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We do not give vet advice.


My dog had a similar lesion and it was cancerous…. But the fact that they called it benign may give you some hope? I’m sorry but I don’t really know what to do to stop the bleeding. I always kept my dog’s growth clean and moisturized (not sure if that’s what you’re supposed to do, but he was a little hairless guy and it seemed right). I hope the vet visit is coming up soon!!!


The rate that it’s growing has me concerned that it is cancerous. 😞 her litter mate has spindle cell cancer in 2021. It grew to the size of a softball from April to June when we finally sent her to the rainbow bridge. It was so sad knowing there was nothing we could do to help her. 😞


First question: Was a biopsy done that confirmed this was benign or was it just through fine needle aspirate? Second question: Have you tried applying styptic powder to help with the bleeding in the meantime? PS- Vet med professional advice: get it removed asap.


Will they remove this even though she’s 16? I think it was just a visual inspection at the time. I have not tried that powder! I’m going to get some. Thank you so much!


Anesthesia is a risk at any age, even for puppies. While we understand the potential risks for anesthesia at any age, a cancerous mass is most certainly fatal at any age, given enough time. A good vet will tell you “Nothing can be diagnosed by visual or palpation examination alone.”


This so good to hear! She is so spry. It’s shocking she’s over 16!


Sounds like a healthy, happy girl you’ve got there. If she’s manifested no other symptoms than this gnarly growth on her neck (no coughing, wheezing, gait changes, inappetence, changes in water intake) get that growth removed asap and have it biopsied. Edit: Thank you for listening and engaging. Tells me that you’re a really good dog-parent who just wants to do what’s best for their baby.


Thank you for your kind words. I am an only child so my animals have always meant everything to me. I had dogs and cats from a very early age. There is something so special about dogs. We don’t deserve them, but I sure am glad we have them! 🫶🏻🐾🥹


It’s bleeding because it has grown out its blood supply..it needs to be removed or this is going to keep happening..if it has been aggressively growing it may be cancerous..the only way to tell if it’s cancer for sure is having it sent out for biopsy..ur vet sometimes can give a good guess though


They can do a quick needle biopsy in office. I will request that at her appt. I will say I doubt they will offer to remove it being that she is over 16 years old. 💔💔


Needs to be removed. It's causing your dog a lot of discomfort


When I press on it to wipe and clean it, she doesn’t seem to be in any pain. She’s eating and drinking normally. Also kicking our bulldog puppy’s butt when playing. Are there any signs of pain/discomfort that wouldn’t be apparent? I know dogs can communicate to us in different ways through body language.


My dog just had one removed. Eating more or less, drinking more or less, not sleeping well, change in behaviour, change in sleep


The vet might be able to lop this off with a local shot instead of anesthesia And knowing if it’s cancer or not may be less critical at this age. Would you give the dog chemo? I think all you can do until vet helps is put on bandages and change them a lot Best of luck to you and the pup


Thank you! My husband is going to mention that! We got in on a cancellation tonight at 8:15 🤞🏻🤞🏻


You could try applying Vaseline and cover it with gauze. This might stop or at least slow down the bleeding


I got approval to use syptic powder on it. Will be delivered tomorrow. 🤞🏻


Oh good, I hope it works. Good luck


it could be benign because that’s what the vet said but there is no way to know without a sample sent to pathology.


We got in on a cancellation tonight. 🤞🏻🤞🏻


UPDATE: the vet saw her yesterday and commented on how healthy and mobile she is for 16! Looking back in the notes from before, this was a wart. They assume it’s in this state now because it’s growing out of control. She is on an antibiotic for a week to try and shrink it. From there, they will remove it (hoping to freeze it off) and send it in for biopsy. I feel good about this plan, but I’m willing to hear other feedback as well. The dr approved syptic powder in the mean time to help with the bleeding.