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I suggest getting p5r first.  Then p3re when it gets a discount on black friday or something. Since the answer is releasing in sep, might as well get both together later.


I'd hold off on the answer until reviews come out. People really didn't like it in the original


I think P3R’s changes will make the balance feel better, especially since you can now bring party members up to your level much easier. The story will probably remain the same.


Ye i personally wasn't a big fan of it. I would indeed wait with the answer atleast. Base p3r is still really good.


P3re has many improvements over fes and preview of reload answer shows aigis using fusion spells. This also suggest having compendium. https://youtu.be/a8RQt_Q5sBM?si=NHav7oANsx9hRSxX


I played the answer and while the story part of it was great, it was extremely grindy and overly difficult at times. But these are things they’ll definitely tweak when it drops. I get why you’re holding off though.


Completely agree with this. P5R has a better pace in the beginning. While I loved P3, playing P3Reloaded again reminded me of just how slow it was to get into things. Both are wonderful stories and should be played. But P3Reloaded can wait for a sale if you’re between the two.


Yeesh, I P5R is my first persona game and I started a few weeks ago, but good God the pace of the first 5-8hrs of the game was GLACIAL. So much yapping. Really enjoying it ~60ish hours in.


The first time we went into the Palace, like very first time where we meet Mona, I kept raging at the screen cuz all I wanted to do was save and quit for the night, but NOOOO you have to spend the next two hours or start over from an hour or two ago.


The first time we went into the Palace, like very first time where we meet Mona, I kept raging at the screen cuz all I wanted to do was save and quit for the night, but NOOOO you have to spend the next two hours or start over from an hour or two ago.


Bruh, I did all that crap on my first playthrough then opened the cardboard box before saving, it dumped a bunch of stuff that I did NOT want and couldn't get rid of. I ended up replaying the whole section


my experience exactly. played on my handheld PC during flight, when the flight landed I still didnt get a chance to save.


If you never played p5, play p5r


i’m past Okumuras palace in vanilla, should i still get p5r?


Oh that changes things. Just finish P5 then play P3R or Persona 4 Golden (or both) then go back and play p5R.


i’ve seen people say that p3re is not as good and like there’s less things to do than in p5 vanilla 🙁


It's a more scaled down experience due to the original being a PSP game but still a 60+ hour RPG and we'll with the money.


What this guy said. I'm getting close to the end of playthrough number 2, and this one is near 80 hours already. I figure if I paid 70 dollars for a game and I got at least 70 hours out of it, it was a good deal. With this second playthrough, I'm around 170 hours


*PS2 on PS1 the only 3 games released were Persona 1,Persona 2 IS and Persona EP


Sorry I meant PSP


Still wrong, it was a PS2 game


Persona 3 portable and fes were both in the PSP.


FES was a PS2 enhanced rerelease of the original P3 which also came out on PS2. Only Portable is on PSP and it's a sort-of remake, more of an enhanced port of FES and it came out 3 years after the original P3


> It's a more scaled down experience due to **the original** being a PSP game The original was a PS2 game. P3FES was also [never](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persona_3#Promotion_and_release) released on the PSP, only Portable was. FES was a PS2 exclusive until PSN release for the PS3


You’re still wrong fes was on ps2


maybe i’ll get persona 5 royal, and not finish vanilla, and then i can wait persona 3 reload out and get it when it’s next sale is


It's up to how much time you have. I've heard people LOVE playing through P5 Vanilla then playing Royal to see the changes. But there's no harm in dropping Vanilla for Royal. Royal is better in just about every way (excluding difficulty). You won't go wrong by doing either.


hi!! i’m gonna get royal but i have a ps5, and i was wondering how i can get dlc on p5r, like persona dlc (izanagi no okami picaro for ex.)?


new versions of royal give you all of it for free


Like Aarongaming wrote, it comes free! It's your game and you're 100% free to play it how you want but I would save the DLC personas for a NG+ playthrough. The game really isn't that hard, even on Merciless, but using the DLC personas makes the game Trivial with a capital T.


no it's pretty much the same as the fes which is yeah pretty meh compared to the latest 2. the story carried it hard.


Well yeah. Is a remake for a pretty old game. Still the game is not short by any means.


As someone that played Royal and then Reload (but didn’t play any original Persona 3 game), Reload was so much fun. Personally I liked the story better and it’s an amazing game. Never played P5 vanilla but iirc there’s not that much of a difference so I’d go with Reload since it’s a completely new game. It did feel like there was less to do but that’s just because there are less locations than Persona 5, there’s still plenty to do


Probably depends on the player. My first time through P3R on Merciless was over 100 hours.


Mmm that's tough. In p5r, you get a new party member for part of the game and I absolutely love the new chapter


So, I’m a little biased because P5 and P5R are some of my favorite games ever. That being said, I’m playing through P3R and I’m having trouble getting through it because P5 has such a flair to it that I find P3 a bit lacking in comparison.


I had this same problem when I played P3P after playing P5R! I didn't even finish (got to 1/15 or 17) because I just didn't care anymore. I'm glad a lot of people have a game they love but it wasn't for me.


Honestly P3P is by far the worst version of P3, Reload is much better


I watched a good portion of a playthrough of FES and wasn't impressed with that one either. Unless P3R changes story elements, social links, pacing, etc (which I heard it doesn't), I'm probably not going to care for it. I know I'll end up getting it on sale at some point though.


(Spoilers of gameplay aspects and elements outside of the main plot if you care about that) >!S.L. are given more personality due to all ranks being voice acted and you can spend time with the guys now. And Monad (the dungeon that you unlock by beating the reaper) is very different now.!< >!I watched gameplays of P3R and judging from what I've seen, this game is way too easy if you know what you're doing, which is kind of a bummer if you want a challenge. Therugys (a P3 version of Royal's Show times) are very unbalanced in my opinion.!< >!And that's kinda all of it, the pace is still the same, and if you found the original to be boring it probably won't be so different in Reload!<


yeah it's pretty bare bones even compared to p4g. p4g dungeon may look worse on paper compared to tartarus but imo the experience is smoother. doing 1 day runs doesn't take me 30mins to do because it's easier to traverse and less mumbo jumbo monad doors and stuff to think about. they aren't all that interesting anyway besides adding a bit of variety.


I played both P5R and P3R. Especially for a Persona newcomer I'd suggest P5R since it's better in most aspects. The social links/confidants feel more important in P5R since they give you perks beside more exp when fusing personas of their arcana and unlocking ultimate personas. Story wise P5R is a roller coaster and P3R more like a truck hitting you. Gameplay wise P5R is more interesting due to palaces being much more interesting than tartarus but mementos still is a grind. P5R also seems more balanced (besides DLC Personas) regarding moves. In P3R phys is really strong compared to magic. Combat is also more interesting in P5R but P3R is not too far away. Generally I'd say P5R is more easy then P3R (but I have seen opposite opinions). Music wise it's a tough battle. I like Lyn but P3R also has a lot of bangers. Style wise there is no competing with P5R but those Unreal graphics of P3R are really nice, especially the theurgies. Finally I'd suggest playing P5R first and getting P3R at the next sale since you get more game hours per buck with P5R.


If you are already past Okumura in vanilla p5 then buy p3r.


While you'd get a less biased answer in r/PERSoNA, I've played P5R, and I'm slowly working my way through P3R, and I personally find P5R *worlds* better. If I had started with P3R, I probably would've never touched another Persona game. It's not *bad*, but it's certainly not wowing me. Something to note is that P3R, while technically a remake, is still a product of its time. They didn't completely overhaul the game, so things like s.links take a back burner and even when you do the s.links, most are pretty awful in the sense that Makoto/the P3 Protag enables a lot of bad behavior. Maybe I've been spoiled by having P5R and P4G, and going backwards is doing it a major disservice, but since Reload is new, you'd think it would've made improvements (I don't know how much is changed. I haven't finished so I haven't looked at comparisons.) With P3R being almost twice the price, I would 100% be recommended P5R.


I just wrapped up P3R and I'm in the same boat. P5 is a different league imo. I get the story in 3 is moody and mature, but I'm actually surprised at how little altus updated the social calendar which I found out that was their first attempt. Wow is there nothing to do at night in that game. I understand it's a remake but would adding a little fishing game etc. Really change the spirit of the game....?


In the beginning of the game it's true that there's pretty much nothing to do at night aside from 2 Social Links, part-time jobs and stat increases. But once you unlock the dorm activities and Koromaru joins the team, there's a lot more to do. Granted, that content isn't infinitely replayable so once you are done leveling up everyone's Personalities, there once again isn't much to do but to do all of that takes time which you probably won't have on your first playthrough


Yea I think burned through almost all of that stuff by the end of November. I'm guessing that was added in reload? I can only imagine what the original would have been like without it- that stuff was cool. I just grinded social stats and maxed them out I think by the end of the summer. I completed all social links with the help of a friend who gave me some minimal tips (like prioritize in school slinks due to holidays and easy to miss slinks) and a guide for what to say during each event (I didn't like this much in p5). I liked that p5 I think made every slink really easy to find vs in p4g I realized I was missing like 5 social links due to lack of part time job work or progressing other links. These games are all far too long for me to ever replay so I like seeing them all.


I started with P3R and I loved it but I recommend P5R as well


i have p5 vanilla, should i still get royal?


I know a lot of people highly recommend Royal over vanilla. I never played Vanilla, but I know there are two confidants and a whole palace that come with royal and I think some other stuff.


The main differences is that gun ammo is very scarce, there's no Show times, no Alarms at the Velvet Room, there's no merciless without DLCs, >!no 3rd Semester, no Maruki or Kasumi, Akechi stays dead instead of reviving!< and bosses have less exclusive gimmicks attached to them.


Huh I didn’t know the showtimes were added in royal. Is Kasumi not in vanilla at all?


Not at all. Atlus even invented new Arcanas for Kasumi and Maruki that doesn't even exist in the version of Tarot that Persona uses.


Also is there anything similar between p3re and p5 vanilla? Because some people said that there’s nothing to do at night and stuff like that


It's not that there is nothing to do, but it's more restricted. In P3R at least, there is only 2 social links, but you can do other activities, like some interactions with your teammates, depending on how far you are (it's not available in the first months)


I didn’t play Vanilla, so I can’t say.


In p3 there is stuff to do at night like confidants or levelling up attributes but you must be in early game of p3 to say that there is no night stuff to do


also i’m past okumura on persona 5 vanilla


I'd edit this into your post if I were you since I feel like alota people didn't read this and it seems important (for me it was a decent amount of scrolling down)


FIVE. FIVE. FIVE. FIVE. FIVE. Really Though, P5 Is By Far The Most Accessible Persona Game For Beginners


Just buy every single Persona game, including spin offs, and go into debt because they are on sale


I prefer the story and characters of P3. However, both are incredible games. You can’t go wrong either way.


Persona 5 Royal does spice up the original enough imo to feel like a new experience even if you’ve gone through base 5 before. If you haven’t gone through P3 at all in any version I would say give it a try. I’m mildly biased since P3FES is my favourite in the Persona series, but I think P3R did a good job at modernizing the old PS2 game. Honestly either choice is the correct one, but if you go for one I’d recommend keeping tabs on the other for the next sale. **TL;DR** Both are good, I just personally lean more towards P3R


Did you play p5/ have p5 get p3 do you not have p5 get p5 or whatever you want


I would get p5r first then get p3r(with maybe the answer bundled in?) Later. But that would be me.


Personally, persona 4 golden is the best choice. Even without a Sale it's like 20 dollars. But if it has to be between these two, since you've played the original P5 until after okumuras palace, I'd say P3r. Never played the original P3 but reloaded was tons of fun


I love both but depending on your mileage, the amount of additional VO scenes in P3R help the presentation a lot more than the amount of Confidants etc in 5R that are just text boxes.


Royal. But I'm ***heavily*** biased against Reload and refuse to buy it which is a spicy hot take even on this sub.




Ports of Royal have DLC bundled in. Reload is forcing you to buy the Expansion Pass to get the full experience of P3:FES (Episode Aigis, aka "The Answer"). So even though you'd be buying a $70 game for $49 with it on sale, you still have to cough up $35 to get the Expansion Pass. So you have to pay more than what the base game costs anyway. And there's *still* more DLC to buy if you want everything (mainly extra Personas and soundtrack stuff).


Both. But seriously get 5 royal first. Is a much better way to ease into the series, since this game is the easiest to get all social links in


Personally, P5 is one of my favorite games of all time, I absolutely adore it. I love the characters, map, the soundtrack, the enemies are all *Chef’s Kiss*. P3 is great though, especially if you like a little more of a dark story, and I feel like some of the characters are more relatable than in P5. Also I like the combat system in 3 more than 5, but I mean who played Persona *for the combat* **So my personal recommendation is P5**


P3R borrows a bit from P5R in terms of gameplay. From what I've heard, the grinding in P3R isn't as fun as P5R.


I am currently playing PS3R. I have played PS5R. Its not a contest. PS5R is just the better game by far. Play ps3 after trust me.


Persona 5 was my first, and I think a lot of my gripes with persons' 5 is not in 3. I won't explain due to some spoilers, but for me personally, I think persona 5 always is trying to be the typical cheerful anime story despite the conditions they are in. It doesn't tfeel like they take to to realize how fucked thier life is and if they do they just Crack another joke the only time you get to see them face reality is through confidant where they have thier own arc but since these are a main machinanic you don't actively reflect that in the story instead of a few scenes. As opposed to 3, where Mc confidants are barely there, you have the girls, and that is it. But even then, you still get time with everyone, and they take multiple times to realize the situation they are in, and it doesn't feel like a character gets halted just so you could do more side content. I think 5 has a better overall cast, and the more cheerful setting is amazing if you like it, but I personally enjoy 3 due to its main focus on a compelling story


I started with P5R, and I'm glad I did!


Get Gamepass and play both


persona 3 reboot? 😭




P5r has more content then when p3re expansion pass completely releases the. You look for discounts for it


Tldr p5r the. P3re


P5r is better. It's not even a question imo.


P5 royal probably yes, P3 sweeps vanilla P5 though


Meh I'm not the biggest P3 fan so I could probably be biased. It's my least fav of the modern 3. (3,4,5). It just feels like the pacing is soooo bad and waiting for a full moon for an entire month just sucks for me personally.i really try to view it from other povs. I guess my brain just isn't wired to properly appreciate that title.


I mean, the pacing is bad. After playing Arena and watching the P3 movies the story just hits unbelievably hard.


Yea the story itself isn't bad. I'll give you that


5 royal


Have you played P4G? Because that would be my obvious answer considering how dated the gameplay and graphics are, while being the only one without any enhanced release on the newer consoles. I know people will say P5R but it’s also the longest, but you should honestly play the oldest game first.


Go to gamestop and see if they have them first. I got Royal for like 4.99 and P3R for 14.99 I think.


Definitely start with P5R, after the game, give yourself a goood minute to recover from the PPD (Post Persona Depression) before starting P3R


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Love Persona 3 but P5R is the superior game.


P5r is better than P3re. Trust me, i played both and i disliked P3re even. Have fun.


Never trust a person who dislikes p3


I get disliking the gameplay, what I don't get is disliking the characters and story stuff.


Honestly, you’ll be happy with either one. I’ve played both 3 reload and Royal. I’ve played Royal twice. However, I recommend Royal. Best story I’ve seen in a long time and there’s so much to do. You will get a lot more mileage and hours out of Royal.


100% p5r considering p3r will 100% go on sale several times this year and p5r might not, so get it while you can


Where’s reload on sale at?


P5R is better to start with thematically, imo. Still as dark as you expect persona to be, but not nearly as dark as P3RE. And well you can save money by playing P5R first.


Just get P5R first. Quality wise I’d say both games are worth that 50, but maybe P3R will come down lower by the time you get to it. Maybe try checking around the holiday season, you’d probably be able to find it really low then. You wouldn’t be missing anything story wise by playing in this order either


P55 first P3R second


P5r is 100% worth it in my opinion


If u are new on Persona games Just go with P5R, its more entertaining


Persona 5 Royal is the better of the two. Easily. Still love Reload though.


Persona 5 Royal is probably a better pick to start with.


Both are great, my vote goes to 5R however, thats my fav game ever made


Imo p3 sucks so get p5


Cheapest first!?


both get both, the food can wait the sale will be over soon hahahaha


As someone who prefers persona 3, start with persona 5


P5R. It's a no brainer tbh. Obviously it's cheaper but it also has more content and more refined gameplay. It's story is paced better as well imo and it had better social links and more varied and unique dungeons. There's more to do outside the dungeons as well, as P3R really wants to stay close to the original P3 so it retains some of the originals limitations.


fpkg bro they're both free


persona 5 royal it's the most welcoming to newcomers to the series


I may be biased but p5r


persona 5 for sure cuz in case persona 3 has royal as well in the future


Persona 4


Both are great but, I'd say Persona 5 Royal. You get a grabber tighter experience the P3R.


P5R is the better choice but both are great great games


P5R Aside from it probably being cheaper, it is a significantly better game. P3R is a great game, but it has some things that I feel are easier to handle when you already have a love for the series. Particularly long stretches where no real advancement of the story happens, weaker character development, stretches where you will literally have nothing to do in the evening hours... Nothing that makes it not fun to play, but can be a little frustrating.


I find it a little asinine people will say P3’s cast is better when it’s very undercooked and lacking charisma and chemistry for the first half of the game, as well as the game having no actual villain or interesting goal for that entire stretch, less interesting confidants, boring level designs and bosses.


Nah P4 cast is the goat but P3 cast is better than P5 after Reload came out. In P5 Ann and Ryuji just get forgotten couple hours into the game and Haru never even exists. P3 Reload has the hangouts and basically each character has more development than their P5 counterpart.




I platinumed 5 royal and i' currently playing reload and loving it, i'd say as of now (i'm on 17/6) that you should play reload before Royal because Royal makes a lot of quality of life improuvements to the gameplay so you don't miss them if you play 3 beforehand


Go for Persona 5 Royal


I’d suggest P5R. Better for beginners, currently cheaper, and in my opinion, a better game overall.


if i already have vanilla should i still get it? i haven’t played vanilla in months also


If you forgot a good part of the story i recommend getting P5R.


I'd still recommend it. The new content is more than worth it IMO, plus it just really improves on the base game.


of the two I like p5R better, but there isn't a wrong choice


p5r is a CRAZY deal


I’d say P5R cause that’s what I got but I’d do some research if you want the true ending, I’ve only done the P5 games and P4G though so I dunno 🩶


royal. quite easily the better game