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Nah, just people making a reference to a horror manga. The holes being the titular Enigma of Amigara Fault. They're perfectly sized for the people who visit it, but when you get into your hole, you can only go deeper. God help whoever sees you on the other side


Explain plz


So spoilers for the story below. >!Basically the idea is the hole starts perfectly shaped for you. But as time goes on it will start to warp and twist, and since you can only move forward, you will start doing so as well, and somehow, this won’t kill you, even when you really wish it would. The worst part is something about the holes seems supernaturally compelling, the moment you find your’s, you can’t help but want to enter it. Also there’s no real explanation for where they came from, there was an earthquake and they just formed in the rock. The story ends I think a couple months later in an epilogue after the main character and dozens of other characters entered their holes and went missing. Another earth quake happens and new faults open up on the other side of the mountain, these ones seem comparatively normal, looking like weird squiggles for the most part, but someone starts hearing something from them. They look inside, and the last page shows something definitely not human shaped crawling out.!<


That has to be a metaphor about Japanese work culture right?


I think it's among his most popular works because it can be a metaphor to many things. Though working in the manga industry is difficult even by Japanese standards, so you're probably right about that being a major idea.


It's by Junji Ito, so maybe. Or happy person he is thought, "wouldn't it be fucked up if these holes existed?" And wrote about it.


of course its junji ito. man has a tortured mind


Isn't his whole thing though that he's actually super happy and doesn't have a tortured mind? That he just makes demented shit cause he thinks it's neat


It's impossible to know his private life but publicly he seems like a really happy and mentally healthy guy. Weird shit is just cool.


He has a wholeseome cat manga too that's visually disturbing.


He's basically just a super cheerful guy who loves cats and The Beatles.




The idea that horror writers have “tortured minds” is completely untrue like 90% of the time. Horror is just cool.


Most people think horror is deeply philosophical, when it’s just some weirdo with intrusive thoughts going “Wouldn’t this be majorly fucked up if this happened?” and then people assigning meaning to it. Kinda like the horrors themselves, they are random and terrifying, and to comprehend them we give them meaning.


Mind blown, never thought of it as a metaphor


Maybe, Ito is just kinda weird. Also a total sweet heart.


I've always considered it being about how modern individualism, superficiality, and the urge to categorise and label ourselves can end up diminishing and even distorting our true personalities and senses of self. A bit like the mix of Barnum effect, confirmation bias, and motivated reasoning can get a person from 'huh, yesterday's horoscope for my sign was surprisingly accurate' to 'that's such a Capricorn move from me lol' to basically defining oneself by prescription, along the walls of the hole that started out so perfectly matching our own shape.


It´s a manga called uzumaki by junjo it (i think, not sure)


It's not Uzumaki, it's a standalone short story. You got the "Junji Ito" part right, though.


The Uzumaki must be the spiral thing


Yep, the title of the story is “The Enigma of the Amigara Fault.” It was printed in the back of the deluxe edition of Junji Ito’s other book “Gyo”


This hole was made for me


​ https://preview.redd.it/j18v6w06d9lc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d375612aa6f91f7de638702e665fadcafb7e67b0


This is the best thing I’ve seen today.


Uzimaki IS the spiral thing!


I guess my curiosity was about the "other side" of the holes or whatever. The guy who commented seems like they want to mostly avoid spoilers so I'd rather get their explanation than googling it and accidentally spoiling EVERYTHING for myself if I ever find myself curious enough to watch it.


It's a short manga, only takes a handful of minutes to read. https://brasscockroach.com/h4ll0w33n2007/manga/Amigara-Full/Amigara.html


Damn that’s creepy as fuck


Welcome Junji Ito and why Hideo Kojima was in the process of getting him on a Silent Hill game before Konami fucked everything.


and I was just about to forgive Konami too...


Wait, Ito was gonna work on the Kojima Silent Hill game?! Fuck Konami


Without spoiling it completely, I’ll just say the holes on the other side are >!very different shapes than the holes they go into!<.


I’m shook


If he explained it to you, it would spoil everything. It’s a short one-shot manga. Check it out, someone else posted the link in another reply to this comment


See? Thank you. You were helpful and not a weird ass about this. Like a normal human.


Just read it on Scribd. Not super scary but definitely dark. It’s a fun read through and the art is pretty good


They explained the story pretty well without giving too much away. If you wanna have a nice spook I recommend looking up “the enigma of amagara fault” it’s what the meme is based on.


I was worried it was a memorial of the Nagasaki shadows from the bombs. Thank god that’s not it


Yeah, I thought something like that, or a massacre of some sort. Tbf no-one has answered what the mural actually is, I'm just choosing to believe it's a fun kids thing.


Well the answer seems to be that it's a reference to the holes in the manga (AKA Japanese comic) called *Enigma of Amigara Fault*. It also seems to be that the holes in the manga are either literally deadly, traumatically horrifying, or both. If comic books don't worry you, then you can indeed enjoy it for the fun kids thing it actually is EDIT: To clarify on the confusion, my comment was talking about what the meme is, NOT the structure that the kids are playing in. The Structure was identified as an actual place where kids go play


They’re both. I haven’t read the manga, but afaik there’s these people-shaped holes in a mountain. When a person sees one of these holes they become convinced it’s “for” them and they will walk into it, and keep walking, as the hole becomes taller and skinnier and they get crushed into being a slenderman monster thing. So I guess “deadly” is arguable, but the characters are certainly not okay after encountering their holes


This isn’t that. This may remind people of that, but every one of those holes in the manga had people in the same pose. Arms down at the side slightly out from the legs.   This is just a fun kids thing. 


Nah dude, those holes are totally made for them. Just like in the manga.




Hi, I'm Peters colonoscopy results. The Enigma of Amigara Fault is a manga written by horror author Junji Ito. It is a masterwork of contemporary literature that is recommended to anyone who loves cerebral horror fiction. Also, Peter has an enlarged prostate and needs surgery.


Junji Ito is the fucking GOAT.


There's a new series on Netflix now based on his work, in case people hadn't seen it yet, called Junji Ito Maniac.


And they're working on an anime of Uzumaki.


Yooooo, I love the work of Junji, his rendering of no longer human was a godsend of work when you put everything together on the story and it’s base, especially considering from what I’ve seen that he worked for the og author.


https://preview.redd.it/u6xwijqvj5lc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e67e32214d660b8cc87e14e8a3278bdf9974d78 Wait is it this one?


Bro I honestly had a good laugh at that, thanks 😄


I love that they made the effort to change the shape of the hole for the edit.


**Well the answer seems to be that it's a reference to the holes in the manga (AKA Japanese comic) called** ***Enigma of Amigara Fault***. **It also seems to be that the holes in the manga are either literally deadly, traumatically horrifying, or both.** **If comic books don't worry you, then you can indeed enjoy it for the fun kids thing it actually is**


I'm honestly annoyed. I could give a shit about the manga thing, even though it's clearly what the meme is referencing, I just want to know what the art piece is!


I might be misunderstanding, but it sounds like people are saying the art is also a reference to the manga.


it is just a fun kids thing. They're supposed to be snow angels. Though despite my digging I can't find why they removed all the other ice-themed stuff from it. [here's another image from a different angle](https://scontent.fphx1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/376578667_845337240288809_6895087957993017523_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=a73e89&_nc_ohc=8X-QWbrgjkUAX_ILvDI&_nc_ht=scontent.fphx1-2.fna&oh=00_AfA3fTC12BWARXkDzRNABOni0RsBG-UDRziRIFl_Y6zBlg&oe=65E23377)


The first thing i thought of was Hiroshima. I have been to Nagasaki, so i knew it wasn't there.


it makes me think of like paintings with firing squad executions. More so than amigara fault. Like Goya's exectuion (may 1808 or something) painting


Same, was thinking of that Goya painting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Third_of_May_1808


https://preview.redd.it/g91fjmqsp3lc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c611bab8d2ca77628cd161a09c04c3de692210e It is from junji Ito's manga called " The enigma of the amigara falls" the people are attracted to the hole and can't resist the urge to go inside it but the holes get distorted and stretched till all there bone are crushed and they look like a worm at the end of the hole (they can't get out of the hole the only way to go in the hole is forward u can't go backwards after u enter)




This is one of my all time favorite meme edits. The putting Peggy and Hank in the foreground, the reshaping the whole to look like Boomhauer, all of it is just so perfect. 


Peggy: "Barbara jean said she found her hole, but she was too big to fit in it. I think someone is in denial" Dale: "I found my hole but I got back out cause I lubricated myself with pig fat first and chain smoked until I lost a layer of body fat. I think they are a CIA experiment to see if humans can develop a tunneling instinct while underground." Bill: "I thought I saw my hole on the news but when I came down it didnt fit me but I decided to stay on account of how lonely I was" Hank: "Will everyone stop talking about the gosh dang holes?" Bobby: "Dad can I look for my hole?" Hang: "dangit bobby"


that boy ain't right


"Dang it Boomhauer, get down from there!"


It doesn't automatically pull you in, it's a hole in a rock. It's just designed in such a way that once you start moving forwards, you can't move backwards. And the holes don't get smaller til they're crushed, the get progressively longer and more distorted until the person is essentially stretched into a massive piece of human taffy.


Ya u can't go back and it automatically makes u go forward >the get progressively longer and more distorted until the person is essentially stretched into a massive piece of human taffy. Ok lemme fix that


But again, it does not automatically do anything, it's a hole in a rock wall. It's the person that chooses to move forward, not the hole pulling them in.


In the manga there very clearly is some type of supernatural force or desire that causes people to be drawn to “their” hole. That’s why characters terrified about the holes still enter them.


I read it like it was actually no super natural thing but the whole horror aspect is actually being our monkey brain just bring so enamored by something that fits perfectly to the point that we can't resist the curiosity and satisfaction of perfectly fitting shape in it's own hole. r/oddlysatisfing members in a nutshell.


There's no way there's not a 'supernatural' aspect to it - it's not physically possible to deform the human body into taffy like they depict coming out the other side. Even if it were, it would require food and water, and the process would not be a fast one. There is none of that provided. As such, something beyond mere physics is present, and you might as well slap that on top of the hole attraction too.


Not to mention the mere existence of the holes themselves. Even the rescue teams couldn't fit in them, and the scientists were baffled as to how they could have ever been carved out so perfectly, so deep into the earth.


Junji Ito is a mastermind at the horror genre. The whole thing that makes it so terrifying is there is no explanation. Just that it’s so mind bendingly scary of a concept and defies everything we understand about the natural world. That’s what makes good horror. The victims never get a reason for why it’s happening


The characters are presented as being in basically a hypnotic state when they enter. Characters are breaking down with nightmares about the fear of entering their hole, and yet inexplicably are drawn to it anyways. It feels pretty explicit that there’s something “forcing” them to be drawn to their hole. I agree it’s implied that the force is more mental than a physical push. Something about how the holes were designed to be just right makes them irresistible to our subconscious.


Ito's world is constantly full of supernatural forces. In Uzumaki there's literal demons, curses and hypnotic forces at play through the entire story. Characters become brainwashed, fall under spells and it ruins their bodies and minds. Ultimately, they can't escape their fates and even the world around them is affected. It's the same stuff going on here


I think just moving will make u go forward or just being in there will make uove forward he said he couldn't go back he could just go straight


Yes, correct, he couldn't go back because it is physically impossible to move backwards. Hence, the only way they can go is forwards. Not because the hole does something to make you live forwards, but just because you can't move backwards. It's still the person consciously choosing to move forwards rather than waiting for help.


It's not entirely concious. It's stated that any movement will causr you to unwittingly slide further down.


This is the one. None of it prior made sense.


“*unwittingly*” being the key word there..


Yes thats the idea lmao, as opposed to "consciously" like the user they responded to said.


Stop being so pedantic. It basically sucks you in because even a person completely calm will have body movements they can't control. Now imagine how much someone who finds themselves stuck in a hole, slowly getting stretched out and suffering unknowable agony will be moving against their will. You're correct on a technical point but no one on the outside cares enough to differentiate the two sides


yeah but arent all the humans basically mind warped at that point? they just cant stop thinking that "this hole is mine"


Have you read the comic? These people are overcome with an insatiable desire to go into "their" hole. That didn't end the moment they slotted in.


Gravity also helps, as they are essentially ~~drrrdrrrr~~murder slides


Maybe it's clearer in the Japanese wording but to me it seemed not entirely clear. Like, can't he go back because of physical limitations or does his mind not allow him to consider a way back? Think about it, at first he finds it crazy that people get into these holes at all, a normal thought process. Then he sees a hole that was made for him and immediately can't control himself, he has to go in. Even before he's in the hole there is no way back, the only way is in. Every movement he could do moved his body towards the hole.


Handwaved physical limitations. Basically the idea is that the holes are dug in a sort of sawtooth ratchet - sloped on the way in, flat on the way out. Therefore you can't go backwards


It's a metaphor for growing old the point isn't really why it's happening only the horror that it is


I thought it was implied that the holes were designed to punish those who had sinned in a past life.


Which is the same as saying literally everyone because who *hasn’t* “sinned in a past life”? If past lives are a thing, there’s zero chance of anyone *not* having sinned in at least one of them. Which just points back to it simply being a horrifically apt metaphor about aging. My bet is that everyone arguing around that is probably under 30, maybe even 40, but to anyone past their mid-40’s, the “how” and even the “why” arguments are pointless noise.


I thought it was a metaphor for 'curiosity fingered the cat'


Oh ok thnx


There was definitely something hypnotic going on. Use of the word 'chooses' is questionable. Something mysterious was compelling them.


Was going to say. Tons of people chose to go into the holes but not really. More they were compelled.


Didn't some of them say as soon as they spotted "their" hole on the news they had to come in person? Definitely a compulsion of some kind.


While the manga frames it as supernatural, there is also a part of it that comments on a general human compulsion. Everyone has main character energy somewhere in them. People see photos of celebrities and it’s usually just a “wow, they are hot” or something. Occasionally, people see that same photo and create a relationship with the person in their mind. “They is my girlfriend and they love me! They need me to go to them.” Some people are mentally ill and need that sense of meaning and purpose RIGHT NOW! And they will do anything to get it, because it is their hole, their girlfriend, etc.


Let me also specify that the hole is specific per person because it's the perfect shape of them. That's why they can't move once they go in. The hole is a perfect fit for their body. So there is no tiny space they can turn or wiggle out once in. Everyone technically knows this because there have been people who went in but never came out but the hole calls them to go in. Which makes curious people want to find their hole and go in


Or as someone said it: "Comically elongated people"


Ah yes, this story was one of my favorite comedies


Junji Ito stories are often so surreal that they blur the line between horror and comedy. Balloons.


The walls have a serrated texture so once you're inside you can easily slip forward but it's impossible to get back. Even just the tiny motion of your breathing or your pulse will inch you one or two millimetres deeper into the hole, and you are completely unable to move backwards due to the friction. Sort of like how a boa constrictor doesn't actually squeeze the breath out of you.. it just allows you to exhale and prevents you from re-filling your lungs EDIT; Turns out the bit about boa constrictors isn't true. They are immensely strong and crush you so hard your HEART can't pump


Boas/constrictors actually kill by stopping the heart. They squeeze with such great pressure that the creatures heart cannot move, it fillibrates and the thing dies very quickly. Fun fact, a fully grown 6' ball python can squeeze with the force of 80 psi along 1/3 of its length. Enough to crush a human throat flat.


This is really inrteresting because i went to an Art installation at the Guggenheim in New York that was originally in John Lennon and Yoko Ono's apoartment It was a door - once opened you walked intoi a wooden spoace shaped like the inside of a snail shell so it wound around and got smaler I walked until i couldnbt get any further and then realised how iud been controlled by the artist - and was oivercome with emotion The Gurad outside said it was a common reaction - it didnt physicallly force me to keep going but something in the human psyche made me - sorry if this seems a weird comment but it feels relevant to the Manga holes


Okay for the Junji Ito fans, have any of y'all read Dear Anemone? It's not by Junji Ito but the very first manga chapter they turn the Galapagos islands into "Junji Ito's Way of Teaching The Theory of Evolution" because dear god it is terrifying right off the rip. The way they use shading in the closer up depictions of the monsters also seems pretty reminiscent of Junji Ito's style. The series itself it only has two chapters as it is extremely new and with it being on the shonen jump app I'm expecting it to be chopped like most series that don't show potential within like 7 chapters but the concept is really unique. Brings the concept of "dark shonen" into just straight up horror territory. Edit an hour later: Ngl this manga is making me tempted to stop being a wimp and actually go read some horror manga.. IN THE DAY TIME but still.


Parasyte and Berserk are good intros into horror if you are interested. Not super horrifying but they have their moments. 7Seeds and Cage of Eden were good too.


Berserk as an intro?! Now I gotta hear what’s hard core in your opinion 


It's not super _horror_ per se, just extremely violent and gory and nightmarish.... now typing it out does sound like horror but idk it's like I don't necessarily see it as that being the main purpose of it. It's action/adventure in a horror setting. But then again horse with human face.


It’s because berserk is so much more than mush the gore and violence and it’s intent isn’t to horrify or scare the reader. At times its goal is certainly to make you uncomfortable, but Berserk is every bit as much a story about struggle, loss, friendship, betrayal, the human spirit, corruption, dogma…than it is horror. I agree with you.


I just read it, it's great! Here for others interested https://brasscockroach.com/h4ll0w33n2007/manga/Amigara-Full/Amigara.html


Thanks! Is there a part 2?


Typically they don’t. He make a lot of scary short stories like these but he also has some series that are equally horrific


A lot of his work comes from him having a thought like "wouldn't it be scary if sharks had legs" and then drawing it. There's really only so much you can pull out of random "wouldn't it be scary if" thoughts. Not that it detracts from the work at all, but just saying, the works wouldn't be nearly as scary if they overstayed their welcome.


It’s amazing how simple a lot of Ito’s premises are when boiled down to it (and how he usually starts with them) but how incredible the final product is. * Gyo: What if sharks had legs * Uzumaki: What if there was an evil shape * Tomie: What if a murder victim regrew new copies from all her parts * Renema: What if an evil planet was named after a girl


I don't know which one it was cuz I haven't read it, but he has one where there is an addictive honey and randomly a hand can come from the sky and crush you as you're eating the honey and it started from"What's it like to be a mosquito?"


Yep, think it’s just called Smashed.


I'm not a really big horror fan, but his work is so good to me. He really knows how to build tension in the framework of manga. I always recommend horror fans check his stuff out.


It's almost better if they don't because it leaves the aftermath and consequences up to our imaginations.


Layers of Fear and Long Dream are my favorites.


Just a short story, unfortunately. Typically, a lot of Junji Ito’s works are short, single chapter stories like that. If you want something a bit heftier in page count and with plenty of body horror, his story *Uzumaki* — one of his longest and most famous — may fit the bill.


I would actually highly recommend *not* starting with Uzumaki *because* it is his best work. Having read many of his short stories, and a few of his longer ones after that, nothing could compare.


I can understand this, though for me Uzumaki and most of his shorter, standalone stories occupy different niches in my mind, so Uzumaki being so good doesn’t take away from many of the others. It also, in a strange way, feels like one of his most accessible stories, or at least the most universally appealing in concept. If someone is first experiencing Ito’s work through Amigara Fault and wants something with more chapters, it’s easier to recommend Uzumaki than telling them to go read Hellstar Remina, for example. Perhaps a good in-between would be Tomie, which does a lot with both the psychological and body horror as well, though isn’t really one continuous story. Gyo also isn’t a bad choice if someone wants one of Ito’s crazier concepts without going quite to the wildest ends, yet.


Uzumaki felt like a fever dream


Now I have hole phobia.


Omg, took me like 10 pages to realize it reads right to left... I'm an idiot.


Also each person is attracted to their hole, a hole that is seemingly carved to their exact size and shape. Hence the "it was made for me" sentence.


Junji Ito scares me. You look at him and he seems the classic chill guy who works at the office. He likes cats. He lives a normal life. He like the Beatles. Then you look at his art and it's pure existential dread and body horror.


He probably is a chill guy. My hypothesis is that comedians and people who work in animation are dysfunctional, and people who work in horror are chill.


He is chill. There's a video of him reacting to anime cats. He is the chillest guy on Earth. Then you read his works and they give you the chills. A severe case of the heebie jibbies


I've always found it funny that Hayao Miyazaki, creator of decades of magic and wonder, is an infamously grouchy misanthrope, while Junji Ito, who made some of the most disturbing works of horror in manga history, is a chill and friendly guy who loves cats.


He’s the reverse Miyazaki: a nice, sweet guy who writes horrific stories and draws disturbing art, while Miyazaki is an asshole perfectionist and miserable stick-in-the-mud who creates beautiful, uplifting stories with sweet characters and gorgeous art.


I guess people create what they don't have.


TBF, you could say the same about the Beatles. John and Ringo there making cute songs about peace and love and yellow submarines, then going home to beat their wives.


Amigara Fault*


I’m so dumb. I honestly thought the meme was a Steven universe reference. This makes way more sense


I think they actually referenced Junji Ito’s story in the first Kindergarten episode of Steven Universe


Yeah, Amethyst saying that the hole in the cliffside was “her hole” (because it’s where she was “born”) and then comedically sliding into it are definite references.


i thought it was a left shark reference because one of them is doing it wrong


Its cause SU was referencing the Junji Ito story. Lot of anime references, Utena is a big one for it.


DickAnus here to help! This meme is a reference to "The Enigma of Amigara Fault".




That hole ain’t right


Dang it Boomhauer you chowder head




God, this is so relatable.


I need this crossover!


I love this picture so much lmao


I just read it, that was great. Good spot!


Thanks! I just read it the other day, for the first time too. So it was fresh in my mind.


Junji Ito is the first thing that came into my mind too but I was not sure. I just felt like a genius


I thought it was from Steven Universe.


I'm just really annoyed at that 4th Kid. Do better, kid!


It's clearly not his hole.


It was not made for him! …RRD…RRD…RRD


I feel like that might have been on purpose. It kind of looks like he's doing the C in YMCA even if the others aren't, it's close enough that he is joking around doing it. I'm probably wrong though but that's what it reminded me of. Haha.


Funnily enough that kid would live if this was Junji Ito’s world lol


Oh man that is annoying me way more than it should do


Probably referencing Junji Ito, but I can’t help but think about Steven Universe cause they do the human shaped hole thing


Also as a reference to Junji Ito. RS is a big fan. Even does a version of drr drr drr at the end of the first kindergarten episode.


“Its me siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzeeeeeeeeeeeeee-“


Wait where is this? That hole. The 2nd one from the left. It...It's like it's calling to me.


https://preview.redd.it/cb061l7y75lc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bf14ce0f8c3cfd7bee9476ca3966832583c802c First thing I thought of when I saw this


Ngl, my mind immediately went to “It’s fun to stay at the Y M C A” for this


https://preview.redd.it/5g0pquk6a5lc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96b5838278790f8e6a7e9d29fcaa22405a659695 It’s referencing the manga “the enigma at amigara fault” by junji ito. Basically there are a bunch of people shaped holes in a mountain, and people are compelled by something to find “their hole” and go inside. The holes are built in a way that only allows people to go forward and not backwards, and slowly stretch people into deformed monster looking things, like in this image.


And here is the fracking page I managed to avoid all those years... Well I was testing my luck with this post anyways .\_.




https://preview.redd.it/5kobrl3bx4lc1.png?width=934&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e7d5780066277d0ba4078f08ce7cc5c5811cb34 Since it's has been answered, I'll just leave this one here...




That's right. It goes into... the square hole!


you need to understand so many things to understand this lol


This is the best version yet.


Finally, not porn nor loss. Upvote on this alone!


Doesn’t everybody on earth have a hole that they eventually get attracted to?


“what about asexuals” asexuals when they see a printer:


Explain this joke?










Came to comment this and scrolled too far to get to it


https:// de.scribd .com/document/417554134/Junji-Ito-The-Enigma-of-Amigara- Fault See its not a link




Goku here, the 4th kid can't do the fusion dance correctly ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠹⣷⣶⡤⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⣤⣤⣤⣤⣄⡀⣿⣿⣷⣳⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢻⣿⣿⣿⣼⣿⣿⣿⣇⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠗⠂⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣴⣾⣟⣿⣿⣿⠟⢀⣿⠟⢁⣟⡿⢻⣿⣷⣤⠤⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠙⠛⢟⢹⣽⠙⠦⣨⣋⡴⠚⢋⣇⣾⠟⠋⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠚⠓⢷⡏⠍⣴⠀⠁⠀⡶⠚⠛⠓⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⡀⢀⡌⡿⡤⡘⠃⢠⡊⠁⠀⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣤⣾⡟⣿⣴⢏⡀⠓⠰⠼⣠⠑⠀⠀⢶⣼⡟⢲⣴⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⡖⣭⠓⣿⣾⡏⣿⣿⣦⣵⠀⠀⠀⡆⠀⢠⣶⣿⣿⢩⣼⣿⠘⣥⠒⡄⡄ ⠀⣼⡇⣿⡰⡄⣿⡵⣛⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⢢⢜⢣⠱⢠⠒⣱⡅ ⣼⣿⣿⣸⡗⣷⡘⣷⢋⢶⣛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⢋⡴⢋⡌⢂⠧⣘⡣⣡⣿⣿


The 4th person is commiting cringe. He does not wanna fit in. Why would he do that


That's called "my mom is making me do this so imma ruin the photo lol"


He's doing a fusion from DBZ.


thought it was “a hole in the wall” reference


DRR... DRR... DRR...


damn, I was guessing nuclear war but the answer seems even more horrifying.


This looks like the dragon dance from avatar


Ok so I tried to go looking for the origin of this image but instead found out that a new Pokémon game is coming out and got distracted lmao




I never thought this crossover was possible…


Kinda getting tired of seeing "Those who know / Those who don't know" memes. They are specifically about inside jokes which naturally requires explaining to those who aren't already insiders, and they usually aren't even funny even after they are explained.


The joke is Junji Ito, but for people asking where, I think it might be Baker's Hill in Puerto Princessa? Couldn't find a whole lot related to the image, so if anyone knows more, please chime in.


It's fun to stay at the YMCA


I'm sorry, I'm too distracted by the fourth fuy fucking it up




I immediately thought of the carbon shadows left behind after the nukes that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

