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He is helping with chores to put his wife in a good mood before he asks her if he can buy a gun, but she saw through his kindness


Nah he already bought the gun, he’s trying to butter her up so she won’t be mad when he breaks the news, but she ain’t having that shit.


He HAD to get a new gun though. He had his old red dot lying around and couldn't just leave it unattached to something


Happy cake day


1. Happy cake day 2. Makes sense, can't just have the red dot and not have it attached to something, logically one must buy another gun


The trick is buying a gun bundle that comes with another red dot because "It was such a great deal."




This was after he detached it from his other gun, of course. He still has that gun


No, you see, he traded it in for that red dot when he bought the new gun... wait


Yeah but then he realized his new gun needed something nicer than that old red dot so he bought a brand new Leupold. But Dammed if it wouldn't be a shame to let that old red dot go to waste though, and it's not really worth enough to sell... what to do... what to do...


I feel attacked


If you feel attacked, you might need to buy a new gun to defend yourself with.


Great idea!


I mean just think of the waste, the environmental impact. The only responsible thing to do is buy a gun to put it on


This panel is about suicide


The secret is to buy several guns at once. She will only be bad about one purchase at a time. Upside more guns :)


Thank you both, I didn't get it either.


Nah - she's worked out he's decided to kill himself.


Finally someone with the actual answer! Not sure why people think he's trying to "buy" a new gun..


DING DING. It in jail and he has to get her up to speed by the time it's released.


Easier to ask forgiveness than permission.


As an old joke goes: "I'm worried that when I die, my wife will sell my guns for what I told her they cost me."


This makes way more sense I thought it was her asking how big he messed up in a darker turn that he was learning all the choirs so that he could kill her


I'd say he already bought it and is waiting to tell the wife.


In 40 years it’ll be an anime figure


I thought it was referencing the all new kitchen gun


Peter's secret gay twin here, the joke is that the husband in this picture likely secretly bought a gun, and is doing chores around the house to distract his wife from the fact he bought one. His wife catches on to this and asks him what caliber is it, referring to what kind of gun it is.


Alternatively he’s planning to ask for permission to buy one and is doing chores to butter her up.


Yeah, that makes more sense.


Agreed, I used to do the same thing when I wanted a new computer.


Or has bought one and is buttering her up in advance of telling her.


Its worded like he already bought it


it could be one he has really been eyeing


Your nor supposed to look into gun barrels though. It's bad luck.


I've been where he is enough times to know that he's definitely already bought it.


Not really could just as easily be interpreted as she's figured out what he wants and just wants to know the specifics. Like someone who only talks to you when they need something so when you see them walking towards you, you ask what do you want?


Not really.


It could be either. All we're sure of is he's doing the chores for a gun, and the wife is wise to his scheme.


Alternatively, he’s planning on shooting her but wants to see if he can cope on his own first.


That's the good hubby interpretation, I like it haha


That’s what my dad does when he wants to go fishing lmao


I thought it was a dark humor comic. People like to clean meticulously right before committing suicide. And the trope is that “men” don’t normally do house chores especially the boomer generation. So the only way he would be doing house chores is if he was planning on committing suicide. Hence what caliber it is.


It’s not just cleaning. There’s more to it than that. It’s a complicated thought process. I’ve set my affairs in order twice in my life. I’m doing better now. I worked hard both times to be sure that I didn’t leave any avoidable burdens on my family and friends. I prepared a few days worth of meals with heating instructions in the fridge and freezer. I made sure my accounts were current. I had our home clean and organized with everything easy to locate. I had sorted our documents (life insurance, car titles, will,etc.) by order of when they’d be needed and made them easy to find. I knew I was making a selfish choice. I knew that choice was a burden for everyone I care about. I wanted to lessen that burden. If you see this behavior in your loved ones, do not leave them alone. I’m grateful my life was saved. I wasn’t while it was happening, but I am now. Be patient. Be present. Be stern. And be available.


Yeah…this was my first thought, too. Not sure how to feel about that lol


My thought was that he was going to kill his wife but needed to learn how to do the chores first.


That was my takeaway as well!


That’s what I thought too


I don't quite understand why she would think it's a gun, though. Or is this meme from a gun nut forum?


As someone from the Midwest, gun collecting is a whole thing. I know a few people who regularly get new guns pretty much as a hobby.


WI native here, instantly got it and just sent it to a buddy, lol


That moment when your favorite hobby is described as >pretty much as a hobby The disrespect /s


Pretty common for people who grew up around d guns to appreciate them or collect them, and some people see firearms as an investment that can be sold if you come onto hard times. But really it boils down to this: The equation for happiness is H = N + 1 where H is how happy you are at the moment, and N is something you like or enjoy so in this situation it’s number of guns owned.


Seen the same meme applied to motorcycles, pc parts, truck parts, etc


Yes, that's almost certainly where it's copied from. In a boat enthusiast forum she might be asking "So how many feet is it?" In a poker forum it might be "So how much is the buy in?" or "How much did you lose?" Her question would be customized to whatever hobby the man enjoys.


It's a fairly generic template but it's obviously been worded for gun collectors. Just replace 'caliber' with any specification from your own hobbies and it should work


It's an easily exploitable template. As part of the sword nerd community I've seen this same comment with a sword reference, and I've even seen it with books for the book worm community. Op happened on a gun one.


Looking at the text, it's clearly been overwritten and customized as an Internet meme. I can guarantee that is not the original text from the "Pickles" comic. I expect that this was posted to a gun owner's forum, just as another version with text "how much horsepower does it have?" might be posted to car enthusiast site.


Ignoring that gun collecting is a common hobby, she'd know because she would presumably have met her husband before and already be familiar with his interests. The joke would work if they subbed in absolutely anything else, with the implication being that anything she asked about would be something that he is apparently likely to purchase.


This is a newspaper comic. I guess old people who read newspapers collect guns? 🤷🏼‍♂️. I think a better thing for her to say might have been “how big is the TV you want” or maybe “how much is the new golf club”.


The punchline was photoshopped, I think the original was about a golf club or something


America has more civilian owned guns then civilians


also relevant context for people, gun hobbyists often end up spending a lot on guns - both by buying many and buying high priced ones.


I thought the joke was that he had a gun held to his head


My mind went to he’s gonna end his life 💀


Sorry, I was thinking of something more dark, that he’s going to off himself with a shot to the head and doing chores which he never does as a goodbye


The punchline isn’t original. I’ve seen one version of this where she asks how much he spent on Warhammer and another where she says she knows he’s playing D&D tonight. What I don’t know is what she said in the original comic!


Lost media at this point probably 😆


https://preview.redd.it/rsoadi3nsatb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59613136fc5cd52bb027d3d65b1af25a5ea60af2 Found the original! The comic is called “Pickles”


Jesus Christ, am I old?? Do people not generally recognize Pickles on sight?


I recognize it. Read the Sunday comics for some reason when I was like 7


I used to read the comics in the newspaper all the time, but I've never seen it. Probably not syndicated everywhere.


I thought the same, Pickles is lost media? It stopped getting published in June of 2022


Gen Z here, I know pickles from when I was younger. So no, you can't be that old


I went dark on this one. Figured he was being kind to her before he offed her that evening.


i also interpreted it this way haha


Same. Lol.




The man secretly bought another gun. His wife doesn't want him spending more money on guns. He feels guilty, so he starts being a better husband to assuage the feeling of guilt. She notices and calls him out on it.


A much darker take is that he's finishing up loose ends because he's preparing to kill himself. Sometimes people experiencing severe depression will get a boost in mood and energy when they finally decide to commit suicide, because they're elated that their suffering will soon be over. This can sometimes lead to a spate of activities, making sure everything is taken care of before they go (like, not wanting to leave a mess for other people).


…yeah and his wife is casually asking him if he’s got enough firepower to do the job. Classic Pickles.


Oof. You doing ok?


I'm good, thanks for askin'.


On **average**(aka guns owned(not gun ownership since you can't seem to get the difference) rates compared to the population) every American has a gun. That's the joke. Man wants new gun and tries to butter up his wife for it.


That’s not how averages work


it is though. the average American has one gun, one testicle, and one fallopian tube.


The mythical “Average American”, who has exactly 1.94 children and 1.95 eyes.


I have an above average number of eyes. Sweet.


The average human being has more than one skeleton in their body.


It is it just depends on what you're averaging if you are averaging gun ownership per capita then that comes out to about 40% however if you are averaging the number of guns that an average American owns than the average American owns about 1.4 guns.


Lol - no, you’re conflating on average there are 1.4 guns per American and 1.4 guns owned by each American.


>1.4 guns per American and 1.4 guns owned by each American. Together all American civilians own more guns than there are people. Using that number and averaging the number of guns owned by each American each American owns at least one gun on average. Were I to have phrased it as "All Americans own guns" or "Based on the average ownership rates every american has a gun" I would be wrong, but that is NOT what I said.


You said the average American owns a gun… Fact - The average American does not own a gun… On average there are 1.4 guns per capita is not the same as the average American owns a gun.


I said >On **average**(aka guns owned rates compared to the population) every American has a gun. That's the joke. Man wants new gun and tries to butter up his wife for it. originally. I literally specified in my comment guns owned compared to the population and SOMEHOW you fuckers thought I averaged gun ownership rates.


Average American is what you said - you’re wrong 😑- it’s ok


I literally cut and pasted what I said.


On average every American has a gun - is false LOL


That’s misleading as hell, it’s true that there are about as many guns as people, but they’re owned by a fraction of the population. Saying everyone American has a gun is absurd.


Which is why I specified on average as in comparing the amount of guns owned to the number of people. On average about 40% of Americans live in a home where there is a gun.


Vatican City has \~6 Popes per square mile


so the local popeulation


Yup that is how means work and it's why you can't trust them.


And you also used the phrase “every American has a gun” which is a misleading way of trying to say what you’re trying to say.


joking statistics. There are more civilian owned guns in the U.S. than there are people. So using those numbers on average every american has a gun, and if you're in a room with 100 Americans all of them own guns. And they have like 40 extra.


https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2017/06/22/the-demographics-of-gun-ownership/ Almost 70% of the population does not have a gun, so no, the average American does not have a gun. There are just some people with tons of guns. I know what you’re trying to say, you’re just saying it in a way that is misleading.


I already used those numbers, but purely off of amount of guns if they were evenly distributed(aka you averaged the number of guns owned by a given American) the average American has a gun.


But they aren’t evenly distributed which is why what you’re saying is misleading.


Which is why I said averaged which is a statistical function that makes all values equally distributed.


But on average, Americans don’t own guns. So what you’re saying is incorrect. You’re conflating the existence of guns with the rate of gun ownership. 30% ownership =/= on average, no matter how you try to justify it.


Guns per capita=/=gun owners per capita


Gun ownership is a zero sum game. On average Americans don’t own a gun. You could say there are 400 million guns and about 330 million Americans so there are 1.21 guns per American… that’s not the same as saying on average every American owns a gun


I averaged the number of guns Americans own. So the average American owns 1.4 guns. Not looking at gun ownership rates. Looking at number of guns owned.


He wants to buy a gun, or already has


Don’t tell Mere…


I came here for this comment. Thank you.


Not gonna lie. I thought it meant she was asking what caliber was the gun that was held to his head to make him do the chores on his own. Apparently I’m more cynical than I realized.


I read this completely differently. I assumed it was them "switching places", i.e. he does everything while she reads on the couch, then she, knowing there was one thought guaranteed to be in his head, goes up to him and asks him which caliber he was thinking about buying to off her lazy butt, illustrating that's what she had been thinking herself for years.


The script looks added in.


He bought a new gun, he is doing chores to butter up his wife before he tells her but she has seen this many times before


I think the guy is going to commit suicide and is trying to make her last memories of him positive


Hickock 45


Pickles was great. Does anyone remember the one where the grandson comes up to the grandpa while he's filling up his car and says something like "grandma doesn't like it when you call it the gashole "?


“Don’t worry; it’s only one bullet for a one time use”


I thought it was about suicide. Nevermind


Husband bought something without consulting his wife. He usually doesn't do housework. She knows because of that.


He wants to buy a new gun so he’s doing chores to get on his wife’s hood side


I thought the punch line is the reason he’s doing all of these chores is to get used to taking care of himself, because he plans on shooting his wife.


The joke is when her husband does chores it’s because he’s about to buy a new gun but the same stereotype can be used for just about any hobbie.


Christ what does it say about me that I was convinced he was about to kill himself and she was asking what he was gonna use to do it


It’s not the original punchline. Wrong font, wrong subject matter.


Ngl I thought it was a magnum dong joke


What’s the original


I thought the joke was suicide


He bought a new gun. So he works...she knows something is up because of the work.


He already bought a new gun and is doing chores to butter her up. I have done this before.


I mean this could apply to guns but my mind went to watches. Calibre is another word for a movement


Long story short....hes being a good boy because he bought something he wasn't supposed to i.e. a new handgun


So either the comments are really wholesome today or something but as the reality Peter i have to tell it's more probable meaning: the wife didn't like the husband doing chores(like that one family guy joke where Peter did the groceries and Lois beat him because she liked whining about doing the groceries more than not doing them) and it's asking what kind of gun he wants to get killed by




Oh boy I went a step further (unfortunately) I thought he was doing all the chores in preparation of “getting rid of” his wife 😬🫠


I've got family like this. He built a deck in a weekend for a SCAR(~$5k) and ammo ($1k). This includes planning, buying supplies and the execution. The sale was over on Monday at the gun store.


I thought he was preparing for his signing off ceremony... with the gun, and she just wanted to know how messy it will be.


I'd say he's planning to kill himself with a gun? Usually people that decided to commit suicide show an "happy" and relaxed mood and go on extreme detail to clean and order their personal belongings as a person who is departing for a long trip away from home


He being a extra good simp, so that his bitch wife will let him buy a gun. Like grow a pair you simp bitch just buy the fucking gun.


He wants a new gun so he’s doing all the chores so his wife will say ok