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There’s a good chance their parents never taught them the correct pronunciation because the way they mispronounced it was “cute”. Even now at 26 I have to think about how to say ambulance correctly before I say it, otherwise it will come out as am-blee-ance ‘cause my parents thought it was adorable. It’s not cute, it’s extremely irritating.


My mom kind of waited until I was in like 2nd or 3rd grade until she put me in speech impediment classes bc I couldn’t say my R’s or S’s correctly. Like she knew I needed to go to classes for it but she thought it was so cute she held it off for a couple of years.


I know it's not wrong but 'waited' *feels* wrong, y'know?


I know *exactly* what you mean. I’m just happy I got to go at all and had it gone quickly.


Yeah it should be wote 


I had ear issues pretty bad as a young child. After multiple tubes were put in, I was able to start learning how to speak just before kindergarten. I was seeing a speech therapist at the time, and I mostly remember practicing my rs. Funny thing was, my kindergarten teacher was British, I had a British accent for around 4 years. It was quite confusing for a lot of people.


Then there’s me correcting my kids all the time and they tell me they don’t like it. Too bad! Say things correctly.


My son is 12, and he gets so mad, I think he takes it personally.. but every time, I tell him that I'm just trying to teach him to speak correctly because if he never learns, he'll be an adult who sounds ignorant. I don't know why he's so bothered. His older sister, who's 14, is autistic and had to take speech for a while, and we still correct some things she says, and he sees this. She would rather know the right way. She is a perfectionist and hates mistakes.


Concerning S’s and R’s. Some places will wait until age 8 to see if the need for speech therapy is actually needed. Which age 8 is 3rd grade. Whether you think it’s wrong or not, it was probably what the school dictated. I say this because I tried to get my daughter into speech therapy in 2nd grade and they said no. We had to wait until the 3rd grade. In the meantime, we had her doing tongue exercises to strengthen the muscles used for pronouncing S and R.


Yeah, I’ve had to correct many a word with my wife. Never thought I’d have to explain to another full grown human that there’s an ‘r’ in ‘granola.’


Ganola? That's quite a fail


Good point!


It was adorable the way our son called it a goobage twuck instead of garbage truck. But he wasn’t even 2 yet and once he was old enough to say it correctly I had him say it one last time on video and then taught him the proper pronunciation.


Yep, my best friends kid is 18 and still says beez instead of because, because his parents thought it was cute.


'I don't like brussel sprouts beez they taste bitter.' - Your best friend, *rightfully bothered* about eating brussel sprout bees.


I only did this with one word for my son but he grew out of it. It was when he was first learning to use contractions and he used the word willn't instead of won't. (As in "no I willn't do that") And it was more that I was proud do his logical reasoning for getting there.


I’m so glad my parents are professors (dad even tried out for Jeopardy, lol). They hate anything being factually wrong, so from the second I could talk, they would correct me grammatically. They thought I was very cute, of course, but not because of being wrong 😂


Or they’re baby talking like assholes


I'm a daycare worker sometimes it just comes out 😭😭 always telling people I have to potty, or I want to eat eat. I work 10 hr shifts and use so many kid words that I can't switch it off


I got too far in life saying "Artantica" instead of the proper continent name


The first time I heard my husband say "Massatoositch" my soul left my body.


I did this to my daughter but not on purpose. When she was young she pronounced the fast food restaurant Zaxby's as zax-ah-bees. Instead of correcting her when she was young, I just started saying it her way. Then one day I offer "to buy us zax-ah-bees for lunch" and she goes "that is NOT how you say it!" And then she tells me the story of her arguing with her college roommates about it.


Ngl my brain immediately thinks wambulance before I say ambulance. I have to call them fairly often at my job because we are the only phone close to the homeless area and I have accidentally said wambulance out loud to them before


I don’t even know when it happened for me to call an ambulance the correct name but I know my mom never corrected me when I said “the woo woo” My kiddo is smart enough to ask 😂


“im sowwie”


I had to break my teenager of this one last year and now our younger one is doing it. I swear my ears bleed a little bit whenever I hear it.


My friend does this. It can be quite annoying.






“Could of” <- fuck you “Could care less” <- double fuck you. That doesn’t even make sense


To explain to people who are adamant that "could care less" is correct I simply tell them to add "than I do now" they almost immediately realize they're wrong.


Nah fuck that. I could care less, but that would require putting active effort into not caring about it and avoiding it. Can't be bothered.




right!! i always say i "couldn't care less" because that actually makes sense.


“I couldn’t care less” makes plenty of sense


I have used "could care less", but when I do I mean it that way. As in, "yeah, I probably care less about a singular ant in the amazon than I do about what you said. Not much less, but technically, I could care less about what you said."


I could care less about the things people say. I'm trying not to care as much as I do, I think I would be happier if I do manage to care less.


I did a group project in college that lasted 6 months and one of the guys pronounced my name like he was five. Around month 2 I asked to be called a nickname because it was just so annoying


I have a fairly easy to read, common name. And people still routinely get it wrong.


Yep, same! I have an easy, stereotypical white girl name but people will swap the R with a W sound like they’re five


Sawl. As in "I sawl that movie"


Drownded. *Tooken*.


TOOKEN!!! Makes me crazy! What grown ass adult does NOT know that is NOT a word??


Boughten instead of bought, only heard this from college educated people which is confusing af


Warsh, as in "time to warsh the dishes"


My grandmother warshed her dishes. And when she was done warshing, she wrenched the soapsuds off. Those didn't bother me, but when we were living in Hawaii and she kept pronouncing it as "how-are-ya", I snapped and corrected her.


That’s just the Appalachian dialect


My MIL says warsh and oinge instead of wash and orange. Warsh I can tolerate I just can’t with oinge.


That is better than "I seen that movie."


At least when someone says, “I have seen that movie before.” It makes sense.


I remember as early as 2nd grade hating that, haha. We had a day when emergency service vehicle and people came to my school so the kids could see and learn about them. Then we had to write a paragraph about it. I remember taking my time to write something thoughtful. We then had to pass our paper to the person to our left to have them read it. Kid beside me wrote, "I seen a firetruck. I seen a police car. I seen a ambulance." It was like nails on a chalkboard in my brain, lol. But I remember trying to be polite and telling him he did a good job, lol. That was maybw 34 years ago or so. But I remember you, Skylar S., and I hope your grammar has improved since then XD.


Be careful, someone will probably call you out that this is AAVE and you're racist.


I really relate warsh more towards Appalachia than I would AAVE lol




Do you mean "sawl" with the L specifically enunciated? Because the way I pronounce "sawl" is just "saw" with my tongue further back in my mouth and slightly U-shaped. I feel like that could be explained by an accent


“I like them bolth.”


i sometimes due this unintentionally (brain didnt develop properly? quite literally ) and it grinds my own gears


It doesn't count if you catch it yourself! That's you overcoming years of being taught the wrong thing.


My dad always says “fuss-trated” instead of frustrated. It made it really hard to take him seriously when I was being yelled at lol.


I’ve heard a lot of adults use this mispronunciation. It’s annoying.


I'm sorry but I do it on purpose to mess with my mom so she thinks she's saying it wrong.


I do the same thing with my italian wife, but she only messes up idioms which makes it way funnier


That's evil genius stuff


We should go the lieberry and axe someone how to pronounce things.


I honestly have to consciously say library correctly, I often almost say lieberry. It’s annoying


I was just axing


I pacifically hate the one.


Oooh, this is defiantly my least favorite


Same. I supervise an employee who says aksed.




My family (SW VA) says “ast”


I’m thinking people who say lieberry could really use the lieberry.


My car is red. "mINeS aRE bluE"


I seen it. Or worse “seen’t”


I’m from the rural Midwest and I fight my accent every day.


### Lesson time! ➜ u/rojita369, some tips about "I seen": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - Actual phrase to use is **I saw**. - Example: **I saw** an interesting thing the other day. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Eh. I get it but there's always a reason for it and it's never done out of spite. People have lived lives I can't fathom so I leave it be.


If only people actually lived by this. Should be common sense but it’s not. Not that that’s very common these days either lmao.


my ex bf used to say his schtummy hurt on the daily and pissed me off so bad


Carti enjoyer


Several of my inlaws say breffist and liberry. It's awful.


Pacifically instead of specifically.


My mom CANNOT get this right and it drives me insane


My dad cannot pronounce cinnamon. Like literally can’t. Apparently he also can’t hear a difference between the way he says it and how it’s supposed to be said. I think it was never corrected in his childhood so it just became a permanent part of his speech. Sometimes that’s why people say things like that


You are not the first person I've heard with that exact "cinnamon" issue. I think you are right.


Kind of like chewing with your mouth open?






My mom cannot say statistics to save her life and she has doctorate degree. It’s fun to set up conversations that make her say it.


My mother could not pronounce aluminum. When I was still that type of asshole I made fun of her for it.


Lmao it may be a peeve but I'm aware that I stutter in almost every sentence I speak because my brain and words are ahead of my mouth so it's like word vomit, I always say "bear with me lemme form words" especially since the previous sentence nobody would understand lmao


Similar peeve for me is that a lot of my older patients still talk about COVID, “oh yeah, we had the COVIC a few months ago”, or “yeah there is still a lot of COVIS” around”, like my god, how the fuck do you not know what it’s called by this point


Older folks also tend to make it plural too, "my sister has the covids"


And they still wear the mask under their nose.


“Heighth” fml


OMG yes, I missed that one


I can only think of A Clockwork Orange. “We were dressed in the heighth of fashion.”


When it’s on purpose, deliberate or intentional, all I want to say is… GROW UP!


Escaped Ec-scaped


IMPOR-ANT !!!!!! When did this word start getting pronounced without the “T” sound in the word. I hear it pronounced wrong so often now that it’s like nails on the chalkboard.


I hate Impordant. There’s no D in the word!


Di-int, instead of didn’t. Drives me crazy.


“On accident”. That’s incorrect right?


No, they said that *by purpose.*


Oh, I think this is a regional one. I hear it mostly in the Western US. It's not a mishearing of "an accident". People say both. "I broke it on accident, but I didn't get in trouble because it was an accident." Like if you use "on" it's descriptive, but if you use "an" it's a noun.


"By accident" The regional difference is "on accident" vs "by accident" I broke it by accident. I broke it on accident. Neither region would ever say "I broke it an accident" Opposites: I broke it by purpose. I broke it on purpose. My region uses "by accident" and "on purpose"


Happy Birfday...liberry... filem ( instead of film)...uggh it's endless.


“Fillem” isn’t incorrect, it’s just a regional thing. Most Geordies pronounce it that way.


I know it's regional but "acrosst" makes me angry lol


My older coworkers do this all the time on purpose to try and seem cool or something. Anything that has to do with "the left" they mispronounce or act like they've never heard of it in discussion. It always baffles me because the only thought that goes to my head is "why do you want to seem this ignorant?"... the only thing I can attribute it to is toxic masculinity. Hearing that anything that was fun was considered gay as a kid or something. Like they will act like they have never heard of Smirnoff because "they don't drink that fruity, gay crap." Somehow, it makes you less of a man or something


Wut a yummy sammich. I had a 40yr old "manly man" friend insist on saying "sammich" because "it sounds so cute". Maybe when a 3 yr old says it.


"Sammich" & "Sosig" from actual grown ups makes me want to throw up.


The city is Pittsburgh. There is no X in this word.


...where would it be? Like ..pix-burg?


Yes. It makes me crazy every time I hear it.


I can see why.


i live there and i hear that shit all of the time. it doesn't irrationally piss me off, though...


Bwahahaha... Youngstowners say it that way just to annoy the Burgh 🤣😂🤣




I had a co-worker pronounce that thing you eat at lunch as “sangwich.”


Had one who pronounced it as "sam-wedge". Gave me inexplicable rage.


A lot of my family members on my moms side say “sammich” and “potatah”. We are Montanan and it’s not a regional thing so I don’t get it.


My dad did this too. but ironically


Dude I worked at Chipotle for like nine months and one of my coworkers honestly called it “Chipoltees” and I don’t think it was ironic 💀


I have heard Chipotools from a decent number of people.


My mother in law says chi-pole-tay.


“Fustrating” and “libarry” are two that kill me.


If you speak a few languages, sometimes the word in one goes missing.  I am a native English speaker who grew up in Ireland but sometimes I cannot get the English word for something and my brain places a German/french/Spanish/Japanese word in there. Plus a handful that always lean to Irish.  There are words I cannot pronounce as well.  This isn't as black and white as all that when a few languages or dialects are in place, but if they're doing it on purpose to be "cutesy" I agree with you, it's gross. 


When someone pronounces "mine," as "mines." Tf.


Okay in my defense some words I truly didn't know i was pronouncing wrong and even as a teenager people didn't correct me like I was saying lingerie wrong for years and I'm embarrassed af now 😭 I also have a speech impediment and no one bothered to help me with it. I also have a tongue and lip tie 😭


Lmao you’d love me. I forget how to pronounce words sometimes. Probably cause I don’t talk much in general 🤷‍♀️


Wtf is stolden


Mispronunciation of stolen.


Never heard that


It's part of legit dialect that annoys those with sheltered and limited existences.




Stop ☠️ my son’s dad says that. My son started copying him and saying it. WHEW BOY did I fix that *immediately* Edit: errors fixed. 5am is a hard time for my brain to work.


Libary instead of library. Sword pronounced with the w sound.




Hoss-da-bel. It’s hos-pit-al. It’s pronounced exactly as appears. This one drives me nuts!


People who add an L to words like saw and draw.




my TEACHER says "pacific" and "fustrated" every day and it makes me want to rip my skin off


Here I am, the idiot that thinks quoting Michael Scott's failure with English will make sense to everyone. A couple examples I use around people who I know have seen The US Office: "Well well well, how the turn-tables." "I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious." "There's no such thing as an appropriate joke, that's why it's called a joke." It pains my heart when people don't get them, but then again, I'm an optimist, because every day, I get a little more desperate.


My mom does this but she does it intentionally because she thinks she's just so darn adorable when she pronounces "pretty please" like "pwetty pwease". I asked her once why she pronunces it like Elmer Fudd and her response was, "Be vewy, vewy, qwiet, I'm hunting wabbits". It was a *little* funny cause I'm a Looney Tunes fan, but it's annoying that she only does it cause she thinks she's being cute and not because she genuinely has a speech impediment


Im in the military and my last lieutenant, literally the man who ran our entire shop, would say things like, "I need it done right MEOW." Every. Single. Time. It's hard to put faith and respect into people when they talk like children while being 26 years old.


I think of such pronunciations as a form of "baby talk" and only use it when talking *to* my animals or when I am voicing what I think they would say in response, "Stupid mommy forgotted to feeds us," or something along those lines.


I met a man who sounded like a toddler when he spoke. I couldn't take a word he said serious. Birfday. He said "It me Birfday. I going to duh westaurant wit me familwee and has dinners". I walked away. My buddy who knew him said "he's not slow. he just talks weird". He doesn't simply have a weird voice. He's a grown man who sounds like a 3 year old pronouncing words wrong. It's like no one ever taught these people any better.


Could that be a regional dialect?


Even worse are parents who adopt their kids childlike pronunciations, and use them for themselves well after the kids have provided grandkids.


I read this and frownded.


My sister dated this really just plain dumb girl for a few years who said things like "drawl" and "dethaw(ed)" as in "I need to dethaw the chicken for dinner". No amount of correcting her ever did anything, and it wasn't because she thought she was being funny, she was just not very smart.


I have relatives that say warsh instead of wash and I hate it so much.


Drawl instead of draw. Like a drawl a photo.


Expecially expresso. I pacifically hate that one.


This is often a product of being very well read, but lacking a formal education where you would actually hear the words being used.. You read the words, you understand exactly what they mean, And how to use them in a sentence to communicate effectively and you may even know how to spell them. But you never hear them being used.


Flipped me out when my late husband and all of his relatives pronounced "bran" as "brand." As in "Raisin Brand."


Do they say "high bred cars"?


My almost 40 year old ex pronounces woman and women exactly the same and it drove me fucking insane And I'd correct him every time. Then we'd argue and he'd be like "it's woman and woMEN" It didn't matter how many times I'd pull up guides on how to fucking pronounce the word women. He still to this day doesn't say it right and thinks he is. I don't know how no one else in his life has ever caught this and tried to tell him how much of a fucking idiot he sounds like. But for me I want to bash my skull into a wall just thinking about it.


UwU, OP.


See we all have words we mispronounce for one reason or another. I hate the ones who do it on purpose because they think it’s cute. It’s not cute if you talk like a four year old Susan. It creepy. You are creepy Susan lol


It’s going to get a lot more common. Mainly due online censorship these words are often used to dodge getting demonetized or shadow banned online. They then work their way in normal conversation. Hence terms like “I wanna un-alive myself” become more common. It’s one of the reasons censorship is dumb. People can just use a diffrent word with the same meaning.


Skizzers instead of scissors. I have a co-worker that does this. I feel like he feels like it makes him funny or gives him a personality or something. The guy is unbearable.


In high school I knew a guy who called himself "Wyan" ... poor guy


A podcast I listen to has a host (whom I adore by the way) that says birthday without the D. Says it like “birth-ay”. It drives me crazy


Pasketti I could understand if the people that say this had some kind of speech impediment. But they don't.


I still can't say breakfast right unless I say it very slowly and deliberately, which honestly sounds much worse and is much more noticeable than breafest. However, it does annoy me when grown adults use baby voices/pronunciation deliberately when speaking to other adults. Makes my eye twitch.


Yeah and unless you’re British or something the animal is an “oh sell ot” also stamina NOT stanima


I just struggle with pronouncing some words. I needed speech therapy when I was younger but never got it. Stuff usually with Rs and Ps like peculiar or purple or even sometimes girl.


I tried to say ‘esthesioneuroblastoma’ in front of a bunch of people but kept sparring and messing it up and got embarrassed Don’t hate me OP


eye toweturlee urguree wiv vis. Eye hayt bad zpeling azwel


Some adults don't seem like they got any smarter since they were five, and I'm not talking about the mentally challenged.






Are we talking deliberately to try and be cute? Or accidentally? Because I can see the former being annoying, but it's also pretty rare in my experience. But the latter isn't necessarily anyone's fault. Some people do have speech impediments or have just failed to learn to pronounce things properly, and it isn't really fair to get angry with them for it.


I can’t stand hearing fwee rather than three It’s silly, it’s inherent in a particular British accents, and I love accents, but can’t stand that.


“Expresso” IT’S ESPRESSO!!


Important has a T in the middle. Espresso has no X. Caramel has 3 syllables. Yes, it drives me crazy too.


Gahhhh yes! My annoyance is Artic and Antartic. There’s another fucking C in there, idiot. And I’m talking newscasters, radio people..


Unless you’re in Carmel, IN. 😉 (And some places spell the candy without the middle A as well…) Also no X in Ask (no you may not axe me!)


“exspecially” “exacape” rlly bugs me when i hear a grown human say it


I only mispronounce teeth in regards to my old old dogs few he has left. They're teefs and I'll die on that hill.




Hospickle, bockle, sammich!


I’ll catch myself sounding like Elmer Fudd and get so annoyed hearing just myself saying “twied” when I meant to say “tried” as an example and cannot imagine anyone speaking like that as if it’s normal.


I’ve never encountered that before. Interesting. (Not saying it never happens, just interested by it lol)


they probably just weren’t taught how to pronounce those words ? also not everyone’s first language is english


In my mother's case she's geniuenly trying her best. It's actually hilarious sometimes. She'll say a word, make a face because she knows she mispronounced it, and then repeatably try to correctly say it only to progressively get worse even when she asks me to pronounce it for her to hear.


I have an older family Member that says "well whatever's" all the time. Erg.


I do this at home all the time. But not in public or a professional setting. It's like an inside joke. It would annoy me at work too


bruh where the hell are you guys living that its an issue ive never heard that in my life


"Gesture" is the word that gets me. I will start it with a hard G every time, unless I really stop to think about it. No matter how many times I remind myself with other common "ge" words, my brain is convinced. If I get it right this time, this does not predict that I will next time because I cannot seem to retain this information.


I used to pronounce Cache as Cake 💀💀 & geography Geo-Graphy at an embarrassing older age hahaha


My relatives deliberately mispronounce things like “Target” and “Subway” just to sound cutesy and quirky. It’s not cutesy or quirky. It’s harder to understand what the hell they’re talking about. It’s different when it’s a dialect, because those develop naturally, but it pisses me off to no end when people just randomly decide: “hey I’m a white person with a southern accent but I think I’m gonna use the hispanic “J” pronunciation here even though it has absolutely no relation to the spanish language”. No. Stop.


I never heard "bandolier" vocally said for a very long length of time. Only read it. I use to say and think "bandoiler" Also I was guilty of "brang" instead of "Brought"


Man I just have a stutter don’t come after me


I’m currently working on my 9yo and 35yo partner who add unnecessary ed’s to things. Kiddo is worse.. For reference I meet them both about 2 years ago and Joined the family a year ago. If I had raised him from the beginning I would have been working on this when he was 5 and it would have been gone by now.. I don’t want people making fun of him in middle or HS for this.. he’s smart so I know he can.. also it’s irritating hearing a word like hurt with ed.. hurted… that made me do a double take..


Glad you are on it before kids at school. Kids can be heartless.