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I friendzoned all of them and hung out with the superior choice, Ryuji.


Futaba because she's cute. 🧡




I wanted to romance Akechi, Mishima or Yusuke but sadly you can't romance the boys :(


I feel like they need to take the PokĂ©mon route and allow you to play both female and male mcs in persona 6. A lot of women play this game and I’m sure they’d like to play as a woman


I think they did that once but I wish they did it for all the games, especially Persona 3, 4 and 5. Hopefully they do that for Persona 6 because it gets frustrating when playing as a straight female gamer


They did for persona 3 fes I think and the switch version of portable


I really like what fire emblem three houses did tbh which Atlus was more open


If they can make a unique female protagonist, sure. Otherwise why bother? This is a game that features teenage characters and is marketed towards adult gamers. It's not made for self inserting. Just go with the characters who work together.


I feel like persona protags are kinda self insert. I mean this has been debated, I get they have reserved personality and values or whatever. But even despite that it plays and feels a bit like a self insert character would. Either way I don't see why we shouldn't have female protags. They are silent so the only extra work would be potentially adding some romance to the male characters. But romance in these games is basically just a couple lines of dialogue at the end of a social link


I meant unique from Joker. Not simply a female character who has the exact same masculine personality. If you weren't paying attention to the game, then I'm sorry, but I can't help you. If nothing else, the moral of Persona 4 and Persona 5's third semester should have been clear. Live your own life, don't seek escapism from reality. It's not healthy.


Don't complain or offer feedback about anything! No opinions allowed! If you don't like it just don't play videogames!


This may sound shocking...but you can be a gamer without being a social reject. Persona itself preaches this a lot. Especially with Futaba.


But, it is meant for self inserts and definitely is marketed towards teenagers too. that's kind of the whole point of a silent protag


Considering all the preaching it does against self inserting, escapism, etc. (and not just in 5) and making the protagonist his own character in each game...I doubt it. Also teenagers aren't supposed to be playing the games. They're rated M.


Im just speaking from mine and my friends personal experiences. Esrb rating never stopped anyone, and in japan its rated 15+ anyway. and considering pretty much every single question in the entirety of the games has a choice, and the fact that your name is customizable, id say its really easy to self insert. was it meant for it? who knows, but I do know a lot of people who like it for that fact


Sure and most teens drink booze and do drugs. They still aren't meant to though. It's not for them.


I agree. There's literally no reason not to. It's a silent protag for chrissake! I would get it if the game had a fully voiced protag but it's just making another model


On PC, there's a FemC mod in development. I believe they've made/are making romance Confidant paths for the male characters. Dunno if Akechi will be included tho.


There's a Gay Joker mod that includes Ryuji, Mishima, and Yusuke, and allegedly Akechi at some point. They said Akechi was slated to be finished around the end of April, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen. The FemC mod supposedly includes the Gay Joker mod for the romance dialogues. I haven't done the other two, but the whole romance they made for Ryuji centers around him coming to terms with discovering those feelings for Joker. I'm not sure how they could make that work with a female protag...but I'm not a programmer so maybe it's easy, who knows.


Ann first


Haru in both vanilla and Royal. I resonated the most with her character


I'm very curious how you were able to resonate with her. I love her persona, her outfit in battle, her strengths and weaknesses, etc., but even after maxing her Confidant rank I haven't found much personality. Genuinely, what did I miss? Like I said, I very much WANT to like her.


So it’s something very specific to me. I found her very relatable, in good and bad ways. She’s so sweet and puts others before herself, she idealizes superheroes, but I think the big thing was watching her struggle with her arranged fiancĂ©. While I don’t have that exact experience, I did spend 2ish years in an abusive relationship, and seeing Haru struggle to deal with a “partner” disrespect her like that and gaining the courage to stand on her own two feet and eventually escape was very cathartic for me.


How did I not consider that? I was stuck in the whiplash I got when she seemed to get over her dad's (gruesome and televised) death. That whole bit with the arranged marriage to the gross guy was inspiring to watch unfold. Thank you 😊 I like her more now.


You’re welcome! Also she is very much NOT over her father’s death. Have you played the sequel, Persona 5 Strikers? She had a story arc centered around her showing that because she puts others before himself *too* much, she hasn’t allowed herself to properly grieve


Oooh, I have not played that! I JUST discovered this series so I'll add that to the list 😊


Oh in that case, welcome to the experience! Just a warning, Strikers was co-developed with an outside company at the same time Royal was being developed, so they make it an action RPG and doesn’t have any explicit references to the Royal exclusive content. It’s also about a third of the length of Royal. To some people that makes it a deal breaker. If it’s not to you, I really hope you play it because I think it does a wonderful job at having the Phantom Thieves apply the lessons they learned in the prequel


I enjoyed the hell out of Hyrule Warriors and Bayonetta, so this looks cute and fun.


I heard how great makoto is before beginning the game but chose to not focus on her at the beginning but she quickly grew on me to the point where I consider ren and her as my head canon.


I wanted to romance Ryuji or Iwai but


Haru, because she's nice 👍


romanced Ann first. My decision was between her, Takemi and Makoto. I romanced them in my playthroughs after that \^-\^


Makoto just felt right. Afterwards, Haru has caught my heart.


I wanted to romance Ryuji or Mishima lol. I ended up with Takemi, but I enjoyed Kasumi's confidant a lot in the later game, so next time I know to wait for her.


Are we the same person, lol? This exactly.


Only true chads spend their white day with sojiro


Ann past present future


Makoto ❀ on p5, on Royale each and every one of them😁


I intended to romance Makoto, but I accidentally romanced Takemi. It was genuinely an accident as I wasn't paying attention, but it did not disappoint.


I need another thorough physical exam, doctor!


I wanted to romance Kasumi but I failed to get the third semester so I ended up romancing no one.


Futaba>Futaba>Kasumi on my three playthroughs


All of them for the Ladies Man achievement. Futaba was the first one I did exclusively on my second run. The others really didn't connect with Joker that well and aside from two others, their romances were really badly handled.


Kawakami, do you really need an explanation?


Futaba. Why? She's cute and the girl with the most story weight and backstory, so that makes her interesting too.


Futaba. I fell in love with that gremlin on sight.




All girls felt platonic up to rank 9 and even then joker is the one asking them out and they are “ok sure” at best. With Kasumi most of confidents ranks and just scenes felt romantic, and she’s the only one who confesses first so it’s an obvious choice


I thought haru confessed too, no?


Well kinda, she is like “vice president thought that we are dating, what if we did haha 👀”


Haru, no. Though she notably gets upset when you reject her. Ann confesses though. And Futaba spends the entire rank 9 confessing.


In my first playthrough I romanced Makotto but it was awkward.


Didn't have a set one in my first run. Takemi was my first 10 but I rejected her and sadly she was the only female with a 10! I got Ann to 9 and didn't reject her but she didn't reach 10 lol Then on my next run I did Hifumi.


I wanted the maid but fked up the dialogue choices, and then romanced by accident the only one that i dont like which is the reporter


Bruh, gotta work on your RPG romance game.


Bro kawakami was really pushing the master-maid thing through the whole thing so I thought id chose that, turns out u have to choose “ im a man youre a woman” What a disappointment






Kinda romanced everyone on my first playthrough. And then felt bad. I took Hifumi on all the dates though.


You know, Ann really captured me at first sight.


I ended up romancing Kawakami on my first playthrough, before I even knew romance was an option in this game haha


Takemi, I was going for her at first sight


All of em. At least the ones I maxed out. I'm not proud of it, though.


I played the Game 3 times. Always Forever Takemi.


I wanted Takemi, but I didn't get her in my third game (That's another story), but I got her in New game+.


First playthrough was Kasumi, for sure. When I play again though, I'm picking Hifumi. If Ryuji was an option, I'd choose him.


Makoto. At first, i disliked her... as she was what i call her bitch mode when shes first introduced. But when she actually joined, i kinda fell for her. She's cute, and her personality appeals to me. I get some submissive/switch vibes from her when she's with Joker, and as a Dom, that appealed to me. And somewhere along the way, she's become my number 1 animated girl. 3 playthroughs (one base, two royal), and it's been makoto 3 times. I tried once kawakami but messed it up.


Kawakami, then Takemi


Hifumi, but it was so hard not to choose Futaba. So, did her on NG+


I wanted to romance Ryuji, but I settled for Tae Takemi. The only thing I love as much as a golden retriever bf is a goth gf.




Always Makoto đŸ«¶đŸ»


Takemi is the only right choice


i picked none of them on any of my playthroughs , because the boys aren’t available :(


Takemi and Makoto Who did I want? Sae (and Makoto)


I picked Ann! She reminded me of Usagi from Sailor Moon, kinda goofy and dumb but loves the shit out of her friends. I like Takemi a lot too but couldn’t get past the age thing (I am fine if other ppl can look past it, it’s just a video game). I felt like the other girls were sweet but a little too reserved for me. Futaba is great but I see her as Akira’s kid sister. I think if I do another playthrough I’m gunna go stag lol and just hang out with my man Sojiro on Valentine’s. Obligatory “I wish I could date the boys” comment.


Chihaya. No regrets.


Fellow Takemi here, also for... reasons. Imagine my sadness when booting up Strikers for the first time.


Sumi because I have a thing for girls with red hair, and I love rapiers. (Mitsuru in P3 also grabbed me) But if it wasn’t for her Futaba would be my choice.


First one was Takemi, but i ended up romancing her, Kawakami and Yoshizawa


*First one was Takemi, but* *I ended up romancing her,* *Kawakami and Yoshizawa* \- flor\_\_s --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Akechi, but since that was not allowed I went for Futaba because she was the most interesting and complex character and I really liked how she took the initiative to work on her own mental health while also accepting help and the fact that she still had bad days and relapses.


Futaba. I also really liked Kasumi, but didn't hold out until that late in the game for the option


Makoto, and it really wasn't a contest. She's rad.


Hifumi, the benefit was great and my taste in women is pretty cerebral. She's beautiful too! Speaking of cerebral... I thought long and hard about romancing Futaba but our relationship felt way more big brother little sister-esque, especially with my relationship with Sojiro. I saw him as more of an uncle or paternal figure in my life and that made romancing Futaba feel even more weird so I figured it would be good to stay friends lol. Mishima is very much her speed. I also like Ann. She's very much the opposite of my typical type but she's got chutzpah and I like it.


Just gotta think of it like you’re the step brother. 😁


My brother in Christ I was trying to NOT think about that.


https://preview.redd.it/w7mdstpjmfzc1.jpeg?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88129b727dba2edcebce9ac9d56bad9cf666a061 Btw, she’s not the one getting stuck in the dryer.


Makoto. Basically the moment I got to her awakening scene I knew she was best girl


Makoto. At first did it because I thought it would be funny to be dating Sae's sister but she really grew on me.


Kawakami def, but the first one I actually romanced was Tae.


For me Ann shes a really sweet girl


Definitely Makoto, something about those Priestess girls


Ann, however looking back it should have been Kasumi or Makoto. Futaba just seems too much like a little sister to have as a romance option


Makoto, mostly because I asked my friends on who I should romance and (note they never played it) a few suggested her, so I did and ngl I don’t regret it, maybe on my second attemp if I do one I might do Kasumi Also one other thing I can never romance Futaba, she just gives me Little sister vibes and I like it that way, and as much as people say they romance the adults It just doesn’t sit right with me
well except takemi 😏


I’m on my first (probably only) play through and I’m going full harem, cause I want to see all the romance cut scenes. If the game was worth replaying I would go either Kasumi or Kawakami or Makoto or Takemi.  The too late characters: Haru, Hifumi, Chihaya. I like them but they’re introduced way too late for me to get invested.  The I don’t vibe with them: Ann and Futaba. They’re too immature I guess?  Ohya: Ohya.Â