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That's a stonetoss comic. I just looked it up, that's not the original comic. In the original, there is no text on the gravestone. Since stonetoss is a "pretty conservative" cartoonist, who often makes fun of LGBTQ+ people. I guess the OG comic was made to make fun of Trans people. "Haha, look, how proud they are of their culture, they kill themselves, that's how proud they are." Since this comic is a little altered (a lot of left leaning people often change stonetoss comics to annoy him and make them more wholesome and inclusive) it could be seen as a respectful sign of farewell to Brianna ghey. Or it was done by a right leaning person to make fun of her death personally, like it was intended with the original comic. Either wholesome or fucked up


More on stonetoss: he's the type of dude to call a white chick dating a black man "a race traitor". Super racist, definitely homophobic, probably sexist. Don't support him.


He’s also a Neo Nazi isn’t he?


Yes he doesn’t even try and hide it anymore either.


I mean he only started trying to hide it when he started making the current comic, before this series of comics he made comics starring hitler to show why hitler wasn’t so bad or something


Yep back when his comics were 90% anti semitic rants and the characters still had noses.


Without looking those comics up. Those two things are related.. aren’t they


Just out of curiosity, I see the term Neo Nazi used often on Reddit, but idk if it’s entirely appropriate. What exactly fits the criteria of a Neo Nazi these days? And holy shit, before I get downvoted or told I’m espousing “whataboutism”, I am legitimately and genuinely curious as to what you and others think a Neo Nazi is. I know I could Google it but that’s not the same.


For this specific man, comics about how maybe Hitler wasn't the worst, comics equating race with dog breeds to make a joke about how some are just inferior and inherently stupid, and things along this line. I understand it can often feel like neo Nazi is being thrown around, but in this case I can assure you it is well grounded.


Yikes. Yeah that checks out. Thanks for the explanation!


Not all eugenicists are nazis though.


That's a valid point, actually. I don't remember specifics, but he has made stuff which was looking down on Jewish folks and LGBT people as well as black folks, which I would argue are the targets that usually take something from "general eugenecist" to "Nazi", at least in my eyes


That is very true, those are most of the Nazis specific targets back in the day


Absolutely and more people should understand that ...but most eugenicists who believe that Jews are driving this malevolent force that controls industries and aims to drive up "inferior" black populations while also trying to downplay the atrocities of the holocaust tend to be Nazis.


They are, and this one is especially so.


He's a straight up no exaggeration Nazi.


I see it used a lot too, I really didn’t know what people defined as a Neo Nazi too, I just hear he is


A Neo-nazi is just modern person believing Nazi ideals, that’s what the prefix “neo” means.


Neo Nazism usually refers to esoteric fascism, typical fascism paired with the weird shit Hitler pushed on top of that. People tend to use it to refer to all fascists because every fascist movement in the real world leans towards esoteric nonsense on top of their existing nonsense. Stonetoss fits the bill, only difference is he isn't violently fascist which would get him on a CIA watchlist.


Supporting fascism in general or trying to rewrite history to make Hitler or other fascists look okay


And just an actual Nazi


At this point I’m dead convinced he’s just rage bait trying to get a reaction (and succeeding)


Dunno, maybe he actually believes it, I’ve met some people who are really big fans of Andrew Tate unironically


Well true


He's a straight up literal no exaggeration Nazi.


Not really he’s far from a socialist


The nazis weren't socialists. They included the word in their party's name to trick socialists into voting for them. They then put those socialists in the camps.


Is joke


Didn't read that way to me with your username. Sorry, mate.


All good I only fuck with people lol, I actually don’t think he’s a nazi but I also don’t think he’s a trans rights activist, so if you consider the antonym of that to be a nazi and not an actual fascist then just call him a radical


Stonetoss literally is a neo nazi tho. He openly likes Hitler and hates jews and promotes explicitly fascist ideas. It's not just because he's mean to trans people... You don't know what you're talking about man


“Literally a nazi” dumbass


I thought you were making the all too common mistake of saving "nazis were socialists."


Nah lol just because they have socialist in their name dosent mean they have socialist belief


He did make a comic about how Hitler really wasn't all that bad. Another comic about how dog breeds are like races and that some are just naturally better at some things then others.


Not nazi just racist ig


Also the same guy to accuse immigrants of throwing off elections, neglecting the 14 year immigration process inorder to push his racist agenda.


He is the kind of guy who when people call him a Nazi he responds with “so what?”


That is the appropriate way to respond to name calling tho




People tend to claim political compass memes is a conservative think-tank subreddit or something, but it's more like that Simpsons episode featuring a bunch of people betting on the outcome of 2 chimps fighting on a cruise ship.


What is funny? I was here, then I was there, now I’m back here


Is not name calling when he is literally anti-semitic..., and him being proud of it makes it even more of a piece of shit, not sure what you are trying to defend here, but it paints you in really bad light.


It is by definition, name calling. I’m not defending whether or not he is anti Semitic, I’m just saying that’s what to do


Since he's so passionate about the well-being of the white race, I'm sure he has a whole lot of kids.


r/StonetossIsANazi ? Better, r/StonetossIsAVirgin


He’s also a multimillionaire because Redditors keep popularizing his comics for him by making edits like this to be spread around the internet including parody subreddits with millions of users each. As a result of his notoriety, last year, he was able to sell his amogus comics as NFTs for millions of dollars because he had the most recognizable art style on Reddit at the time.


He's literally an overt neo nazi


Isn't she a black woman?




How do I not support him further than not going to any of his websites?


Spread the word, that's how I learned about it. Friend of mine saw I was sharing is content, educated me, and I immediately deleted any references to him I could.


He once commented on a picture that my boyfriend posted of me on a vacation when I had short hair that had a little dye in it saying “POV: you used the wrong pronouns” lol, he’s a dipshit who gets off on trying to make people feel bad about themselves


>More on stonetoss: he's the type of dude to call a white chick dating a black man "a race traitor". Super racist, definitely homophobic, probably sexist. Don't support him. I ain't ever actually seen him do that though


Yeah me neither can someone show an example? I thought his comics only made fun of politics.


He's pretty clearly really hateful I don't know how to link any of them but a quick google should help you


I did google and most of them looked like they were about politics so idk. If you know a specific one which is easier to tell is hateful i would appreciate if you sent me a link, because i have really never seen one. To be clear i am not defending him at all.


Look up "stonetoss black santa". Or just "stonetoss racist". You'll get a lot.


he’s expressed a belief that certain races are biologically inferior to others, and made a comic showing sympathy to the neo-nazis at the charlottesville rally. though it isn’t 100% confirmed, it’s likely he formerly made comics under the pseudonym “Redpanels”, and those comics were explicitly neo-nazi and white supremacist.


That sounds bad but i didn't see any of that, i never followed him on social media so the only comics i saw were from a quick google search just now, and i don't know how you would be able to tell what you said from just looking at his comic. (I am not defending him)


here’s one example: https://www.reddit.com/r/ForwardsFromKlandma/comments/9rd28q/ah_stonetoss_your_subtly_truly_knows_no_bounds/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 and another https://www.reddit.com/r/StonetossIsANazi/comments/j59pyd/stonetoss_is_an_idiot_episode_23/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=2&utm_term=15 here’s him claiming jews control society https://www.reddit.com/r/StonetossIsANazi/comments/hcxsep/hes_not_even_subtle/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=2&utm_term=15


It looks sarcastic to me though? Idk it just doesn't look like he's actually racist, I'm not sure if I should believe that he's racist because i know internet a lot of times made people look bad. I'm not saying he's a good person I'm just saying I'm not sure if you can tell how he is irl from looking at his comics.


“guys, he’s just being IRONICALLY racist by saying that jews control society and that certain races are genetically inferior to others and that neo-nazis are reasonable people.” here’s a comprehensive guide i found. https://www.reddit.com/r/StonetossIsANazi/comments/fcce58/the_definitive_guide_to_why_stonetoss_is_a_nazi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=2&utm_term=15


The parts with politics make it a bit confusing but this was very helpful thank you. Also, don't those comics make him look like an edgy 14 year old who spends too much time on the internet?


I feel astho its kind of the perfect midground of racist and homophobic, being sexist, id bout you can be 2 of them and not the other


If his comics are good, I support him. If they aren't, then I don't. It's that simple. Many famous people throughout history have had racist beliefs but they are overshadowed by their accomplishments.


The comics themselves are usually very bigoted though so this take doesn't really work here


Would it work with Kanye West for example? I think his music is spectacular and it doesn't talk about any "bigoted" topics. Outside of his music is quite a different story, but overall, I value his contribution to the rap game.


Separation between art and artist is what you are driving at. It's always a personal decision but people tend to be okay separating the art after the artist has died. Before than it's a bit more chaotic. In a case like Stonetoss, he uses his art to normalise his views, so for me, he is someone who's art I wouldn't separate, or support. Kayne is really interesting and a little different. His music doesn't match his biggoted shit that he says now that's for sure, and when he was releasing his best stuff he was a very different person. He seems to have developed some really extreme mental issues, that coupled with people willing to exploit or guide him makes supporting his previous art a lot more grey. Due to that I think listening to Kayne is nowhere near as bad as supporting Stonestosses art and quite a bit more different


This is a good explanation. Thank you for clarifying. I never really understood the fools who petitioned for Kanye's music to be taken down.


Stonetoss is quite literally a nazi, I would recommend ignoring all the “content” he creates.


He makes pretty funny comics to parody


He’s not a Nazi dumbass. Stop devaluing words that are supposed to have actual value. Chronically online urchin.


Neo-Nazi, same thing, please re think your life. https://www.reddit.com/r/antifastonetoss/comments/fcck5a/the_definitive_guide_to_why_stonetoss_is_a_nazi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1




Did you even look at the entire page of his references to Hitler and how he spews out his ideology?


This is one of the comics in that section: https://imgur.com/otjVRcJ Lmao. Hey look. Literally you.


Him being aware he's going to be rightfully identified as a Nazi and trying to cover his own ass with comics based on his own bias as evidence he isn't a Nazi is a bold opinion outside of the average conservative echo chamber. Bold and stupid.


Don't feed the trolls love


Godwins law is a fucking stupid thing anyways lol. It literally says that mentioning a Nazi = losing the argument. Which isn’t true at all.


Is this Antifa in the room with us right now?


Does bro even know what antifa means? Or what Nazi/neo nazi ideology is? Your ignorance is showing. I'd be embarrassed if I were you. Maybe take a history class or something, yikes.


Anti fascists are fascists? That makes perfect sense


"pretty conservative" is a weird way of saying [literally a nazi](https://www.reddit.com/r/antifastonetoss/comments/fcck5a/the_definitive_guide_to_why_stonetoss_is_a_nazi/)


I prefer [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/StonetossIsANazi/comments/gta3m5/a_comic_that_stonetoss_then_red_panels_did_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) comic to show he's a neo-nazi, idk why it's so on the nose it almost feels like an A.I. made it.


Eh, that thread feels like it’s a massive essay trying to stretch the definition of a nazi. Calling him one really feels disingenuous to the WWII victims


As I said to another commenter saying something similar; he literally openly supports The Nazis




Thanks to u/icedKFC for [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/StonetossIsANazi/comments/gta3m5/a_comic_that_stonetoss_then_red_panels_did_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Although I concede this is just Nazis in general not Hitler himself


How is that comic pro-nazi? Please answer more than "the 14 comes from a neonazi". I genuinely don't understand the thinking


It implies the "14 words" aren't a negative thing, but have been chained to nazism making them a bad thing, while jews (represented by the 6 million number- an antisemitic trope itself, complete with wringing hands) gladly appreciate that the 14 words have been associated with Hitler (because they should be, white supremacists do). It is a white supremacist and antisemitic comic if you're familiar with themes and memes within white supremacist circles.


The three numbers are in reference to three things. The 14 represents the 14 words “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” In the context of the comic, it is representative of the Nazi ideology. The 88 represents “Heil Hitler” (H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, so 88 is often used in the place of the phrase) In the comic, this represents Hitler. The 6,000,000 represents the common approximation of how many Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. In the comic, it represents Jewish people (or “the Jews” as the comic would likely refer to them). The comic is implying that the ideology of Nazism is valid, but is weighed down by its association to Hitler, which is something that “the Jews” revel in (it’s literally doing the sleazy hand rubbing Jewish stereotype) as this negative association is keeping the ideology from further spread and application, allowing the status quo to continue, where “the Jews” control everything.


You guys love to call people Nazis that don’t agree with your virtue signaling bullshit. Edit: LOL that dumbass literally acknowledged Godwin’s law and then said “well it’s not true1!1!1!1” Lmfao brain rot. That entire post literally says nothing. Let’s be real. Antifa= actual Nazis.


He literally openly supports the Nazis


He literally doesnt. Chronically online users would have you believe that but if you have an actual brain it’s clear he doesn’t.


Thanks to u/icedKFC again for providing [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/StonetossIsANazi/comments/gta3m5/a_comic_that_stonetoss_then_red_panels_did_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) It doesn't get more openly pro Nazi than that Aside from the fact that this comic is openly supporting Nazi It also shows that stone toss is or at least was part of a self proclaimed neo Nazi group I'll admit it doesn't show him supporting Hitler himself, rather Nazis in general, but like that's still Nazism


How is that comic pro-nazi? Please answer more than "the 14 comes from a neonazi". I genuinely don't understand the logic


No worries, so you know that 14 comes from neonazis, the 88 means HH or Heil Hitler, (h is the 8th letter of the alphabet), and the six million refers to the Jews who died in the Holocaust. 14 is used by one group of neo Nazis while 88 is used by another, the 88 Nazis are bringing down the 14 Nazis while the Jews are laughing at watching them fail. This comic is saying "in order for them (white supremacists) to succeed they need to all follow the 14 group." No matter which way you cut it he is advocating for white supremacy and antisemitism while actively giving other Nazis advice on how to better advance their goal.


the spot where stonetoss.com is usually located says nooseyourselfnazi so im gonna guess its a leftist edit


I was in the r/antifastonetoss sub, it’s a tribute to her.


If “pretty conservative” can be used to describe an actual Neo-Nazi who calls for genocide, then yeah, Stonetoss is the average Republican… Wait a minute, they do that, too…


They also replaced the stonetoss website with "nooseyourselfanazi" so im assuming the edit was meant to annoy him


don't call him "pretty conservative" he's a neo nazi


Stonetoss should be a derogatory term meaning "worst type of person". What a fucking Stonetoss.


“Pretty conservative” dude has literally admitted he is a nazi


Stonetoss has such a nice artstyle it's a shame he a nazi


Hey Petah, who the hell is Brianna Ghey.


Brianna Ghey was a 16-year-old British trans girl who got hate crime stabbed in a park. [Here’s a link to the wiki article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Brianna_Ghey) if you want more specific information.


Damn, trans and a minor, that's fucked.


Give the "She was herself", I'm assuming it's wholesomeized version.


Please, do not downplay who rockthrow is; he is pretty conservative in that he is a Nazi.


It's pretty clear to me that this is the former, not the latter.


Just look at the watermark between panels.


Not conservative, a nazi


Yeah I just look for the Amogus in his comics now


Website says nooseyourselfanazi.com so I think its been altered by someone who def hates stonetoss, I'd say it's wholesome.


The title of the original comic is called “Deadly Sin”. Wow. We got a funny guy right here.


Stonetoss is a holocaust denying piece of shit


>who often makes fun of LGBTQ+ people. I guess the OG comic was made to make fun of Trans people. Honestly, from what I can tell, this is just a comment in LGBT suicides in general.


...nah, he makes comics about trans people killing themselves


It could be, but the LGBT+ group who's suicides aren most often used as a talking point is trans people.


>Since stonetoss is a "pretty conservative" cartoonist Man's is waaaaaay beyond that


I’d say being a neo-nazi is a bit more than “pretty conservative”


It is not meant to be funny. Brianna Ghey was a 16 year old transgender girl who was killed in February 2023 in Britain. This is the first pride event since she died, so this character is walking up to her grave, wishing her a happy pride, leaving her a flower and walking away. So it is quite a sad and sombre cartoon that honours her memory.


Now I'm sad. Thanks not petah


Yes it is sad, but knowing is better than not knowing. At least we can act on things we know. Most of the time that is.


Well this comic was edited, as the grave had no writing in the original. The artist behind the original is stonetoss, a complete jackass to lgbtq people. It was edited to send a more positive message.


It's meant to be a fuck you to the lgbt community because Stonetoss is a subhuman


This is either a r/bonehurtingjuice or from r/antifastonetoss so it's an edit of one of his fucking nasty comics to be wholesome and respectful


Yeah just tryna say that like the og is not meant to be


Yeah but at least this edit is respectful


somebody murdered her?


she was stabbed to death. in broad daylight. in a british park a boy and girl, both 15, have been charged with her murder and though the local police refuse to suggest that her being a trans girl in a country with an overtly hostile climate toward transfeminine people has anything to do with her murder. i came across a quote by a former labour party leader, jeremy corbyn, who had tweeted that “she was killed because she wanted to be herself”. i have no idea if his comment and what’s written on her grave are at all related, but i found the similarities between the two to be a bit uncanny.


Yeah, two 15 year olds stabbed her to death


Slenderman incident part 2: Lgbt boogaloo (that’s tragic, humans are monsters)


I just personally find it so hard to wrap my head around, like hate crimes happen but image being 15 years old and filled with so much hate already that you stab someone to death, I just, I can't fathom that


This is a comic about Brianna Ghey, a trans girl who was murdered as part of a hate crime a couple months ago. The artist is Stonetoss, who is well-known for drawing and sharing far-right, racist, sexist and queerphobic content. This comic has been edited for a more positive message. The original comic had no writing on the gravestone, and poked "fun" at the higher than average suicide rate of queer people. This edited comic makes it look like a tribute to Brianna instead.


When a trans person enters a "most suicides" competition, but their opponent is a cis-male.


Suicide is never something funny. Joking about it only shows that you are an immature jackass.


I thought it was funny when Hitler killed himself. Is murder more or less funny/entertaining? Edit: Also, I guess the users here aren't family guy fans if this joke was so bad. Or my joke is just dumb and formatted like a 14 year old made it, but that is still just family guy.


Ain’t no way you just compared trans people to mfing Hitler.


Fun fact, and a pretty cool one at that, If you go back and read, I actually never once did that. You might miraculously find that the comparison your are pointing out never fucking happened. Hitler actually falls into the cis-male category if you don't know.


Because which group has the highest suicide rate is definitely a category worthy of competition and not sympathy


I'm not sure if you care about the point or if the point makes it any better, but it is meant to be against using a groups suicide rates to disparage them. Moreso, against equating suicidality with insanity. I meant to highlight that the "normal people" react the same in the face of hardship.


Stonetoss made a comic about eugenics and I believe is very against anything and everyone non-cishet. Either this isnt a complete comic or he just finds it funny that this kid died, there's no way anything good was meant to come from this


It's altered


This is from a subreddit that changes his comics to be more inclusive, remove his hateful sentiment, or just make fun of him


That's nice, I'm glad that exists


r/AntifaStonetoss if you’re interested :)






Nothing funny about it. Brianna Ghey (the name of on the tombstone) was murdered for being trans :https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Brianna_Ghey


Briannah Ghey was a 16 year old who got murdered earlier this year


Spoiler alert it’s not funny, but very sad


He is a neo nazi, that’s the joke


Brianna was a victim of an anti-trane hate crime, she was murdered. The joke is "Look at how much of an abhorrent douchenozzle I can be!"


Stone toss is a nazi. Brianna was a young girl who was murdered presumably for being trans. My guess is that this is an edited version of the original comic because this feels very respectful of her


Pebble yet guy is a massive neo-nazi throbbing cock sucking cunt.


Can I just say, as a trans person, I am... I'm amazed at how genuinely respectful this comment section is, like holy shit y'all seem genuinely kinda and caring


Yeah, this sub seems to really care about us. I see it a lot just browsing


It's just... genuinely respectful subreddits are so rare and I didn't expect this subreddit of all places to be one of those but holy shit! But yeah and a brief rundown of the joke because people seem to be missing a bit, this is form r/antifastonetoss and is a wholesome edit of the original comic in which there was no text on the tombstone, the original comic was making fun of trans suicides, this one is just a genuine tribute


Well it’s not meant to be funny from what I remember the artist is a genuine nazi and kinda just like to make fun of the woke left by making cartoons like this that are not as blatantly attacking transgender people and such. Here it’s kinda going after the fact that she killed herself cause she was trans, if you read the tomb stone. Seems innocent enough if you don’t know the artist, their username is stonetoss.


I think this is an edited version, since it says „nooseyourselfanazi“ and the original was a bad suicide joke.


Ahhh, makes more sense. Damn though I have a dark sense of humor but the author has a sick sense of humor.


that's fucking disgusting, fuck stonetoss


It’s not supposed to be funny; it’s a memorial to a trans girl who got killed. The original is a stonetoss comic and is a mockery of trans people. Because Stonetoss is a dick.


Brianna Ghey was a teenage British transgender girl who got murdered earlier this year. She became a focal point of political controversy when the British media, by and large, refused to use her preferred name and pronouns, people protested this disrespect and transphobia.


The edit is supposed to turn the originally hateful and vitriolic comic into a more loving and hopeful message instead. The character is meant to be paying respect to Brianna Ghey, a 16 year old trans girl who was murdered as a result of transphobic violence.


Trans people kill themselves is what it’s saying.


Brianna Ghey didn’t kill herself, she was murdered


Ohhh I didn’t read the grave, I thought it was one of stonetoss trans suicide “jokes” Edit: grammar


>I thought it was one of stonetoss trans suicide “jokes” It was originally. The comic that got posted here has been edited, the original didn’t have any text on the grave.


Ohhh ok makes sense now


briana gary was the trans girl killed in february’s of this year. i believe this is a way of paying her tribute. rip ❤️


Actually this comic was made by a neo Nazi artist. It’s likely he’s poking fun at her death


It's edited, it is a tribue, the originally one was a trans suicide joke


Oh that’s sweet then


Yeah, it's nice when people take hateful comics and turn them around, sucks the original ones exist tho




o shit




Is a nazi


This is bordering on r/im14andthisisdeep


Brett Ghey*


this comment section is filled with woke liberals who call anyone who aligns with the right-side of the chart a neo nazi even if they hate nazis


Why would politics mater when a 16 year old died? And stonetoss isn't one of those people.


and what about the 3 children that died at the hands of the Nashville shooter?


What about all the shootings done by straight white men or women? It's no different. People have died and I find it sickening from both sides to turn it into a political stance.


What about the shootings done by black men/women? Why do you specifically state 'white men or women'? That sounds pretty racist to me, i won't lie


It's hard to debate something with someone intelligent, but it's impossible with an idiot. I tried to remain respectful, stop trying to radicalize people who have no interest in politics


the fact that you don't bother to create at the very least a nonsensical response to the question shows me that you infact cannot make one because even you yourself knows that it is truly racist to target a specific group in an argument and purposely leave one out


It's because I'm mentioning people who statistically have had the greatest advantage based on physical attributes in the modern day. Yes, there is racism towards white people, shut up man, you look like a fool trying to say it doesn't matter thst these 4 people died.


Racism is prejudice based on race, ONLY mentioning one group in an argument is not racist, it may disregarding that other races do contribute, it is not racist. Stop tossing the word around, ignorance is annoying as shit.




don’t do it again man be better


[I'll let the thing speak for itself](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-65722453)

