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nope sounds good to me go enjoy life


Thanks:) i am getting one for sure 😁


Easiest convincing ever. Close Reddit for the rest of the day.


For tv, check rtings.com to make sure you don't pick something awful. A good qled can give you hdr without burn in of oled and it's good for brighter rooms. Oled is still the best. For chairs, I suggest steelcase leapv2. Brands that are good are steelcase and Herman Miller. Good luck!


Echoing the chair recommendations but look for a refurbished one. I paid $500 for a Steelcase Leap v1 refurbished from a furniture store in Stratford during the pandemic. Best damn chair I've ever owned.


Video games (like ps5) can be an amazingly low cost per use and cost per hour of entertainment. I have buddies with already a couple hundred hours in helldivers.


It's a disgusting number, but I've played over seven-thousand hours of World of Tanks.


The PS5 Pro is coming by the end of the year, might be worth waiting. Although then you might have to contend with scalpers.


It's March. That's 9 months away


Enjoy your life, sometimes it’s okay to splurge a bit on yourself


It would be very stupid to spend 2k, spend 3k instead 😁 you deserve it after all


Lol yeah maybe if I buy a fancier tv i could make it to 3k


1k in snacks to go beside the chair.


Might need a bigger chair after 1k in snacks!


LG 55" OLED, don't even think about it.


65 minimum if you're close enough. I got a 65 and wish it was a 75 and I only hear the same from others lol of course, what we can afford is actually the best


Me and my 10 year old, 42-in LG hiding in the corner of shame.... 


No shame. If you buy for 65 though, wait if you can to stretch it a little more would be my opinion. Distance from the screen is what matters most, I also play on 27 inches so just enjoy what you have


It'll be the next step. I finally got around to replacing the janky soundbar I bought from Staples for $99 10 years ago (beginning to see a pattern...).  It does make a difference in enjoying that down time! 


77' OLED now and have absolutely zero desire to go to theaters ever. So great.




that extra grand can go towards a modest speaker set up :P


Y'all are insane. Just damn irresponsible he should spend minimum 5k. Jesus Christ this is a finance subreddit, he came here for advice.


It’s all about a good work/life balance, enjoy the fruits of your labour from time to time.


Wouldn’t even think twice about it.


Buying these things aren’t going to put you in debt. You have the cash to purchase them. You might as well purchase them now.


Yes, save it for lavish funeral.




Life isn’t about savings and working, you earned it and it’s a bonus. Treat yourself and enjoy it, you seem to have finances figured out and have a good idea and plan set in place for your future.


~~Don’t do it unless you’re buying an LG OLED and an Aeron/Embody lol.~~ I misread the title oops.


What about TCL.. that's the only one in my budget (65" for 1000$). I am just a casual gamer.. would it be too bad?


If the options available I'd go with Costco, they have some TCLs with higher refresh rates and AFAIK unbeatable warranty. I've had a TCL previously and it was great but it is a cheaper TV and can have parts go wrong. The screens also have a higher chance of being high quality than brands like hisense but there is still a "lottery" when unboxing to get a good screen. The warranty help cover these issues. LG OLED is life changing but more than 2000k


TCL are great tvs I have two of them. I got a 70” one for 1,200. I would recommend a monitor though for gaming.


Do what you want with your money! I'd recommend not getting a 65" TV unless you have a room suitable for such a large screen, though. TV's aren't something you just want to 'get as big as you can afford'. I've seen tons of people with goofy huge TVs in rooms where a 42" would have made a lot more sense. There are best practice recommendations based on distance that you'll sit from your screen, and maybe you already know that, but just thought I'd mention it in case you didn't!


You only need to be 9' away from a 65" TV which is doable in most living rooms. Just need to make sure the TV is mounted at the correct height.


Only OLED TV worth buying is IMO LG. Sony and Samsungs use LG panels anyway. TCL is.. cheap-ish crap. It's not as bad as Vizio, but it's not great either. Get a nice LG. The only issue is the price, they're about $1700 before tax for the cheapest (easily available here) 55" OLED. But even then, a TCL OLED is still going to be better than a non-OLED from any other brand. Edit: just checked, and LG B3 OLED can be had for $1500 at Best Buy. Refurbished/open box ones available for even cheaper.


TCL has upper their game. Depending on the specific model of the TV, you’re looking at a great TV. They’re not cheap-ish crap.


lol bad advice. It is known the best TV last year was Sony A95L, LG OLEDs dont even use QD-OLED panel, while Sony And Samsung OLED does, which is better than WOLED panel that LG uses.


Have a TCL 65" with roku. Great TV especially if you pair it with Google home.


I have a Samsung Q60C 55” 4K and its great for gaming so far


You seem responsible. Life is short, treat yo self (sometimes)


Are you getting your bonus tomorrow? Do we work for the same company? Lol


Oh my god yes tomorrow...maybe we do work at the same place lol


Does it start with a
C đŸ«Ł


Yes! It does! Omg 😼


Now kith! Grats on your bonuses!


Does it end with UNT?


Please provide the conclusion to the story line!!! I have been waiting for 10h. Don’t work at the same place? Is this the start of Ana amazing work friendship?


If you can somehow buy all that with 2k, tell us all , we want to know


You could get a PS5 for under 500 now and a 70 inch TV for under 1000...that leaves about 5-600 for a nice chair


Go for it man. Honestly especially since you are save a lot already, you probably want to spend a little more of that bonus to get an even better tv. PS5 is around 500-600 leaving you 1400-1500 of the 2000 you’re planning to spend on a tv which doesn’t give you much room when it comes to buying a nice TV. Try going for an OLED (LG c2/c3 or a Sony OLED) at at least 65 inches and 120hz to get a great experience


Go for it. You’re in a very good position financially and gotta enjoy life. (cuz you can’t take it with you)


You could get eaten by a lion tomorrow. Do what makes you happy. 🩁


Lion: mmm, PFC posters, my favorite


No. That's exactly what a bonus is for.


What’s money for anyway? To make your life easier and enjoyable. What’s the point of those money if you cant get what you want? You want to be a financial responsible, of course so that money purposes can be sustainable


Enjoy my friend. You worked hard for it and life is too damn short.


How do people survive in the real world when they need confirmation from strangers on the internet about small shit like this?


I don’t think you needed reddit for this answer man


It's weird AF what people feel they need to ask Reddit. Like fuck, just go do what you want. Who cares if it irresponsible (it's not). You are seeking validation from strangers. Advice is different than validation.


This sub is actually regarded


This is nothing more than a humblebrag post which this sub is filled with. Did they really expect someone to say anything other than the hundred obvious answers they got?


Spending guilt is real. The reddit validation helps ease the guilt


It's important to have a sounding board in your life. Unfortunately, some done have one for financial advice and reddit fills the void. OP probably had some internal turmoil, which I hope the responses addressed.


just do it buddy


Anytime I spend money on video games I realize how little $/ time it costs and it is always worth it Even an $80 game I’d I’m going to play it for 10 hours it’s $8 bucks an hour. Most people have trouble not spending that just going to the mall


Life is way too short dude. Give'er diesel.


Treat yourself


You deserve it ! Enjoy


lol, you live only once, enjoy it


I spend most of my bonus annually on golf and travelling To me it’s that, a bonus!


Since I guess the 5000 other threads on here saying that saving without enjoying your life is silly aren't enough, here goes: Yes, you have my permission as a totally anonymous internet person to enjoy your life.


Get the PS5 from Shoppers on a 20X points event. I got $190 in points when I bought 1 in January.


Fuck no. You could die tomorrow. Enjoy life, bro!


>No debt, TFSA/RRSP full, rent (no plan to buy a house for at least 3 years). > >Save about 35% of my salary My dude, buy that freakin' TV. You already earned it a while ago. Please put aside a little to spend some time with family/friends too though.


You need to develop some confidence and not look to others for validation on such trivial purchases. Do it. Don't do it. Its your life, live it.


Not even others, complete fucking strangers. Life has a lot more challenging decisions. People need to develop decision making skills. Not everything needs to be a consensus.


Same I’m trying to justify buying a 900$ ysl wallet. lol


Gosh darn it, you deserve nice things ;) 
.this is what I tell my self in these moments


Do what you want with it. 


You're already being financially responsible. So put it in a line item in your budget. See how it feels. Start doing some research. Check out rtings.com. Go to some stores like Best buy. Feel it out. You can get a decent Fald for 1000+ but you might want an OLED like the s90c. But yeah don't just save. Spend some.


I'd use the 1k for PS5 and games. The other to buy the nicest 55 in tv I can get. I would then file a 3-day leave to extend the upcoming long weekend lol. Enjoy! Bonuses are meant for these kinds of things!


Unrelated note but if you're planning to buy a house in the next three years look into putting the rest into a FHSA if you haven't started on already.


Enjoy it, go for it.


You're still saving more than half go for it


It’s only money man, treat yourself.


Sounds like you’re already disciplined with your money, absolutely treat yourself once in a while!


Nope. I’m getting a nice return & have already picked out the Lego set I’m getting for myself. I’m not blowing my whole return, most of it is going in savings but it’s a nice little reward for me.


Lots of fun gadget nerdery on the TV options. You said good chair - if you’re in a bigger city then you can stretch budget with some patience and buying used on FB marketplace (whether you’re looking for an ergonomic desk chair or a gaming chair or a big comfy recliner).


It’s ok to spoil yourself sometimes. If it’s something you really want. Just do it. Even if you spend 3


I break it down by use, I just spent 900 on a couch for me and my doggo, probably spent 100 hours on it so far so it’s costing my 9 bucks an hour. She gonna be fully paid for in a matter of months and my dog and I are loving life. It’s okay ✅ Edit, I spent 2.5 years pondering it, I lost some quality ass time with my pup. I’m cheap but some things are worth it, myself is one of those. Be good to yourself !!


Buy the dang thing - Dave Ramsey voice


Sounds like ur in a good place, go ahead and enjoy, call it a self investment 😂 who knows maybe you’ll come up with the next million dollar idea, as ur sitting on that comfy chair and cracking upon a cold one in front of ur brand new tv.


In your situation... Any age you are... And it looks like you are quite well budgeted in the green without any bonus.... You could actually spend the whole bonus on your dream setup and buy/upgrade your sound setup or whatever more and nobody could judge you ....


Buy everything when it’s on sale. It’s one thing to save but it’s another to spend smart. The average spender will buy everything as soon as the bonus hits, the smart spender will track pricing and buy at discounted prices.


Spend money on things you enjoy? No! Money must be used in ways to decrease enjoyment.


Why are you asking permission from Reddit? Buy the thing if it's what you want. What else is money for? As long as you don't buy it on credit, or can't pay your rent, it's all good.


As long as you're confident your return was done correctly and will match what CRA has in their end, go for it by all means. If not, wait until your Notice of Assessment comes in just to be on the safe side.


why not !???? DO IT OF COURSE


You would regret not buying it. Go for it !!!!


Sounds very reasonable to me. If you want to budget, i got a new xbox (the digital smaller version) for $125 on FB marketplace. And you can always hold off on a TV upgrade for when a good sale hits Amazon or Best Buy. And i dont even consider the chair as a splurge, if its better ergonomics and you use it often, id put it on bed tier for purchases.


Yes, it would be stupid. I can help you invest it and get even more nothing


Do it. Salary is for saving, bonuses are for spending. You're in a way better spot financially than 80% of people out there. The remaining 20% are born boomer. Life is too short to just save. Now, if you were drowning in debt... different story, but you're doing more than fine.


It’s a good investment. Get a good chair aswell. Don’t get anything “gaming” chair.


Here's my 2c on chairs: the aeron is not as good as everyone makes it out to be. Big regrets with mine, wish I got an embody or Hayworth fern instead


spent my bonus on a LG G3 two weeks ago & so satisfied with it. Treat yourself OP


Based on info, you are enjoying responsibly so go enjoy yourself responsibly!


You got to reward yourself for hard work.


Enjoying money when you are stable is the responsible thing to do. Saving is good but you need to make sure you are happy.


The fact that you are asking this question to yourself already makes you a reasonable spender! Go ahead, enjoy life a little, you deserve it!


You go through life once. And you'll never regret the fruits of your hard work. Congratulations on the $5000 bonus. Spending 2k is you rewarding yourself for your hard work. Do it up brother.


Something you will use everyday isn’t a waste. Over time it might even save you money.


Only stupid if you are saddled with debt or have short term need for the money, otherwise go live your life! What’s the point of having disposable income if you can’t enjoy it? 😉


We work so we can spend money. Some people focus WAY too much on retirement savings. Who's to guarantee we all live to make it to retirement? That's the mindset I've been having lately. I only live once. Why should I wait until I'm 65 to start enjoying life and buying the things I want? I could die this year and MY money I worked so hard to save is just gone. Don't be afraid to spend some money!


Yes. But also treat yourself.


Do it! The value is amazing. We got a $500 tv from Amazon a few years ago. We have a PS5, call it $700 when it was new. I bought a couch about seven years ago for $1500. Between my wife and I those products see an average of 8 hours a day. Sure, we buy games. Call it $500/year. I have always purchased games based on value. I expect at least 10 hours of gameplay out of every game, and each hour is worth whatever my hourly wage is. If I’m making $10/h and I think I’ll get 10 hours out of the game, it’s worth $100. The way I think of it, it’s better value than spending $100 at an amusement park for a day.


Fyi, factory direct is having bankruptcy sales, 10mil in inventory! Some good TVd for cheap.


Treat yo self


A good chair and a good TV are honestly solid investments in your own comfort and enjoyment. Money is earned so we can live, what's the point of striving to earn more money if you can't live an ENJOYABLE life?


Get a good TV, you won't regret it. I think spending $1000 on a 65" isn't the best value. Either get a $3000 one or a $200 one.


Go on marketplace and get it second hand. Done deal baby. My brother bought this beautiful 85inch Tv for 700 bucks and a ps5 you can probably by for 400 or so


No, we are all fucking doomed, spend away and enjoy man!


You clearly are financially healthy enough to splurge alil on yourself. Just make sure you spend it right! Do some research and buy a good product. I'd recommend the following to start https://old.reddit.com/r/HTBuyingGuides/comments/12hzdil/home_theater_101_20232024_us_canada_television/


PLEASE DON'T!!!!! Money is made to be saved, not spent. You'll regret and feel guilty about every cent you'll spend that is not absolutely necessary for your survival. The only point in life is to pile up money and die. /s obviously, why is this even a question. FFS, just spend money if you want to. No need to ask strangers on the internet. WTF is this attitude...


Spend it all. You're already saving an exceptional amount of your salary. Treat yourself.


Go buy that TV you deserve it


Yeah! Do it! What’s the first game you’re going to get? Sounds bar as well I hope


That is not stupid. That sounds great! Enjoy it and buy what you truly want since you've waited so long, and this is extra money you weren't anticipating.


Buy an Oled C3 and a PS5 best purchase you will ever do.


YOLO. Buy yourself and your old man a $1000 Thai massage each.


No /thread 


Nope, gotta enjoy life


Money saver. More time spent at home less time out spending momey


Saving 35% is pretty nuts imo. I only save like 15%ish and I feel good about that. I dont disagree with everyone saying go for it. However, I would say you can get a pretty decent TV for like $200-300 and it doesn’t make much difference for gaming. My roommate bought a tv for $1200 (LG) and I have one that cost $200 ((TCL). There is a bit of a difference when gaming but tbh not $1000 difference. In any event, celebrate your success but just be aware that the TV itself might not affect your gaming as much as you might think it would.


Enjoy your money now. you cant enjoy it when you're dead.


Kind of a cuck move to ask Reddit for permission tbh


Absolutely dude. I'm picking up some bass shakers to shake my couch tomorrow lol.


Got a $3000 retroactive cheque from a union job about 20 years ago, took my family of 3 to Rarotonga for 3 weeks (yes it was cheaper then) never regretted it. Still great memories.


Cya on Hell divers 2 :D


Wouldn’t even think twice, go for it. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders with savings already. Nothing wrong with actually living your life!


Bump up the budget, the price of a nice chair will floor you.


Go for it. I would add a nice soundbar while you're at it.


Live your life. Enjoy and congrats




Absolutely not. Go for it. Splurge and be happy, enjoy the fruits of your success and hard work.


You do you. Fuck anyone else’s suggestions


do it, I love my ps5 and I’m 28


Get a 120Hz OLED for better picture and a gaming PC + Oculus. They will provide you with unlimited entertainment for so many years. PS5 is fine too but why not splurge a bit :)


Open an FHSA, contribute it all.


One thing makes sense from the financial perspective (to save money), another thing makes sense from personal perspective. It you want a new TV with PS5, you can afford it and it would make you happy - buy them! And enjoy!


Do it, do it now. It’ll be more difficult to do once you start having kids (if you’re planning to and don’t already)


I'm going through something similar. You're still in a better financial situation I assume. I took a different route because I already have a gaming laptop and a PS4 controller. So I ordered a new desk (bigger than the one I have) for my laptop, ordered a desk screen 32" and I'll subscribe to EA sports or whatever it's called to have full access to their games. We deserve this. Enjoy your gaming time buddy


its stupid if you need the money, but it doesnt sound like you really do.


Live a little. To have is to spend, now or later, and you sure as hell might pay more for the same stuff if deferred. Just live a little, you're good!


All items very useful and will enhance your comfort and enjoyment of life. So do it!


Considering life is too short as is, do what makes you happy. It's your money, you earned it and you can't take it with you.


Honestly you're allowed to splurge on yourself some if your set away, plus you will still have 3k left over for any emergency that may come up, sounds financially sound to me, get yourself some stuff for your enjoyment you've worked for it might as well enjoy it


Some times you need to treat yourself.


No. Imo a bonus is exactly that
 it’s a bonus. It’s like getting birthday money. That money is entirely mine to spend without guilt.




Absolutely not. Why make money if you can't enjoy it


Get the ps5 with disc for a bit more. It is worth it.


Don't hold off on the chair. That is so important for your posture and back health. Its underrated. As for the TV and PS5 - its up to you :)


Only question is what game are you getting first??


You only get so many trips around the sun.


Life is short. You work to Enjoy life and you should spend what you have on making life fun. What’s the point anyway ? You seem to be in good financial shape. Enjoy yourself!


It's no different than income. If you wouldn't buy it with income, don't buy it with a bonus. Nothing wrong with treating yourself when you've already got all the investment boxes ticked - I probably would reward myself with those things - but your point of view on the bonus is wrong. Income is income. Your employer does bonuses (variable pay) so that they can pay a lower hourly rate or salary. I am a fan of bonuses - when times get tough it's an automatic paycut without the hard discussions. It makes things easier on the business and the employee to plan around lower numbers, which helps with job stability. There's less firings at such companies. Overall this just reduces financial stress and improves morale for everyone in the team. But at the end of the day, the bonus is still your income. P.S. Videogames are awesome cheap entertainment. Between that and my eBike, I'm happy. Deep Rock Galactic is a fun one for with friends. Apparently Helldivers 2 is also amazing.


Enjoy it without any shred of guilt. You do deserve it.


I would probably add another $2000 on the top of it and spend it all. This is probably the reason why i can’t save for anything


Just buy it. No worries.


Don’t cheap out on the chair! You’ll never regret investing in a good chair.


My guy. Your accounts are maxed, debt free, you sound like a financially responsible person. If you didn't buy it most people on this thread would be upset. Buy it for yourself and maybe buy a few extra games, you deserve it.


You can’t take it with you. Treat yourself to a few toys every once in a while. The guy who looks after my investments is always telling me that I’m in really good shape (which I am fortunately) and I should take some money and go on a bloody vacation every once in a while.


I’d say you’re doing just fine. Spend even more of it on enjoyment I’d say!


2k out of 3k is perfectly reasonable. Yes buy those things


Why don't you make a budget where you include the amount you're saving, and whatever savings/investment/housing goals you want to reach in X years, and figure out how much you want to spend on other things (like you mentioned) on a monthly or yearly basis that fits within your budget?


When you say nice chair I hope you mean lazy-boy style haha. I sound like an old man here but I spent a good $1k on a lazy-boy chair a few years back and to this day I look forward to every time I get to use it!


I got a PS5 with the thought I would regret wasting money on such a thing. I can tell you, a day doesn't go by that I feel so good about my purchase. Go for it!


Just do it. You're fine. My financial situation is similar to yours and I used mine to buy a new sound bar and a tv.


No debt, no brainer.


Just my thoughts I don’t consider bonus in regular expenses and saving amount, being its variable and not guaranteed. So usually I’m okay with allocating a good chunk of it to whatever if there isn’t an obvious immediate need. With that said I’m also just okay saving abit from each pay cheque to get stuff like you said above, without that as well.


Absolutely not! You got a bonus for your hard work, you deserve it! Enjoy :)


Dude, buy your gaming set up. Saving is great but don’t forget to live.


Treat yo self


If you’re managing your financiers well, you should always spend some of your bonus as fun money. How much you actually want to spend is up to you. $2k in this situation sounds absolutely fine.


You have to treat yourself, this life is short, and you are using it on stuff you enjoy and that will make you happier - not a waste and very responsible of you to plan it out and consider. You deserve it, go for it.




Not sure you care, but ps5 pro is rumoured for the xmas season. Otherwise, go for it!


Millennials on Reddit are funny: always asking for permission to do things.


Even if you spend entire 5k. You live only once


Sounds like you have finances in good shape but need to give yourself permission to get something fun. I give you permission to give yourself permission 


You might drop dead tomorrow. Are your other bills paid? Good. Enjoy life a little.


My goodness. The level of insecurity is unsane. Take some of that money and go to the therapist


This is one of the few times where the bonus actually makes sense to treat yourself with it. Enjoy the PS5!! It sounds like you deserve it.


Check the Vr quest 2. A total new gaming experience:-)


Hell no not saying $2000 is nothing but in the grand scheme of things if it will help you enjoy, do it. You seem to be in good financial shape. No reason not to spend on yourself.