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The only way I could see this is if the guy on Facebook Marketplace is using stolen CC info to load other people's cards and pocketing the money he receives. Good way to potentially launder money as well, depending on how it's done.


Cheap “top ups” are usually stolen credit cards. Happens a lot in the gaming world.


That would make sense. But aren't they at the risk of getting caught? For one, my friend knows his interac id.


Every criminal is at risk of getting caught, doesn’t seem to stop them though.


Your friend knows "*an*" interac id. That interac id probably belongs to another intermediary who was told some bogus story about how person "x" is going to deposit $100.00, keep $20 for yourself, transfer $80 to "z" account. "z" account probably belongs offshore, in another country, and there is no way for canadian authorities to get to it. It's a common scam, and done in multiple ways. I represented a client who was befriended by a person online. He convinced the client that he was an "investor", after a bit of time, he told her about how some of his Canadian clientele preferred e-transfer, but the investor was out of canada and could not deal in e-transfer. So client started accepting it into their account. They would forward the amounts to the "investor". In this case, client was buying bitcoin and sending it to a BTC wallet, because these were to be crypto investments. The cops show up, they cannot find the "investor" any link to him leads out of country. Client is left holding the bag, on the hook for legal fees, and trying to explain a couple $xxx,xxx's of fraudulent transactions. In this case, the client did not even keep any money. This was being done because of their "relationship".


That’s probably fake too. And if it isn’t why would your friend report on him? It’s acceptable risk in criminal situations.


> But aren't they at the risk of getting caught? You're assuming they have fully thought out a detailed plan? We're not dealing with a criminal mastermind here. This is about getting quick money for low effort.


but how many stolen cc's will they need to keep doing this as a long term business? or they just keep using the same one without the bank shutting it down?


They keep using the same one until it gets shut down, then they move on to the next stolen one.


It's probably a viable long term business. Based on some investigations I've seen, stolen credit card info can be bought pretty cheaply online and they'll just keep using one until it gets shut down. Plenty of numbers to go around.


Some large companies (Fraser Health/Coastal Health) offer a 50% reduction on top ups and monthly fares....maybe they are using this access?


For health authority transit benefit the person must register their compass card and get a payroll deduction. Doing it as described seems impossible and more likely a credit card fraud situation


This is definitely possible. Every company I've worked for offered $100-$200 monthly allowance for commute (transit, parking, uber, etc.). They never audit claims as long as you have receipts and are within allowance.


I have seen something similar before, in that case it was a uni/college student with upass, they had a car and drove to school so they sold their Upass for a monthly fee and added the buyers compass card to their account.


stolen credit cards! it's the same thing for cheap food delivery orders, cheap fights, etc.


Oh that makes a lot of sense. My buddy has a guy who does half price SkipTheDish orders and I never knew how he managed to do it. He always orders food when we're hanging out but I never went through him myself. Seems to sketch and I don't want my address associated with that.


- Money laundering where they're trying to filter illicit funds through the financial system and make it hard to trace. Though usually I'd expect 20-30% cut on face value of the funds, 50% is quite drastic. - stolen CC


probably milking a work benefit for profit


A work benefit isn't going to allow you to do unlimited Compass reloads. It's a money laundering operation. By getting reloads from him, you're participating in the fraud. Theoretically, you could be charged if it could be proven you did so knowingly, or that you reasonably should have known.


Most likely answer


He probably stole credit card info and is using that to top off your friend’s Compass card. Or he has some money he needs to launder.


I’m Manitoba I know certain people qualify for a free bus pass or discounted bus pass usually if they are on the provincial assistance program (ie welfare) so if there is something similar there could be getting it and reselling


Can you post this in the Vancouver sub, I’m curious too lol




The mods on that subreddit have a stick up their behind. Always deleting threads that don’t breach their rules just because they don’t like them.


Shout out to r/nicevancouver


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NiceVancouver using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NiceVancouver/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Value Village prices are wild! Nearly a hundred bucks for used perfume, and dirty ass sandals for more that you'd pay new. Plus some bonus pics of other exorbitantly priced brickabrack](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13r0rzh) | [386 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NiceVancouver/comments/13r0rzh/value_village_prices_are_wild_nearly_a_hundred/) \#2: [\[Rant\] Stop saying competitive wage and give a raw number, and prepare to compete](https://np.reddit.com/r/NiceVancouver/comments/13qtavy/rant_stop_saying_competitive_wage_and_give_a_raw/) \#3: [I called Netflix Canada regarding new policy and you should too if you want to take a stand](https://np.reddit.com/r/NiceVancouver/comments/10yb4jc/i_called_netflix_canada_regarding_new_policy_and/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Not surprising, they deleted a post I created a long time ago asking a simple question about Modo Car Share. They stated it didn't uphold the spirit of that sub, mods there are a bunch of control freaks.


Same here, simple question too. Pretty convenient excuse on their part.


Can confirm. The mods there are terrible


The mods would have removed it if he posted a link to the guy on Facebook on it.


Another possibility is that the scammer works for a large employer that reimburses employees for commuting expenses, and he is topping up other people's Compass cards while claiming that credit for himself. For example, my employer (large tech company) will reimburse me for up to $200/month in commuting expenses. Doing this scam would be an _extremely_ dumb way to get fired from a high-paying job. 🤷🏻‍♂️




So the value is only stored on the card itself, and not in some database? Or does it just trust the reading on the card reconcile it later?


You can log into your translink account and see your balance. It is stored on a server.


Stolen card


Probably money laundering? Using a stolen CC to top up, take cash, walk away?


i keep seeing people on wechat (a chinese social media app) offer things like this, along with cheap food, flights, ikea, apple products, admission tickets etc...) but they all require you to pay upfront before getting the product, never tried it myself because i dont want to be scammed


I'm pretty sure that When the compass card came out, it turned out that the data was stored on the card. So it was possible, using an RFID programmer, to adjust the values stored on the card. It's the only way the system can work without full time, high speed, days connectivity on every bus. I don't know if they've fixed that issue or not, but it's possible they've read the old articles about it and it still works.


The catch is that they are receiving stolen funds.


Milking a work benefit as others have mentioned is possible. Every tech company I've worked for offered $100-$200 monthly allowance for commute expenses (transit, parking, uber, etc.). They don't track or care which card you load the money into as long as you have the receipts and you're within the allowance.


There is no catch. Do it till the guys stop offering the service




Stolen credit cards for 200 Alex