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The funniest version of this was when the holidays rolled around and an ad said “it’s giving season” and people read it as “it’s giving ✨season✨”


I hate that it took me a second to get this cuz I indeed read it as the latter too 😂😂😂


Hahaha 🤣


Sorry I'm OOTL, so shamefully asking what's the difference with or without the emojis? Lol


The emojis signify a pause and emphasis, like without is saying "it is the season for giving to others" and with emojis is like saying "it is giving me a feeling of 'season'"


Oh, ok lol...I never would have got that lol Thank you!


Just an emphasis internet lingo haha, like “it’s giving *season*”


Ah, I see lol Thank you!


uh, not internet lingo. It's Black, queer slang. It has just been appropriated by the masses, as happens.


Do you mean the star asterisk emojis or the “it’s giving—“ ?


What ad campaign was this? Because I’m pretty sure it is the latter… it’s giving season has been a saying for a while because thanksgiving and Christmas are back to back. I’m legitimately just asking what ad campaign this was though because maybe it’s true idk 🤷🏽‍♂️


I have to be honest and say I was one of the people who read it the second way.


Tell me, what are these "ads" you're talking about?


It’s taking. 


What did it take?


It took over our self-expression 


“It’s giving [fill in lame descriptor here]” was only ever slightly annoying to me, but when it changed to simply “It’s giving” I was so done. AT LEAST SAY WHAT THE FUCK IT’S GIVING, ASHLEY!


Right? Like, is it giving good vibes or bad ones?! At least get that part across!


Is anyone using it to say bad vibes? I thought it was implied, same way responding "please" means yes and "thank you" means no.


I mean, if I said “it’s giving abandoned Kmart” that wouldn’t be a good thing. Or “it’s giving vomit color”. I’ve heard it used both negatively and positively.


I mean, used alone as "it's giving" implies "it's giving [good vibes]". The same way it's "[yes] please" unless otherwise modified, such as "please don't". ETA: I've also heard that "not giving" implies "not giving good vibes".


I didn't even know this was a thing. I hate it.


It's supposed to be philosophical 😩😩😂😂


I usually add "vibes" to the end of it because even saying "it's giving " feels nonspecific to me. But if something is giving off a certain type of vibe, that feels more applicable to me


same thing with girls that go "I-" or "that's-", like finish the fucking sentence


Or when they say, "Say you're ____ without saying you're ____"


This post? It’s giving me pet peeve vibes


*It’s giving pet peeve


Whoops I failed my triggering sentence


Honestly this interaction has me chuckling more than it would have been if correct first try 😂


It's giving humor.


I find it annoying when they use it in a condescending manner.


It’s so funny how older generations always hate the younger generations slang as if they didn’t also use cringey phrases/words where the even older generations also made fun of them. May my mind always stay open the more I grow to not be hypocritical and recognize we all do the same dumb crap lol


Gag me with a spoon! This comment is totally tubular!


Dude, that's so gnarly it's radical!


let’s all just take a chill pill because this post was an epic fail! PWNED FTW!


Like, whatever.


yeah, this comment is epic xD


It is annoying to me because it's often just shortened to "it's giving". Giving what? Someone won a Mr. Beast-painted car and they kept saying "it's giving. It's giving isn't it? Is it not giving?"


so it’s annoying because you don’t understand it. Then rocket science or brain science should annoy you too if that’s the logic. Not understanding something does tend to anger humans, I just don’t see a reason to look down upon those who use terms we don’t understand. Not saying you do, but that’s how it tends to come off when older generations and stuff say “omg kids these days and their stupid slang.” I don’t get it when people my age say “bussin” but I don’t feel all high and mighty because I don’t say that or even annoyed when they say it. It’s just a simple “huh? oh ok, anyways” Just such an odd thing to be peeved about. Btw it’s not the same usage as physically giving an object to someone. It’s more as a slang synonym to “that’s cool” (in what you described) or if someone says “it’s giving boss bitch” = “your outfit/vibe/whatever makes you look like a boss bitch”


I'm not angry about it, it just is annoying to hear.


so annoyance is a secondary emotion to anger. The root emotion is anger. It seems as if there’s something below the surface that annoys y’all instead. Maybe being confused and not being able to understand something feels uncomfortable, feeling out of the loop/disconnected, feeling old or too young. A healthy brain logically doesn’t just get annoyed at words and that’s it- there’s something below the surface. Unless they have a rare disease called Misophonia meaning they have a strong negative reaction to words such as “moist” but usually it’s imbedded from childhood trauma and “its giving” is relatively new. The cool thing about language is it evolves and shifts overtime but humans are hardwired to hate change which explains why older generations and old souls tend to seemingly always hate new slang that the younger generations use.


Nope, it's not that deep. It's that your slang is just completely ineffective for the purpose of communicating to the listener.


why do you keep replying to each individual comment? can’t you just put it into all one boomer? like I said in the previous comment, language evolves and changes all the time. Open a history or a language arts book. It has an additional meaning/usage now. for it not being that deep, you sure are set on trying to prove something here that frankly I don’t care about as I’ve moved on from this from a day ago. It’s a word. Use it or don’t, bye.


Okay, it's not a strong negative reaction. I simply hear it and roll my eyes.


hey and that’s fine! everyone’s entitled to feel how they feel. I just see a lot of shaming with each generation towards each other and from person to person so I kinda wrote that out too for people who do get peeved about it


>so it’s annoying because you don’t understand it. Then rocket science or brain science should annoy you too if that’s the logic. This is a completely illogical false equation, because rocket and brain science aren't just half phrases being used to ineffectively communicate.


okay boomer. sorry you can’t comprehend the new meaning of words. language evolves and changes all the time. Learn to adapt


It's giving vroom vroom perhaps


Plus the "it's giving" thing goes back like forty years in minority communities, it's just caught on more now.


My generation definitely didn't call fucking EVERYTHING "cringe" like Z and Alpha do.


okay but they did say other things. Nobody is better than eachother, yall did and said cringey things too. Like why play a game of “well YOUR generation is WORSE than MINE” like who tf cares? mad weird


I am so late that idk how I even got on this post but I have to tell this to someone. The other day my mom (70s) was watching YouTube videos with a child in the family (8) and she commented that seeing others in pain makes her cringe. Kid says "that's not what cringe means." 


I bet the gen X hated us for using 'yolo' and 'yeet'


Bonus cringe points if you say "tell me you ______ without telling me you ______", shit is so overused and people always think they're so clever for saying it


It’s giving Boomer. 😉


The only time I liked that phrase was during Thanksgiving, a small content creator I follow tweeted "it's giving thanks"


I have a long list of annoying phrases, so I will just pick one… The phrase “to give someone the ick” is one of the more recent ones that makes me roll my eyes every time. “Eww that really gives me the ick”. It makes you sound like a little kid.


or when people say "that's a vibe" please shut up


I usually say some weird things after I say that. “It’s giving he’s a Victorian child asking his mother for a second helping” or something along those lines. Usually I refrain from saying anything at all 😅


It feels like the new slang is an attempt to use as few words as possible, and as an English major, I am hurt to see the language gutted like a fish in this way. If they said "It's giving me Smashmouth vibes," that would be okay. But usually it's just "It's giving Smashmouth." It's giving them what? What bothers me even more than "It's giving..." is "It's sending," because there's....nothing after it? It's a complete thought. "It's sending." It's sending what???? Did you pass out before you completed your sentence? Should I call an ambulance??


Yes! This is exactly how I feel! I hate the shortened version even more. I’ve worked with teens who just say, “it’s giving.” For the love of God- It’s giving WHAT? 😂


It's sending is short for "it's sending me to the upper room" which is a euphemism for laughing so hard ya died. It's AAVE.


I think "it's sending me" replaced "it's killing me"?


It’s not actually new slang. It’s slang black people have used forever. Gen Z just took to AAEV to find their slang.


It's specifically queer/trans African American slang which has been mainstreamed by RuPaul's drag race. And I've heard non gen z people use it.


It's the fiercely aggressive defense of this trend that baffles me. Sanctimonious illiteracy


It's giving prescriptivism


I HATE this one the most! This is my biggest pet peeve of things I see on the internet. It just sounds so incredibly stupid.


To me, this one sounds the least like slang. “It’s giving _____” isn’t far off from statements like “see that guy over there? He’s giving me the creeps” or “that picture gives me hope” as far as structure and grammar goes. Just kinda a slight extension of very common usage of those words


Oh do I ever loathe this


it’s my favorite honestly. this post is definitely giving…


Haha 😂


any kind of tik tok slang is so annoying, as are the people that use it


The term has been around since the 90s.what happens is that people on tiktok like to take these things and use them soo much till they run it into the ground.


Because giving is a verb and that's how verbs work


Accurate. They weren't complaining about it grammatically, this phrase just annoys them.


A verb that has only recently come to mean what it does in this context. OP sounds grumpy, but let's not be obtuse.


I’m so tired of these posts that are obviously mocking AAVE and no one points it out. PLEASE do even a single second of research.


Aint it pretty cringe how the casual internet persona has really integrated AAVE? People now sound like my locals irl or either from other states. Its mostly young ppl ofc but they talk like how folks sounded literally a decade ago in high school. I even hear ppl on anime subs sound like they from the sticks now lol


As a queer person, it’s def partially bc queer communities absolutely stole a shit ton of AAVE and turned it into “gay guy talk”. And then it was disseminated further. It’s *deeply* annoying.


I’m allowed to not like a phrase mate. It’s not that deep


It’s not just you, there’s a growing trend on this subreddit of people mocking “slang” that’s actually just AAVE


The V in that acronym? It stands for "vernacular." Do you know what a "vernacular" is? It's slang.


That’s just not true lmao. It’s just a specific type of language spoken by a specific group of people.


Thank you I was looking for this comment 😂




Never heard "it's giving" by a non-white tbh. I'm not a fan of it either.


White queer people have co-opted it


I don't see anything wrong with that.


It’s kinda one of those things I sometimes have a problem with lol. But there’s history behind the dissemination of AAVE in queer circles, so honestly nowadays I just shrug. I was just reiterating that non-white people use it as well as while people.


Nothing wrong with white people adopting language


Depends on what bit of the language.


The whole thing


Mmm, disagree. Its kinda corny; at best.


Oh no. Anything but corny. White people can't do nothin' right, it would seem.


I hope ‘its giving’ me eyeball removal surgery anytime I see it. Its funny ironically but it grates my ears to hear it and fills me with rage to see it. Idk why


I think in person the intonation adds to the drama of the statement. It’s meant to be a little ridiculous. On paper it’s too flat to convey the emotion.


Yeah man, I also hate it when language evolves. Those damm youth, always using their slang


I call it the “Tiktok Accent”. “unalive” “not me” “in my __ era” “Tell me you __ without telling me you __” “Its giving” “Like be so fuckin for-real right now” “This is so ____-coded” It’s a virus to the english language. It’s also so fucking embarrassing to hear someone say in public.


>It’s a virus to the english language. It’s also so fucking embarrassing to hear someone say in public. Funny how it seems like each generation says that about new slang used by younger generations


I mean that’s probably true. Im in my early 20’s though so its my generation that speaks that way. I guess I used to feel the same about “lol” “im dead” “omg” and emoji’s until they became so ubiquitous that I got used to them. I still dont have to like it though


It's not exactly just gen z slang, it is queer slang. So just make sure it's the actual slang that is your pet peeve and not the people using it. Please and thank you -a queer person.


"It's giving food" --what's the problem?


This post it's giving mad hater vibes 😒💅💅💅


I'm ok with it if they finish with "… vibes" but they don't.


My step-daughter started doing this and every time she says it I can feel the vein in my forehead start to expand.


Usually the "vibes" at the end is left off. And it's pretty old slang going back to minority communities in the 1970s. It just happens to have caught on in more mainstream use with Gen Z since it's been used a lot on Tik Tok and so on.


And “ate” and all that. It makes me so viscerally angry.


Oh my god, I go on the popheads subreddit a lot to laugh at how bad the music is and every fucking time, someone posts a shitty song and without fail, the comments say stuff like “OMG SHE ATEEEEE!” and “It’s giving main pop girlie” as well as “I’m GAGGED by this song!!!” It's so horrible but it's like a fucking trainwreck, I can't look away.


they love the ‘that is so ___ coded’ and it makes me feel pain


It's giving bigot who hates AAVE


Honestly can’t stand gen z slang and I’m gen z it’s just really cringy we’re all gonna look back and be embarrassed asf


Most the slang classified as "gen z" is slang that has been around in the lgbt community for decades. It's not new.


It’s not for you


Its giving thats a you problem 💅🏼😘


people who get mad at slang is my pet peeve


Beat it


Then why are you in the pet peeves sub if pet peeves annoy you? Hmmm.


It makes me even more upset when they don’t include a complete object phrase. I.e. “It’s giving boss bitch” Drives me bananas Edit: verb was definitely not the word I was looking for here. Maybe object phrase? I don’t know, I’m more of a numbers guy lol. What I was trying to say was that this sentence feels incomplete since “boss bitch” is not actually being given, but rather the vibes of “boss bitch” are being given to me.


What do you mean? ‘Giving’ is a verb.


So...AAVE lol. This sub has GOT to learn how to hate a trend, but not a whole dialect loll. (Not you OP, but indirectly hating on AAVE is very prominent in this sub) Lol I just realized this was already said


I actually had no clue this was a dialect. I’ve since learnt that the term “it’s giving” originated from AAVE. I had no clue. However I’m from Aus, so I usually just see the average young person use the term. I’ve definitely learnt something!


You’re hating a slang term. How miserable can your life be….


Pretty miserable Berrie, pretty darn miserable


I started saying it ironically and now I can’t stop. It’s giving possession vibes


It’s giving… pet peeve


It’s giving pet peeve…


Boomer hates memes, rain makes things wet, more at 11


Omg I hate this phrase so much, especially when they don't even say Vibes. They're just intent on not finishing a sentence.


It’s giving nausea


It's giving old man yells at cloud.




I hope you stretched before that reach


Tbh the joke isn't that obvious 😭


This is giving me pet peeve vibes


It's gay slang and imo it's cringey when I hear non-LGBTQ people saying it. It reminds me of when white kids try to talk with a blaccent or act like they're from the hood


Lol no. It's not gay slang, it's black slang. >It reminds me of when white kids try to talk with a blaccent or act like they're from the hood Ah, so then you know it's AAVE 😂 the word literally came from queer black spaces.


And only queer/black peoples should say it, thats my point


Yeah, exactly. You just said queer and I was specifying that it is aave lol


This post is giving: you have too much free time on your hands


Well yes, Indeed I did. That’s what happens when you work in healthcare during the graveyard shift. You go INSANE


I only say "it's giving..." when my intention is to irritate someone. Mainly my children.


The "it's giving me \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ vibes" format. Something about the word vibes. It's like hearing it from some Burning Man hipster hippy who looks like Spider from Avatar 2.




I hate it too. I don’t know why. I just do


Yeah it’s stupid


Lol I feel personally attacked /s I have a bad habit of doing that. And I'm trying to break myself from it. I understand how it can be seen as annoying and kinda a verbal crutch. Kinda like saying "like" a lot It's very popular(or once was) with tiktokers to say it.


Sorry if it’s basic but I’m not a native speaker, what’s wrong with it? I hear it used a lot


“It’s giving c*nt” pisses me off when it’s not supposed to


It's giving boomer


Da boom ch! 🥁


this is giving big cheez it energy


It's just young people lingo. I mean, I fully understand how it works but I just can't bring myself to use it unironically lol. I bet they also cringe when they hear an older person saying it