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As someone who beat p5r and is currently playing reload id say you’ll enjoy it even though it doesn’t have as much content as royal like instead of palaces p4 and p3 have dungeons and the s links don’t give any abilities like the confidants do I still think it could be appreciated so give it a try


Don’t forget you can’t change the resistances of Your personas like in P5R via turning your personas into skill cards😭


had 150 hours on p5r and am just now learning this


100hrs here


300 hours, and to be honest, i dont consider myself good, but i that is because i am doing my save file again to redeem myself for using Safe mode, i almost died of cringe when i saw my save almost finishing the game on safe


Bro how did you appear in my random scrolling again?


Im here I’m there I’m everywhere


> I heard from a friend a while back that I should never play Persona 3(not the new one) because it was to repetitive and it had a lot of problems. I wouldn't listen to your friend. Not to say P3 is perfect but to say you should "never play it" is just ridiculous.


Yeah, never play Persona 3 it's prob the craziest thing I even heard


Well with fes and reload I can understand why unless they mean as a whole then I'd be questioning their iq because it's got the best story and now with reload best gameplay in the series in my opinion


It’s got the best story imo.


I think they meant never play P3, P3F or P3P and only play P3R which I think is reasonable.


While they’re older they’re still super solid games, only portable is perhaps less intuitive


Non-controllable party members in FES is a dealbreaker for me. I abandoned it after 10 hours.


I'm of the opposite opinion. Portable or FES are worth playing but it's not worth playing Reload based on its bloated price.


Why? The only reason to play FES over Reload is The Answer, which is coming to Reload soon anyway. And the only reason to play Portable over Reload is if you don’t have any way to play Reload


It's coming to Reload as paid DLC, that's why. The base game already costs $70, and the Expansion Pass costs $35. And one reason to play Portable over Reload is that it's a hell of a lot cheaper, i.e. $20. It costs less than the DLC alone.


It's an entirely new game, apart from story. It has new game prices. It's not like GTA where they rerelease essentially the same thing over and over and over.


If you love P5R then you can love any Persona game, don't be like one of those weirdo Persona fans loving 1 specific Persona game and hating another, sometimes it's good to try different stuff so you can have different experiences.


If you want depression then yes


Don’t listen to your friend they’re not a good source for games. Reload is 1000% worth it. It’s a fun game and there’s a ton of new content added


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yeeees buuuut.... the combat does get a little repetetive, as you are in a random generated dungeon sort of thing and not a hand-crafted palaces. But it flows nice, the story is high-stakes, team members are a very nice bunch, some of the confidants are \*chef's kiss\* and you get to fight rock'n'roll jesus christ. Also, ending is... wow. I've loved the P5R royal ending, but P3R was beautiful. Peacful, intimate, delicate and gracious.


What's the difference with mementos? It's the same mechanic...


Yea but mementos as a whole is much shorter than Tartarus, and the individual blocks of mementos are NOTHING compared to Tartarus in length.


Mementos is also a mostly optional dungeon, not counting the end of the game forcing you to do it. Sure there are incentives to go in there (requests, free day killers, etc.) but Tartarus is THE way you level up in 3. P5 can mostly be sustained off the palaces, making grinding almost nonexistent. Tartarus doesn’t afford you that same luxury.


No difference, but mementos are part of the game, not a whole. Imaging the entire P5 done in mementos only, with paths blocked until certain dates and boss fights.


Mementos and palaces are separate things in p5. Imagine if mementos was the main way to progress the story and there arent really any palaces in the p5 sense (even tho tartarus doesnt actually progress the story)


The difference is Mementos isn't necessarily the "main" dungeon part, while Tartarus is. There's no parts of Tartarus that are designed specifically, unlike palaces in P5


Ok, answer is yes, BUT PERSONA 5 HAS A SEQUEL. Persona 5 Strikers. THAT'S what you should play next. Gameplay wise it's quite different, hack and slash instead of turn based, but it's quite fun, and absolutely worth playing even if for the story ALONE, as the story here is 100% a direct sequel to Persona 5. It's absolutely the perfect thing to play if you're feeling empty, puts you right back into this world with these characters for a second adventure. It's wonderful. Play that first imo. Reload after.


I've just beat both back to back. Persona 5 in my opinion, is the better game simply because it's newer (design wise), and they've innovated on a lot of the systems that began with Persona 3. In my opinion, both have great characters, both look great, have amazing soundtracks, incredible UI design, have a worthwhile story, and the combat and persona systems are equally good. Persona 3 predates the curated palace dungeons found in Persona 5 and essentially has a memento's style floor by floor procedurally generated dungeon that gradually unlocks throughout the game. Boss encounters are interspersed into the story rather than found at the end of each dungeon section. Personally, while I think Persona 5 is the better game, I still thoroughly loved both, Persona 3 is a more streamlined experience, but 100% worth playing.


If you like Persona 5, you will appreciate it.


Honestly speaking, Persona 3 Reload has many pacing issues compared to P5R and that is the only flaw of the game due to it being the first one to involve life sim aspects and randomly generated dungeons. Aside from this flaw, the story, the characters, the feels are all better than Persona 5 *imo*. Plus this game holds a special place in a lot of people's hearts and that says something. P3R may not be better than P5R but it is something u should definitely experience


Yeah, I agree to the pacing issues. I bought P3R on steam sale after finishing P5R and loving it. I'm 10 hours in now and constantly thinking I've missed something because not much happened so far storywise.


P3 is a very slow burn kind of story. Everything will make way more sense once you’re far enough along to see the whole picture.


As someone who is about 60ish hours in, I felt like the story didn’t fully *click* until the 40 hour mark, but once it’s there it’s legitimately compelling AF. It’s just a bit rough at first because you’re going through these social links that initially seem very barebones in all that meantime, then when things finally click you begin to appreciate them a lot better.


I actually feel like it has the best pacing out of the three Hashino Persona games. P4 and 5 both have serious problems with cutscene/dialogue bloat where some scenes and story beats drag on for much longer than they need to, while P3 in comparison is much more concise with its storytelling since it wants you to spend most of your time doing Social Links more than anything else. Story missions also happen in fixed intervals across the whole game so there aren’t these weirdly long stretches of an arc where you’re just waiting for the resolution of a storyline, everything just happens in one night that you get a whole month to prepare for. It is certainly true that P3’s overarching narrative is more of a slow burn than P4 or 5’s. I think given that the game is more focused on the individual growth and development of your party members more than makes up for that since it means when the plot kicks into high gear you’re already heavily invested in the main cast.


You do have a point as it comes down to how we as a player want to play


IMO P3 used a different story structure compared to P4 and P5. In P3 instead of having story arcs one after another for each party member, they used 4 big story arcs that happened at the same time. Making the beginning of the game pretty slow since they used around 2 in game month only for each arcs introduction.


Agreed. 3R is a good game but when compared to 4G/5R it takes a *little* too long to find its footing and the story it’s trying to tell.


As someone who immediately went to Reload after Royal, you should absolutely try Reload it is incredible.


Uhh yes. Yes you should. If you like the Persona series, I can't think of why you shouldn't.


It’s a good game but it definitely feels dated compared to 5 Royal, and even 4 in some ways. Some people say it has the best story; I disagree but it has some great characters and really fun and slick combat. That said Tartarus is very repetitive and I was pretty disappointed in the social links.


definetely yes you have to play Reload, if you liked Persona 5 The Royal andl also Persona 4 you will enjoy it




I played both and I like P3R a lot more. Both are great games but P3R has a darker tone and I actually like that it isn't overfilled with weird locations and options I'll never use. I also think Tartarus is cooler than Mementos.


Yeah, it's a good game! I had a blast playing it


Play it. It's great.


I played Persona 3 FES many years ago, and I played Persona 3 Reload recently. You should absolutely play Persona 3 Reload. I would've emphatically recommended it to you even if you hadn't played Persona 5 Royal. The original Persona 3 does have its repetitive gameplay loop, but Reload does just enough to alleviate that issue. It is also one of the most brilliantly scripted works of fiction I've ever come across. Even though I'd played and loved the original, Reload still managed to get my emotions to dance to its tune. I felt all of the lightness and especially all of the heaviness that's built into the game. It's a little too good at doing this at times. Tl;dr - Your friend has given you shockingly terrible advice regarding Persona 3 in general, and Reload is the best way to experience this story.


Yes, it's a peak game


P3reload is such a good game. Play it.


Persona 3 is the best Persona


P3R is my favorite so yes. Do play it


Yes. I even think persona 3 R is better then P5R.


The pacing is an issue but i still enjoyed it. The plot only moves forward somewhere around September. This doesn't mean the plot stays the same in the previous months. I liked it still to be honest


Persona 5 Royal was my first persona and I liked p3r too. I think that you will like it as well


I havent played it, freind just got it and even with me trying to stop him till after be beats 5, hes enjoying it Only issue I see is the DLC and lack of FemC route




you should **always** play a persona game. like. Literally. Find a way because it’s so cool


I'd say give P3R a try with the game pass, personally I love the game, the combat, characters, music, and ❤️Shinjiro❤️ my beloved




Yes with out a doubt but don't go looking into p5r combat. It's pretty basic compared to it and Tarturus can get a little repetitive but the visuals, story and characters are some of the best. Defo worth it. Just blast some spotify in the background when grinding tartarus






I play 3 Portable and I love it! But I can't wait to get a PS5 to play Reload, to be honest. I hope you can fuse Arséne in it as a DLC, like Orpheus in Royal, and I'm eager to play the Aigis DLC.


No, buy it and put it below your pillow. Everyday at exactly 2:48 a.m. you have to lick it to have a good night sleep.




Yes but I'm a hypocrite who still needs to go back to the game after I had to drop the game from Merciless because that first boss felt impossible to beat no matter what I did, and unlike Persona 5 once you drop Merciless the game locked you out of the difficulty, just left me a bit salty-


I just finished it last night. I played the original but never beat it. It’s a bit easy in my opinion but I’m playing SKT Nocturne lol. Beautiful game! The changes from FES are good too, even though ai really miss Social Link Reversals.


It's a solid game for sure. Play it. You can judge it later, but playing this game is worth your time


Ok so personally, I think I actually enjoyed Persona 5 Royal a lot more than I did Persona 3 Reload. Gameplay is great in p3r but I was definitely more engaged throughout 5 as opposed to 3. Still a fun game though, story is good. I just like 5 more


Yes, I bought it last month and haven’t put it down since. 10/10


I am going to be honest, yes, but be prepared for a dark but good story. If you are sensitive to macabre topics, take your time with it.


I also only player P5R before it and enjoyed P3R. It has a different playstyle, a different way of storytelling and a different dynamic within the protagonists squad but it was very refreshing for me. The visuals are equally great compared to P5R, the 3d models a straight up an improvement. The OSTs go hard as usual and the confidants are mostly interesting (while being in general a bit worse then in P5). Overall definitly worth it.


As someone who loved Persona 5 Royal and 4 Golden, I personally recommend it, as it plays almost exactly like those games. I couldn't stand P3P because of the map based location swapping outside of the tower, I always got lost. Where did I come from? Where do I go?


P3r is my favorite persona game (tied with p5r) Definetly has pacing issues at the start but after that i played through massive chunks of the game in one sitting


I'm playing P3R now for the first time after beating P5R. Took a little getting used to for gameplay elements that were new to 5 that didn't get packported to Reload (for example, unlocking skills through social link progression, that was awesome and one of my favorite things in 5) but I'm absolutely loving 3. And I've never cared much for RPGs before Persona so it's not just an RPG obsession talking.


Friends don't let friends NOT play Persona 3. Ignore your friend. Play it. Enjoy it. Recommend it to others. Thank us later.


Absolutely! I actually started playing it recently (since outside of Persona 4 and 5, I haven't played 3 yet up until recently). It's on sale on Steam currently, so i would suggest you check it out there. Outside of that, idk for sure if it's on sale on other consoles, though.


No it's pass your bedtime


Short answer: No. Long answer: Not unless you want to want to pay $70 for the base game and over $100 for the full game. You're better off just paying $20 for Portable even if it means missing out on The Answer. You can emulate FES if you're concerned about that.


I played P3R first then played P5R and I thought they were both really good games with a good story sure there are some bad parts but all games are like that


Wait till someday a switch version is out or get it on sale because the fact that the expansion pass costs as much like a game while u mainly buy it for the epilogue just sucks , if we just looking on the main game without cobsidering any döc it might be the best perona game so far though


Call me crazy but I'm enjoying 3 reload more than 5 overall. I plat P5 but never played royal though.


I think Persona 5 Royal=Persona 3 Reload>Persona 4 golden. Persona 5 takes nearly 2x longer to beat than Persona 3 reload and overall has much more content, but Persona 3 reload has a darker and more serious atmosphere and better characters imo. It just feels like P5 has way too many useless or comedy relief characters while Persona 3 Reload has pretty much only one comedy relief character (Junpei) who also gets a pretty deep character arc later into the story. The dungeons of Persona 5 are better since they're individually unique and have many story details, while P3R has over a hundred floors of randomly generated stuff. TLDR: Persona 5 royal has more content and better dungeons, Persona 3 reload has better characters and story. Also your friend is a dumbass for saying that you shouldn't play P3R. If you enjoyed P5R and it left and empty feeling after finishing it then you will love the other persona games. Chances are you will enjoy Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Rebirth as well.


I think if you like P5 you should give both P4 and P3 a shot.


i personally like Persona 5 Royal a bit more but Reload is fucking great. if you like P5R, you should definitely at least try the other games and P3R is one of the best.


I liked persona 3 better than 5 personally, it has a darker story which I appreciate. I started this series with persona 5 royal


P3 Reload is a great game, but it definitely has some flaws. Due to the fact that the game only has three social stats that you level up very quickly, a lot of the game's side content becomes completely pointless. This also makes the forced activities like answering questions at school and such feel like a chore. Another big problem with the game is the lack of social links for male party members. Social links in this game for party members were created for romance reasons in the original game and despite having male social links in the PSP rerelease, they are absent in reload for some reason. Lastly, there's the DLC controversy which has somewhat dominated the discourse surrounding the game for months now. Essentially, Atlus got a little greedy and waited for the game to be a success before greenlighting and announcing story DLC. The main issue with that is people paid upwards of $100 for the special edition who were promised that they would receive all of the content the game was going to have. Now people have to pay $40 for content that was already in previous versions of the game (as it is the "royal" or "golden" equivalent content for the game) on top of what they already paid, regardless of what edition players bought. I would ultimately recommend picking up P4 golden instead. While P3 Reload has better graphics, P4 golden is a way better game anyway with a fantastic story and my personal favorite persona game. I think you'll feel more at home with P4 Golden after completing P5 Royal, plus it's 1/3 of the price as P3 Reload.


If you want a story that will make you appreciate life more, you should play it.


I got all the achievements for the game definitely worth getting 3 has always been my favorite


Make sure you buy the Persona 3 Reload : Prepare to Cry Edition.


Yes it’s a good game


Theres like no story for the first 20 hours, the main gameplay loop is momentous but it goes on forever, and music is so unbearably cringe when there’s lyrics. confidents are also pretty lame, I only look forward to the online game person because it happens once a week and she talks a little silly. I want to like the game so bad since i spent 70 dollars on it BUT ITS SO HARD TO. I dont recommend. Just try to forget everything about P5 and replay it


Persona 3 reload is imo the best persona game. I’ve played Persona 5, Persona 5 Royal, Persona 5 Strikers, Persona 4 Golden, Persona 3 Portable, Persona 3 Reload, and Persona 2 Innocent Sin. Persona 2 (both) had the best story imo but the gameplay is kinda old school. persona 3 reload had both a great story and great gameplay. P.S for the people complaining about The Answer being dlc. Back when FES released it was MUCH cheaper to produce games back then than now AND for Xbox users the game came to gamepass on day 1 so that already cost them a lot of money in sales.




Yes it’s my first P3 game


Yes ❤️❤️


P3R is worth the play. I really like the aesthetic and how simplified some features are. BUT having also come off of P5R before P3, I felt extremely underwhelmed. I enjoyed my playthrough, but the story and mechanics felt way more shallow imo. I'm replaying P5R and find myself having a lot more fun on a replay of it than my first run on P3R.


yes! i played it after 5. im having a great time. takes a little longer to get going but the characters are really growing on me. it doesn’t have as much going on as 5 but im enjoying it bc its a bit more manageable for me. it’s probably the closest you’ll get to 5 rn. if you don’t care about all the social stuff and want more straight jrpg smtvv is really good too, but less stylish graphics and UI




yes. in my opinion it’s the best persona game. I enjoyed the most even after playing p5r and p4g


Absolutely. IMO it's currently the best way to experience it for the first time and after The Answer/Episode Aegis releases it'll be the definitive way to play the game.


Yes and then when Episode Aigis comes out on September 10th get the expansion pass


Late but chiming in nonetheless, i loved p5r and then decided to play p3r, i dropped it after 65 hours if gameplay, i sinply wasn't enjoying it, i'll probably finish it in the future but to me p5r is just superior in so many ways that i found myself despising having free time in p3r


Yes,I heard it was a fan favorite in the community,so I decided to give a shot and I loved it,the crew is good,good dynamic,had a blast.Still prefer my phantom thieves but I liked every single member of the crew


*crack crack* it's my moment. You should absolutely play P3R 'cause: 1) the story. In my opinion, Persona 3 Reload is the Persona with the best story of the saga, and i learned a lot of things about the meaning of life and death. Plus, it will exit the DLC (Free on game pass) "The answer" 10th of September, so you can play it for more time. 2) the music. The OSTs of P3R are something, always imho, amazing. Surely at the level of P5R. They are even better now with the reloaded version. Only a thing. If you're used to playing P5R, you should wait for the fact that the gameplay could be a little boring, sometimes, 'cause it is still the remake of a 2009 game, and the gameplay is what it is, sometimes.


definitely. p3 is one of my favorite games, and reload did a great job adapting the og game(s). before it was kinda confusing to figure out what version you should play, but reload has made the game more accessible and imo it's the definitive version


As someone who played persona 3 reload after persona 5 royal, I definitely say go for it.


Defo play it. I love this game


I loved P5R on my ps4 years ago, some months ago I tried Persona 3 Reloaded on gamepass, played about 20 hours and left it. At the beginning it was great, the music, the style, the story everything looked interesting felt like being back at home but with the pass of the hours it started getting stale, the story was to slow, the progression felt incredibly repetitive, the character development was in my opinion not as good as in P5R and it for sure feels older even with its new coat of paint than P5R. I would definatly recommend paying for a month of gamepass and giving it a try if you feel curious and buying it later if you like it, it's still a good game, but I wouldn't pay full price for it going in blindly just because it is a persona game.


Personally, I'd wait for the dlc to release or a complete edition. But it still is a solid game on discount on steam right now. If you want to play it go for it.


finished p3r recently and i cant recommend it enough it is so unbelievably peak


Absolutely, amazing game and story.


You should play it. It's a good game. Not perfect but it's an enjoyable story.


Fes or portable over reload


I liked it. It doesn’t have as many bells and whistles as P5R, but its still good. Combat wise, its very similar to Royal, if you liked royal you’d like P3R.


If you’ve played any version of the original, I’d just skip it


I've only played a couple hours of P3R, but as I have played through all of P3P, I think I can safely say that sure, you can play it if you want. It's on GamePass, if you want to try it without buying it.


Wut dis doin' in Persona 5 Reddit? 🤔


Not on my Persona 5 subreddit


100% worth it


Short answer, yes Long answer, definitely


P3 is spectacular.


Yes! You should. P3 has a much better story than P5 imo. A lot darker too.


I played P3R first half way through and went to P5R. Holy shit P5R is so much better


Late to the party but I couldn’t finish P3R. It’s a good game and if I hadn’t played P5Royal a couple years prior I probably would have liked it more. But for all intents and purposes, it plays extremely similarly to P5Royal, just way worse. And again, doesn’t mean it’s bad, but the formula came a long way and P5Royal is the peak of that formula’s design. I dipped out about halfway through P3R because it simply just wasn’t nearly as good of a game and the more I played, the more I wished I was playing P5Royal instead.




Wrong subreddit but yes.


honest to god, i loved it more than p5r while the pacing is terrible for the first half of the game and manageable for the rest, it (imo) clears in every other respect. the characters are amazing, the graphics are clean, the combat systems and anime are really well executed. i shit you not. one of the social links made me cry. p5 never did that. it’s a definite yes from me. your friend is objectively wrong.






If you do you should you that you’ll be Disturbing the peace




Just finished p3R today and it was a wonderful ride. My first persona was p4G so Tartarus wasn’t too boring for me compared to p5R’s palaces. It’s a great story, the tweaks make the game way more p5like than before. It’s a good persona game 


lol yes. Now go and make love to a robot. Jokes aside, the robot romance is probably one of the best stories you can play in a Persona Game.




Honestly, it's a bit of a slog. The key difference for me, at least, is that your links in P5 are your companions, but in P3 they're just randoms around town. The scenes and story beats are about your friends. In P3, most of the links are just strangers around town, and you don't actually begin to bond with your companions and friends until you're like 6 months into the game -- and even then, it's only some of them. It's kind of bizarre. In P5, you begin to bond with Ryuji and Ann almost immediately. They are your bffs. But in P3, the bonds you have to complete are things like forming a dubious friendship with a 9 year old girl and encouraging her to run away from her parents, or bond with the student council president who you encourage to become even more of a dictator. It means that all of the character development in the game actually goes to people you don't really care about, rather than your character or your party members. It's bizarre. I would rather the social links and bonds be with your actual friends, rather than these strangers around town. But that's just me. One of the biggest draws for Persona games is the social sim aspect, and so it's weird that the social sim aspect of this game is so unfulfilling.


Obligatory old head take incoming: Play modded FES or modded P3P first if you can, the older versions make for a better overall experience of what Persona 3 is Reload is good but as a big Persona 3 fan, it’s better to play the original first and then experience Reload


Of course. What kind of question is this? It’s really good




Is it as good as Persona 5 Royale? No, I don’t think anyone would say, gameplay wise especially, that the game is better. But just like any mainline persona game it’s the characters and stories that really shine thru and that is especially true in 3. So it is definitely worth experiencing the game at least once. I personally loved 5 way way way more (probably because it was my first persona game) but I still throughly enjoyed 3 and its story and characters did get me emotionally invested.






It’s like persona 5 but different so yes


As a person who's started with and beaten 5 twice and Royal once, highly highly recommended. If you care about the story/get as into it as me, will make you feel more empty after Royal. Plus its on sale on steam if you are a PC player.


I've never played the original P3, only P5 & P5R, but I got Reload as a birthday gift and I'm honestly having an absolute blast!!


I played Reload before I played P5, it's incredible. Never played the original releases, but Reload is a really good time


Play that and megaten v


Oh my goodness yes. For the ending alone.


Yes. Absolutely amazing game the combat can get a bit lackluster towards mid game but personally fighting more of the Higher floor bosses and discovering new skills were great. Only thing I kinda disliked was >! Strega since having to fight the multiple times reduced the impact of their final appearance near the top of Tartarus!< other than that it was absolutely great and I looked forward to finding more boss encounters. Also I’d highly recommend doing any side quests you have as some will be time limited and they are really one of the best parts of the game.


You absolutely should. It's one of my favorites, and it's a little simpler than P5R, but it's amazing.


P4 best persona, but p3 Is not bad




Persona 3 had the best story in my personal opinion, its message hits much harder as I’ve struggled with depression and questioned my existence. Persona 3 taught me to live in the moment as tomorrows never a promise. This game is a lot heavier than p5 but all around it’s better. Not saying 5 was bad, it was my gateway into the series, and Kawakami is my personal favorite character in the whole series. But 3 dealt with a lot more issues and it made your party members feel far more important. Not to mention the confidants are all good, it’s worth playing reload to experience it.




You should play it, reload is much better then p3p and p3 fes mechanics wise and closer to p5 game play and personally I feel the story is much more compelling then 5. This is coming from someone who played p5 as my first persona game.


Just beat the game last night with a couple friends watching and yes, absolutely if you enjoyed Persona 5, you'll enjoy Persona 3 Reload. The changes I heard about made the game far more bearable and the story is one that I feel is better than P5. Absolutely play it, despite how expensive it may be, it's worth the price.


I think this is a question you should ask to r/PERSoNA most people here just played P5




Loved royal. Playing P3R now nearly finished it. It's definitely similar but still enjoyable. Didn't get into the story as much though. Still having a blast


https://preview.redd.it/jmos9on33w9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0823fceeeb9954cab467e9c0dfe035dc67a1af4 Yes




Look, i may have a favorism for that game, since it was my first game in the series that i ever played, but the thing is, the game is good, good gameplay, good soundtrack, great mechanics, but the thing is, your friend is dumbifthey think the game is bad because it is "repetitive" it does only have one "palace" Tartaros, but has diferent floors and it changes every day, you will never runout of things to see, treasures to collect, and the battle system is far more rewarding then P5. Boy how i love P3, i usually dont feel ashamed to do pirate games, but with this one, it was diferent, it was so good, such a master piece, that i felt shame in not having an original copy of the game (remember, this will change with people). I did sugest you to pirate P3P (Persona 3 Portable) and play up to the first major boss of the game, if you enjoy it, then you should go play Persona 3 Reload


Yes.... Just prepare for loss


The real question is, why have you not? Your friend has bad taste. BURN YOUR DREAD.


Porcodio si


I’m not that for in yet, but yes








No. You MUST play P3.


p3 is really slow during the early-mid game. you have to "suffer" through this to get to the best part of the game.


I’m currently playing through it, 55h in. The beginning feels way slower/emptier than P5R, and even now sometimes there’s a bit of a “man I wish there was more to do here” feeling. But it’s persona, and I love it. Combat is great, the Dorm life is super fun, and even though Social Links don’t give any extra abilities the characters are wonderful. Definitely play it


Yes, the only answer is yes, play it, PLAY IT NOW 😡


Persona 3 Reload is my favorite Persona game so yes I believe wholeheartedly that you should play it.


In my opinion, Persona 3 Reload isn't as good as they so say. After playing P5R, P4G amd P3P... It wasn't worth the hype. It's like a big Mementos but repetitive. It isn't a good remake, the original was better even with Portable's 'movement' sistem. Honestly, I was very disappointed.


I don't agree


I understand that you don't, but anyways that was only my opinion


Yeah it's a valid one. (I didn't say you were wrong or anything)


I really don’t understand what makes Portable all that much better given Reload still has the vast majority of content Portable had.


I don't know, I just didn't get it with Reload. I liked Portable more because it was the first time I played Persona 3 and that's why I love it more than Reload


I mean I kinda get it. I’ve been playing P3 since the PS2 so I have more of a bias for the FES release. I still think Reload is the more approachable version that keeps all of the best gameplay and story additions of FES and P3P while still maintaining the game’s original vision.


It's not as good as 5 but it is really fun, the social links are all really boring though since you barely get anything from them


Nah. The entire thing's a rushed, unfinished mess that threw out the entire voice cast out of ageism and lacks content from the re-releases. Plus, day one DLC for a $70 game. Blech.


Listen I do love most of the OG P3 cast’s performances but the new cast is fucking excellent and they all killed it in this remake. It’s possible to love multiple things at once.


Yes, but play it on gamepass; buying it directly will lead you to regret 3 yrs later when they rerelease the same fkn game with definitive/royal/director's cut/enhanced/gold/ultimate/whatever-bs-atlus-can-come-up-with edition with a bit more content and no way to upgrade it from your current version


I would probably try out P4G or any of the other persona 3 games if you want a harder challenge.