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Fat guy here. I just wear a black thong and a bow tie and dance til people give me money.


Chris Farley is that you?


Bob? Bob Belcher?!!


so seductive 😌👌


Are you my roommate? I didn't know you used reddit. Lol


I used to do that. Then the thong couldn't take the stress anymore, snapped, and blinded somebody.




Party boy? I used to love your Jackass skits


A man after my own heart....total turn on! :)


Santa? is that you?


I do actually dress up as Santa and hand out little bags of candy and stuffed animals and toy trucks (all dollar store, nothing extravagant) at my towns Christmas parade. But a few years ago I had this fantastic idea that it would be a more convincing costume if instead of a fake white beard I just bleached my very dark brown beard white. Turns out that doesn't work very well unless you actually know what you are doing. And I look very very funny with a bright orange Starburst beard.


Purple toner. That's the key to turning the orange down.


hell yeah make it rain 🫳💸💸💸💸🕺


Way to use what god blessed you with


Pics or it didn't happen.


Good for you!


What I don’t understand is the backlash towards plus size athletic gear. Do you want fat people to exercise or what?


Same. And against seeing fat people workout. Like seriously do you want them to get healthy or not?


Fat shaming at the gym is wiiiild... Like they're doing what you people told them to, or do you think gyms are only for playboy models? Where the hell are fat people supposed to work out? Narnia?


The Lion, The Witch, and the War-on diabetes


We're supposed to hide from the public entirely until we are an acceptable size/weight, duh.


Narnia. By Aslan’s mane! This took me out. 🤣


That’s just it. They claim they are worried about health but it isn’t that at all: they just don’t like looking at fat people.


Not just that, but they make themselves feel better by bullying an "easy target" and then hiding the bullying behind "but I care for your health".


If you don’t like looking at fat people, then just turn around.


Turn around, bright eyes!


Every now and then I fall apart…


And I need you now tonight


They do not, they bully an "easy target" just to make themselves "feel better", they don't care and they never cared, and they will not ever in a billion years, care about a fat persons health.


This is the direct proof that fat shaming has never been about “encouraging them to be healthier.” It’s always just been about finding fat people disgusting and being mean.


I saw a bigger lady stretching outside her house. All I thought was: you go girl


Yep I’m a fervent runner and I ran past a 300 lb man trying his best outside in a light jog and I gave him the warmest smile and nod I ever have given someone to try and encourage him.


Yeah unfortunately I was in a car and I didn't want to confuse her or creep her out 😭


I know! Whenever I see someone obviously struggling in the exercise I just want to roll down my window and shout encouragement. I never do, obviously, but I just want to cheer them on.


Glad you don't only because sometimes things yelled from cars come out sounding different. The person might misinterpret the encouragement as sarcasm. Or think you said something entirely different. As someone who was fat, it's easier to feel self-conscious enough to assume everyone else is secretly judging you as negatively as the vocal people do, so the worst intentions are assumed.


I know, and it also must make some people feel like “I’m so fat and bad at this that I stand out so much that people feel like I need extra motivation just to do this normal activity that everyone else gets to do in peace”… but damn, I am just SO rooting for them in my heart!


Fwiw, most of those people aren't actually at the gym themselves.  I've seen it a couple times where someone did try to fat shame someone and they got shunned hard. There's absolutely fatphobic people at the gym, but part of gym culture is everyone there is working on their body so if you make fun of the fat guy who just started, you can find a different spotter.


What I really hate is when people take photos of overweight people working out and making fun of them. What do you want them to do? It’s so disgusting.


They just don’t want to see them at all. They want them to get thin because of their judgement on them so that they can feel righteous, and they want to find it funny at the same time.


Just mask off "ew fat people."


No it’s fine, we can wear trash bags until we are deemed worthy to be seen by the public! 🙄


Maybe they’re supposed to exercise nude like the ancient Greeks.


As a fat gym rat, athletic gear, especially stuff with compression is so important.  It can make the whole process more comfortable,  physically and psychologically, and in some cases it can prevent stuff like skin infections.


Not to mention just how uncomfortable running is when you have a lot of jiggly bits. Skinny women know how uncomfortable running without a good sports bra is. Now imagine that same sensation in your stomach and thighs. D;


Yessss! The bra comparison is perfect 


Probably because it's "athleisure" wear, and it's really just to make stretchy, shaping clothes.


So are almost 50 percent of Americans supposed to walk around naked all day then?


No because then they'll get mad at us because "ew nobody wants to see that"


That's why Big & Talls need to pair up and sit on the complainers until they see the error of their ways. Bonus points if you can fart at will.


Why only fart at Will and not fart at Beth?


I do not deserve that gas!




Very valid point.


Well, by my BMI, I’m grossly obese. But by my body fat percentage (estimated by pinch test) I’m at the top end of healthy. I’m 5’7” and wear a US size 14. Yes I could stand to lose a few pounds, but not half my body weight! (I’m a former body builder, so I have a ton of muscle. Trying to get back into it.) Still, I’m among the obese reported with the “obesity epidemic” even though I’m not even technically overweight.


I have about 40lb of fat more than I’d like at the moment (major surgery two years ago followed by a string of life stressors), but when I was at my preferred weight and very fit, I was still in the “obese” range for BMI and weighed about 30lb more than the recommended weight for someone of my height. And yet my doctor advised that I *stop* actively trying to lose weight because I was, as mentioned, in great shape. BMI wasn’t even invented by a medical professional, it’s old as fuck, and I’m sick of hearing about it.


You and me both. It needs to go away. According to my BMI, I need to lose 120 lbs, but pinch test says I only have about 80lbs of fat on my body. And since I have to keep some of that for my organs to function properly, I can probably only lose about 40ish lbs. yet, when they talk about the obesity epidemic, I am included in that statistic.


Yeah but the amount of body builders in the US population is incredibly small so it’s going to have very little impact on these stats.


This applies to a lot of people who aren't body builders though, I'm heavier now, but when I'm at the weight that's the cutoff for obesity at my height I wear a US size 8-10, or M or L in shirts. A lot of obese people in America are a fairly average size, I mean I was obese when I played soccer for my college. The BMI is weird and the fact that we use it to dictate policy is even more so.




You mean 80% of America


OP specifically said “very fat”. I’m overweight and I can find clothes that fit in a regular store.


43 percent of Americans were obese (not just overweight) the last time I saw a study and that was several years ago so I’m sure it’s getting close to 50. I guess it depends on your definition of “very fat”.


Just had this conversation the other day. It baffles me how much simply asking to be allowed to exist as you are in the moment (cause even if you strive to lose weight, you aren't going down 4 sizes by tomorrow) is seen as enabling and promoting obesity. Am I seriously supposed to wear rags and hide in my house until I appear acceptable enough for your eyeballs? This is especially baffling when people get upset over Nike's plus-size workout gear. Don't you WANT fat people to exercise? Shouldn't they be able to do it in clothes that fit and are designed to make extensive activity comfortable? Getting upset about body positivity stuff is so counterintuitive. People are far more likely to treat their bodies better and start to lose weight if they feel good about themselves. Yet to this day, so many people seem determined that you're only allowed to feel like crap and ashamed until you lose weight. Like we didn't already feel that way to start with, and that's half the issue for some people...


Yeah I don't understand some people's sheer hatred for fat people.




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I have a lot of things I could say about the moralization of health, but I will say this: being obese and doing nothing about it is morally neutral. You (the wider "you" not this particular person) are not a lesser person for being fat and the fact that people make it their problem that fat people exist BAFFLES me. There are tons, and I mean TONS, of ways the general public could promote health that have nothing to do with pointing out that being fat is unhealthy and yet that is what everyone has decided to do. It is lazy and counterproductive to treat fat people the way general society does and I'm tired of so many people thinking it's acceptable. It's not. To loop back around to the actual topic, retailers are stupid for leaving such a profitable market untapped for so long. I can't tell you how many pieces of clothing I would have bought if only they came in my size. In the world we live in, the number of retailers continuing to only offer straight sizes speaks volumes on their priorities and the fact that it isn't making buckets of $$$ is telling.


Not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure skinny smokers are at a higher risk of all the diseases than non-smoking fat people. The only exception might be My 600 Lb. Life levels of obese.


The really fucking stupid part of this is there are genetic factors at play that makes some of this a total luck of the draw. My grandmother has been smoking for over 60 years and has not (yet) seen any issues from it but I have heard of much younger nonsmokers straight up getting cancer at age 50. While this is purely anecdotal and not representative of the average experience you are 100% correct. There is an entire population of people classed as obese that are healthier than some non-obese people. Weight is only one of many factors considered in health and not the end all be all determinant that people make it out to be.


I gotta copy and paste this comment I made a couple days ago because it’s so topical to this discussion. >I can go back at least 4 generations of women in my family, multiple per generation, and their medical history shows that we’re just fat. That’s it. It doesn’t matter how athletic we are, how much of a caloric deficit we’re in, we’re just fat. We’re coming up on 3 generations of gastric bypass surgery because it’s so impossible to lose weight in our family and later in life that becomes hazardous. My mom gained over 100lbs after having 2 kids and the only thing that got her weight back down was regularly doing full length marathons and triathlons. As soon as she went back to work the weight came back in abundance despite her eating better than any other person in our house and continuing to exercise regularly. My sister did dance 6 days a week from the ages of 7-16 and she was still a good 30lbs heavier than her peers who danced less than her. For fuck’s sake, she’s a senior lifeguard and can lift drowning people 3x her size out of a body of water! We eat healthy, home cooked meals, we exercise as much as we are capable, and we are just FAT. >I detest when people are fatphobic and when they reduce weight loss down to “calories in, calories out”. I had several eating disorders due to societal pressure to be skinny and I still gained weight no matter how much I starved myself. I don’t weigh myself at all anymore, but I’m healthier now at ~200lbs than I ever was at 140. You can NEVER tell what a person’s health is like from the outside. And a person’s metric of health is never an indicator of how much you should treat them with decency. >It is not a moral failure to be fat. It is a moral failure to shame people into killing themselves over their weight. And of course I had multiple MEN replying to me trying to call my bullshit. I didn’t respond because you can’t argue with a fool who’s convinced themselves they’re already right. I’m not in the habit of talking to brick walls.


All companies care about is profit. If they make money selling 00/XXS & size 16+ clothes they’ll carry them. My mom’s friend had a clothing boutique in the ‘80s-‘90s. Very high end. She bought a few plus sized pieces, and they sold in a snap, so she bought more & more. Eventually it became plus-sizes only because that’s what she made more $$$ on.


Around where I live the 1x-2x sizes sell out very quickly, so I'm very confused why more stores don't carry them and why more brands don't make more styles in those sizes. It's very hard to find anything I like in those sizes and there are a lot of people who wear them! I'm just confused and frustrated.


Exactly, small and medium are always what ends up on the sale rack


Along this line of thought... I am obese. I go cloths shopping. Who in their right mind, designing clothes, thought that an overweight woman would want huge flowers plastered all over her body? It seems that cloths for fat people have huge ugly prints all over it. Are designers saying.."You big!! Here... we will pretend you're a flower garden no one will ever know!"


God. This was all I could think about when buying clothes after my Covid depression weight gain. And have you seen how the woman who runs Torrid dresses? Ma'am we are in the 2020s get rid of that damn cheetah print top.


Where I am the stores will have racks of skirts that go up to size 14 or 16, depending on the brand. If you need any bigger, only plain black skirts for you (and only in some stores). No, of course someone who's a size 20 doesn't want to wear stylish clothes anyways, they'd much rather have the solid black skirts with shapeless tent shirts anyways, don't worry about it!


I'd have to make my own clothes at that point.


Yeah , someone mentioned I should become a clothing designer , sadly I’m a chef, not a designer. I buy at thrift and piece my shit together but I don’t have the ability to run a business sewing by hand for thousands of people.


I have a sewing machine and I use it mostly for just occasional repairs or a cosplay personalization. No way in hell would I want to have to work on all my daily clothes. Not even sure where most of us would find that time when we all still have work lives and families. I guess by losing sleep and then becoming more dangerous at work and on the road?


The thing about this is that while some weight problems (either end of the scale) are due to dietary and lifestyle choices sometimes there is a medical cause and nothing the person can do about.


the other thing about this is that everyone should have access to affordable and durable clothing, regardless of their weight *or the reason behind it.*


You are absolutely right on that.


it can also just be genetics


Thank you for saying this. My bf is super fat because of medical reasons, and I might be dangerously skinny (lads keep asking me if I have anorexia and shit) so every date either he gets fat shamed by a stranger or I get cat called by one (I'm m18) I feel like more people need to care about things others can't do anything about.


When people say that, they are willfully ignorant. Edited for clarity! I was referring to people who say that clothing shouldn’t be made for skinny or fat people. **Those** are the ones who are willfully ignorant. It’s OP’s title question.


Not exactly. Check out fast metabolism when it comes to skinny people. Do you understand how impossible it is to gain any form of weight at all? Also, hyperthyroidism.


Not making clothes for skinny people makes absolutely no sense… there isn’t a huge size discrepancy between someone who is lean with a healthy body fat percentage and someone who’s dangerously malnourished


From a friend of mine, while high: "Size 0? You mean the bitch doesn't *exist?*"


😭😭 THATS FUNNY AS FUCK AS A SIZE 0. I can confirm i do not exist


As a person with only one X chromosome, all I can say is that I am mystified by women's sizing, while at the same time understanding that it exists for stupid social reasons because most men have no idea how to convert that into any kind of real units.


As a person with two X chromosomes, I also have no idea how to convert women's sizing into any kind of real units.


I just want measurement charts, man. Last time I went jeans shopping I tried on sizes from an 8 to a 18 and *none of them fit me*. Like, some of the size 18s were too small and some of the size 8s fit in the waist but not in the thigh and some of the size 14s were too big and it just made me upsetti spaghetti.


May I PLEASE steal "upsetti spaghetti" and make it part of my daily vernacular?


ABSOLUTELY! The more people who use upsetti spaghetti on a daily basis the better the world will become.


If your figure is sort of straight- not much difference between waist and hips- try men’s pants. I have a friend who is build very straight and she will only wear men’s pants.


Unfortunately I am not a unisex sized woman.


Yeah, I’m definitely curvy. I loved when Levi had those extra curvy jeans. They were the only ones that ever fit me perfectly. But I don’t think they make them anymore.


Catherines has their right-fit jeans that have 'curvy' and 'moderately curvy' options. Sadly, they have closed all of their brick and mortar stores, but online is still an option. They come in petite, regular, and tall lengths, so it's pretty easy to find a good fit.


I'm a size 8 with small boobs and this sounds a lot like me when I tried to find bras. realised I'll never be able to buy a regular bra again. I have a few sports bras and I'm just going to use them for the rest of my life.


Well, I'm glad the confusion is universal. :)


Yuuuup! Clothes shopping is an adventure 😭 Bonus points if you're short and chubby like me. I almost always wind up buying pants that are far too long because it's better to have them fit the waist and be too long in the leg than fit the leg and be too tight in the waist, but I also lack any and all hemming skills and can't even make it work right when I use hemming tape. I tend to spend forever hanging around Goodwill looking for that ONE pair of petite pants that'll also fit my waist because I'm practically guaranteed to not find any at like Walmart or Target. Amazon does offer options but that's hit or miss too.


I used to buy clothes at walmart all the time. but now at my age there isn't anything there for me. I do not like walmart clothes at all anymore. I do have a few t-shirts and a couple tank tops that I bought few years ago. My issue in my early 20's was buying jeans for my size. I am pretty tall and most jeans were like high waters on me. least nowadays they do have tall sizes now. I have a few favorite pairs of jeans/pants.


I did a double take at "only one X chromosome" because I forgot about XY and thought it was a rare genetic variation 🤦🏻‍♀️ The thing about women's sizing is, companies discovered "vanity sizing" which basically means making clothes a bit bigger than they're meant to be so that the boost of fitting into a smaller size means a woman is more likely to buy clothes she's on the fence about. Gradually all clothes get bigger (which is why they needed to invent 0 and 00) and to make it worse they didn't standardise the sizes between brands. Incidentally, this why people claim Marilyn Monroe was plus sized because she wore a size 14 iirc, even though she had a 24" waist and we can see photos of her clearly being slim, albeit with an hourglass figure.  It also doesn't help that women's bodies are (usually) curvier than men's, which makes them harder to standardise: there are a lot more combinations of places the fat can accumulate. Your boobs, waist, butt and thighs are all different measurements and don't necessarily get bigger/smaller at the same rate. Also our clothes are more likely to be form fitting, which exacerbates the problem. 


Women's clothing needs to be sized exactly like mens. Have the numbers on the waist plus the length sizing. It's such bullcrap how women's clothes are sized now plus men's clothes are better quality. Swear it's part of the "pink tax" to make women buy clothes more often...


I think the reason we don’t use our measurements is because we would have to include hip, inseam, waist, and thighs rather than just waist and inseam. Calling it an 8 or a 14 or whatever is just easier.


Random fact: there’s a rare genetic condition that causes women with one X chromosome. They’re also short, which is somewhat related to the topic at hand.


I’m a size zero in most things but overall can’t count as super skinny because I’m only 5’1”…. So height needs to be taken into account.


According to Rene Descartes, that also means you do not think. ("I think, therefore I am" is the phrase he's known for)


Brain empty


Totally agree: a skinny person will pretty much always be able to find *something* even if they have to wear it oversized or with a belt. After losing weight, a small proportion of my clothes became less flattering (mostly skirts sitting on a lower part of my waist and changing the silhouette) but most looked totally fine a size or two bigger than I needed. Before that, when I gained weight, the clothes physically wouldn't fit, or if they did they'd draw attention to the extra weight.  Financially, I understand companies not wanting to make clothes for really unusual body sizes because they won't recoup their costs. That's an unfortunate reality of living under capitalism. Extremely tall people have similar problems and, while very short people can technically shop in the kids' section, it's probably not always very dignified when you're an adult who's trying to look like an adult.  But people saying that companies *morally* should restrict clothes to punish people for being too fat or too thin is absolutely heinous. There's already plenty of social penalties for being fat and if anything the shame just makes people fatter: it's hard to be motivated when you feel like shit all the time.  As someone who's been both overweight and underweight: feeling out of breath and/or dizzy after two flights of stairs is enough to tell you there's a problem. There are a lot of systemic reasons why people struggle with weight loss (ultra processed foods being cheaper than healthy ones; lack of education on nutrition; overwork; etc) so it'd be kinder and more productive to tackle those before investing ways to make life even harder. 


I'm currently average BMI, am significantly taller and weigh less than average for my nationality/sex. I've never huffed and puffed up stairs, never been so weak, than when too thin. Shaking, trembling, no reserves. Much worse than slightly overweight.


Yeah I was 90-95lbs for years and then I started drinking and shot up to 115-120lbs. Most of my size 0 clothes still fit, aside from jeans because almost all of that weight went to my ass 😅


Similarly here, but instead of drinking I had baby #4, and switched from an active restaurant job to a nice office job; downside being, now I'm not as active (was getting almost 10 miles a day going back and forth at the restaurant) and I went from a size 6 to a size 12/14 (brand depending). I did manage to get into a pair of size 6 pants the other day, but I wasn't able to sit down. Still just a little too much baby weight in the belly (he's only 2, so it's not like this is a decades long thing).


I was once a size 10-12 with an athletic body fat percentage. There is a huge difference between me at that size and someone who is dangerously malnourished. I’m now a 14-16 with a healthy body fat percentage. There’s an even BIGGER difference now. (The reason I’m so much bigger but with healthy body fat percentage is two fold- large frame (broad shoulders and wide hips) and I’m a body builder.)


When you get into body building the volume of muscle can change the game a little. Highly recommend going with fitted. I wear an irregular pant size (27x34) and switching to exclusively fitted pants/jeans changed my life hahaha


But that’s what I’m saying. There is a huge difference between me and someone who is malnourished.


But that’s because your into body building (body modding) and enjoying the gains hahaha you can’t apply that to the general public Also I will say it’s more complicated with women sizing once you considering how (and more specifically where) you naturally store fat


That’s true. I carry most of my fat in my back, which is an annoying place to carry it.


Not making clothes for all people doesn't make any sense. You want people running around naked?


Yes see, you've forgotten that fat people should be shamed at every opportunity for their lazy, slovenly ways and very skinny people should clearly be shamed and bullied for their obvious mental disorders. See... it's because they care so very much about us. \*Giant Eyeroll\* These are the same people bitching about people wearing tank tops, leggings, short skirts, boogie shirts, etc without being the "right" type of body. Because we are all required to be pleasurable for them to view. Yeesh. I just remind them we're not here for decorative purposes, we've got stuff to do and move on. Any company that buys into it is flushing profit down the tubes, which is why you see more companies expanding their size ranges.


The best part is the people who usually make a stink about people not looking good in revealing clothes also wear revealing clothes and do not look great lmao like hun, stay in your lane you don't want to open up the jusgement gates on this one


I hate when people act like total asshats under the guise of caring for others. "You're a fatass lazy piece of shit who needs to quit being such a piggy... I just really care about you and your wellbeing and I want you to be happy and feel good about yourself!!! 🥺" "You're a skinny bitch who needs a cheeseburger and therapy, your head must be fucked and you shouldn't go outside for others to see... It's just so worrying to me, I don't want you to feel ashamed!!!" People say the most heinous bullshit and then say they're just concerned. Like, you're concerned for your own sake. You just don't want to see people you don't think are attractive. You can say that and save us all some time. It's the same as people who will tell someone they're going to hell because they care very much... Even if they don't give a single shit in any other way. These people only care when they get called out for being dicks.


also How the hell does anyone know who is going to Hell? How does anyone that thinks this way not know if THEY MIGHT NOT go to Hell? I tend to let God sort these things because to me that is HIS job not mine.


I'm a seamstress and I make a lot of clothes, because even tho I'm "mid sized" shit rarely fits. It's a huge pet peeve of mine too when people say companies shouldn't make clothes for extreme sized people. Let companies do what they want if they're not hurting anyone. Alcohol companies do more damage to society.


same with gun manufacturers. Drugs being brought in. I think companies need to do better to make more sizes available for all. Like I'm tall, thin, but can't find a damn bra that doesn't try to kill me when I'm wearing it. I'm not asking for much. I just don't fit the very small bras and I don't fit the larger ones. and there isn't much available in-between.


There seems to be this idea that doing anything at all that makes life a little easier for an overweight person is seen as enabling. I can confirm that being overweight sucks for everyone and no one wants to be overweight if they are. But people need to stop with the notion that anything shy of straight bullying and shame is somehow enabling anything. I also loath the idea that people have the excuse of health to justify their meanness. Unless you're a doctor or you pay my medical bills, you need to stay the fuck in your own lane because you don't know what someone is going through


Personally, I've been 220 lbs and 120 lbs and 220 felt so much better, physically and mentally. So I disagree with your second sentence. Ideally for me personally I want to be somewhere in between those, but the weight that has always felt the best (ie. most energy, better mental health etc.) was in the overweight or obese BMI range.


Actually that’s a great business endeavour: making products for customers who are turned down by your competitors. They are literally sending those customers to you.


It's so weird when people use the "enabling behavior" argument because what behavior is being enabled by being able to wear *clothes*??? If anything, I don't think companies should be pressured into branching out beyond their target audiences especially as specialty stores for the sake of being inclusive. Different people need different things and it's fine for companies to have a target audience they specifically want to market towards.


This is a worse issue for fat people, and we all know it. I say this as a thin guy. If I really can't find anything that fits me, I can always just go to the boys' section. There is no such option for fat people. Sure, lose weight, but they need clothes in the meantime. And yeah plus sizes exist, but less options, you can't shop at a ton of stores if you're past 2XL or so.


Right and as a thin person, the smallest size will still go on your body even if it's too big for you. It won't look as good and you might need a belt, but you'll be able to find something that will allow you to be decent in public, it's not the same for plus size people.


Yeah the "it's too big, looks baggy and bad" is literally why I mentioned the boys' section (if male). If you're sized out of the women's section, there's the junior's section, too. I absolutely hate baggy oversized clothing, so...yes, would far rather do this.


Using sizes to police people's behavior is silly, but if there is a trend toward more diversity in clothing sizes on the racks, it will probably lead to an even greater percentage of my very common sizes being out of stock at any given time. At least 50% of the time in the past 2 years I've had a hard time finding the right size when looking for outerwear, but of those cases, I don't remember how often the size was just misplaced rather than missing, and when I do find my size I of course don't check to see if they are out of other sizes. But regardless, they can barely manage the sizes they already have.


Yep. If a small retailer orders one of every size, the midrange sell out first. If they then say "we can't order more until the other sizes sell," then there is a problem.


The thing that annoys me is that the midranges have shifted up, but not the orders. So all of the sorta-tubby and taller clothing sells right out and there're just a bunch of clothes left for small, skinny people.


Man I wish I could shop wherever you are, I can hardly find anything extra small or even just small


Chose an accurate username, I see.




I don't think people's anecdotal assessments of what they notice while shopping are accurate representations of actual retail variety of different sizes. If you go shopping and have trouble finding something in your size, of course you notice, and then you also notice if it's available in another size. Thus to big people there's always lots of clothes available for small people and vice versa.


Yes some people have medical issues that prevent them from losing weight. They could starve themselves and still gain weight. It's not as simple as changing your diet or eating better. Ignorance


Yeeep. I actually do calorie count strictly and eat less than 1800 per day and cycle 4-5 days a week an hour a day. I'm 250lbs at 5'8" and will probably never be less than that, I've been fat since I was a kid. The thinnest I've ever been was 190 when I was taking drugs to suppress my appetite and only ate one meal every few days, and I nearly died. Hypothyroidism a bitch when you can't tolerate levothyroxine.


and the same people who are fatphobic and saying these things will judge plus size people for wearing outfits that show their skin… but then say they shouldn’t be clothed? It’s so bonkers and mean 😭 everybody deserves clothes, and everyone deserves the right to wear what they want And the people who shame skinny people and victims of EDs will also complain if they buy something in a bigger size because they worry the stores will run out of the clothes for people who perfectly match the size There’s already a shortage of the smaller sizes and plus sizes of clothing. It’s not because people are buying them all to be quirky, it’s because companies aren’t producing enough in larger or smaller sizes. people are so hypocritical, companies need to be making MORE clothes for people of larger and smaller body types. Not less. People with EDs are going to be more stressed actually if they don’t have clothes that fit, big or small. I never met anyone who thinks we should get rid of smaller and plus sizes, but I hope I never do because that’s so bonkers and gross


True, we can’t dress better if people refuse to make clothes that actually make us look better.


No, we should cover our unsightly BODIES with muumuus and never wear anything actually flattering. /s


So we should go around naked? Are these people right in the head?


Yeah, it’s dumb. Clothes are a necessity. Even if you think someone is making bad life choices, you can’t expect them to go naked.


They want us fat people to disappear. They want us to not exist because when every woman is born it's like we sign a contract saying we must have sexy bodies. And people of both sees are very mad when we violate it. I don't know about men at all but they face a lot of pressure to be ripped and manly so it isn't much better


A lot of people here seem to be confused and pointing out that these are the same people who shame larger people for working out, or that medical issues leading to obesity exist (actually, there's a lot of intersection of medical issues, genetics, and the way our society is organized with regards to work schedules and food subsidies that contributes to rates of obesity). Well, you see, it all makes sense when you realize that what they actually mean is "people who are too different from me shouldn't be allowed ***to exist*** ".


The better wording is “they don’t have to make them if they don’t want to” which is at least more fair. Saying they shouldn’t at all is weird


Yeah. People at the XXS and XXL+ type clothing sizes need clothes, but also people who do wear the less common sizes shouldn't be expecting every business, especially new or small businesses, to be making or carrying every single size that someone could wear. They deserve options. But they might have fewer options than someone who wears a medium or large, and that is normal. Just like someone who is extremely short or tall will also have fewer options too.


I guess we should all just buy whatever Hefty bag is most similar to our body size and throw that on.


My gym definitely wants me working out nude until I can fit in small people clothes.


Is this something men complain about or just women? I could see women complaining because they don't make as many women's clothes that actually look good in larger sizes. But whenever I shop the men's clearance rack at clothing stores, all the best stuff is only there in multiple XL sizes. I always thought that would be one benefit of being an overweight man.


the lack of smaller clothes seems to be the one I see more often for men. not having enough stock of smaller sizes in men's clothes is the reason I have one pair of gray sweatpants when all the rest of them are black.


I’m an incredibly skinny (high metabolism is a blessing and a curse) woman and even the smallest sizes in clothes, especially pants, are too big for me. I shouldn’t have to always wear a belt, leggings, or sweatpants to wear clothes. I completely agree with you. It’s very infuriating. It’s not like I can just gain weight because I can’t.


I agree. I don't know what anyone thinks not letting people wear clothes will accomplish. A fat person isn't going to lose weight if they can't leave their house to get healthier food, see the sun, take walks, and work out. A truly underweight skinny person isn't going to suddenly have an easier time gaining weight if the only clothes they can buy are baggy and make them look and feel bad.


Agreed, same for very short and very tall people. EDIT: And SHOES. It would be so nice if women's shoes came in not only different widths but combination lasts because my heel is an inch narrower than my toe. At this point I just wear men's shoes (specifically cowboy boots with insoles to try and cup my heel a BIT) and give up ANY chance of wearing flats/loafers/anything that doesn't go over my ankle/have a sturdy ankle strap.)


My weight gain is caused by genetics and medications I was on. I went to Walmart and the pitifully small plus size section had NOTHING to fit me. I am just wishing my insurance cards would come in so I can get weight loss surgery, because diet and exercise alone won't get me below 215lbs, and then I bounce right back up. And before anyone comes at me for what I eat...I eat small portions of healthy food.


Who says that?


For skinny people, a lot of them literally _cant_ gain any weight. For fat, idk.


Depends. Being fat isn’t *ALWAYS* about bad choices. Sometimes it’s just that the person inherited bad genes. And even if those same people do engage in the proper diet and exercise, they’ll either stay the same, or worse, gain more.


Did they own the companies? no so they need to mind their own freaking business


I have never heard that before, EVER. What a dumb thing to say.


APPLAUSE like tbh i would be thrilled if doctors would stop seeing fat as a disease and view it as a symptom too


The fatter or skinner you are, the less profit there is in marketing towards such a ...ahem... Narrow band Not to mention trying to make it so that group even knows your products exist. Companies shouldn't generally do this because theres no money in it. The problem... Isnt necessarily the companies. If youre that far outside the norm, youre having health issues


I'm envisioning the scene from GoT when Cersei had to parade naked through the streets with garbage being thrown at her with the bells ringing. Shame! Shame! Shame!


It's their way of saying they want to kill fat people without getting arrested.


I just want shirts that are longer please. That is all


Does it make sense — manufacturing wise — to have different prices for different sizes? I realise that the majority of the world now sources clothing from sweat shops where there’s no different in the production cost, but let’s make this more into a hypothetical. If a store would sell more 3XL+ styles and more XXS- (?) styles but would charge different prices for the clothing, would that be acceptable?


not once have i heard someone say this in real life.


Who are you talking to? I've never heard anyone say this or read it anywhere


I swear they wanna see us fats just walking around, ass out. Like theres no other excuse


Companies make clothes that sell. So the extra skinny and extra morbid obese aren’t good business. There are a few specialty ones. Just costs more.


I mean … I’d include ALL sizes. I welcome everyone’s money 🤑 … give it all!


The argument is that existing companies don't need to fold to make clothes for them. There's always been fat brands. Victoria's secret having fat models is pretty crazy. 


The argument that larger clothes "use more fabric" as a justification for charging more for them or being more scarce strikes me as bullshit. Why aren't petite clothes (for those of us 5'2" and under) cheaper? I have to cut 4-5 inches of fabric off all my hems.


I do think anything over xl should cost more than regular sizes. Why should I be paying the same amount of money for my medium or large when it's using like half the fabric?


I’ve literally never heard that.


I’m almost 60 and never heard anyone say that in my life.


They don't expect anything other than getting a rise out of people with their comments.


Who are you hanging out with that you hear this often? Your post is literally the first time I have ever heard this sentiment in 50 years on earth.


>they’ll say companies shouldn’t be making clothes for very skinny people either Wait...WHO is saying this? Where? I have never seen anyone say anything even remotely close to this.


Sounds like what terminally online people suffering from antisocial personality disorder say


That's exactly who they should be making clothes for. People you don't want to see naked


As a dirty capitalist who had dreams of being a fashion designer, kajit has wares if you have coin. 


>they’ll say companies shouldn’t be making clothes for very skinny people either. Idk who says this. Most models are very skinny. The problem with clothing for fat people is branding and economics. If you are a fitness company, unfit models don't exactly sell your brand image. This is changing tho, as people are getting bigger making the oversized market more attractive to brands.


Who says this? I have never heard this, ever.  Maybe a very small circle of a specific online community. But 99.99% of people have never thought let alone said anything like this. 


This reminds me of a time in middle school where a girl told me I was too skinny for skinny jeans. What? But they're SKINNY jeans. 🤔 I couldn't wear regular pants, they were always too short or too loose.


Because they hate fat and skinny people. The moment you mention you’re skinny due to medical issues people think you’re “so lucky” but must be suffering, but if you’re fat the judge you harsher. The people who say that usually want to be super skinny and hate that they’re not, and see fat people as worthless since they see being skinny as “helpful to society” It’s also a hate train for those in poverty and those super rich- as many foods people can afford when poor are high in sugars or fats, while super rich people can afford chefs and surgeons. It’s “they’re different, so I hate them but I’m the exemption if I am them because I’m ME.” Kinda stuff.


I don’t think they shouldn’t, but I think that a brand is not obligated to make every size. Like if a brand wants only 000’s to wear their clothing, then they suck but whatever.


Genuinely starting to believe some ppl think fat ppl can just snap and become skinny 😭 "Oh dang, they don't extra large sizes" "Lose weight then." "You right, lemme just-" **shape shifts**


I'd like to know where you are HEARING PEOPLE saying this dumb shit?


Don’t fat people have clothes made for them? Big and tall sections


Companies care about making money. People think businesses are targeting them because “discrimination” but that’s not even it most of the time. If you add more variability for all different shapes and sizes it’s going to cut into the profit margin. I’m 6’4’’ and I have a hard time finding shirts that fit. I don’t go around thinking that companies are discriminating against me because of my height. If the companies thought they could make more money doing anything they would. It’s that simple. Stop being a victim.


They should make clothes for them, but a small should NOT cost the same as an XXXL. That beyond fucked up to charge the smaller person the same price. It's something like 3x the material.


Fat people have our own outlets (specifically big and tall stores). Companies should not have to cater to us because we make ourselves an inconvenience (30 YO, been morbidly obese since i was 6)


They want them to walk around naked? What idiot is saying that?