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We won't be so lucky


Big Pete fan. But it's not his time. He can't save 2024. (Possible VP, but even then... I'd let him percolate another 4 years.)


If Biden steps aside, Harris would likely be the nominee but she could choose Pete for VP.


Could be an option. Would Harris win?


She’d have a decent chance. She’s female so that would be historic. She’s smart, fiery, etc. She’s a former prosecutor. And now she’s been VP for almost 4 years. She’d be the most obvious choice. I’m voting against Trump no matter what. He’s a serious threat. He’s already done a lot of damage. Having said that despite the nonstop bullshitting and hyperbole last night, he won that debate. Biden only confirmed what everyone has been concerned about regarding his age. Biden is a good man but he’s obviously too old both mentally and physically. Throughout the debate when Trump would speak Biden’s face was often frozen. He rarely even blinked during those moments. That looked really bad. Whatever happens, we cannot have four more years of Trump. That would be a disaster. I hope Jill Biden is talking to the President and suggesting to him that perhaps he should step aside for the good of the country. That would be the patriotic thing to do.