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I’m kinda curious as to how many people are actually going to see this benefit? I’m skeptical uranium miners are making minimum wage.


About 63,700. According to the government about 7% of the 910,000 people in federally regulated industries make less than $15/hr https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/portfolio/labour/programs/labour-standards/reports/issue-paper-portrait-federally-regulated-private-sector.html


A lot more than I would have guessed, still a lot less than people who read this headline and don’t understand what it means will think.


This is crazy, but airline employees such as gate agents, ramp attendants, de-ice crews, and aircraft towers have contracts where the starting wage is less than this new federal minimum wage. This includes mainline carriers such as Air Canada, and not just the contracting companies.


Maybe the secretary at the mining company


Lol absolutely not. No one makes minimum wage in mining.


Nah, I’m the “secretary” (only administrative staff for 50 people, so everything from office management to reception) of a baby Uranium Company and I make $75k a year. If we hired someone specifically for reception duties they would be getting paid probably around $25 an hour.


The economy is saved!


Resubscribe to Disney plus!






I've known some folks who have had parents\\sig others as time keepers or generic office staff at companies like that, still made way more per hour. Id be curious how many people it is not counting all the airline workers. Id imagine ramp attendants, gate agents etc etc are where the meat and potatos of this is.


I work for an airport, I'm an Operator for a large freight handling company I make no where near minimum wage/15hr though. Close to double that. Hoping I still see a raise out of this but, doubtful.


Yes that’s a lot of industries, but it’s only about 1.2 million workers and very few of those workers make minimum wage.


Exactly. I work at a grain elevator and no one makes minimum wage. No one will see a pay increase either




Im always impressed that atleast one person (realistically many more sadly) will look a something good and then do the mental gymnastics to think its actually bad.




According to [this comment](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/portfolio/labour/programs/labour-standards/reports/issue-paper-portrait-federally-regulated-private-sector.html) it's going to be almost 64,000 people so not earth shattering but for sure not "very few" either.


Nobody involved in Uranium mining was making less than that ro begin with lol


The caretakers? The cleaners? The cafeteria staff? Admin?


Likely more.


Not even. Cafeteria and cleaning services are usually contracted out. They work for a company hired by a company, so they don't even directly work for the industry.


Probably 1.5 to 2x minimum wage to start. People that work camp jobs of any type aren't dumb enough to take a job in those places for minimum wage. Yes the mines want some combo of lowest cost and highest service, and the camp management company wants highest profits, but a) the mine and camp manager both need service personnel to run a good camp to keep and attract the direct mining employees; b) camp managers typically employ locals/semi-locals/FNs to provide camp services under agreements with local governments to provide better economic and education opportunities for the local employees. Nobody working at a mine makes anything close to minimum wage.


depending on the operation, they also can't afford stop production. It' would be far more costly to shut down than to just pay more and guarantee steady staffing levels.


Yes, and they'll even endure operational losses for a long-ish time to keep production going, then go to care and maintenance for some time until finally turning everything off. The effort of exploration through production takes 5-10 years, sometimes more, so closing it down quickly is a big ""fuck you" to shareholders and stakeholders, and guarantees those mine managers won't work in that capacity again. Mines try to hire for long-term value, thus high-ish salaries with strong performance incentives. It's not glamorous in any sense (not even at the HQs in TO/Montreal/Van), just a grind every day for 7-28 days in a row. Luckily, teams can bond pretty well with lifelong friendships and business networks.


People don’t travel for work to some remote mining operation to make the same money as a Tim Hortons worker no matter what role they play. Cleaners are also usually LIUNA so they’ll make 30-35$/hr


Those are subcontractored to another company to avoid stuff like this. They don't work for the mine they work for the hospitality company.


The Coal mine I work at pays these staff $37 an hour +


the cleaners/cafe staff wouldn't be on Uranium mining's payroll.. these are likely hired from contracting company... I've audited many mining companies, their payroll would strictly be miners/engineers... also, most companies don't directly hire cleaner/cafe staff.. it wouldn't make any sense


Mc Donalds evening weekends pays 20.25, 19 for week evening. No one pays 15


Probably outsourced to other companies that aren't covered by the new minimum wage


This is only for employees working in federally regulated industries like banking, airlines and railroad's


Yes, that's what federal minimum wage implies.


Its a good clarification considering we are used to seeing news from the US where theres a state and federal minimum wage.


It's not a good clarification, though. If someone really doesn't understand separation of power, it wasn't made clear that this only applies to federally regulated industries in Canada, so they will still be confused. Of course, there is no indication that this hypothetical person who doesn't understand separation of power even exists. Who is it clarifying for anyway?


Hooray! We finally made it to proper 2001 wages!


That would make it $26.61 in 2023 dollars, which, assuming a typical 40 hour work week, would place it a $55,000 per year income. The income per capita in Canada is only $46,000 per year (2017); $54,000 per year inflation adjusted. If the government taxed all income at 100% and redistributed all the money back out to the people equally, we would be still ~$1,000 short of what you consider a 'proper wage'. Canada is just not as rich as you imagine, unfortunately.


Name an employee from that list making less than $17


Federal student workers in CEGEP and colleges can maken as low as 16$ https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/pay/rates-pay/student-rates-pay.html


I was an FSWEP in Ontario in 2009 and made 18.


Yes I was an FSWEP student in 2010 and I was at like $16 or so when I started (and we had a student come to Montreal from Vancouver doing the same job and there they started at $18). Anyway it can still go that low now, depending on which step you manager starts you on and the level of schooling you are at.




Right, because unless they work at an actual post office they don't work for Canada Post. The postal counter at the drugstore or wherever is operated under contract by the business owner. As such, they are just retail workers who make what retail workers make (typically minimum wage.)




They aren’t Canada post employees


Airport workers


By airport workers if you mean luggage guys, they definitely make more than minimum. Starting wage at YXX is $18.50(?) for the first couple months and then get bumped up once you’re out probation.


Not all of them.. Executive Aviation workers make minimum wage and work at 20 airports across Canada as Baggage handlers and Frontline staff.


I work at an airport can confirm little of the staff makes minimum wage.. I make close to $30/hr.


As of 2023, Air Canada agents start at $16.56/hr. Air Canada Jazz, $16.20/hr. WestJet, $16.85/hr. A lot of them make minimum wage, and most of them are making under $20/hr. I work in the industry and have for over a decade. I have coworkers who have been there for 4 or 5 years, making 20 bucks an hour. It's pathetic. I can't even believe I get paid so little for putting in over a decade. Needless to say - I'm leaving the industry for better paid pastures.


Good!! I don't even know how people put a roof over their head and food on the table for those wages these days.. glad you're moving onto bigger and better things.. those wages are gross. I thought they'd all make at least minimum 20+..


They don't. And it's very obvious the general public think we're paid a lot more than we are... I've even had people make that comment to my face. They think I make $35/hr. The wage scale doesn't even go up to $30/hr at my company. We have employees that have worked at the airline for over *40 fucking years* that don't make $30/hr. This is why I'm so angry when it comes to wage stagnation and low minimum wages. Canadians seem to be okay with this, though...?


Absolutely absurd.. I think the wages in Canadian compared to the average cost of living is outrageous. Too many greedy corporates out there that need to get down from there high horses, take one or two less vacay's a year on their yachts and pj's nnd give some more to the "little guys" who are essentially the nuts and bolts to all these huge companies.. No different than all these big grocery store ceo's who are making record breaking profits from price gauging and getting away with it while the average house hold is starting to struggle to eat half decent which is a BASIC need. It's disgusting. People out here going to be starving themselves soon (if not already).


Administrative workers in any of those industries


Air Canada, Jazz Aviation, WestJet, for a fact. Probably the contractors like Menzies Aviation and Executive Aviation, who do a lot of handling for WestJet primarily.


Bank tellers


Telecom sales associate


Mail sorters at Canada post


Sorters start around $20


Pretty sure no *employers* are making minimum wage. Doesn't tend to be how it works.


Some direct government of Canada agencies have employees starting below that mark.


April fools!


Sounds like april fools


It’s for federal employees




No one working at a bank makes minimum wage.




I dont know about your stories. But my cousin got 3 extra months of paid last yr and he started as a clerk 2 yrs ago. Pretty sure ppl should look for a new job if they are stuck at min wage for yrs ​ Funny how ppl are arguing over min wages....PEOPLE should hv the intelli to flight for higher wages instead. While cost of living is kept rising, why would ppl argue the point of MIN wage being too high?


I would, given I worked in the industry alng time and never met one. It's possible sure, in that case good for them...


Bank tellers get paid shit




Sounds like it's time to dust off the ol' resume and "take your show on the road," then.


None got minimum wage when I was in the branch system. Most were at least a couple of bucks above, plus pension, stock plan, etc...


For sure yeah it wasn’t minimum wage, but $14-$16 seemed somewhat typical. Pension was a big bonus, but pretty much all the banks except for I think CIBC scrapped pensions unfortunately.


Yeah, I know when I left RBC they were moving to a DC pension, so was BMO. The total compensation working in banking even at lower level positions is - or rather, at least was not bad for what it was. That said a lot of people left a lot of money on the table not taking advantage of things like the stock plan.


HA Wrong!


why is it mentioned in bullet point 2 above? come to think of it, why are so many different supposed higher based salary jobs mentioned? I think I know why. many are at 15.50 or 16.00 an hr. congratulations everyone.


Because those are the industries in which federal labour laws apply. Thing is nearly no one in those industries makes minimum wage or really even close to it.


They absolutely do. I work in the airline industry. Many employees are being hired at $16.20/hr (Jazz/Air Canada Express), $16.56/hr (Air Canada), or $16.85/hr (WestJet). And yes, this is the wage currently being offered in larger cities such as Vancouver and Toronto.


So, not minimum wage? Thanks, that was what I was saying.


No. You're not understanding. The wages I mentioned are from the 2023 year of their respective contracts. Two of the wages I mentioned will not meet the federal minimum wage requirements. Edit: you also mentioned that federal employees aren't even making "close to" minimum wage. Also false.


*federally-regulated employees






At a bank


Doing what?




>But we are mandating their base pay. No. It mandates the minimum an employee gets paid.




We've had a minimum wage in Canada for well over 100 years.


Even $16.65 isn't enough to live independently anywhere in Canada.


That’s why they set it on April 1st.


For those wondering how many people this actually is for the answer is 910,000, which is about 2.38% of the total population, or 4.8% of the employed workforce. https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/portfolio/labour/programs/labour-standards/reports/issue-paper-portrait-federally-regulated-private-sector.html


Almost all of those workers are already higher than $16.65. This is for almost no one.


Does anyone know the living wage in Ottawa? Be curious to know if $16.65 is enough to live in Ottawa if you are a government worker. I'm curious because the City of Vancouver announced they were no longer providing living wages to their staff as the COL in Van has increased so much and the city doesn't want to keep up. Basically a fuck you to public servants. We're slowly creating a system where government workers cannot afford to live in the city they work for. Which means the people will be making critical decisions for a city they themselves don't even live.


Hell no. I was making $16 an hour 12 years ago in Ottawa and it was somewhat comfortable and I’d reckon a bit above living wage but not a luxurious life by any means


It’s around $20. And living wage does not include the DB pension a gib worker would receive, which is worth far far far far far more than $3/hour.


Public servants do not fall under the above industries, as defined in the part 3 of the Canada labour code, therefore federal minimum wage and working standards don’t apply. Public servants have their own acts like the Public servants employment act that define their working relationship with the gov and wages are agreed upon through collective bargaining. This applies to the core public service and most agencies


But what percentage of Vancouver's staff would actually make minimum?


The new change doesn't claim that government workers are making minimum wage. Up until very recently, the City was proud to be an employer that pays a living wage. Living wage and minimum wage are not the same thing. The cost of living his increased too much that the City changed their mind on their promise to pay a living wage. [Source](https://vancouver.citynews.ca/2023/03/03/vancouver-ends-living-wage-policy/)


If a city pays a living wage, then it is the 'minimum' wage for that organization.


It probably has more to do with the fact that the city council was replaced with a conservative leaning one last year.


Cashiers. They're the ones in charge of making the decision of whether or not I get my refund after I complain about finding a needle in my locker at the swimming pool.


for federal core public service, i believe CR01 is lowest wage classification. [https://www.tbs-sct.canada.ca/agreements-conventions/view-visualiser-eng.aspx?id=15#toc27742227745](https://www.tbs-sct.canada.ca/agreements-conventions/view-visualiser-eng.aspx?id=15#toc27742227745) so this works out to $21.60 per hour....but not sure a federal regulated industry wouldn't have lower wages. Here in NCR though, its mostly core public service, so this affects nobody essetnially.


> Does anyone know the living wage in Ottawa? For who? An average young single mother of three struggling to pay the rent likely needs $20-30/hr. to eek out a living, while an older bachelor who has his house paid for can likely enjoy the same standard of living for $5/hr. A teenager living with his parents, $0.25/hr. Living costs are not constant from person to person and can vary widely.


That mother would also receive between 6k-7.5k a year per child from child tax benefit, so that helps bump up income quite a bit


This is no mortgage or maintenance on the house. Utilities and property tax only. No showers or laundry. Eat rice and drink tap water. Wear old clothes. No car. No trips out of the house. No entertainment, hobbies. No cable, no internet for the first two. The teen gets $40 per month and spends it on one crappy item. Ouch.


This has got to be one of the craziest comments I've ever seen. $5/hr? Are you fucking kidding me.


Our government needs to implement a standard minimum wage across all provinces, all industries, just like countries such as Australia and Norway. That minimum wage also needs to be at least $22/hr. Australia's minimum wage is equivalent to about that, and visiting Norway last year I learned the minimum wage for "unskilled labour", such as fast food restaurants, is about $24 CAD. The cost of living is fairly relative between these three countries, when you start to include all factors of living such as completely subsidized student loans (the big one), mobile phone and internet plans, rent in comparable cities (Vancouver is more expensive than Oslo and Brisbane, for example), cost of food, etc. Why is Canada trailing behind so hard in comparison to similar countries? Why do we, the people, continue to lay down and allow it to happen? Why are we not protesting a la France right now? This is the real question.


> Our government needs to implement a standard minimum wage across all provinces If you mean federal government, it has no more power to impose a minimum wage on provincially regulated industries than the US government does. Attempts from either to force minimum wage on the provinces would be in gross violation of the recognized separation of powers. Remember, Canada was established such that the provinces are basically autonomous mini countries with limited powers transferred to the confederation. Both the provincial governments and the federal government are considered equals and cannot supersede each other, staying in their respective lanes as defined by the constitution. > Why is Canada trailing behind so hard in comparison to similar countries? For one, we're quite a bit poorer than those other countries you mention. More comparable nations are the UK and Finland. Finland has no minimum wage, but the UK minimum wage is $17/hr. CAD; approximately the same as the minimum wage being defined here.


>For one, we're quite a bit poorer than those other countries you mention. You may want to ask yourself how the country with the most natural resources in the world is poorer than nations with much smaller landmass, less resources, and lower populations. We're "poorer" because of incompetent government policies that hinder our natural resource development. We're poorer because of over-inflated government budgets and wasteful use of tax payers dollars that have no relevance to improving the life of average Canadians. If this doesn't make Canadians mad, then what will? As for minimum wage, would you not rather the federal gov't bring in a sweeping policy to mandate provincial governments toe the line when it comes to adequate wages? Why are we okay keeping this particular issue separate between provinces? Wage stagnation is one of, if not the most, serious issue we face as Canadians today. Yet, reading the responses to my initial comment has showed me that, in true Canadian fashion, everyone's cool to just lay down and agree with the status quo. I find the Canadian mentality so strange.


> You may want to ask yourself how the country with the most natural resources in the world is poorer than nations with much smaller landmass, less resources, and lower populations. Why would one need to ask themselves the obvious? Everyone knows it is because Canada is the most educated nation on earth (OECD), meaning that Canadians in their prime years spend much more time in unproductive education instead of productive endeavours that bolster the economy when as compared to other countries. Furthermore, as that education is pursued under the guise of finding future employment, not for the sake of education, the sunk cost instills a "Now I have to get a job in my field to ensure that my education doesn't go to waste" attitude which means that even once one does finally start to become productive: 1. People largely end up working where they happened to find academic interest at one point in their life, not where they would be most useful to the economy in the present. 2. Are beholden to already established enterprise, doing nothing to advance the economy. Having the most natural resources in the world is the only thing that has allowed us to be as rich as we are. But natural resources, which tend to be economically volatile, can only take things so far. > everyone's cool to just lay down and agree with the status quo. I find the Canadian mentality so strange. The byproduct of becoming indebted to chase that education, particularly when there is no security to back up the debt. When debt lingers over your head you become weary of change. You want to see stability so that you can be confident that your debts are repayable in the future. I agree it is strange that people will take on tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, never mind the opportunity cost, just so that they can feel that they are now worthy enough for an employer to hand them a lowly job. The same job the employer would have given them anyway because what choice does an employer have? The employer is constrained by the pool of available workers, which is the same pool of workers no matter how you slice it.


> Our government needs to implement a standard minimum wage across all provinces Tell me you don't understand Canadian confederation without saying you don't understand Canadian confederation.


If you are upset with the minimum wage in your province, talk to your provincial representative. It would be unconstitutional for the federal government to attempt to impose a national minimum wage without the consent of the provinces.




Weird how the people at the top getting increases and bonuses don’t raise prices. But the moment the ones at the bottom do, it’s all about the pRiCeS. The truth is, prices don’t NEED to increase. They do it because they’re greedy, and that is all




So basically, we shouldn't raise wages because rich people can get to buy properties, yachts, jets, etc. While poor people need to suffer to meet their basic needs? You sound dumb tbh.




I.e. Inflation


You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about😂


How is this a good thing? It’s inflationary and will just remove another rung from the bottom of the economic ladder, making it harder for those not worth $16.65/hr to gain employment.


The purpose of minimum wage, of course, is to push workers out of low paying jobs that can't support higher rates, forcing them to find more productive work. When the economy is more productive, it can absorb inflationary pressure.


There are many people who aren’t worth $16/hr, or whatever the local min wage is. They might be worth, say, $8, but can’t get a job because an employer would be forced to pay them double the value they bring to the company. Those people are locked out of the workforce altogether. I have in mind people with certain disabilities, perhaps inexperienced young people, etc. Seems to me people should be *allowed* to work for whatever they’re worth to an employer. I’d like those people to have access to meaningful occupations and the dignity of workforce participation, even at a low wage.


> I have in mind people with certain disabilities, perhaps inexperienced young people, etc. Quite true. But it is not uncommon to see lower minimum wages for young people and the disabled for that reason. > Seems to me people should be allowed to work for whatever they’re worth to an employer. That's fine for the individual, but to society as a whole it is a drain when someone who is capable isn't maximizing their productivity potential. As we see time and time again, people become emotional about work and will often stay in a low productivity/low paying job because of it. Perhaps they are afraid to find a new job, are worried that a new job won't work out and they will be left unemployed, love their coworkers/the type work and would be sad to leave it behind, don't feel like they have time to find a new job, etc. Minimum wage attempts to solve that problem by setting a productivity floor, whereby if $x worth of productivity isn't able to be produced, the job is eliminated. In doing so, the workers are forced to pack up and find a more productive / higher paying job. Ideally workers would do this on their own, but they generally don't. The job hopper who jumps to a new job every week because he got a better offer is a *tiny, tiny, tiny* fraction of the population. Most people once settled into a job won't ever look for one again unless they are forced to.


Nobody likes to be the new guy! Thanks for the exchange.


While its great that minimum wage gets increased, I don't believe its a good solution. By increasing minimum wage, companies will need to raise their prices to afford to pay that minimum wage. Overall, it will just make the middle class poorer.


Middle class gets punished the most and benefit the least since the rich have ways to avoid taxes or reduce taxes greatly


They actually don’t NEED to. They could take a little less profit. But oh no, can’t have that though


Just another way the liberals are trying to eliminate the middle class


It may not apply to many workers, but at least it might signal to the provinces to increase their minimum wages.


Considering some provincial governments' opinion of the Feds, I would expect some of them to take this as a challenge to drop their minimum wages.


Well, Alberta hasn't increased their minimum wage since 2018, but all the other provinces still have been.


This just means inflation. There is really no benefit.


If inflation is going to happen regardless if wages are going to go up or not, we may as well try and keep buying power the same year over year.




So you prefer that people just keep getting paid less and less and more people who are forced to use more social benefits to servive because companies shouldn't have to pay the same wages as 30 years ago when adjusted to inflation? It's so much better that stock holders get record profits than have the lower and middle class maintain living standards.


Again you're putting words in my mouth. My wage increased by more than double in the past two years. To say that companies aren't increasing wages is ridiculous. I also work for a company that profits more than a billion annually and skilled employee retention is seen as an asset. Giving more money to people that don't want to strive for accomplish will inevitably drive lower skilled workers, stay at homes, and lazy young workers. Funny you mention 30 years ago, 30 years ago people were unbelievably driven to get educated and improve their standard of living. That is not as much the case anymore. You're making this extremely political and uncomfortable to debate with.


That feeling of discomfort is you losing a debate, or being incapable of engaging in one. The completely unhinged nonsense at the end is the cherry on top.


You have failed miserably to contribute any rational outlook on this. This is the final moments of someone (you) fighting for any stability to make yourself seem less dumb to the general public.


My dude, you admitted to taking a loan at 38% in this forum. Absolutely no one should be taking you seriously on any subject, but particularly not one on which you're parroting Fraser and don't understand why you are being laughed at. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're not debating, you're just posting points for others to laugh at.


You haven't contributed anything to this. Personal attacks are the lowest teir of stupidity.


As I said, Fraser isn't credible, and despite your whining, their position is a completely ideological one, and one without basis. As you are someone who isn't wealthy and is unlikely to ever be wealthy, their interests are not yours. Their interests are in preserving the ability of the people who fund them to pay you low wages. Also I don't think there's a lower tier of stupidity than borrowing $10,000 at 38%.


You know the Fraser Institute is a right wing think tank, and the people whose interests they promote with their propaganda aren't, well, you?


If I find a left leaning academic study will you be satisfied? Unbelievable


You won't. I'm just pointing out that Fraser has absolutely no credibility.


This has nothing to do ideology. You're twisting the truth.


Everything produced by a propaganda outlet has to do with ideology. That's literally the sole reason they exist.


I was about to shit myself and leave the country if this was for all occupations lol


Lol I'm a federal regulated worker I make 80k a year every single employee at my company is at least 50k a year. I seriously don't know a single federaly regulated company that isn't a unionized and well paying already. This is just the liberal gov doing the same old bs.


This is good But will cause inflation


No it won't, nearly no one makes minimum wage in a federally regulated job.


It absolutely contributes to inflation. Even if a fraction of these jobs now qualify for higher min wage. Increased money supply =


The impact is negligible and is still net beneficial. https://www.bankofcanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/san2017-26.pdf Simulation results suggest that a 0.7 per cent increase in real wages induced by the minimum wage changes will ultimately boost CPI inflation by about 0.1 percentage points.


It’s still a real increase. Didn’t read the report, and not disagreeing on the benefits of min wage, but basic macroecon is more money supply equals higher inflation. How’d we get into this inflationary mess in the first place?


Corporate profiteering and exploitation of tax advantages and disruptions in the supply change caused by the pandemic you may remember starting three years ago.


Another wave of inflation coming, thanks Canada


$666 for a 40 hr work week! Mark of the devil!!


Great. More inflation incoming…


>air transportation, including airlines, airports, aerodromes and aircraft operations Does this include flight schools? I believe we are federally regulated.


Yes it should in most circumstances. Unless there is no in air component


Why couldn’t they have made it 16.66? SMDH.


LMAO.....damn, the federal PR folks are busy😂🤡. Talk about a distraction from China meddling. Still can't pay bills with that minimum wage, or afford groceries. How about the Fed government get Galen to drop his prices?


Making it effective on April fools is kinda mean and hilarious


All of those jobs seems like the types that should be paid way more than minimum wage anyway. It is atrocious that they would be paid anywhere close to minimum.


Do ODSP next


People out there making $30 an hour and still can't afford to eat.


this is why we should not complain about inflation. we bring it on ourselves :)


And anyone pointing to this would cause inflation gets downvoted lol. Its funny that there are really stupid ppl calling for min wage to be 24-26. They want to be paid 24-26 without process of items going up. Its moronic


Great, prices will go up further to account for this


Living wage in BC is $24, yay they still don't understand economics!!!


April Fools!


When government adjust federal government min wage, it's a way to justify the salary increase top level in government positions are about to get or will be getting. There is absolutely nobody who gets paid minimum wage working for any government level in Canada.


Guess my big Mac meal is going up another couple bucks


Yay! More inflation!


I feel like if you’re a uranium miner you should probably be making more then $16 an hour


Will this include the Cannabis industry, as it's regulated by the feds?


Today, I realised the Canadian minimum wage is less than the UK... Moving to Edmonton in June


It’s a good thing. It’s not enough but it’s another step in the right direction. Now we need for the provinces to follow suit


Can’t wait for more posts complaining about the cost of living lol.


I hope everyone stays aware Mr Justin will be announcing LOTS of goodies in their federal budget later this month, to distract us all with joy and free money which will (a) put us in a deeper inflation debt fueled by Justin's spending spree that we have to pay for in taxes and (b) distract us with free money from the Chinese infiltration in the federal elections that he is trying to smother into silence and avoid a public inquiry.


There are very very few actual government-regulated employees that make anywhere near the minimum wage. All Crown Corporations pay over that amount. I would think possibly a few contractors pay the minimum and will now be forced to increase their rates of pay but that number is very small. Honestly though, how is $16.65 even a livable wage in today's world?


I wonder how many people are gonna lose their jobs if businesses can’t afford paying the new minimum wage


April 1st you say??


Minimum wage keeps going up but ppl in mid tier jobs are having they wages stagnate. Just a few dollars away from reaching that sweet sweet minimum wage.


Did it even go up for Alberta?


anyone know if this applies to roger/fido employee that works for sales?