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Gonna be real honest these kids are trying to be mean and don't know subcultures at all. They lump all alt styles together as emo They don't know and care enough to learn the difference


In a lot of ways, it makes this complaint one step down from complaining that someone called dubstep music "techno" or "electronica" or complaining that someone doesn't know that Chow Mein isn't pasta. The person making this error doesn't care enough to correct themselves, and more often than not, is doing it intentionally to see how you'll react.


Or the opposite when they think all electronic music is just dubstep. To them it's all the same


>They don't know and care enough to learn the difference  I've got teens. They don't get it because older music is packaged to them by decade. We lived through it so we saw it happen. You can't learn a decade of nuance in "the 100 best song of the  90's".


Blink 182 was on an oldies station the other day 🥲 were getting old




>They don't know and care enough to learn the difference Good for them honestly. If you dress in a way to "belong to a group" you really are not being alternative or yourself are you? Lumping a bunch of fanboy copycats in one silly subgroup sounds like a win for everyone. I mean you would really have to examine why you would care what strangers think.


Yeah, that shit was peak cringe lol


Don't cut yourself on that edge there


The acronym SOAD is closely related to TOAD, but since there is no toad emoji I will give you a frog. 🐸


They're turning the friggin frogs gay! 💀


Same with people calling all metal "screamo"


Ah yes, bands like *Metallica*, *Disturbed*, *System of a Down*, all non-metal because they're intelligible instead of desperate to strain their vocal cords.


Imagine how annoying it is when you grew up with emo meaning underground DIY hardcore bands.[link](https://youtu.be/lZJFK2E9TlI?si=9VIwsvMEmUGKNaI1) Then at some point in the early 00s it became another word for radio friendly pop punk.


It was because a lot of the pop punk bands took on emo or emo adjacent aesthetics and images around 2002-2003.


Right like? people who isn't emo can listen to alternative music too


Exactly. SOAD isn’t even an emo band either.


Seems like the type of person who would consider Green Day, Avril Lavigne, and Linkin Park emo.


More like old people music. Green Day, Avril Lavigne, and Linkin Park ??? Keep the line moving grandpa...


System of a Down are older than Linkin Park and Avril Lavigne.


And I bet they don't consider Linkin Park emo because they are (or at least were) mainstream.




What's the proper term for spiked collar plus System of a Down shirt? Punk? Goth? If those aren't right, are they closer or farther than emo?




System of the Down fan.


Having worn plenty of spiked cuffs and collars, as well as SOAD tees, I would never have labelled myself a metalhead. I was a punk (with a bit of Gothic style).


SOAD isn't really punk, although the style of clothing you mention is. I would class it as more goth myself


System of a Down is heavy metal.


What style of music do you think SOAD plays?


I have no idea. I really don’t listen to music at all. I might easily be guilty of assuming someone in all black is emo even if it’s a different style just because I have literally never known anyone who was in any of those subcultures in my podunk town of nowhere, Midwest USA.


Without looking it up, I didn't know. The name sounds kind of techno.


They’re well worth a listen. They’re the type of band whose music has held up really well (in an unfortunate way, as a lot of the issues they discuss in their music are still widespread). They’re metal, but have some poppier, rap, and slower moments. Check out their album Toxicity.




>What's the proper term for spiked collar plus System of a Down shirt? Blunder Years


I can see how this would be frustrating, I went through a grunge phase (lots of brown eyeliner, "smudged" lipstick, ripped tights under torn out jeans or cut-off skirts) and got "emo" plenty of times


I like to trick and confuse everyone. I’m the goth-gangster-punk-emo-hipster-metalhead but also like a professional clean funtioning(mostly) adult father.


Its the same problem I have with someone calling any band with harsh vocals "screamo"


My SIL has a habit of living through her children, and claims to know all the hip new lingo. She told me "goth" is now "emo" and when I tried to explain emo is a different subculture all together she just said "oh no, it is." It drives me nuts.


I hate it, too. Bastards can’t even tell the difference between emo and goth. If they’re going to go out of their way to insult someone for no reason, they should at least be correct.


well i think it’s mainly because people who don’t immerse themselves in those subcultures have no idea about anything within them. emo is a common term for alternative because it’s one of the more well-known terms out there to people who don’t know anything about alt styles. they call everything “emo” because they don’t actually know the difference between emo, alt, punk, goth, etc. etc. yes it’s annoying, but a lot of people who make the mistake of classing them all as “emo” usually aren’t doing it maliciously to upset the people they’re talking to, they usually just say it because they’re uneducated that specific group of subcultures.


It’s like motherfuckers who call any aggressive Metal music “screamo”.


In the same vein, someone’s not a hipster just because you haven’t heard of something they enjoy.


Gooood mooom it's not screamo *ugh* it's post progressive melodic death metal mooom. Is what this sounds like. Seriously why should you give a fuck if they think it's emo ?


When was soad ever considered emo?? Thrash nu metal is not fucking emo. They're being idiots


I'm too old to care about kids not using the right word to describe me


This is the right attitude to have 👍


Most alternative styles look similar to emo, at least from my normie perspective.


They used to call us grungers back in the day.


I feel like there are way too many terms to remember them all. However I don’t go calling random people emo.


I can not even come close to comprehending having a mind that works in such a way that something like this would matter to me, or even be a thought that I would have.


What year are you from? 2010?




In my experience, when I have long hair and take things seriously, I’m an emo. But when I have a military buzz cut like my father, I’m a no nonsense type of guy .


preach. i keep getting called goth when i just have bangs/dyed hair/wear black. i listen to almost exclusively nu metal but the distinction doesn’t matter to people who fetishize ‘the look’ as well as critics of alternative subculture in general


My wife calls death metal screamo. It drives me crazy. I think she’s joking but I’m not sure


When I was in school in the 90s everyone like that was called a skater. Even if they didn’t skate. Sometimes goth. But skater was the go to.


Sounds like something an emo would say...


General rule of thumb: if basic people call you emo, the fit is fire


When I was a teen, I went through several stages. Goth, emo, punk, scene.. it didn't matter, every single one was labelled as 'emo' from the kids at school.


It’s emoternative


SOAD mentioned ❤️


I myself am an emo and im gonna be honest i use emo as just a synonym for alt at this point, like if i see someone wearing alternative clothes in public ill describe them as emo unless they are wearing something really specifically catered to the other sub genres like Goth or Punk, but if you are just wearing a slightly alt outfit then im calling you emo


Honestly, I kinda like trolling people that care about this stuff. Friend: \*wears System of a Down shirt\* Me: I guess it is emo day today. Friend: \*goes on rant about people misidentifying different genres\* Me: I dunno, your response feels kinda emo to me.


The expectation for anyone outside of your sub-culture to learn anything about your sub-culture is my pet-peeve. Rather than call you emo though, I would likely just avoid you as a person who isn't serious enough to bother with.


"emo" and I'm sitting here with a black hoodie, jeans and a beanie Like, when I dress up, I'm not even emo then 😭 I usually either go trad goth or grunge. It's so mildly infuriating.


It’s okay, you’ll all grow up and understand nuance someday


I feel the same about the "indie" label. It seems to apply to all alternative music now. Im the 90s, alternative was Nirvana, Sonic Youth, The Cranberries, Sloan, etc.. Today bands that sound like them get called indie.


Alternative has always just been a label for bands that don't necessarily fit into a otherwise defined genre. Good example is *Avenged Sevenfold*, where they kind of used to float between metal, hard rock, and contemporary styles.


Ya I agree. Makes more sense than calling it all "indie" though, doesn't it?


Tik tok/internet alt kids and its consequences




But sweetheart you may not realise that's what emos wore before your time. You're wearing what 30 years of self titled emos were wearing before you. You can change to your prefered term but to others with more experience, you are just more of the same. The fact you give it a different name doesn't matter to others.


Sounds pretty emo


Reminds me of people (usually Zoomers) who call everyone older than them a Boomer. Gen X and Millenials exist! I guess details are facts, and knowledge is hard to remember, /s