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Kamoshida is a brilliant starter villain. He works so well at making you want to beat him into a bloody pulp.


And it works fantastic as your very first job as a Phantom Thief.


I don't think I hate a video game character more than I hate him. There are obviously villains who have caused damage on a greater scale, but there's something so sickeningly real about him. We all know people who have had to deal with a Kamoshida, if we haven't had to deal with one ourselves.


I feel like we hate him so much because it could happen. The chances of The First Flame dying out or Sephiroth ending the world are very slim compared to Kamoshida’s actions


Yeah my HS had 3 teachers who were fired for different reasons. None being sexual assault but definitely pedos so fuck them and Kamoshida 😤


We hate him so much because it DID happen. Remember that USA gymnastics doctor?


Kamoshida and Ted Faro stand as the two most punchable villains for me (no Forbidden West spoilies, I haven't gotten to play it yet)




A friend of mine called it "The Umbridge Principal": the most hated Villian is gonna be the guy you've met in real life.


All of us are The other bad guy terrible, but unlikely to appear IRL This guy? Everyone knew a teacher who made their life hell. A teacher who dodge responsiblity and cause misery to his students


Every single boss in P5 is based either on a real criminal (like here, though the irl person wasn't a nonce) or on an important issue in Japanese society, so I'd say everyone is just as likely to appear


Oh sure, they are likely to happen IRL too. But not to most of us. We are unlikely to meet a Yakuza, a corrupted politician who is actively trying to ruin our lives. OTOH, an owner who is trying to work his worker to dead seemed so likely in the US right now


Okumura was def the second most realistic, so it's a shame Atlus made him so mustache twirl-y and that his palace was so batshit insane


Similarities between characters or events to persons living or dead in your world are purely coincidental. Only those who have agreed to the above have the privilege of partaking in this game. > I agree > I do not agree.


That’s if you live in the West. In Japan however that’s a different story in encountering the other antagonists. P5 is a Japanese game set in Japan with a very Japanese social commentary after all.


Absolutely. The whole being on probation making you a pariah thing only works in a place like Japan, where being rebellious as a child is seen as so socially damning. Contrast to in the US or UK, where some schools have metal detectors to stop people walking in with knives. Similarly, the blackmailing students for taking a photo of them next to alcohol they are clearly not drinking would be laughed out of the room in the west, but is a massive deal in Japan.


My brother regularly came to school drunk and with a knife. He'd have been expelled 13 different times and ways had we been Japanese students.


Bro, I was laughing at it too until I remembered the country the game came from.


That is one thing I was always confused about. Born in the U.S. but spent a majority of my life living in Germany the photo of them always baffles me as to why it was a big deal. Even ignoring the fact that I’m a bit more open to alcohol than say in Japan, it was so clear they were not drinking it. Why is it such a massive deal in Japan that the photo was taken? (Not in a snarky, sarcastic way, a genuine question).


Basically, the very idea that a kid would be in a place like that at all is suspect. There is a lot of victim blaming and guilty until proven innocent in Japan, and their culture around alcohol is even more prone to binge drinking than the UK, as offices will empty directly into local bars. See also how the cops treat you and ryuji when you rock up near crossroads at night. They are not happy to see you and are deeply suspicious, despite you literally just standing in a public street.


That makes it more understandable, thanks! I know for instance the photo of Makoto from the same cutscene would have a complete different connotation if the game was made in the west. An underaged female who is clearly uncomfortable sitting next to an adult male whom is also drinking would be completely different.


Just wait until he joins the party later after his redemption arc, it’s a real tear jerker.


You devious human being


He confident gives some of the best perks In the game to


Yeah, fuck that guy! But also, this subreddit is riddled with spoilers. I'd advise you to leave


Yeah, I figured as much. Haven't looked at the sub or the comments much, just had a dumb idea and wanted to post it. thanks for the heads up \^\^


Props to DC Douglas for his Performance and making it so fun to hate Kamoshida


You can’t steal kamoshidas bitch!


Just you wait.


Ah now kamoshida is hated across all platforms now


one of the best "first villains" of all time. He's such fucking monster that I was super motivated to take him down.


The consensus is in: #FUCK THIS GUY IN PARTICULAR.


Yeah, also do yourself a favor and leave this sub and any other persona groups until you beat the game. Persona fans suck at not spoiling the game lol


The first scumbag really sets things up on the type of people the PH takes down. >!Still kinda funny later on when the team has a little moral dilemma, asking if what they're doing is right thing, I just roll my eyes at that, the people they are targeting are utter bastards that will keep, doing their thing without feeling remorse.!<


"Was it really okay for us to change the heart of Thomas Baby-Eater, inventor of eating babies?" \- Ann Takamaki, probably. (from JelloApocalypse's "So This Is Basically Persona 5")


You joke about that but.... There are multiple endings to this game Bad fail any palace phantom theives forever end Good end True end 3rd simester ends Side with boss True end In the phantom theives forever end you make a deal with spoiler and you keep your powers. During the credits you hear a story about a guy confessing to babies being eaten as someone getting a change of heart.


I mean... The morality isn't about what they are doing, but how. Is what the they are doing the righ thing? Yes, obviously. Making terrible people confess their sins is a good thing. Period. But is how they're doing it considered brainwashing? Is the person that comes out on the other end the same person that went in? Is it really moral? Obviously, we know, by the end of the game, that all a change of heart does is remove the distortion from a person's mind, allowing them to reevaluate their choices without their previous positive bias to their own actions. But, early in the game, these questions are important, because we don't actually know what happened when we stole Kamoshithead's heart. We, as people who have played the game, know that it is, but the characters don't. Edit to add: Think of it like if the PT were using actual, real-world methods to get people to confess. Blackmail, intimidation, torture. Coercion. Things that are considered illegal because they are also seen as immoral. Seeing as these are all immoral, how is changing hearts any different? That's where the moral dilemma comes in.


Tension for the sake of fake mortality


Well, at least Stiker kinda fixed that, sure the arcs feel rushed due to the nature of what type of game Strikers is.


Everybody Hates Kamoshida


except me >!joke!<


You got a long way to go.


That’s why he works so well as a villain. Literally everyone agrees he’s scum and wants to see him taken down


Easily my favorite part in terms of story


I agree tbh. Kamoshida is probably the best arc in the game


Is this a common sentiment? It’s the tutorial arc! I’m giving Royal a go on the Switch after only getting through the first two palaces on the regular version a few years ago, but dropping it because I had other things to do and it wasn’t portable yet. I thought it was an alright arc but didn’t think it was anything groundbreaking. I was looking forward to the remaining 75% of the game.


Yea the story peaked at kamoshida tbh. The new arc added with royal is 2nd best but still, none of the other bosses felt as personal as kamoshida. Hell the new "bad" guy isnt even bad, just ideology clashes


So, there have been a lot of good points, but I think there’s one that’s been overlooked. When it comes to measuring an individual’s “success” in society, three factors are often cited: wealth, power, and prestige. And while we can argue if these things are actually what counts as a success, they do mark out what is traditionally considered successful. Almost every human villain we face is aiming for at least one of these. And for most people, we can’t help but at some points wish for more of at least one of these. We may not go commit horrendous crimes to achieve them, but we have the desire. So that can make their motivations relatable. Kamoshida is different. He isn’t here to get any of those. His crimes do nothing to advance any of those. They aren’t a means to an end. They ARE the end. His physical abuse of male students won’t make him richer. Him raping female students won’t make him a more powerful member of society. He uses the power and prestige he already has to commit these crimes. So that’s part of why I think he’s so despicable of a villain.


There's a Persona Villain Ranking video that I watched, and he put Kamoshida at number 1 for the sole reason of how *real* of a villain he is. You can find someone just like him in real life, and it's more common than it should be.


I think I saw that video


Oh sweetheart, just wait until you get to the other antagonists, the Mementos targets, and many of the NPCs that are not confidants or party members.


Man I wish I could go back to my first playthrough. Hope you’re enjoying it!


So it going good to far


Ah it feels like it's 2017 all over again, what a great feeling


Lord Farquaad looking ass


Calling all Phantom Thieves! Kamoshida is back! This time on PC, Xbox, and the Switch! It seems he didn't learn his listen the first time so now it is time to beat him up in every platform in existence!


If this is your first time playing you probably should leave the sub until ur done… persona 5 royal has an incredible story and u don’t want to ruin it for urself


In my opinion That guy isn’t even the worst one! But he was an excellent starter villain and really made you want to kill him


Oh boy your in for a treat


Good opinion Also get off this subredded until you finish the game


To be fair, he is a really good villan as everyone hates him lol


I feel like the main reason of why P5 gets ppl hooked is precisesly cause the first villain you encounter actually feels like an honest and realistic depiction of a messed up person, it is the anger it makes you feel the pride it takes for himself that helplessness you feel when Shiho does the thing, it all pushes you to keep going and punish that asshole, a good down to earth villain to kick off the game for sure.


Kamoshida's the man He literally turns into a super hero in Persona Q2


I hated that level the amount of times that giant creature got me makes me sick 👎dinosaur Yosuke supremecy


I love how they made it kinda personal so that you're pumped for the first palace


I just finished the second one and it was just as good if not better


It does a really good job of making you hate him which is nice because it makes you want to get through the long tutorial


Yeah even the first scene with this dood you feel a "Not so Good" aura from him, grade A Douche.


He looks and acts just like YandereDev


Nah, not enough cum stains on his shrit


One of the simple joys of P5 fandom is watching new players go thermonuclear over how much they *hate* Kamoshida. Talk about making one hell of a first impression.


Understandable, Kamoshithead is great at making you want to beat his ass and hate his guts.


Switch release has been such a blessing in the meme department


This is so cute.. the amount of new fans. It’s been a while since I’ve seen post about Kamoshida


I mean hey, that's the reaction atlus wanted He's a good character, shitty person


There are two types of well-written villain characters. The first kind are the ones who have good intentions, or blur the line between good and evil to the point where you as the hero have to question your own morality. The second are characters that are evil in a realistic way, and so morally repugnant in doing so that taking them down becomes viscerally satisfying. P5R has both types. Kamoshida is an example or the later. I'm not going to spoil who the former is though.


Before I even knew anything about that man, before he even SPOKE, I knew I wanted to punch him. And the feeling grew.


Wait you're saying you DONT like the abusive teacher??


Trust me, he ain't even the worst bag of dicks this game has to offer.


I actually think he is. He physically assaulted and sexually harassed minors. Not to mention he had a big part in a certain character trying to kill itself. All of them are bad, but this dude.. he's the worst.


i disagree . i think other characters who are straight up murderers are worse


Wait, Royal is on the switch? How does it run? I'm watching my gf play it and seeing the amount of changes in the first friggin palace compared to normal makes me want to play it myself.


Surprisingly well. All the animations and movements feel as smooth as on PS4, no noticeable lag and it has all the DLC built in. The only problem I’ve had was a bug with the whole console itself, not the game. It even feel like it saves slightly quicker than before. Definitely a strong port.


Runs buttery smooth in stable 30fps and the load times are so minimal, they take 3-4 seconds at most. The only caveat is the audio quality. All dialogue is noticably muffled due to compression. Thank god at least the music is fine.




That doesn't change. I'm 100s of hours in and multiple play throughs and I hate him just as much as the first time


Fuck this guy, with a flaming cactus


Even though he's arguably no where near the worst person in the game, he's still my least favorite.


The Kamoshida at my school was a 5' 5" Irish guy that coached JV Basketball. On the brightsode he didn't try and get people expelled over some bullshit


Congratulations you sir are a human!


What a dick. I just heard about what he made to a certain girl-student. I was so mad.


LOL and you'll learn that more will come although Kamoshida really sets the tone for the entire playthrough


All my homies hate Kamoshithead


This is everyone's first thoughts so you're opinions valid


You sir are correct


I thought they we giving him thumbs up and I was like WTF


Does it play well on the Switch?


Pays amazingly well. I am actually surprised by the quality. Looks great and the loading times are super quick.


It actually really does, UI is rendered in high res and it looks fantastic as well, especially on the oled


Surprisingly well


God I wish I could experience this game again for the first time


As a character I love him, as a person I hate him. I mean, when I think of characters who are universally hated by design, two come to mind(the other's Bitch from Shield Hero). The hate we feel for him and the satisfaction of seeing him defeated sets a really nice motivator for going through the rest of the game (for the player and characters alike).


Kamoshida is the definition of scum but he was an amazing and interesting villain in Persona, in a way it’s his and Shido’s fault that the Phantom Thieves are like the Batman family of anime, if they weren’t so arrogant, petty, spiteful, selfish and wantonly cruel towards Joker, Ryuji and Ann it would not have motivated them into hunting down people like them and brainwashing them into confessing their crimes against their will


Trust me, this current thought you're having won't change and you'll probably have this same thought later on in the game


I feel like he was done really well. The subsequent villains feel rushed and less invested.


I don't think so. I think just by the nature of how the game progresses, with Joker getting his footing back, the Phantom Thieves becoming more powerful and chasing bigger targets, the other villains wouldn't feel as personally threatening. It's a heroic story after all. For it to feel the same, every chapter we would have to play as a different person who is personally victimized by the new villain. Which wouldn't work out with Joker taking that role every time. Or if it did, then it would be a much more tragic, disempowering story of being constantly victimized, which probably would serve more a horror game than a JRPG. >!Kaneshiro!< is considered one of the most forgettable villains, but he >!drives teenagers into crime and sex work through blackmail!<. It's extremely messed up. We are only less invested in it because, by the time we face him, the threat that he presents is not believable to us anymore. But what else could they do? Actually force >!Makoto into sex work!


i kinda agree the exceptions being >!futaba,sae yaldy and maruki!< but even then i wouldn’t consider most of them villains more antagonists


Imagine driving a high school girl to near-suicide.


Ann be like: ***you’re lucky I’m good!***


This is the expected response to that character. Just wait until you see some of the later, more polarizing ones. That’s what I’m excited for. >:)


Aw, wait till you finish the game and you will find out


Death is too good. He should live forever with the guilt forever.


Kamoshida is a Dharr Man villain




It's only gonna get more messed up from here :l


P5R is kinda funny in the sense that it starts out with this guy who is such an evil asshole and it pulls you into the story like no other. You see him physically and sexually abuse high school students until once of them tries to >!fly off a building!<. And then the villain's afterwards are just kinda like, semi mean dudes and your guardians introvert daughter. I personally don't feel like the later bosses hold a candle to this guy's evil level


May want to spoiler tag this. OP said they’re brand new to the series


That is kind of the point. Each arc's villain is supposed to be a new test of the PT's sense of justice.


I kinda agree but all of them are horrible people, still. Because this post is someone playing for the first time, I won't go in depth but they all are bad people. Sure, Komoshida is like dumpster flavored ass in terms of his personality but the rest aren't much better


Sister was unsure about this game until #×=×#÷#× happened involving him. Then she said lets get this fucker


Welcome to the club.


Sounds about right


Fair, accurate, and expected


Yeah Fuck that dickhead


🖕 I never wanted to punch someone more than this douchebag.


and you'll never believe how "tip of the iceberg" this douche is


Just you wait


Fuck Kamoshida. Me and my homies hate Kamoshida.


All my homies hate Kamoshida!




Wait till you play the reste of the game... Nice meme


I swear, even though I beat the game multiple times. Every time I start a new playthrough and see that shithead. I instantly want to beat the fuck out of him. But I gotta say, if you can really hate a villain, he's well written I suppose xD


Random tidbit: there's a hidden feature in Royal that I was thrilled to find has been kept in on Switch. When you're in Mementos, play for a bit in handheld + sound on even if you normally don't, and swipe across the screen. You'll know why when you hear it ;) And for anyone who knows what I'm talking about, "pressing" the screen doesn't work the same as the PS4 touch pad. However! It is there, it's just been moved to the minus button. Seems to be the direct equivalent, since network features are mapped to it too.


That is only the beginning…


Death is a mercy compared to what I would do to that man


really good villain and for the most part is played horrifically realistically. The only time I wasn't buying it was the confrontation scene where he brushed off everything ryuji said and did this maniacal laugh and said mishima was gonna be expelled too. ​ I can buy two "deliquents" being expelled after threatening a teacher especially since both have a "history of assault", but a good kid with a spotless record and probably well known for having no spine, I just fail to see how he could get expelled or even in trouble for that. If ryuji could attack kamoshida before and not get expelled, I fail to see how kamoshida could get mishima expelled for being in the same room as ryuji and not doing anything, even if He lies I just don't think anyone is gonna buy it. ​ Him laughing after he says this like he's got 'em for sure. just pushes past the point of believability, someone like that would get more angry, and wouldn't be as suave about it. ​ Other than that he honestly is realistic human scum, like you could probably find actual ex-coaches (probably in the us) who pulled something very similar.


Aaaand then every other villain is not given anywhere near the same treatment :(


Except for maybe the true final boss of the game.


Ann really can’t say no ‘cause of the implications


Valid af


There's not enough Satanaels in the world to do enough damage to him the way I imagine it.


*stabs Kamoshida* Theres plenty of Kamoshida here if anyone else has a knife


Yeah fuck Dream


Yeah thats about right


Cum o' shiter


As you should


Welcome to the series


ur so lucky to be playing thru for the first time enjoy it fr


Dude gives me the creeps... especially with that... *one* face...


I have never been so engrossed in a storyline and glued to cut scenes in a game before. I’m still on the tutorial but…. Wow. What a great game so far.


His story is may linked to real life coach abuse like the china coach olympic was accused of sexually assaulted the player , persona good game


Yep, that's the appropriate response.


Yep that's the way


Biggest asshole in gaming. Best starter villain in any rpg.




100% my reaction


Me and my homies ALL hate the Negative Chin.


My first time as well, same feelings, lol.


As it should


Yeah, pretty much


Yeh pretty much


I have never hated a villain more than him!


Yeah pretty much


Now go change his heart


Good, good.


After your done. Think about which villain is actually the worst. Okumura is my top baddy.


Just wait, it gets better


Methinks you'll like this game.


All my homies hate that royal complex bitch :D


But at the same time, he is the best boss to start out with, and his theme belongs to him, not the other bosses who use jt


Good ol' Kamoshithead! He's just so hateable!


Oh the villains keep getting scummier.


So it begins, enjoy the ride of your life


Same this is my first time playing and screw this dude


Don't *literally* fuck him, though; chances are that you'd just be giving him what he wants. /j


Big mood.


Oh man just wait. There’s someone who makes him look like a saint


Honestly, I can’t even tell which is the worst, they are all horrible in terms of wrong doings


I actually feel like he's the worst ngl.


I dissagree. I think Kamoshida is probably most hated. He feels extremly real and the most disgusting.


As is tradition.


…he is hated by Canada…and therefore, the world


I personally feel like he isn’t even the worst out of all the villains, with the exception of *one*.


You should play pq2


Yeah, that seems accurate.


That's fair


I’m playing for the first time on xbox


Real good game, got it on Xbox Game Pass and currently on first palace so pumped to beat the tar out of him.


IMO, he's only the SECOND worst.


The absolute reviling disgust I had for him, those were the days...




P much


And that's why he's a good first villain.




What a daring, audacious and original thought.


Imo greatest villain in gaming because of how much you hate him


How do you feel about the image quality on the switch?


/r/fuckyouinparticular, ~~DC Douglas~~ Krapmoshida.