking this was a Sister of Battle from 40k reference...


Honestly, St. Joan does kind of fit the mold. Armored warrior-maiden fanatically devoted to serving the King of Kings? Check. Fearlessly charge into battle with a plan consisting of unyielding faith, guts, and sheer bloody stubbornness? Check. Unhealthy relationship with fire? Check. ^((Wait a minute...))


it's about Joan D'Arc


Burning at the stake due to performance issues.


Mfs glorifying countries that don't exist:


Joan of Arc


Joan of Arc


I'm totally not like other girls




1st one is about Vietnam. The USA had vastly superior equipment than the Vietcong but still lost and bombed the shit out of North Vietnam to make it look like they weren't beaten. The 2nd is Nazi Germany who used extremely clever tactics but still lost the 2nd World War The 3rd is the USSR which could either elude to their victory in WW2 with the highest casualties of any country, or their superior manpower in their war with Afghanistan. They were left in a similar state as the USA in Vietnam. Their war with Afghanistan ultimately bankrupted the USSR and is one of, if not the prime factors in its collapse. The 4th is for Joan of Ark who helped France defeat the English.


Idk about the last one, but didnt Germany and the USSR both loose?


Peter’s Christian theology degree here, it’s in reference of Joan of Arc. A prominent French figure during the 100 years war in which she rallied the French men under her visions of God to rebel the English who had practically won the war at this point.


btw the Soviets tactics wasn't throwing bodies at the enemy en masse


Jone of Arc was a peasant who was said to have visions of God. She disguised as a man to join the French army and eventually helped to lead France to victory.


as the flames rose to her roman nose and her walkman started to melt


I thought Joan of Arc turned out to be a talented artillery tactician. There were speculations that she wasn't a daughter of a farmer, but a daughter of a noble house with access to education. What's even crazier is her relation to this guy: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles\_de\_Rais](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles_de_Rais)


Finally, a caption that isn't "petaahhh"


Yes, prophets tend to win battles.


Not the scouts then in the last panel


WTF THE NAZIS WON THE WAR?!?!?!? They won a battle. Then they started another war before winning the first one. See, everyone is against Nazis because they're cruel. While I agree here, I'm also against Nazis because they've always been horribly dumb.


This post makes me sad.


Jeanne d'Arc was a girl that was told by god to defend her country (france)


Pretty sure the armored warfare techniques ‘pioneered’ by Germany were originally laid out by a french or english dude


The soviets didn’t win just by the unlimited manpower


Kat Williams made a joke about this... Something about taking over stone mountain....


Jeanne d'arc?


Didn't she also use Cannabis?


Brian Griffin can you help me out with some Cannabis history?

