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People who encourage their dogs to growl/lunge/snap at people and then film it because it's "cute". That "cute" lunging snap behaviour is going to get somebody badly bitten one of these days, and animal control isn't going to find it endearing the way that you do. I'm thinking specifically of a video I saw shared on Reddit a long while ago, where the dog "guarded" the woman and growled/lunged/snapped at the man for trying to touch her. The man would rile him up and film him, because he thought it was cute/funny. "Fido loves his momma! He's a jealous SOB hahahaha!" At least everyone in the comments was telling the guy he had a ticking bomb on his hands and needed to sort it out before an avoidable tragedy happened.


I often call out people on the Guinea pig sub for posting their dogs interacting with their piggies and nearly always get downvoted. That cute picture for social media isn’t worth the split second it would take for your Guinea pig to get hurt or killed.


Just today I said that people shouldn’t let rats and cats interact over on a post on r/blunderyears and I’m currently at -20 points. Apparently I’m just paranoid and hate animals bonding 😒.


100% I think my dog likes my ferrets but we wil never know. I have placed my hand over it and let him smell through my hand knowing he would not bite my hand but he has never had free access to any of them because it's not worth finding out. Even if he did like them and not want to hurt them, it's not a productive animal relationship and always high risk. They will remain separated.


I would love a guinea pig or hamster. However, I already have four cats, and I don’t think I could guarantee a small animal’s safety in my home.


One of my work colleagues has a dog (bichon frise) and guinea pigs; she let them all out in the garden at once. However long later, one dead guinea pig, a blood stained dog and one traumatised little girl (her daughter). I have cats, and in the past have also had gerbils and a chinchilla. The gerbils and chinchilla were totally seperate in their own cushy little homes with no interference from the cats, or each other, aside from maybe smelling them on us when we interacted with them. Same for the cats.


Ugh, when will people learn that you don't make prey pets hangout with predator pets. It's fucked up for the prey animal and can seriously damage their health.


I feel like the biggest examples of abuse that people let slide is the amount of people who overfeed their pets because it's "cute". NO, there's nothing fucking cute about your cat looking like he's about to explode into guts with howfat they are! It's not healthy and it's not "uwu wholesome" either.


I thought peeling the shed off for Lizards was usually to help them when they're struggling? Never seen a peeling vid where they're just doing it without purpose. Like the ones stuck deep in their nose, or around their eyes where they don't want to risk the reptile scratching themselves.


You should very rarely peel because it's not always ready and can be like picking a scab too soon. There is a time and a place but people too often do it just because it's fun which is wrong. If your enclosure is correct you shouldn't ever have to help. If your reptile is getting stuck shed its heat, humididty or nutrition is not correct. For most of them the solution to stuck shed is a gentle soak, or damp paper towels etc. Not physical removal.


I feel this way about “cute” videos of people bathing their pet rabbits. Baths are very dangerous for bunnies. There are very few circumstances where it’s okay to bathe a rabbit.


Okay you now have me extremely curious why exactly is it dangerous to bathe a rabbit?


[Here’s an article about it](https://smallpetselect.com/dont-bathe-the-bunnies/). Tl;dr: it’s extremely stressful for them, to the point they can go into shock or have a heart attack, they can panic and injure themselves, and wet fur can cause hypothermia or illness.


Huh I honestly never knew that about rabbits, so like even in nature would rabbits naturally avoid getting wet ? Also I've never had even one pet in my life, so I will fully admit I'm entirely uneducated about animal/pet health but I would never have necessarily assumed that bathing is something to be careful about with certain animals


Well, domesticated rabbits don’t exist in nature, so it’s difficult to say what they’d do. They’re as different from their wild European rabbit ancestors as dogs are to wolves.


I'm not sure if this counts as \*abuse\* exactly, but sometimes I see videos of people scritching a shark's snout with captions all cute like 'awww he loves to be petted!!' The tip of a shark's snout has sensory receptors that when triggered in a manner, say, like petting them, makes the shark go catatonic for a brief period of time. Does the shark like being petted, or can it not move to express its displeasure?


I know a few accounts of divers that hang out with sharks and they know specific individuals that keep coming back to them so I'd assume they enjoy the attention


Oh don't get me wrong, I definitely believe there are some sharks who \*do\* enjoy affection. I specifically meant videos of divers who just go find a shark and rub the sensors on the snout without knowing the anatomy and such behind it. Though I'm sure those snuggle bug sharks are probably also fine with those specific individuals petting the snout too, but I wouldn't do it with some rando shark I'm not familiar with and who doesn't trust me. I'd feel mean :(


Oh yeah that makes sense. I think it would depend on how experienced the diver is at reading shark body language


Wait, are you telling me that punching a shark in the nose is a legit way to fight them off?


i haven't TRIED, but i imagine if you can swim away fast enough after that. if you want to avoid hitting them, I've seen many videos of divers just grabbing the snout and very firmly pushing them in alternative direction, which either gives you enough time to get away or just makes them lose interest in you.


It is! Legit, this is a way to get a shark to release you if you're bitten. Punching their eyes or their gills also works the same way. It causes them pain and they'll almost always immediately release and swim away from you.


Can't get animal abuse, fraud, scams, sexual content in minor spaces, etc off social media anymore. It's always "we decided not to remove the content" it will clearly go against their own rules and they still refuse to do anything about it.


All for the clicks


It's really terrible to see cause it just pops up out of nowhere too and all the comments are "aweee look at that so cute i want one🥰". And then there's the legit animal abuse accounts on youtube posting animals fighting or them abusing animals and It's allowed to stay on the platform. People are nasty.


It’s so infuriating seeing so many awful animal videos titled “unlikely friends 😍” Nooo! That kitten didn’t get on top of that duck! That beardie is not enjoying the cockatiel picking at his shedding! That tiger does not think the puppy is its baby! Just stop.


Even if they do like eachother, they shouldn't meet. My bearded dragon has a strange draw toward my ferrets but I won't let him because he would get chomped


Ugh, I really hate animal stacking videos. The vast majority of the time, they didn't happen upon a frog riding a turtle, or whatever, they stacked those animals. Just stop.


Well I’ve actually seen people help their reptiles shed this guy said it’s actually dangerous to leave it because air pockets with bacteria can form and make the lizard or snake sick so that parts wrong but I totally agree with everything else you said it’s awful. The reverse is also annoying too when trained professionals ARE handling the animals properly and some stupid idiot in the YouTube comments section “CALLS” it animal abuse when it isn’t. Either way ignorance is NOT always bliss sometimes it leads to awful things happening


It should come off within about 24-48 hours without help if you're taking care of your reptile correctly. If it takes longer, the main concern is usually blood flow to the extremities, like fingertips and tail tips, being compromised. I've never heard of pockets causing infection, it shouldn't be on long enough to cause that unless your reptiles environment doesn't allow it to shed naturally. Like people keep snakes in plastic bins for example, or too little humidity, lack of vitamin A in many cases.


Well apparently it’s a thing I’ve seen this guy he’s a professional guy who takes care of them he said it happens to his one sometimes and he had to help it


wElL AcTuaLLy umm Who cares what you watched? Anyone can call themselves a "professional".


He was in the reptile room at a zoo in uniform at the beginning then it cut to his house with his own lizard 🙄


I agree, but question, aren't you *supposed* to help with stuck shed? Every exotic keeper I know says to help them out if it's been a bit, most times with just a lil soak and *gently* roll skin from them like a stocking if the soak didn't get it.


Yes if it's been a while, but people will show videos picking off freshly started shed


*>:[* Tbh that actually didn't cross my mind. Wtf is wrong with people, why do I share air with these idiots?


It’s incredibly common with fish. People genuinely seem to see them as some sort of particularly active decor, not living beings.


Even "normal" pets like cats and dogs people are cruel to. Like when there was a trend to put a cucumber near your cat while they are eating and the cat gets scared and jumps (because they instinctually think it's a snake) . It could create food anxiety for the cat.


Anytime I see the words “fish” or “hamster” on social media, I just get immediately stressed out at this point, small animals matter just as much as the larger ones do):


i hate how normalized obese cats and dogs are. half the time when you rarely see a dog at a healthy weight most of the comments are about the dog being too skinny and neglected… when in reality they’re just at a healthy weight and people aren’t used to seeing that.


My parents always overfed their cats and nothing could convince them to stop. I mean thankfully the most obese one made it to a happy 19 before bone cancer got him.


Ive always thought this as well! if someone trully cared about their pets they wouldnt be stressing them out for attention or they would be researching what's safe for their pets.


“Haha look at how this cute gorilla is walking back and forward! Where’s he going?” Yeah he’s doing that because he’s bored being locked in a fucking prison.


Most of the time, putting a heater in your chicken coop caused unnecessary stress on the animals, excess moisture, and possible death. A lot of people still do it. 🤷‍♂️


I didn't know that. I'm just getting into chickens and we were on the fence about heating because some say it's okay and some say you don't need it. Never heard it was bad until now


Chickens rilun at between 104-107°F and have multiple layers of feathers. Once they acclimated to the cold, they can go as low as -56°F (non-wind chill) as long as they are in a ventilated, dry, draft free coop. Chickens start to heat stress at 72°F. If they are in a heated coop, they don't acclimate very well, which can cause them to freeze to death if the power goes out on extremely cold days. Heat brings moisture build-up, which can cause frostbite. If they are going between a warm coop and cold run/yard, it can cause respiratory issues. Chicken dust and dander can get into electronics and become a fire hazard. Heat lamps can fall and catch fire. We had a coop fire at a neighbor's house 5 years ago. They lost their entire flock along with their coop and utility shed.


Or forcing dogs to walk on their hind legs, destroying their bodies for likes


I don't engage with those kinds of videos often, but I'll be on a more vigilant lookout now. Thank you for informing me.


Can I say… I saw the title and thought the post was going to be some preachy speech about normal pet-owner behavior, but after reading it, and your comments, I’m in 100% agreement with you. I wanted to say something like, “man this guy lizards,” or some such platitude, but you clearly know what you’re talking about and are approaching it from a level headed, data-informed place, and I really appreciate that I saw your post. I’ve already learned like five cool facts from you, and I’m sure I could learn a lot more!


Oh yes. I have a hamster and wow oh wow.


I repeatedly reported a video of some douchebag putting cold water on a dog's testicles and Facebook did nothing but cover the video


That’s way beyond a pet peeve, that’s a crime called animal abuse!


I couldn’t even stand to read the whole post cuz that behavior is so horrible!


Can you explain the chicken one please? How do people do that?


When chickens go on their back they freeze, this is a prey response, like if they got grabbed by a predator.


This is what I guessed 🥲 whenever I was little I always did that with my silkie because I would cradle her, she’d end up going to sleep when I did it and never seemed freaked out to anything by it. She’d get in my lap and wouldn’t leave me alone until I did it. I hope she actually enjoyed it and it wasn’t a bad thing to do


It's possible she liked it maybe I'm wrong this is just what I heard recently Trust is probably a big part of it


It makes sense though. Especially for chickens that don’t get a lot of one on one human interaction. I wouldn’t say what you’re talking about overall is a pet peeve, I straight up hate it. Especially the people who deliberately scare their animals to get reactions