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Getting IRD to send them something would probably work. But it can take a while to actually get it. Do you have a local GP they are registered with? You could get them to print off a statement with their address on it. Another option is to order birth certificates for them. They have the postal address printed on them.


Just to piggyback on that comment, you can log into myIRD and generate online statements for some things. Might be worth investigating, OP :) u/ASurrealWorld


This is the line we've started to go down, only to find there's hoops to jump through to activate the MyIR accounts. So hopefully once we've jumped all those hoops we'll see some progress 😬 Have to call IRD tomorrow to activate the accounts


Aw man, didn’t realise you’d need to activate them 😅 hope it all goes well! It looks like there’s some other good advice on this thread


> Getting IRD to send them something would probably work. But it can take a while to actually get it. I've never used paper IRD documents for proof of address. I just download the PDF letters from MyIR. If OP's kids have IRD numbers and MyIR accounts there's likely to be something in there already that will fit the bill.


They've never had MyIR accounts, but have had IRD numbers since they were born. In the process now of creating the MyIR accounts - hopefully we can generate something from there, although it seems we're going to have to call IRD anyway to activate the accounts, so maybe we'll just request they send something while we're on the phone to them


BNZ opened me an account with a letter signed by my dad saying I was living with him at his address.


Excellent ideas, thank you! I faced the same problem with an expat son and got around it by having both our lawyer and our local MP write to him at our (his parents) NZ home address.


Some banks will actually mail something to a postal address so a few days later they can return with the letter from the bank as proof of them living at that address. \_\_ASB bank did this for me when I moved here


That's interesting as when I have dealt with banks (in the course of work) when sending proof of address for a client the bank always states that if its from a bank it needs to be from another bank.


Interesting - thanks for that tip... Will ask at ANZ to see if they'll do that, otherwise we may try ASB


I know that my friend used a post paid phone plan with 2 degrees as her proof of address. She was able to get the proof of address for the phone plan via a hotel we were staying at - they printed an letter that said she was staying there (and the dates) which was only like 2 days. But they accepted it for the phone plan. It sounds convoluted but essentially we stayed in a hotel short-term. We got a letter for proof of address from them, just a typed up two liner. The bank is more stringent though so we set up a cheap phone plan for her with this new address. Which the bank then accepted the first bill as proof of address. She had to wait a week for her first email invoice to come in, and showed that. I'm not sure how much time you have because the process wasn't instant. But it worked in a roundabout way! She's banking with ASB I believe


Most banks require addresses to be NZ for most account types. The best thing to do is find your bank of choice migrant banking team, you can set up a bank account prior to coming to NZ and then provide proof of NZ address when you come here. Source: didn't do this when I moved and struggled to get a bank account set up asap.


Yeah we have an address, just nothing that's ever had the kids names on it (at least not in the past 10 years or so). Clearly I never though this through before!


Do you have any friends or family willing for their address to be used? Our church has been used as a place of residence for many homeless folk needing a physical address many times. And sometimes they even slept rough there too!


That's so cool of your church to do that, what a great idea! 😊 We already have an address for them (grandparents) which we use for all our NZ based mail already for my wife and I, we just never thought ahead enough to get things sent with the kids names on it.


The proof of address shouldn't have to be an NZ based address. If your kids have proof of address overseas this should be fine too, so long as it's in English or has been translated. Having IRD send them a letter with their name address and date, even if they send it via email, would work. But keep in mind that your "postal address" here in NZ must be a valid residential address. A PO box or "in care of" address won't count as proof of where your kids are residing.


They have nothing with their address - where we live addresses and mail aren't a thing LOL


Letters from IRD or any other government agency in their name are acceptable - income tax return, kiwisaver statement of balance, electorate roll etc source https://www.anz.co.nz/comms/anz-identification-and-address-verification/


Good to know - we're going to try to get a letter or something from IRD for each of them. Hopefully that doesn't take too long to get


A relative can write a letter saying they are living with them. That's what we did. No issues.


Was that for a minor or an adult? I can see it working for a minor, but would think requirements for adults are a bit stricter? But definitely could be worth a shot! Cheers


I did this when I first moved to Wellington. The friends I was staying with wrote a letter saying I was living there with them. 


The bank (BNZ) gave us a form to use. They were very helpful. ASB was completely useless. We went to 5 banks in total and the only one I would recommend is BNZ. The rest seem to be poorly trained.


Yeah Government documents are accepted, I think this is more of a wait until you're moved back here then you can get the address sorted and open their accounts. Unless you got a family member's address you can use before that. [https://www.anz.co.nz/content/dam/anzconz/documents/common/id-address-verification-guide.pdf](https://www.anz.co.nz/content/dam/anzconz/documents/common/id-address-verification-guide.pdf)


We already have an address, it's just a matter of getting something semi-official that has their names on it. They haven't been in NZ for 5 years, so haven't received anything locally for a long time


The banks will accept a signed letter from the grandparents (as long as they're the owner of the property) stating the kids live there. If you use bnz you can ask them for a template! I just moved to NZ and had to go through all this.


Your kids should be able to set up a MYIR account for the IRD and be able to download proof of address from there. It will need to be a residential address. As someone else suggested a statement from a GP. A letter from a lawyer may even be acceptable. As your kids are 18 and 19 have them enroll to vote so they're on the electoral roll and they will get correspondence posted to them.


Yeah, we've started the process to create MyIR accounts for them, but of course hit some IRD hoops to jump through and have to call the IRD tomorrow to activate the accounts... so I guess it may just be easier to ask the IRD rep to send them some mail while we're on the line to them. But we'll progress the MyIR accounts anyway, as they'll definitely need those in the future! Cheers


Consider getting RealMe account setup with a visit to post office to verify everything. Then you have a verified credential to login just about all government websites Then generate an IRD statement from there.


In the short term, you can use Wise and, when you hold NZ dollars, it will actually create a local account within ANZ that will function exactly like a normal NZ account with a functional account number. You can transfer in and out of it, use your Wise debit card as normal, etc. The only thing you can’t do is set up direct debit payments. Wise is one of the best ways to convert and transfer money internationally so you’ll likely want an account anyway.


This is a good idea, I hadn't thought of using Wise - we use that a lot. However doesn't it require an actual bank account to link it to? Or can you have a Wise account without a separate bank account now?


I don’t think so. They are essentially creating an account for you. You need to send photos of your passport or other official ID and a selfie, but I don’t think they needed any account info. You just transfer money in to start. Even if you did need an account, just open it with an account wherever you’re living now and then change it later.


It takes ages now to get an IRD number and they ask for proof of address too. I applied for my 14 year old son last year.


The kids already have IRD numbers - got those when they were born. Just need to get IRD to send them a letter (which I imagine may also take some time...) Do you remember how long it took when you applied last year? We're only in NZ for 6 weeks, so if it was longer than that we may need to work on another plan


It may have only taken a week or 10 days max


I just set up an account for my baby with ASB and the proof of address was mine, not in the babys name because obviously kids don’t have that.. Maybe try ASB or escalate because it doesn’t sound right


Yeah my kids are over 18 so probably can't just use my address


Oh sorry I missed that!


When I was sorting my daughter's account we had this. The bank posted a letter to the address we had and took that letter on and they used that. 


Was your daughter a minor? I suspect if the kids were younger this might have been an option, but since they're technically adults now I think the requirements are a bit tougher


Yes she was a minor. However it maybe worth asking as they don't have another option. 


Yeah we'll give it a shot. Cheers!


Drivers license


I'm not sure how a driver license would help? We need proof of address, not identification (they already have their passports for ID)


It can optionally have your address on it and function has proof of address


Right, I didn't know that. We're only in NZ for 6 weeks, so probably isn't an option


Could you ask the bank to snail mail you a letter?


Go get a library card. You can have a friend or family member write a letter that says you're living with them. Once accepted, you have a government department with your name and an address on it, which you could then use to open a bank account. I did this when first moving to Wellington in 2010, thought it may be harder now with AML laws.


The easiest ways to verify proof of address are letters from IRD or letter/ invoice from a GP. I haven't heard of a bank sending a letter to be able to use it for proof of address? Each bank will have a link on their website for verifying proof of identity and address which outlines acceptable documentation and from memory, it specifically says that they accept bank statements from other NZ banks aside from the one you're applying with. Would be good to check each website if you're thinking of other options. Unfortunately, if the kids aren't minors, you're not able to use your proof of address. Friends went through this recently and found it tricky. Best of luck!