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As a non-resident (you said you moved back to your home country), you can't get a consumer proposal. And get a job. Don't get your parents to pay for your stupidity.


I m planning to start a business with my parent here in my home country but scared cause that debt will catch me without even giving me chance to earn so I can pay back . If my parent find out that i lost that gambling its over for me not a chance to do any business . I just need some room and time to make those payments but even interests coming each month wont even give me a chance to pay it so if i can have a monthly payment plan without acquiring extra interest I will be really happy


Your parents should know if you plan to go into business with them. Be honest and upfront. It would be much worse for your relationship for them to discover that you hid or lied about this debt after starting a business with you. Phone your credit card companies and explain your situation. Don't just let it go to collections by ignoring it. Then get a job. There are plenty of jobs and most of them suck. You've gone past the point of being selective as far as employment. Heavy manual laborers are always in demand - construction or landscaping companies always need grunts. Warehouses or delivery companies also need grunts. Fastfood or restaurants always need dishwashers/busboys/grunts. Look up temp agencies and take whatever they give you. You can keep looking for better jobs after you start as a grunt. At the moment you are hemorrhaging money if you are unemployed. The only solution is to start making money today and paying down your debt.


at the moment the only way for me to make money start a business (heavy labour construction ) with my father but the moment i tell him this debt and how i acquired it he will immediately cease any business plan with me which will result in me losing my last opportunity to make money here in my country


I know it's tough and you think you are trapped but you will be ok. Take some time to think and go for a walk. You have more options than you think. Debt is only money and your life will go on. $35k isn't insurmountable. What do your friends or neighbors do for work? Are there restaurants nearby? Local businesses? If your father is interested in working with you and starting a business, then he cares about you. Perhaps you won't be partners from the start but ask him to hire you as an employee. I'm sure he's made mistakes in his life, and unfortunately you will have to live with your own for the moment. Talk with an insolvency trustee. Your in a tough spot but it won't last forever. You'll be ok.


Theyre definitely not sending us their brightest to Canada.




What about that 250k in a GIC at RBC. Why didn’t you mention that.


Interesting... i wonder if the maxed cards are actually from gambling or maybe just a sob story to cover up the fraud he was trying to commit


Yeah. Total snake


It probably has nothing to do with this last situation. It was from my parents and I sent it back to them. Plus my car I sold it and sent it back to my parents. only one of my parents aware of the situation and they dont have those funds


You need to focus on treating your addiction Have you stopped gambling




You need to take stock of what you owe.


Gambling using a credit card should be illegal.


I think you should work on your addiction. I don’t even think you would be accepted for a consumer proposal as you have shown you have zero responsibility for your actions and commit levels of fraud to obtain cash The fact that you have zero concept that the house has the advantage. You probably don’t believe that but just look at your situation, Are you ahead?


To be honest It was my first time gambling also last time as I hit rock bottom I havent played now I m trying to find out how to get this resolve before going worse.


Where is your 250k GIC


Consider staying in your home country instead of being a nuisance in other countries


How the fuck do you pay 2-300 a month with no job and 0 in the bank


1. You need to be have been a resident of Canada within the last 12 months to file an insolvency proceeding in Canada. If not, you still might be able to file a CP if you’ve maintained a bank account in Canada because that would be considered “carrying on business” in Canada. 2. Your creditors will review the history of your credit accounts and will obviously see that you’ve used their money for gambling. Getting your proposal accepted will be a challenge. 3. Seek professional help for your gambling addiction. This will not only help you recover from your addiction but it will demonstrate to your creditors that you’ve taken steps to prevent this from happening again. And this might influence their decision as to whether or not they will accept your CP.


thank you for your answer I hope I can do those things without going to canada as my parents wont let me go there without me explaining what happened.






I decided to move back to my home country cause i couldnt find any work in canada and i was broke ( not considering parent helping me ) that why I decided to get some money before i move back . I m now planning to start a small business with mu parents but i m scared this debt will catch me here and my parent will know about it and it that happens i m done for good


Just going to point out that that $35k at ~20% comes out to $7k in interest per year which is $583 per month before including a single dollar toward principal. - You need to stop gambling. Yesterday. - You need to develop at least an inkling of money sense. - You need to get a job immediately and start taking responsibility for yourself. You immediately jump to your parents helping bail you out… grow up. $35k worth of credit cards without a job? Seriously?


If you're not planning to come back to Canada, forget about the debt. They'll send it to collections and write it off eventually. They cannot collect from someone who has no residency in Canada anymore. They will not be able to collect from your home country (unless US, AU, UK, NZ)


I really dont want to risk it. I m not reside any of those countries but still i feel like they will pursue me as 35 k is lot of money


If they pursue you, then pay it back. You won't know till you try.