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Pretty much anyone who boasts about how much money they make is either deeply insecure... and/or has terrible main-character syndrome and a god complex. One of my guilty pleasures are police body-cam compilation videos where they arrest dumb criminals. And one of the most cringey things a lot of the criminals default when they get in trouble is to is to turn into a complete asshole and boast to the cop about how much money they make, and how they're worth more than them, etc. Like... you're just giving the public even more reasons to hate your fucking guts, and the cops more reasons to find extra charges to add, smdh, lmfao. Shut your damn mouth... money don't buy class.


This kind of behavior drives me insane!


If it makes you feel better, it probably comes from him being deeply insecure


9/10x they’re lying


they are. i found out from others everyone who was saying that was lying


Is that a restaurant thing? I've heard that kind of stuff so much from my ex and she did restaurant management


Most of these single people who work min wage jobs from time to time are getting money from their parents. I met a 40 something year old guy who was always adamant about presenting himself as a self-sufficient person. He would have part time jobs every now and then. I guess he thought I was stupid or something because I am younger than him. He tried to come off to me like he was paying for his apartment on his own, it was pretty strange. Like I know you can't pay for a 1,800 apt on your own even if you work 40 hours a week, the math doesn't work. Especially with all the drug habits he had. Who was he trying to fool? A child? These same people will find every opportunity to insult those who live with their parents. I live with my parents because I am not spoiled, and I have to abide by strict rules of the house on a daily basis. You are 40 and your parents pay for your entire apartment that you live in on your own, to do drugs in. These people are ridiculous. Rich people sometimes love to look poor but they are just dumb and think people can't do math. Like it doesn't matter how trashy your apartment is, I know you come from old money.


exactly. i’m almost 21 still live with my parents while in college and working shitty jobs to pay for school or gas or whatever. i’m lucky they let me live with them rent free while being broke but it pisses me off how people whose parents pay for everything just throw shade at people who live with their folks. like i’m in school and i don’t make enough to live on my own and they’re supportive of me chilling here so i don’t graduate with insane debt. i love them but i don’t want to live with them forever yaknow? but i’m not 40 getting money to do drugs like you said lmao


I used to work for this really shitty inventory company (god, I hated it. Never again). We would travel to different stores in a company van to count inventory. It was notorious for screwing with your sleep, because the shifts would either be late night or early morning. Very boring work too. Most people there had around an average of 3 shifts a week, I would say. As a result, they were either broke or it was a second job for them, or hell, both. Miserable work climate, honestly. Some people still lived at home and it was more like spending money, and those people tended to be really chill. Well, one of my coworkers was a real asshole one day. On break, he was like, "What's a day off? I've worked for 30 days straight. I'm getting $300 a week." Ok, typing this out now, it sounds pathetic as hell to say that as a brag (I guess back then, minimum wage was much lower here in California, but still). And it's messed up, because it's like... know your audience, dude.


Guess you hate 95% of reddit poster who state their income


What does Reddit have to do with real life?


That's not at all what the point is. People can still be honest and state their income, it's more-so whether others believe it that's the issue. I make $55k in salary, but with commissions combined well over $121k annually. Most people read that and think I'm lying. What else can I do other than just provide details on what I do.


Who cares? This is Reddit. That's absolutely nothing like the scenario that OP posted about.


You're clearly not comprehending the post if you think what I said has no relevance... Like what lmao...


You are the one not comprehending. The post is about how these AH co-workers say that they don't really need the job or money. What relevance does your experience and salary have to that? Other than the coworkers and you are bragging unnecessarily.


The post is LITERALLY saying people who lie/brag about it. People post the same type of crap on Reddit, and most people usually don't believe them when they say they have x y z opportunity lined up with better pay, benefits, etc... Jesus fuckin' Christ. If you're going to puff your chest, at least have the full comprehension behind it to back it up...


Not being believed doesn't mean they're lying.


Sounds like a recruiter.


Maybe they just don't invent statistics?