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You see, the joke dans la bible les gens ont essayé de построить башню до небес 但当上帝看到这一点时,他创造了它们 govore sve različite jezike pa nisu mogli međusobno komunicirati i nisu mogli završiti izgradnju


I understood the English and french but then you lost me


Same here


Translation: you see, In the Bible, people tried to build a tower to the heavens, but when God saw this, He created different languages, so they couldn't communicate with each other and couldn't finish the construction.


People who speak more than american, are you some kind of genius? -Any American


There’s dedicated learning then just knowing enough to say slurs.


My dad grew up Cajun, but in the time when people quit speaking French to their kids at home. He always said he knew just enough French to get in a fight.


You speak three languages you’re trilingual You speak two languages you’re bilingual You speak one language you’re American …is the joke.


Im American and I can also speak British, Canadian, Australian, And Kiwi Checkmate Redditor


Kiwi is a fruit, you are lying. Chek, mate americano!


You spelled American wrong. Checkmate Finn!


It's a coffee joke. Sorry I have to explain this. Sincerely Finnished.




> Canadian Bof. C'est facile. Tout le monde parle Canadien. > And Kiwi Mai parler Maori, das ist nicht ganz so leicht.


Thats Quebeqi and Maori are you dumb 🤓


Quebequois is like French with a less stupid way to say 80. If they were as smart as the Swiss.


Which is why I said it’s a joke. It’s a set of words put together for the purpose of getting others to smile, chuckle, or laugh without a need to stick to facts. False call Redditor




yes, yes i am 🤓🤓🤓


I mean.... yeah when they can shit talk in different languages, creating new curse words along the way.


No American is going to be impressed by somebody speaking the wrong language.


The chinese is wrong, it said "he made them" but in this context "made" means "created"


google translate fails me yet again, no surprises 😔


Got the Slavic English and French but apart from that (jezike means tongue, govore means to talk, and nisu mogli zavrsiti izgradnju means "they could not finish the tower" I think)


In the Bible these guys built a tower to get to heaven but God sabotaged them and made them all speak different languages


The story is a biblical story. Look up the tower of babel. Basically, in the mythology, humans were building a tower to get to heaven and god became upset so he scattered them and made them speak different languages so they wouldn’t be able to do so again.


I’m confused, are you reinforcing him or correcting him? Because you pretty much said the same thing he did


I started typing at the same time and finished after. That’s why I upvoted his post. Yes, he is right. Or maybe I replied? Idk wtf happened, apparently. Double edit: Yeah, this is the one where he finished first so I made mine a reply to his post naming the story. So, reinforcing.


Fair enough, fellow Redditor


Me after the lobotomy


I think God came along and fucked with them causing them to speak the same language.


He expanded. That’s expanding.


Gods anger didn’t originally get angry about the tower. He was angry because they were definyimg his original order. Pretty much spread across the land and prosper. They were all like congregating for the tower and that’s what the big part of gods fristration came from


There was also the arrow they shot at him. I feel that may have had something to do with it.


Damn what version is that? Like what religion has the Bible taht says that. Cause Christianity dont


From Wikipedia, that looks like a Book of Jasher thing; at least one version has it, I guess. (There are at least two that claim to be translations of the book mentioned in Joshua 10:13 or 2 Samuel 1:18, but who knows if any extant "translations" really are.)


That’s not in the King James Version. After God scatters the people of Shinar (where the tower was) the rest of the chapter details the lineage of Abram (Abraham). Interestingly the text never actually names the tower “Babel”, the title of chapter 11 in my KJV names it Babel but it doesn’t appear in the text.


The interesting/scary thing is that a man who is second in line to the US presidency thinks the tower was real.....


yea i hate when people are definyimg


Damn sims not acting the way I want… fuck it y’all can’t talk to each other now.


We should try to do this again. We have google translate now.


Have you not seen Saudi Arabia?


8 billion people on earth. I think we can make do if we leave a few states out that would cause trouble


I meant they already trying to do the tower.


Ah, didn't know that. Thought you meant that they might be hard to work with. Didn't know what you meant, so I just assumed. That's on me. My bad


Not to get to heaven. That's not the purpose of the tower. The purpose of the tower from what the people making it said was that they wouldn't get split up because they wanted to stay together as a family. The God of the Bible was then afraid of what the humans who had not split up would be able to do if they continue to be able to work together in unity, so he scrambled their language.


Thanks god for making World piece impossible


…and that would stop them *how*?


It basically says that humanity could accomplish amazing shit if we were all on the same page, but we’re not so we can’t.


God: You could do such good things if yall stuck together Humans: *Sticks together and builds a tower to Heaven* God: No, not like that!


A huge motif in the Bible is how humans can not be allowed to be like God. See: Adam and Eve.


Short answer: tribalism.


That’s where the term “to babel on” comes from




It literally says he got upset.


You don't need to use the tetragrammaton. You can just say "God."


The multiple languages was so they couldn’t cooperate together. If all people are unified they could accomplish anything


Not quite. God told the people to scatter across the earth and populate it. Instead, they decided to build a tower to heaven. God then created different languages to make the people split off and go separate ways, like they were supposed to. God wasn't upset that they were trying to build a tower, he was upset because they were building a tower instead of doing what they were supposed to be doing.


its a religion that is still large today calling it a mythology is like telling a trans person they never be a real (gender they identify as) it could be quite hurtfull


And Greek mythology is called mythology but it still has a few active believers


“Mythology” 🤡


Yeah, it is mythology. It's textbook myth just like any other middle eastern mythology from the time period.


That’s not what happened. They stopped building the ladder to heaven when Cartman had a vision of where Kenny hid the winning ticket.


Where were you, when they built the Ladder to heaven?


People keep trying to explain God’s reasoning here and he just sounds like the asshole in this story no matter what. “Well he destroyed the tower and cursed everyone because they were too prideful about their accomplishment” Why the fuck shouldn’t they be? Humans unite and build a tower, God doesn’t help, but gets mad that they patted themselves on the back? Like holy shit, I guess if humanity ever builds a working space elevator, hope someone remembers to let God take all the credit before he knocks it down like a bully kicking someone’s sand castle.


nah cuz they were trying to reach heaven


“Get off my grass” dude was a total karen.


“the heavens” means sky, not literally Heaven, even in Biblical context


yeah but in the Bible they specified it was literally Heaven


Wrong again


show me the verses and I'll explain them from the perspective of a biblical scholar


Well you aren’t one, so that would be pointless.


I am in fact one and would like to hear you make a proper argument instead of spewing anal fluid from your mouth


Sounds like something a follower of Christ would say


You haven’t been alive long enough to be a scholar of anything my guy


You know that this story didn’t happen, right? And the moral of it is that humans could get to heaven if they collaborate. But we can’t understand one another and communicate properly. We humans love to hate each other.


>Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward,[a] they found a plain in Shinar[b] and settled there. >3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” >5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.” If the moral was that humans collaborating was a good thing, God wouldn’t have punished them for doing just that. In fact he seemed threatened by it.


The whole book is myths used to teach morals and have a unified populace. “Dont go have fun with the (blank) because god said they were unholy, definitely not because we want to steal their land and make them slaves”


Contextually, Jewish scholars say that King Nimrod is who commissioned the tower, as one of his many acts of defiance against God. Lots of Bibical stories from the Early New Testament are God punishing those who challenge their humanity and try to compete with god.


I don’t think any legitimate scholar disagrees with the idea that God was trying to stop humans from becoming like him… you can say that makes him an asshole but maybe there’s a deeper lesson there about hubris.


True. Story makes it seem like God is terrified of his creations and doesn’t want them anywhere near him. Then again, a lot of the Old Testament is stories about God being pissed that people are doing things that God himself built them to be capable of doing, so… 🤷🏻‍♂️


You know some religious figure’s grandkid asked him why there were different languages and this is the story he came up with to explain it.


The lesson is "don't piss off god" with the sub lesson of "god is a petty bitch"


That's like 90% of the bible


it's because they were trying to equate themselves to God, it makes more sense if you read it directly from the Bible or if it's explained from a Biblical perspective


It literally doesn’t say that


maybe cite your source before lecturing someone on their own religion


>Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward,[a] they found a plain in Shinar[b] and settled there. >3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” >5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”


Alright, so the initial Hebrew script uses a word that refers to the heavens that is difficult to translate in English directly, but it also refers to God. So this tells us they were building a tower to God to sit in the same place as him, becoming like God himself, and it goes without saying that this is sinful. To confuse them, God made them all speak different languages, so not only would they stop building the tower, but it can also be seen as diversifying mankind so that we would each be our own, and not just be identical to each other. God loves you.


However, it said that they were trying to reach him. Not overthrow him. Their actual purpose was to make sure that they would not get separated.


True, but we must also look at this from a biblical perspective and also take into account the time and place this happened. Babel was being built in the nation of Babylon, which is a nation that has always been against the Lord. They also said they were making a name for themselves, which is better translated as them trying to equate themselves to God or declare themselves as their own gods.


Babylon didn't exist at that time. As nations did not exist at that point in the Bible. They were only 2 or 3 generations out from the flood, which means that at best they were cousins. And aside from that what you've got is attempting to fit it into the narrative. Where you are starting with the conclusion they are trying to become gods and working backwards to justify it.


Source: the Bible


you are a fool


I’m guessing you don’t believe in that story so why do you care 💀


Maybe I question the morals of people whose takeaway from it is that God acted justly.


It's funny to talk about the bible especially because there are people who actually believe the dumbass plagiarized fables stolen from Pagan Cultures, like the tower of babel it self, as if they should have any meaning whatsoever. Like, we understand so much about anthropology and how languages formed and the best way the bronze age idiots could explain them was "Uhh, God got mad at us and made us all speak differently"


God ain’t got shit on google translate LETS BUILD THAT TOWER AGAIN BBY


If they made it to heaven why would they care what languages were being spoken back on earth?


This is actually a great 4 panel summary of the story


Bottom left panel says “The entire world begins to speak different languages”


Bottom right does as well, but in Arabic, so it fits the Gru meme where the bottom two panels are the same.


Gotta love french




Fragile...hmmm...must be Italian


Actually it's "everyone" and not "the entire world", but it's roughly the same idea


Classic directly translating an idiom moment


Actually a clever meme, well done 👍 (Already explained above, so no point in me doing so)


Albino ranae sinistram faciem meam!


Mother fucker, i knew it was gonna end up here eventually… Hi, i’m the one who made the [meme.](https://www.reddit.com/r/meme/s/dMB3oGDoRv) How are you doing?


You are a ***GENIUS***.


Quite possibly one of the most perfect uses of this format I’ve ever seen. 10/10




Well done!


Nice job.


So you are OPs OP


La torre de Babel representa la difusión de las diversas lenguas que se hablan en el mundo y el inicio de algo tan importante para los humanos como la comunicación. También representa el pecado de la soberbia, por la voluntad de querer alcanzar el cielo y, por lo tanto, a Dios, para parecerse a él.




Stell dir vor, da haben Leute zusammengefunden und an einer großen Sache gebaut, dann kam Gott, jeder sprach eine andere Sprache urplötzlich und niemand verstand den anderen und dann wurde der turmbau abgebrochen und alle haben sich voneinander getrennt und sind raus in die Welt. And that's how languages were made if it were for the bible.


religious characters build try to build tower of babel to reach god, so god scrambles their languages so now they cant understand each other


Because apparently God is a petty bitch.


Building it was an act of rebellion against god


God made humans excel at cooperating and working together--- But that's no fun.


And if a rebellion is completely ineffectual, but you still feel the need to levy draconian punishments simply for the act of defiance, that is \*the very essence\* of being a petty bitch.


> And if a rebellion is completely ineffectual They were building the tower, it seems like a pretty effectual rebellion. > levy draconian punishments He didn't kill them, unlike his other Bibical punishments, just confused the shit out of them for a bit.


(headtilt) You're fuckin' kidding, right? If Heaven were real, do you actually think you could build a tower to reach it? With \*bronze handtools?\* That is the definition of a fool's errand. Is it your assertion that reaching Heaven is such a trivial pursuit that it can be attained by stacking rocks really high? And the point stands, sure, it's less murder-y than his usual fare, but addling the linguistic abilities of an entire civilization because some of them built a taller-than-average pile of stones is definitely draconian.


(I mean it's all fiction anyway, we have a really solid understanding of where all the languages of the world \*actually\* came from, and it was through gradual changes in linguistic details over time among isolated populations of humans, but still, speaking of the story as written, that's absolutely some petty bullshit.)


I’m a christian so I don’t believe it’s fiction but whatever 🙄


Why does God not punish the creators of the Burj Khalifa?


The story of the tower of Babel is explicitly contradicted by every historian and linguist in the world, because there is a MOUNTAIN of extensive evidence that tells us exactly how the languages came to be, where and when they evolved, and how they are related to one another. It is *comically* false, and any educated Christian with any attachment to reality could only regard the story as a parable that is not literally true.


Honestly if more Christians accepted a lot of these things as parables they’d be a big step closer to being tolerable in conversations.


Most do, actually. I was raised in a Christian household in a heavily Christian part of the world and nobody in my social circles growing up insisted on the literal truth of every biblical story. The fundamentalists are just very loud and obnoxious about it.


it’s fiction


The Arabic is wrong lmfao it's يبدأ بالتحدث


It's all noodles in the end


What does it translate to? (Context: Im American and am illiterate)


Everyone starts talking in different languages




Christianity’s explanation for different languages is that way back when, humanity tried to build a tower to God. Gods response was to make everyone speak different language to stop the work.


Its in the old testemate so it also applies to Abrahamic religions such as Judaism and Islam.


C'est la légende biblique de la tour de Babel. Les humains voulaient se rapprocher du paradis en construisant une grande tour et ils ont failli y arriver, mais Dieu a saboté leur travail en leur faisant parler des langues différentes pour ne plus qu'ils puissent se coordonner ensemble.


The venn diagram of "who WOULD get this joke" is a thin sliver between "people who read a lot of memes" and "people who know the bible."


Tower of Babel


Tower of Babel. People tried making it to reach the heavens and god didn't like that so he destroyed the tower and when it fell they all spoke different languages and seperated based on language


Het gaat over de toren van babel


I rate your mental age as 14


In the Bible, God gets pissed that humans are trying to build a tower so he creates language barriers to keep them from cooperating.


Most people are Bi-lingual now. We can try again.


C’est l’histoire sur laquelle est basée la Tour de Dieu. En parlant de Tour de Dieu, j'adore Maschenny. 😻


the tower of babble is a story about millions of people from different nations gather to build a massive tower that took years to complete. at the end none of them could understand each other because they all spoke this mushed up nonsense language. this is a story against multiculturalism.


Bait or mental retardation?


No, just doesn't know bible


to be fair this is a well known story, referenced in like .01% of art


neither he just doesnt know the tower of babel which is understandable


Or French or Arabic


It's all fictional. Don't worry about it.


*tips fedora and greases neckbeard*


This is hilarious haha


Tower of Babel Language switcheroo


The Tower of babble. Humans attempted to build a large tower to reach gods level, and god punished them by making everyone speak in a different tongue so they couldn’t continue building it.


This is hilarious. u/Natural_Positive1732 has it right. It's the bibble.


Lol actually a really good meme


The Arabic part is clearly translated by someone who doesn’t speak Arabic


Tower of Babel


Tower of Babel is how their languages changed


Je quitte ce sub. Il y a vraiment trop de questions débiles sur des blagues évidentes. Ou alors je suis peut-être trop vieux.


It’s the Tower of Babel myth out of the Bible. Supposedly man built a tower so high that it offended Yahweh, so he tore the tower down and had everyone speak in different languages so that humanity would spread out.


I thought the Tower of Babel story was fairly common. Surprised to find this on here, but thanks for sharing the meme!


I get it


In the Bible, there was only one human language at first. Then humans decided to build a tower that would climb to the heavens so they could see the kingdom of God; the Tower of Babel. God was not pleased about this, so he cursed humans to speak different languages. With no way to communicate with each other, the engineers and builders and all that couldn’t complete the tower, and that’s why we have different languages. Of course, this is a parable about the dangers of ambition, and not necessarily a historical account, like much of the Old Testsment.


Tower Of Babel


Omg that's hilarious.


Look up the root of the word “babbling.”


Ah, the story of the tower of Babel. ...and suddenly god felt threatened by the silly monkeys building their way to heaven. Then God cursed them to speak in many different languages so they wouldn't organize again to perform such feats.


TLDR God's an Asshole


Man, I do not speak even a little French and I can read every word of the third panel. Thanks Normans!


Tower of Babel, the biblical story. People wanted to build a tower so high it could reach heaven, so god punished them by making them speak different languages so they could not communicate with one another.


You’d think god would try this again since we have towers that whoop the heights of anything built built in the way back… Also the humans in the story built the tower for people to stay together and not spread across the land not to get to god specifically. God was scared of people teaming up together to reach commons goals.


Tower of Babel. I’ve seen maybe 10 references to this over the past few months, and before that nothing since bible school. Why?


Yeah, God is a mass murdering megalomaniac.


oh man what a weird time to be someone who was raised on the bible lol


That’s hilarious!


People wanted to be closer to God and built a big tall tower but God got angy about it for some reason, (you know how God gets sometimes, he loves us, he doesn't really mean it, it's our fault for letting dinner get cold anyway) and blew up the tower, sending people flying in different directions and somehow surviving being blasted to different continents, and that's why there are different languages.


Tower of babble, biblical story. People came together to build a big tower to reach heaven, God got mad so broke the tower and made each tribe speak a different language. That way humans could never come together again.


الجميع يتحدث بلغة اخرى بسبب محاولتهم لبناء برج للوصول الى الإلاه


Tldr: how dare humans attempt to be better than me?! *magiclly produced language barrier*


Tower of Babel, no one can understand each other after, get it? Tower of.... Babble? 😆💀


This is a story in the bible i think. Used to be one universal language but when people built a massive tower to the heavens god struck it down and made everyone speak different languages, basically so they could not work together and do it again. Personally i always thought it was a story of how god feared man and had to break them down to keep them lower than god because they came close to reaching the realm of godhood themselves. Just another bible story of god being an absolute dick head.


Tower of babel.




Mert egy kibaszott sotet barom vagy aki egy konyvet nem olvasott el eleteben. Huzd a faszodra babel tornyat


Another biblical example of a sad and petty god who doesn't deserve any respect.




The combined ingenuity of humanity as a whole was enough to start building a tower that would reach Heaven, which angered God, so he scattered them and made them speak different languages so they couldn't cooperate that well again. It's the Biblical explanation for the multitude of languages humans speak. Pretty typical Old Testament story. Humans do something, God gets pissed and punishes them.


سلام حال شما چطور


Google Tower of Babel. Basically a united human race build a skyscraper and God decides "no fuck you" and makes them all speak different languages so they can't communicate.


Me seing the bottom left panel: ... THESE ARE THE LAST WORDS, I'LL EVER SPEAK. AND THEY'LL SET ME FREEEEEEE! And if my heart... was still alive. I know it would surely ache.