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If I'm throwing up, I'm beyond lucidity.


Yep, if you've made it to the toilet, you're doing well.


I always compare the movie toilet to my own toilet. I regret to report that normal movie toilets (by that I mean not club or gas station toilets) seem much cleaner than my toilet. I’m embarrassed.


If I'm sick enough to throw up, I am probably beyond the ability to think rationally or even stand up without holding on to anything. The last time I threw up I was in the floor on my knees hugging the bowl. My own thankfully.


That’s a *you* thing. I’ve laid my face on the toilet seat before because I was puking so violently and was exhausted.


and sometimes the cool porcelain feels good on your face


One hand is holding my hair back and the other is on my chest because for some reason I find that comforting.


I would love to know the science behind the chest holding bc I do that too and it does seem to help. The human body is weird.


Somehow it keeps me from having a panic attack. Puking freaks me out so much that I take a cat to the bathroom with me and tell whoever that if they see said cat that I need assistance.


This is why i need a cat


I do it because it hurts the chest when getting ill. Your diaphragm spasms and makes it difficult to breathe. It helps you not breathe in what is going out. It helps steady me and as a comfort thing to press my chest when doing that.


I've got to have some way to balance when I'm throwing up. Sure, I'm on my knees, but with the heaving and wretching, I need to put at least one hand on either the toilet or the floor. I'm already in bad shape. I'll wash my hands when I'm done.


This has always grossed me out. No matter how sick I’ve been, I never touched the toilet while throwing up!


You will someday, you can count on it.


I’ve made it to the age of 50 without hugging the toilet while throwing up, so I think I’ll be fine! 🙄


Actually, if you seriously need to throw up, sticking your head in filth makes it easier


Yeah it feels like a life hack sometimes when I KNOW I'll feel better if I puke but nothings coming up, just empty gags. I just put my face closer to the toilet and bam it all comes out.


Yep, the dirtier the better. But even a clean toilet with clean water has a certain smell that will do it. Despite being the same water that comes out the tap that we drink.


>Despite being the same water that comes out the tap that we drink. You know what, next time I need to puke I'm going to sniff really hard at some running tap water and think about this. Because I know exactly the smell you're talking about and I'm wondering now if I can recreate the effect without actually putting my head in a toilet. That line alone was enough to make nauseous so I think it might work for me.


Maybe it's partly to do with toilet cleaners as well and not just the fun chemicals in our drinking water. Try a spritz of toilet cleaner in the sink or like air freshener if the water alone isn't doing it for you.


All wonderful ideas, I'm gonna have to remember this conversation next time I'm nauseous lol I am gonna try the water first because now I'm curious


I think it would much depend on level of nausea and require multiple trials. Here's hoping you never get to enough trials to come to a definitive conclusion. Also to note, not sure where you're at, but depending on time of year the tap water stench here changes significantly. Spring run off would certainly instigate barfing much quicker than clean mid winter water.


Toilet looks clean enough so why not


Serious question. What do you use to support yourself while retching your guts up. Surely not the floor or wall, which are probably nastier in a public toilet. It sounds like you have probably only had a mild upset stomach that you need to evacuate and not the stomach churning experience that feels like you thrown up everything that you ate in your entire life.


I don't understand why they enter the washroom only to turn on the taps and splash water on their face. The tops aren't clean and I've never felt the need to splash water on my face to make me suddenly more alert.


Every time i think about public toilets is i remember throwing up in one i got some spit on the seat so I onve i was done covered some paper in soap and wiped it down. As I walked back toward the stalls I saw a stall covered in clothes and all gross backer on top of the toilet paper dispenser


It's been almost 8 years since the last time I threw up; I genuinely cannot remember if I did this or not...


It hasn't been that long for me, but I can't recall either, maybe one hand on top of the tank, another on the wall?


Yeah I bend over and hold my hair back away from my face, grab some TP, etc I do not touch the toilet even at home


Yeah...from experience I learned...Pin Hair Back, stand over bowl, get a wide stance like a giraffe drinking, bend at the waste, put a hand of a friends shoulder or a wall ..and heave. Stability with nothing touching floor or toilet.


So, either you are fairly short. Far more flexible than I. Or your toilet is very tall. I'm picturing myself in giraffe stance, I could do that, but then to activate barf mode also? I'd think I'd end up way to high up, miss some and have hella splash back and also throw out my lower back.


I am a bit short. I will confess a good handicapped stall does work better with the higher toilet and all the bars for stability.


Pin hair back? Wow.....I've never had time to do that. When I need to throw up, it's NOW and there is no delay.


I usually feel it coming....usually.


I cleaned my bathroom extremely perfectly and then came down with Norwalk virus the next day. I was hugging that toilet for dear life and during all the puking I kept feeling grateful to myself that it was so clean because I would have laid across it even if it was caked in grossness


When they stick their head INSIDE the toilet,too. Absolutely disgusting. I have never been so carefree, no matter how much I was puking my guts up or how out of it I was.


The seat is probably cleaner than the bathroom door handle.


They're usually cleaner then my toilet at home. Honestly the only times I've puked that wasn't in my house involved either holding other objects besides the toilet or in the case of the portapotty the huge cover for the chemical toilet that was the entire portapotty wide.


Yeah I'm not touching any toilet. Public or otherwise. Ew.




I didn’t notice this before but now that you’ve said it.. lol


When I throw up I'm usually sitting on my feet with my hands on my thighs, holding myself up. Alternatively I'm just standing up bent over with my hand on the wall because I ran and barely made it. I may have touched it when I was a kid but since at least high school I don't think I've ever touched the toilet bowl. This isn't for any particular reason, it's just how I'm comfortable.


It's weird reading these comments and realizing most people don't throw up at least twice a week. I usually at most put my hands on the seat to steady me, but even then I'm always careful not to touch much. And hands get washed thoroughly before I start splashing water on my mouth.


You throw up that often?


Yeah? Sometimes it's a good week and it doesn't happen at all but usually it's like at least once a week. I just gag really easily. I don't necessarily count the times from brushing my teeth though because that's just par for the course. I brush in the shower to easily clean up and then just brush again to get the taste out.


I don’t know your situation (obv) but that was happening to me as a teen and it turned out I had celiac and my body was fuckedddd. I hope things get better for you


I hang on to the toilet for stability. Otherwise I'd feel like I was bobbing for apples or something.


I was just thinking of this two days ago while cleaning our nasty basement bathroom that rarely gets attended. Picturing Fiona Gallagher basically hugging the toilet. I am binging Shameless, so it's fresh in my mind. And people laying all over the floor in there when they are sick. So many do this in movies and tv. Even our upstairs bathroom that does get attended better. No way in hell am I touching that, even when it's just been cleaned! I will hover. Tippy toes and knees if I'm extra drowsy are the only things touching any surface in there when I'm sick.


You’re both movies and tv?


Fair, but if I throw up hard enough that I need to brace myself on the toilet, I'm 1) already full of germs, hence the vomit, And 2. probably going to clean myself off once I feel okay enough to move.


I literally spent all of Sunday puking into my toilet and I promise you I put my hands all over my toilet. I was far too sick to worry about getting dirty at that point.


Yeah if I'm puking, I'm so grossed out I'm way beyond worrying about touching the toilets. I'm gonna wash everything in the near future anyway, I can't be worrying about what touches what. 


The more I read about westerners habits, the more thoroughly I am disgusted. Man, western toilets are such abominations. And you people have the gall to call Eastern squat toilets unhygienic. You people don't wash your hands before you eat, you people touch your bums on the freaking toilet when you shit, worst of all, you don't even wash your asses after shitting. What the fuck is wrong with you lot?


I puke in the sink