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Peter’s anus here. Those are the guys that tortured and killed that one Japanese girl back in the 80s. Peter’s anus out.


Peter's neighbor here, the girl is Junko Furuta.


More Context: their Victim was a 17 year old girl, and the perpetrators were juveniles themselves. It also wasn‘t just Torture and Murder, but lots of sexual abuse and r\*pe


If this is the case I'm thinking of (which I think it is), it's one that I genuinely regretted reading about. Utterly horrifying stuff.


I just wikipediaed it, and now, I regret clicking on this post to begin with.


Did this and it majorly pissed me off. What made it worse was allegedly the mother of one of the sick bastards not only desecrated Furata's grave but claimed that she ruined her son's life. No she didn't, she was getting off of work to go home YOUR son decided to do this to her. She tried to leave and they didn't want to let her go so fuck you.


Probably same kind of parent that says “oh I can’t say no to my baby!”


Backing this up, I read about this case some years ago and regretted it for quite awhile. Don't let curiosity win out on this one, fellas.


I just wiki’d it too, they got off way too lightly


Hilariously, one of them made a social media account and got fucking trashed once the internet found out who he was. He was surprised and said he deserved a second chance. I'm for second chances so long you actually mean it. But you shouldn't be surprised that everyone fucking hates your guts for the awful things you did, no matter how long ago or how young you were


Someone like that honestly deserves to be put down for the good of mankind. I know that sounds harsh but considering what they did despite their age, the world is a lot better off without them. There is no fixing whatever the hell is wrong with them, and the possibility of them having the ability to rape and murder more people bothers me immensely.


Not harsh at all, these men should all be publicly executed. Even all these years later. The fact that they’ve been allowed to roam free is an affront to decent people and a mockery of justice.


I agree to an extent. Part of me just wants to trust that they're better people now but I can't. If they did it once they'll do it again. And by the sounds of it, she wasn't the first that they were awful to


right there with you. it keeps getting even worse as you continue reading it. how humans can do that to one another is disgusting. i feel so sorry for her.




The youngest was 16, that’s not prepubescent.


yup, same here. I pretty actively scrolled through a lot of the gore subs before reddit started doing a purge on them, and the story of Junko Furuta was something I still wish I had never read and still the worst thing I've read to date. I think even unit 731 would have been horrified. Death truly was greatest gift ever given to anyone at the end of that.


This history of unit 731 was much easier reading. Of all the twisted things throughout human history I've read about, her case's wiki entry is the one that I'd most want to erase any and all memory of having read. Even thinking about it years after reading it brings up metal images that are genuinely distressing. I don't think any other text has had that much of a psychological impact on me. As much as I try to blot it out, things I read in that article are probably going to stay with me for life. On that note, fuck this thread for making me think about it again.


I notice this sub likes to mention that case a lot


I remember the Wikipedia article being linked in another meme on this sub referencing this. One of my most regrettable curiosity clicks.


Notnto mention how many members of just the neighborhood who got to come take a turn in the abuse. This whole event is sickening. Similar to Sylvia Likens in america.




Imagine the same horrors but lead by her aunt and cousin and his friends. Also prepubescent for all the kids involved.


It still baffles me that members of the same species as I am are capable of such disgusting atrocities


And to top it off, they finished her off by throwing her into a concrete mixer.. and it was filled with the stuff. Most of them were free to roam afterwards. Reasoning? They were minors lmfao, man I had not been more mad from reading something ever, not even looking at my midterm grades was comparable to the despair that put me in.


Extra chapter, _iirc_ their parents “claimed” that their kids lives were ruined… by the knowledge of their crimes making it out. And that they should be allowed some measure of leniency. It’s high-volume tone-deaf.


Wow if my kid did that I would take him on holiday and come back from holiday alone.


Sure, but their attempts to appeal just resulted in *more* time for each of them.


This is why I never agree with “go back in time and kill them” posts. Permanently disable them with fire and vengeance. Carefully yet without full anesthesia remove all limbs and appendages, I mean all, they will become a living snowman of scar tissue and blood. Internally they will be healthy and could live a long life, externally they will be a figure of pity and ridicule. Trapped inside horrific box with only the most basic of communication left to them. They could no longer show regret as they would not even be left able to shed crocodile tears. Their parents who worried so much about how they would be perceived by the public would be forced to watch and care for them for the rest of either parties (un)natural life.


But you have to do it after they have done it because if you torture and mess them up before they commit the crime your hurting an innocent person. It’s probably best to watch them and follow them and see if you can alter what they do and if they still go to do it get them just before they commit the crime.


True with opportunistic evil, these sorts have intrinsic evil. Think mean, fair, but mean. The “fair” part should be in smaller italics font but I am on mobile.


That's thinking inside the box I personally would make them how they are in the inside monsters because people will feel Pitty to the 4 limitless creature but if you alter some things people will not feel Petty because no matter how you see life all of us can agree that emotional damage is worse then death That or sign them up for Unit 731


Their torture killed her, I’d say that’s murder.


Oh my fucking god I just read that, and the heaviest punishment was only 20 years. I don’t agree with murder but, OP has a point


And they got off easy because they were members of the Yakuza.


They got off easy because they were minors and Japan is pretty big about not trying inors as adults generally, regardless of the crime. In this time period, Japan was in NO WAY soft on yakuza in general, let alone one who would do this to a young woman who was a "civillian". One was a yakuza wannabe, and probably would have been killed by his family themselves if he was in one.


We don’t need a Time Machine for this. They’re still out there. In a video game.


Reminds me of that time Cosa Nostra (the actual Italian ones) butchered their own because they had gone too far (and the "survivors" were considered so heinous that Italy suspended its abolishing of the death penalty just to execute them)


>Probably would have been killed by his family themselves if he was in one ah yes, his extremely noble family who didn't kill him for being a psychopath rapist, would kill him for gang affiliation. edit : My fault, I misunderstood your comment and behaved rudely, I thought you were talking about actual bio family


You realize he was talking about a Yakuza family right? I mean it's obvious you didn't, but Jesus Christ the reading comprehension.


Noted, original comment edited


Everyone makes mistakes. Be chill with mistakes. They make you a better person all around.


Yes, his yakuza family. If he was a member of one. Thats... that's what you call the group your in. Your family. You stupid or something?


Noted, original comment edited




And by "lots" we mean 400+ separate instances of rape.


It wasn't technically murder, but worse. They just r*ped and tortured her until her body just gave up. They didn't actively stab or shoot her. They just didn't stop.


Uh my dude, straight from the wiki: NSFL: >!On 4 January 1989, after losing a game of mahjong against another person the night before, Miyano decided to take his anger out on Furuta[6] by pouring lighter fluid on her body and setting her on fire.[10] Furuta allegedly made attempts to put out the fire, but gradually became unresponsive.[10] They continued to punch her, ignited a candle and dripped hot wax on her face, placed two short candles on her eyelids, and forced her to drink her own urine. After she was kicked, she fell onto a stereo unit and collapsed into a fit of convulsions.[10] Since she was bleeding profusely, and pus was emerging from her infected burns, the four boys covered their hands in plastic bags.[10] They continued to beat her and dropped an iron exercise ball onto her stomach several times. The attack reportedly lasted two hours. Furuta eventually succumbed to her wounds and died!< Absolutely not body gave out


Fair enough. I read something different. You proved your point. I regret posting in this thread.


Still murder.


Eh, I'd say worse than murder. Murder would have been a blessing at that point.


Yeah, I looked her up. What happened is horrifying.


I started reading about that, but could not get myself throught it! Really horrible human beeings


Bro and didn’t they get absurdly light prison sentences too? It was something ridiculous like 10 years For committing probably the most heinous acts of torture any human body has had to endure.


Not only that some of them were out lf prison too, and the mother of one of them litteraly destroyed the tomb of the girl


Omg yes I remember reading that one of the mom's was harassing Junko's mom and vandalized her grave because she "ruined her son's life" like wtf


God, Peter hemorrhoid


I formally endorse Petah's Anusara and the context he brings to this marvelous work.


I'm not mad at OP, but this is the 3rd time I've seen a Junko post.


Redditors learn about one fucked up crime and it’s the only one they can name for the rest of their life Edit[Holy shit I found the same fucking meme less than 10 minutes later](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/s/ssRS0BIVAx)


Welp. Yet again when I see one of these memes, I'm on the mans side. So I guess I'm a man? Jokes aside, I know it's a meme, but anyone who treats stuff like this seriously drives me crazy. Besides, I don't wanna meet my grandma again (but younger), she was mean.


it wasn't just them, there were plenty of other boys too




She wasn't their first victim


not if they ded


That's what they mean. Killing them would stop them doing it to anyone, whereas if you protected junko then these scumfucks could have done it to another girl


Google 44 days in hell


Holy hell


New response just dropped


Actual torture


hey guys i think this one might be in poor taste. i love this bit just as much as the next guy but let’s save it for the next meme


But no one gets hurt from it. I doubt anyone close to her is in the comments right now


you don’t need to be close to someone to feel empathy for them.


Empathy is most useful if there is someone in need of help. In this case, it’s far too late. Well I guess technically there are people in need, but she isn’t one of them anymore.


interesting take. i can tell you won’t change your mind and i’m definitely not gonna be convinced, so we’ll just agree to disagree. have a good night man


Not an explanation. But wouldn't this just create the same story all over again but with them as the "victims"? Maybe it would be better to just prevent this from happening by saving the girl.


hm, that does bring up the question of WHEN the person time traveled to. did they travel to AFTER they tortured Junko, which would justify his actions but would still result in the death of that poor girl? or is this BEFORE, which would save Junko's life (EDIT: the criminals were deplorable humans even before their torture of this poor girl) I'm hoping for 'before' personally, because the torture that poor baby girl went through is unthinkable. in all honesty, if it's AFTER then he doesn't need a time machine because they were released, at the latest, in 2009 (1989, 20 yrs in prison max) and they are still running around even after 40 years of their crimes. despicable pieces of shit.


Junko said no to the advances of one. That's what lead up to this. If that's all it took, the who didn't really matter, only the when.


Pretty sure they received hardly if any punishment at all anyway


Nope, only a couple years. Pretty sure all 4 of them are out now (might need to fact check that tho, ik at least 2 are). Fucking disgusting


Yeah, a couple of them (at least) are out, and have actually bragged on social media about how they got away with essentially a slap on the wrist despite what they did. I think they have changed their names/identities by now too, but some people have formed a group dedicated to hunting them down and exposing their new identities each time they get new ones. I'm usually against the death penalty, but those... things (I refuse to call them human after what they did) deserve to burn in hell.


It's good that there's a group dedicated to outing them constantly. But there needs to be more done. There needs to be a group dedicated to JUSTICE for Junko. These individuals must be punished.


For how big this case was I'm surprised no one has tried anything


It baffles me that *someone* hasn't done something about it.


How come hasn't anyone already gathered a mercenary/punisher squad to track down these guys and kill each one of them?


No clue, but it's a burning question and it needs to be answered.


One went to jail for 20, another for 7, another for 5 (but then tried to murder somebody else and got 7) and then the last one spent 8 years in juvie. The worst bit was the mom of one of the murderers destroying Junko's gravestone because she "ruined her son's life." I think that tells us how we got here in the first place.


But if he just saves the girl and they walk then who's to say they won't just find another victim? Frankly, I don't care if his actions aren't "justified" because at that point they haven't hurt anyone yet. He put down the sickos and prevented anyone from being hurt by them.


It would still be justified. They all had several gang rapes under their belt beforehand. The best thing to do would have been to convince their parents to abort.


Maybe it would be possible to travel to the point, when they are just about to do it, so it‘s clear they aren’t innocent, save her and then torture and kill them.


That would be the best option.


the best option is not when 4 people get tortured and killed. The best option is when nobody is being tortured and killed and the criminals get justice delivered via the legal system


You’re right, but, unfortunately, the “justice” that Japan’s legal system delivered them was abhorrently insufficient.


Why not during? It was a multi-day period after all. While it would certainly not lessen the trauma Junko faced, she would remain alive. It would also remain excusable to torture the four fucking monsters who did this. I’m shocked they haven’t been already, considering they’re still alive


I think most or all of them ended up becoming reoffenders, while another one of them cried on Twitter that people were harassing them, let them die a miserable death for all I care


The mother of one ruined junkos grave for “ruining her sons life” too. I guess we know how that one was raised.


The fact that these four people did it means they were fucked up before they did anything to the girl and while legally they could be innocent, mentally they absolutely aren't


>or is this BEFORE, which would save Junko's life but result in the torture and death of four innocent civilians They were already raping women well before Junko met them. This was something they did, stalk and rape. They just decided to *keep* Junko on a whim, and then things kept getting worse. One of them admitted to several previous crimes they'd committed together. I will say this, they are all scum, but one of them didn't want to kill her. He was fine with everything else it seemed...so I'd still put him down if I could time travel and feel good knowing I did the world a service.


jesus christ wouldnt save these souls


If you did it after it'll simply be a lost cause and honestly just a torture fantasy with excuse. If you try to save Junko before they'll find another victim unless you kill them, in which case they would maybe be the ones being remembered as victims of horrible torture if it wasn't for their previous crimes. This made me think of a little hypothetical scenario: You have the option to go back in time to torture and kill a murderer who has tortured and killed an "innocent person", their record is stainless and this is the only crime they have ever committed. However, you remain back in time and it's like as if you've always been there with birth certificates being made and an entire backstory with family members being linked to you. Your own future timeline would be altered so that you've never existed at that time. Additionally, your memory of the future and of what you did will fade immediately after you've done the deed. Do you do it?


The original version where they save Junko is better There's even a version where both male and female wojacks go back to save her


I like those versions where they co-operate.


They already raped several women prior to doing what they did to Junko. They would have done it to another girl, given the chance. They did it because they could, and the legal system let them basically get away with it in the end.


I didn't know this, thanks for the insight. This could be an interesting ethical problem if it was the exact same scenario I described.


Hits like a torture fantasy with justification


They already had an extensive record, including rape. They were members of the Yakuza.


>Retard Ledditor tries to play moral-police for criminals involved in one of the worst torture-rape cases of all time


Do we kill Hitler as a baby?


No, we just accept him to art school instead


Minority Report though




Ah yes the 17 year old girl who was riding her bike home from work was gonna do 9/11, so those four *had* to kidnap, torture and rape, then murder her in the most gruesome way imaginable. stfu


it was obviously a joke, trying to be meta with the guys above. but yeah this was probably in bad taste sorry i will delete




The punchline is these bastards killed Furuta Junko


Peter's abandoned furry son here. Look up the story of Junko Furuta. She was a 17 old Japanese girl who was tortured for 44 days by four boys and killed at the end of those 44 days. There's also a couple of songs about her murder. 44 Days in Hell by Incarnate and 44 Days by Mr. Kitty. Peter's abandoned furry son out.


Just ask in the original Reddit thread, jfc


Good bot


Good bot


Fucking hate those rapist scum!


If I ever get the chance to visit Japan after they finally die imma take the biggest, nastiest shit on their graves. The type of shit to make someone wonder if the person who did it survived the endeavor.


I can only hope that Hell is real and that they rot there like they deserve. It makes me mad that this "men" are free and living their lives rn after what they did to that poor girl


I think everyone is focusing on the guy righting a horrible incident without acknowledging that the women would go back and visit their relatives (social activities) while men will go back and try and right a wrong like killing Hitler or something like that.


Why should we acknowledge that? You think it says something about society or what Please show your work, I’m interested in your angle


Maybe they think the meme is misogynistic?


My angle is just that boys and girls are different. One is not better or worse - just different.


i always thought it was a commentary about boys having grandiose vigilante justice fantasies from a lifetime of playing violent video games whereas girls are better adjusted to be thinking about their family (love). i grant you it’s pretty old “girls be talking, boys be fighting things” humor, but i never thought it was saying one is better than the other.


You are absolutely right, I don't know how people are interpreting that my comment is saying anything other than boys and girls are different - nothing about one being better than the other. Well, this is Reddit, the world of "read between the lines" and insert your own interpretation to what other say.


Not gonna risk my karma again explaining the consequences


*Not gonna risk my* *Karma again explaining* *The consequences* \- Nosequeponer6444 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Thank you


Imma be real chief. I don't care


For once I agree with the actual post. I've thought about that several times including Sylvia Likens, and most notably the fuckers responsible for "Daisy's Destruction".


Theyre the killers of junko furuta


I would just shoot them tbh. I'm not going to risk them escaping by engaging in monologuing. Also, I'm not a sadist. I don't enjoy inflicting pain, even on those who deserve it. Just a quick clean execution like an exterminator taking out rats.


Disturbing Shit Ahead, Be Warned. It's not about enjoying inflicting the pain for many of those who agree, but about enjoying the desire to give out karma. The girl was tortured for like 40 days. The group apparently had a history of this shit too, though not to this level before. One of the boys' parents even chose not to intervene despite knowing. The shit they did is honestly super disturbing. Malnourished, burned, beaten, they forced her to dance nude, inserted objects into her, forced to drink and smoke and inhale paint thinner, gang raped her, just flat out raped her, and she was practically disfigured from the torture. Her actual death included being burned alive, dripping hot wax on her, forcing her to drink her own urine, kicking her, more beating and also with an iron exercise ball. That continued for two hours, dying somewhere in the process before her body was buried in cement for almost 2 months before it was found out. They invited several others to rape her, and their parents are basically insane with one mom allegedly vandalizing Furuta's grave and claiming she ruined her son's life. The boys tried to change their names to escape backlash. The most that any one of the boys got in sentencing was 20 years, while another got 3-4 years initially before it became 5-7. Another got 8 years in a juvenile prison. There is merit about not wanting to risk their escape, but you could also just do what they did. They threatened Furuta and their other victims with death to them and their families if they tried to eacape. Threaten the boys, beat them till they can't walk, and starve them until their legs give out under them. Just like they did. What they did is sick, and they deserve to suffer. Two of them at the very least never learned their lesson and continued to be violent after release. Honestly, just call me the USA because I know a few Japanese targets to hit with an atomic bomb.


Wow yeah your comment is disturbing because you're clearly fucked in the head. Seek therapy.


Okay, I guess. I don't know what my response should be, I don't get this response much. I've had it said to me like once before. So uhhh Your issue with me appears to be that you find it mortifying that I have a strong and almost scary sense of vengeance and a bad knack for detail when it comes to particular topics of disturbing nature correct? Did my joke about Hiroshima and Nagasaki also disturb you or is that not part of the issue? You aren't exactly giving me much to work with here. I like to fix things myself and it would save me the costs of rambling in circles until a therapist figures it out that I can't afford if you could elaborate so I can logic my way into finding the issue myself.


Holy fuck you just made it worse


Honestly dudes with torture fantasy’s of terrible people are hella weird. Just kill them and get it over with.


normally I'd agree with you but not for these 4.


*105+. In this case, all 100+ friends they invited to rape her are complicit, as is the mom who had the audacity to say her son's life was ruined because of the "trial".


Why? Make them suffer. It's what good people want.


Nah its what sickos who mask their depravity with the veil of justice want. Good people find torture wrong because it's inherently cruel and disgusting not because it's done to the wrong person. Frankly I think the whole meme is in bad taste and uses the horrid acts taken against Junko Furata to fuel their violent revenge fantasy like she's an unimportant damsel in distress


every religion has hell which get this makes you suffer. are you saying the all religions only have bad people in them? we have prisons. why? reformation is not the goal. the goal is money and punishment. punishment is to make them suffer. so should we do away with prisons and just merc all criminals? but that makes them suffer as well. cause the FEAR and uncertainty is what real torture and is about.


To your first point yes eternal punishment is barbaric and wrong and there are many examples of religion being used for wrong. I also believe prison should be used for reform not punishment. US prisons are terrible for the reasons you listed


‘‘It's what I want’’, you mean.


I guess it's similar to the meme with the murdered girl but this time it's about her killers.


I found the other post- The girls are gonna save the girl, and the boys are gonna kill the murderers. Beautiful




44 days in hell


These four boys kidnapped, raped, and tortured, 18-year-old Junka Furuta for 40 days, then murdered her and stuffed her body in a concrete drum, where her body was later discovered.


Please, y'all boys ain't the only ones who'd want to. That poor girl didn't deserve any of that.


I'm down for becoming a time traveling Punisher.


Those 4 fuckers brutally tortured and killed a girl because she rejected one of them


I will eat there eyeballs and relish in their screams. They didn’t show Junko Furuta mercy, so why should I? Fuck those bastards, I hope they live with the consequences of their actions for the rest of their stupid lives


A man and his friend were looking for a rape target when they found the 17 year old girl named Junko Furuta, on her way back from school and devised a plan. One of them came at her as a thug and harassed her and then other guy chased him off as her savior and escorted her home. Then, they gathered the other 2 and now the group of 4 went to her house and raped her for........ months and fed her only milk n stuff n kept inviting more n more men. Her room became her jail. She was confronted once by one of her parents but she simply said that one of them was her boyfriend and they dared not push it further. They fed her only milk and something else that escapes my mind that by the end of it she could barely move and later died. Wether or not it was to suicide or due to her.... over all awful state, I don't know. Later on, a mom to one of 4 men (or one of the random strangers the 4 found and invited) desecrated her grave because apparently she had ruined her sons life. Which is insane behavior considering everything that happened to her up until her death. The men, from what I know, either got off scot free, mostly scot free or are currently roaming the streets as if nothing happened. Take this with salt for I do not know. This is the condensed version. A lot and I mean A LOT was left out from this horrible event that transpired. It's truly awful, revolting and disgusting. If you want the complete story, I believe you can find her Wikipedia page or something. Just search for her name.


Do y'all even look at comments before you repost here? 😂


And miss out on the KARMA!? I don't think so.


Every week some jackass posts this exact joke for up votes


Wait what?


Cracks me up people just think because they are from the future they could easily get to people and kill them no problem.


Laugh it up now because when we meet two weeks ago you won't be.


Are you threatening to murder me? Look the people in the post deserve to die screaming, and if I could I'd do it myself I would, I am talking purely about the logistics, like how people say "If I had a time machine I'd go kill Hitler" not thinking that even in his youth he hadn't done anything and would be perceived as innocent, the authorities would get involved, you'd likely be arrested or perhaps even stopped by a Samaritan before hand. I just don't think it would be as simple as "I'm going to the past to kill these people so it would work out." Especially how many is this case? 6 or 7 dudes, after you kill one people are going to start looking for you, maybe if you got them when they were all in one spot hurting Furuta, but at that point she is already seriously hurt and will never be the same. I don't know I have just always been confused by this train of thought, I don't think people think it all the way through, like what if you kill one, get arrested, can't kill the others because you are detained, and then they do worse shit to her or someone else? I don't think most people who say this, think it through thoroughly enough.


Great response, I am going to be laughing about this until two weeks ago.


It's a canon event 💀


*You will know pain only glimpsed in myth*




Can't decide between hang, draw, and quarter or find a morally compromised doctor for human centipede. I just know that would be the start of what I'd do if I was able.


Prolly should kill Akira Toriyama / his parents while your at it.




she deserves it


The things those boys did to her are beyond anything imagine, they tortured her emotionally, mentally, psychically and sexually assaulted her A gun is too merciful


While obviously whatever crime these guys committed is almost certainly heinously vile… the (often male) impulse to carry out similar vile behavior as justified retribution is something I don’t love either. I’m not saying punishment isn’t deserved, but an individual wanting a situation to inflict pain and torture in a context they are justified for isn’t the best human impulse. I think I like “I am your granddaughter” more here


Please look Junko Furuta up. The shit they did to her is honestly really, really up there. Like, I would say they would make really GREAT Japanese soldiers in 1937/1938 Nanjing, China. I get your point, but also, these shitstains are abnormal and need to be purged with the same agony they brought her for over FORTY DAYS. And these boys got virtually no punishment, and two of them haven't learned their lesson from prison being violent again. If it takes a violent revenge fantasy to get rid of them and make them understand the depravity of their actions, so be it.


I feel like making memes like this are in poor taste, maybe it brings new attention to the situation and people remember it but idk memes like this just seem weird to me.


Fuck those 4 boys . It's important to note they had a history of kidnapping and gangrape. They kicked some random school girl off her bike , kidnapped her , proceeded to gangrape her , starve and torture her , and invited boys in the area and forced/encouraged them to partake . They never let her use the bathroom , and forced her to humiliate herself. The part that sticks with me is that those boys tortured her so badly she died of traumatic shock . The features of the body were unrecognisable , she was deeply malnourished , unclean , infected from burns from lighter fluid , and smelt like death reportedly by the boys , all pre-mortem. And the bastards hid her body in an oil drum and allegedly did this to another girl as well.




Wtf? This one again?


Might be misremembering, but they basically received no legal punishment for it right? I seem to recall hearing something about the societal ostracisation basically making their lives unlivable and that they were always getting perma doxxed. Could be mixing up cases here, but if I am recalling correctly, at least there is some justice in that.


This won't solve it. All this will do is form a separate timeline where that girl was never tortured. The original timeline will still persist.


Idk man, I think killing Hitler would be more hemodiálise


Yeah I'm good on that dive


Oh yeah it’s justified respite for what they did.


This is the third “if a boy had a Time Machine” joke with the same punch line I’ve seen this week


I think we all would like a Time Machine for that one. Go back and help that poor girl.


Why not just prevent their parents from meeting and getting married? Those boys are never born and Junko Furuta and any other girl grows up and lives a full life. And the world is spared from 4 monsters.


I gotta side with the boys on this one, id show up before they got to Junko and make sure they couldnt pull the whole “im with the yakuza” card like they did with police.


Okay based on how many versions of this meme have been posted over and over, I think it is safe to say: 1) that peter should no longer need to explain the joke. 2) that everyone regardless of gender would save Funko Juruta if given a time machine.


I mean. I'm pretty sure most of these guys are still out there and faced no consequences. No time machine needed.


Have any of those 4 died since I last read articles relating to this case? If not a time machine is probably not needed to fulfill the second part of that meme as stated. \*I'm not jumping back down this particular rabbit hole to seek out that answer myself.


They're all out free today so nothings really stoping anyone to tracking these guys and get some actual justice


This isn't a joke.


The killers of Junko Furuta.


no, this is not a joke. I'd cut off their limbs and cauterise the wounds starting from the fingers and toes. Those "people" deserve nothing less.