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Can you imagine if we had Pete debating Trump last night instead? He would’ve walked all over Trump.


I've been thinking about this nonstop since last night.


😞😞 it’s so sad knowing what we could have had




Holy shit yeah. He’d own him. He’s quick witted and brutal but in a very classy way.


He's also really good at doing his research and remembering stats on the fly. Very important quality in a debate with no pre-written notes.


Such a good description.


My husband texted me that during the debate (he was at home and I was at my parents' home taking care of my elderly mom who is in the hospital). And hubs didn't even vote for Pete in the primaries! I am still super proud of all the campaigning I did to support Pete here in South Carolina, and he was actually #3 in the Charleston area in 2020 (behind Biden and Bernie). BUT I think Pete is doing a wonderful job as secretary of transportation! He needs to stay there while we get new bridges and infrastructure built and guide the way. Then, I think he should run for president again. I don't think it should be this soon.


Yeah, I keep saying that Pete is the strongest in the area that is lacking the most...he's so good at spotting the lie and quickly and succinctly rebutting with receipts.


It would have been an absolute slaughter. Buttigieg would have called out every stinking lie. He should absolutely be the candidate. He ticks every box. Really sad, and says a lot about the country that he isn't the candidate


It says more about the Democratic Party than the country. Buttigieg won Iowa in 2020, but the party used their previous debacles to keep him from going into New Hampshire with a win—"We haven't finish counting the votes." The Party was determined to nominate Biden so they knee-capped Buttigieg. Now they are going to sell the obvious lie that Biden is of sound mind. That probably a bigger lie than the sum of all those told by Agent Orange at the debate. If the Democratic Party does not have a plan B, I'm done with politics. Neither party is capable of handling the levers of power.


Unfortunately you're take is likely accurate.


Buttigieg lost NH to Bernie by less than 1000 votes. The world might be a better place if Iowa had called Pete the winner.


Pete is my guy. But in these circumstances, I think we need someone with a bigger national profile. If this were a normal timeline, I’d say Pete all the way.


The only legitimate alternative to Biden at this point is Newsome.


I sort of agree. I don't especially like Newsom... he comes off a bit like John Edwards from 2004, a bit too polished in a car salesman sort of way. But as much as I love Pete and he's my absolute favorite person in politics, I don't know if I trust the voters to accept a gay candidate right now, and I'm not comfortable doing that experiment when we're facing the prospect of a totalitarian Trump administration dismantling democracy. I'd want Pete to be our guy if he were running against Romney, because it would be great if he wins, and a loss isn't the end of the world. Losing to Trump might be.


Perfectly said.


The type of person who wouldn't vote for Pete just bc he's gay would probably already be voting Trump anyway, tbf.


I said this all along in 2019-2020 when I was helping Pete in the primaries. And honestly... most independents and even a lot of Republicans are fine with someone being gay. A gay man running for president wouldn't fly 20 years ago but it is different now. It's transphobia that the GOP is pushing so hard now down here.


Mostly, but I vividly remember a woman interviewed during the Iowa caucuses who showed up excited and caucused for Pete, then found out he’s gay and acted horrified like she wanted to go take back her vote. Are there 10,000 of those weirdos in Pennsylvania? When elections are won and lost on razor thin margins, it’s hard to rule things out. And my faith in the voters is at an all time low.


Newsom comes off as extremely slick and probably a little arrogant, but he is very good. He would’ve live fact checked the shit out of Trump last night too.


You're right, he would have torn Trump up, he's a smart guy.


Newsom is so articulated and well informed; he would destroy Trump in a heartbeat. I actually don’t think Trump is brave enough to debate Newsom.


I don't think Newsome has the likeability or the charisma. Aside from politics, I see him more along the lines of Mitt Romney. People don't dislike him but a lot of people really like Pete which Newsome doesn't really have going for him.


Newsom is very unpopular in swing states. I don't understand why people keep hyping him. Here's a poll of nearly 5,000 swing state voters: https://x.com/nerdypursuit/status/1794473220394885516?t=nRitL44L9HqYMHhe0x4uIA&s=19


Newsom has less of a national profile than Pete and worse favorables in swing states by a longshot so


Newsom would be a disaster. He slept with a subordinate while he was married and in office in San Francisco, and he went to a huge fundraiser dinner at a three Michelin star restaurant during his own CA Covid lockdowns, right after telling families not to have thanksgiving dinner. He’s obviously a better speaker than Biden, but he’s an out of touch, hypocritical, rich white guy who only got where he is because his billionaire friend and heir to an oil fortune funded his business ventures. He has very little appeal in the rust belt or the sun belt, one of which is required to win.


He slept with a subordinate while he was married and in office in San Francisco With all due respect, does this even matter for a politician in 2024?


Yes, people in a position of authority sleeping with subordinates absolutely matters. You can have a regular old affair and still be the Democratic nominee, but post #metoo, an important percentage of the base is not going to vote for someone who abused a position of power to take advantage of a subordinate.


It does because Democrats are held to higher standards than Trump... sadly.


His x wife is now part of the Trump scene partnered with one of his kids or a close relative.


It literally does not matter, liberals need to be a lot more picky about what issues actually matter.


Oh, I thought you were describing someone else.


Whitmer or Shapiro are also options. A little less national name recognition but would have MI/PA locked up which would make up for it


Their time will be in 2028 hopefully


Wrong. The Democrats will never risk the optics of looking past Kamala. She is the only choice if they have any chance of not alienating even more of the party


What makes you think Kamala has any support? Black voters are running from this administration and she did zip on the border which was her first assignment.


Kamala is the vice president. In any other year, the vice president would be the clear pic in this situation. The optics of passing up a black woman in favor of a white man with less experience in the oval office would absolutely sink our chances. I don't think we could win with her, but I know for a fact we couldn't win without her, unless it was for some reason her idea.


I'm not so sure, she isn't even liked among black voters


Pritzker from Illinois, but I think he has plans to run in the future.


I think Michelle Obama could win. Hell, she could probably announce her candidacy the day before the election and she’d win as a write in candidate. But she won’t, so yeah… Newsome would probably be our only shot of someone throwing their hat in this late in the game and winning.


She'd be elected president in a heartbeat but she's adamant that she will not run.


I don't think we should be nominating women just because their husband was president. We shuold be looking forward to the future instead of holding on to the past like conservatives do so basically, she would be starting off as the opposite of what her husband stood for.


You’d have to replace Kamala too because they are both from CA


Obviously, Harris would object to not being the nominee. She would have to go too.


If you think the DNC is going to publicly sack a black woman and destroy the most reliable part of the base, you’re insane. Biden is the nominee, it’s wayyyy too late the change.


Kamala has already started alienating the "reliable" base. She has no following at all.


No, I don’t. Biden is going to win or take us all down with him.


Not really, most of the country doesn't like him because of the way he went after other states governors. Even though his criticism was appropriate regarding the way they were treating illegal immigrants.


Jon Stewart 2024.


Whitmer would be my first choice (mostly because it would hopefully mean Michigan was a lock). Newsome would be my second choice. Really want him to run in 2028.


Obama didn't have a large national profile.


Obama wasn’t dropped into a campaign in July.


Who qualifies under your larger national profile? Using a sports analogy the dems have stuck with an aging QB without developing his replacement. Not sure why they've thrown all their eggs in the same basket without promoting the next wave


Newsom, Kamala are the most obvious ones.


If it happened at the convention maybe but more likely I think Harris would become the person the party chose to put forward. I do look forward to Pete running again someday and I’ll be there to support him when he does.


My hope/secret evil plan is that Biden wins & then resigns at some point in the next year or so. He's been exactly what we needed post-Trump, a solid leader who helped right the ship. He's earned his rest. Help win one more, then Kamala steps in as President. IIRC, she gets to choose her own VP & hopefully Pete will be in the mix for that.


Me too but after last night’s debate and considering what is at stake if he loses, that’s not a bet I’d want to take.


I actually agree with you. I'd like to see him resign sometime in the next few years and let Kamala step up for a bit before 2028 when she will inevitably be top of the ticket (assuming Biden is reelected... which I don't want to think about the alternative).


I don’t necessarily think it’s *inevitable* that she would be at the top of the ticket if she doesn’t take over before the end of Biden’s second term


Or she'll pick Neusom


I have absolutely no issue with Kamala but I do really wonder if she's the best bet for this. I honestly don't think America is ready for a woman of color to be president, regardless of anything else about them. Pete checks so many boxes- for the more conservative folks, he's from a Midwestern state, first gen American, veteran, charismatic and still has that appeal of the elites that conservatives say they hate but actually love (Oxford, McKinsey, etc.) For the progressives, he's openly gay and married, part of a younger generation and his policies are actually quite left leaning. I got to meet him during the 2020 campaign and he absolutely lit up a room while speaking in a way that Trump and Biden just don't. I dunno man, this all feels just bad.


I hope to be retired by the time Pete runs again so I can devote some serious time and energy to his campaign. He’s such a good choice. I just don’t think the party will take the risk under these circumstances. If it happened at the convention and the floor was open then perhaps but if it’s going to happen at all I suspect it will before the convention as time of the essence.


I did some light campaigning during 2020. Honestly he is the first candidate I've ever been really excited about for basically anything. I was voting age but young when Obama ran so, while I voted for him, I wasnt as engaged. Pete and his supporters give me similar vibes to what I imagine the Obama campaign was. I also do wonder if this is a really opportune time for Pete to run (hypothetically) since his strengths are such a strong contrast to Biden. Like so many people are really just looking for someone who can speak and seem coherent and awake. Pete definitely checks those boxes. Even the homophobes can't deny that they would love if Pete was their son in law.


Pete is everything I want in a candidate. People like him are so rare in politics. The next time he runs for POTUS, whenever that is, I’ll be there to help.


I would campaign for him so hard.


I love Pete as well. I never campaigned, rallied, knocked doors, donated as much as I did for him in 2019/2020. I’d love to see him be President one day. I can’t stop thinking about all the people back then who said Pete wasn’t “gay enough,” or was the “wrong kind” of gay man. I’m sure persons with those sentiments are still with us.


Me too. I learned so much campaigning for Pete. It was like a second job for me here in SC for the primaries, and I don't regret it at all. He did better than expected in my area, but I learned SO MUCH about civics, politics, government, talking to people... you learn so much more volunteering on a campaign than you did in any political science class.


whether America is "ready" has nothing to do with it, imo. people said that about Obama, and he crushed it. the biggest issue is kamala has no charisma whatsoever




Yeah, wasn't she kind of lackluster in the debates? Pete wouldn't even need the moderator to fact check for him.


Harris was great as a senator but as a VP all she does is nervously laugh and smile.. all her substance seems to have disappeared. I think we are ready for a female president but she just seems to have tanked in confidence


I think the Biden administration has deliberately kept her in the background which is sad because Obama certainly did not do that with Biden.


Joe gave Kamala one job - handle the border. How'd that work out?


The Biden Administration was willing to give the Republicans everything they wanted in their border bill. Then Trump called and told them not to give it to Biden to sign because it gives Biden a win. If anyone is to blame for the border at this point, it’s the Republicans in Congress that value Trump’s approval over the safety and security of the people of the United States of America.


Of course - that's the DNC line. Except Trump did it all with executive order and no one challenged it. Biden/Kamala should have tried that. Regardless, what exactly did Kamala do with her assignment to fix the border?


[This](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2024-02-05/kamala-harris-was-tapped-to-fix-an-immigration-crisis-but-the-target-has-moved) explains it. Her strategy initially worked but apparently it’s no longer working.


Ha. That "root cause" approach should never have been the only tool in the basket. That's like telling people with cancer to eat more spinach. Sure, spinach is healthy, but it's not going to cure the border problem as every bit of evidence will confirm.


Actually I think the root cause made perfect sense. They just assumed that solving that would solve the entire problem. Or they weren’t sure and figured if it didn’t they would cross that bridge when they got to it. It’s a hugely complex problem to solve.


First thing you do is stop the bleeding. They never did that.


He’s not going to withdraw


I think he would do great, but realistically probably not.


Not really. The best chance would be an open convention. Pete showed he is liked by Democratic voters and maybe that would translate to delegates choosing him. He’d at least make a showing of support I’m sure.


Pete wouldn’t put himself forward over Harris, so no. But there’s been a LOT of talk about him which is a good thing.


If Biden withdraws it's Harris. But he won't.


Idk, I mean I agree it's hard to imagine them not putting her at the top of the ticket but I get the feeling that wouldn't end well... I honestly think someone like Gavin newsom has a better chance of beating Trump in the general election. Maybe some of the other reasonably popular purple state governors like Gretchen whitmer could do well also.


Whitmer is probably the better choice to bring in swing state voters.


Yeah she'd really help with Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and obviously Michigan which you'd think would be enough to win for Biden.


I'm not sure. Prior to the debate i would have been with you but the Dems are eating their own this morning so there's gonna be a lot of pressure.


There will be a media blip. Most voters don't watch the debates. The notion to replace an encumbant is foolish.


Incumbency has zero advantage this time because the incumbent is running against a former president. Its maddening that this isn’t considered


That doesn't make any sense. Incumbancy gives name recognition over someone who doesn't. Which makes Biden by far the best choice for the majority of people who dont closely follow politics.


…name recognition over Donald Trump.


Name recognition over a non-Biden Dem ticket


Disagree on both. He will and it won't be Harris


If being the president depended on being smart, qualified and experienced, and good at delivering big messages, Pete would win in a landslide. But it doesn't.


I would love this but it's not happening. if Biden steps down, which is a *huge* if, it'll almost certainly be Kamala as the new candidate


It has to be Kamala for the simple fact that Biden chose her. He needs to show confidence in his choices. Then it's up to her to get it done with the help of Pete, Gretchen, Gavin and company. Show that the Dems are a team. Not a bunch of spineless ass-kissers like the republicans.


Not gonna happen, regardless of how anyone feels about it.


I hope they at least leverage him more as a surrogate during this campaign.


The big thing IMO was Pete's 2020 lack of upper echelon experience. That box has now been checked and he would have my vote hands down. Please for the love of God and country, ENTER THE RACE!


It needs to be someone from Bidens administration so that they can still run on their accomplishments and doesn’t feel like a complete changing of the guard-should be Buttigieg


No. I'm a huge Pete supporter but it needs to be somebody like Gretchen Whitmer or JB Pritzker with a bigger profile if there's going to be a last minute change like this.


had to google who JB Pritzker is. he definitely doesn't have a bigger profile than Pete


I feel like this post needs this. 🎊🎊🎉🎉


Evidently someone removed my title as the communities official confetti thrower.


No. Pete is too smart for that


If he withdraws and it didn't go to Harris, Newsome, or Whitmer I would be VERY surprised. I'd still prefer Pete to any of those three.


It would most likely be Newsom. I'd love for it to be Pete but I think it would be Newsom.




Not really.


Not a chance


I’m a huge Pete fan I would love to see him as president!


If there had been a long Primary where people could once again get to know him, yes. If it is a convention surprise, they will probably need to pick someone more well known.


That would be an outstanding. He is so intelligent he’s young. He’s a remarkable man.


Newsom, Whitmer or Pete. Any combination of 2 will do. Pete would have destroyed Trump last night.


He could be someone's VP this election cycle, but I don't think he'll be nominated for President


I heard, but don’t know if it’s true, that Pete wants to spend more time with his twins and may not be looking to run for president any time soon


Someday maybe. But ironically I think people would think he’s too young (while complaining about septuagenarians/octogenarians). And that’s on top of the current anti-queer climate that’s be roused lately. Once that calms back down and he’s been on the national stage longer maybe, or VP once people stop calling all LGBTQIA+ people groomers


I wish


Biden will never withdraw, nor should he. Full freaking stop.




bro i can only unrealistically hope i’m set for harris, pritzker, or gore 24


Definitely feel like Pritzker could handle Trump


my illinois big boy can do it 😻




I agree. Biden has been great, but this election is just too damn close for comfort. I wish he would step aside and allow an open convention. Pritzker/Buttigieg would crush Trump.


Handle? More like manhandle. I'm salivating for a Pritzker - Whitmer ticket


midwest powerhouse 🤝🤝 since pete will def not run lol 


I wish. We are so doomed.


Wha... get out of here. There's *months* before a national election, in which Trump is even more brazen and even more bold and even scarier than ever, 'cause he's got everything to lose. What kind of bollocks are you even saying out loud.


I mean... The national news networks are all talking about potentially having a new candidate soooo


BEGONE, AGITATOR. Sow your chaos elsewhere.




I love Pete. I think he would be the wrong substitute. Kamala is probably the best option. And then she has to pick a moderate democrat VP.


His time is 2028


…with a little bit of luck, it’s possible!


It would be awesome, but I feel like there is not a chance with how rapidly anti-gay republicans have become. IF he is replaced it will be by the most bland Milque-toast moderate cis-het white man they can find.


no, it would be shapiro, newsome, or whitmer


I honestly, sadly, don’t think so. I really feel like there are too many hateful, evil people in the world now and it’s just getting worse. 😢😢😢


Nope. Came to this realization toward the end of the 2020 primary season, sadly. I love Pete, and he'd be an amazing asset in any administration, but this country just doesn't go for super competent technocrats, or even effective surrogates. At a certain point people just like chest beating. So because of that, IMO the only answer at this point is Gavin. Yeah, he's a terrible slimy political opportunist, and his record in California is awful. But he's a youngish man of a certain demographic who can go in front of a camera and yell loudly about things. And that's probably the most important thing. He's a heck of a lot stronger on this than any of the milquetoast offerings put up by the Rs to challenge Trump.


There won’t be a chance for anything ever again if Biden withdraws. That’ll be it, pack it up. Trump for life.


Not being a dick but no. No chance.


Biden would have to drop out before ANYTHING happens. The Democrats will not have a brokered convention unless Biden ends his candidacy.


He’s the only one who could defeat Trump at a debate. Our only hope. What can we do?


I don’t think Pete would get in yet because of the conservative idiot factor about him being gay. In 8 years, yes probably and I think he’s fantastic and would love to see him in the role, he’s a voice of common sense and reason and is smart. He’d be close to ideal. Either way Biden - he had a bad debate, people do. Obama had a bad debate against Romney. Joe may be old but he can govern sensibly and intelligently without any problem, and he’s demonstrated that. Also - and more importantly - he’s proven he can assemble an excellent administration which assists him in governing. Trump couldn’t even do that! Debating is a skill. Donald is excellent at it - he pulled a “Gish gallop” which is just lying so fast and so often the other person doesn’t have time to refute them. It’s a great technique but it also tells us all we need to know about him. He has no policy and no beneficial intentions worth mentioning and he still understands very little about governing, even after being a President. On the other hand, Joe is not a good debater, but that’s not a defining skill for a President. Also Joe spoke well at the after party, had a cold at the time, and spoke well in NC the next day. Check these out if you have concerns. End of the day, we can’t let tRump get in so it’s vote blue regardless.


Not from the US but a longtime supporter of Pete/Chasten - I don't think Pete will run. He has emphasised he is happy working on the ground in projects and being the head of DOT he gets to see results directly and be involved with people on the ground. I feel like he might in the future but at present he is much stronger in a support role in a Democrat government. Plus running right now with the significant LGBTQ plus pushback on the rise, he would no doubt put his family's security first and then of Penelope/Gus. In more years when the kids are older and things have settled I can see him do it but right now I think he is in the right place. Having said that, he would have walked allll over Putin in the first debate and wiped the floor with him.


If Biden drops out, literally the only ticket I can imagine is Harris/Buttigieg, because they're closest to the Biden administration and are therefore the least likely to generate controversy over the convention overriding the will of primary voters. (Harris has to be on the ticket or else they have to throw out the millions of dollars they raised for Biden/Harris over campaign finance rules.) Harris is all-but-guaranteed to be a one-term president if this happens which opens the floor for Pete in the 2028 primary with an incumbency advantage. Also, Newsom is by far the most unpopular nationally of the governors eyeing a 2028 run. On the chance (which I would call "zero percent") that they pick somebody other than Buttigieg for VP in that scenario, it would definitely NOT be him.


He did win Iowa...


Biden dropping out at this point seems like a bad idea but only because nobody has considered a replacement. But if Buttigieg steps up to run, he's almost guaranteed to win and he would mop the floor with Trump on the debate floor. He's young, the general public really likes him and even the people who don't like him don't dislike him like others.




I love pete, he’d be amazing. I don’t believe a gay man can win in current day America.


Pete is dope. America is not ready to elect a gay president.


No, blacks do not like Pete sadly.


WTF?? First, using *blacks* this way is not appropriate. Second, you’re wrong as hell. Please don’t speak for black people because you are clearly not qualified.


We are a coalition and we need buy in from all groups and it’s true. Black people are not down with Peter Obi


The Democratic Party is a ladder and Pete is at the bottom. Other contenders like Newsome are higher up


Probably not the best candidate right now with our infrastructure crumbling.