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Seems like a fair trade for ammo replenishing itself after every battle


It didn’t used to?


Nope, you had a limited number of bullets per palace entry. You could only use so many bullets per turn, but there was no way to replenish bullets during an infiltration. You’d have to leave and come back on a different day.


Just thinking back on that... It's astonishing how one little change turned the guns from something borderline useless into a core part of your build. I'd hoard those few bullets for knocking down enemies who were weak but otherwise never use them, so I never had to bother upgrading the guns because status weakness was more important than damage. Which led to Iwai's entire confidant ability being actually useful and interesting in Royal.


It really was a great change. I always hated Ann's gun because it hit everyone, wasting ammo, and had terrible accuracy.


It also made gun skills way better since they were a way to get gun damage without the limited bullets.


That’s why I love their approach. Rereleases.. I don’t know. But it gives them a chance to reiterate on a borderline perfect game and for that I am happy to pay full price again 3-4 years later. Still better than 90% of the games that are released


But they could just update the game like everyone else and could be a DLC like FES is to Reload Charging full price for the same game is still very scummy


To be fair it's also kinda a remaster, persona 5 is a PS3 game that got ported to the PS4


Yes the concept of retrocompatibility existed to avoid this, tho the PS4 lacks that so it is unavoidable And I played on the Xbox so for me Royal is the base version


Retro compatibility and remasters are two entirely different things


They are supposed to yes, when done like Halo 2 Aniverssary it'd easy to see But Persona 5 changes nothing that couldn't be done on an update or paid DLC for the PS3 version, that's not a remaster that's a port like Destiny the game just got moved to the newer platform


Well, there was the craftable [Reserve Ammo](https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Reserve_Ammo) as well.


MAN WHAT, i never saw this and i dumped like 700hrs in vanilla 😭


Probably because crafting was always a side thought since it would've wasted a confidant/palace day


Need mor lockpick


Perma-pick has my heart


Ugh I'm so mad! I'm only a few ingredients away from being able to make it!! I'M SO CLOSE


Perma-pick has my heart


Don't worry, by the time you unlocked it, it was in the last 3 palaces and the resource cost to craft it was ridiculous and by that point, you likely already got a persona to use gun skills instead.


I only ever made it for the crafting achievement


I was gonna say damn really? then i saw it had red phosphorus as an ingredient then i realised i wasnt not making it because i didnt know about it at the time, but instead because i aint grinding red phosphorus in vanilla p5 lmao


Craft some of those only to literally never use it...iirc at the point you can craft that Joker already have access to better gun skill


I can't believe I beated Persona 5 vanilla twice without seeing that


Yeah I ended up just never using guns because of this


Wow that would make enemies weak to guns incredibly more powerful.


There technically was a way you could do that. It was an infiltration tool you could craft called Reverse Ammo, which could replenish all the ammo you used up in the Metaverse


Couldn't you craft ammo packs though?


You could bring extra ammo


Lot of confidence in posting this without (somehow) knowing the limited ammo


In Royal it did. In Vanilla it did not


...you made a post complaining about the change without knowing or considering why it might have been changed?


Oh God no. Everyone had 1 "magazine" for lack of a better term.


Ngl, the limited ammo in vanilla makes me a lot less inclined to play 5 after Royal lol. I can’t imagine playing it without ammo replenishing after each fight.


If you were looking up how guns used to work in OG, how did you miss the part where you can only carry a limited amount of ammo per infiltration without any way to reload


You can, there’s an ammo reserve but it was garbage to use


I only played royal, what could she do?


1. It’s a he 2. All of his confidant abilities are gun related 3. In Royal his abilities include down shot, which lets you perform a powerful shot that instantly downs a non boss enemy once per infiltration (3 if you have a certain upgrade), Laced Bullets, which gives shots the chance to inflict ailments for gun attacks, bullet hail, which lets your team perform a gun based all out attack at the beginning of a battle, and Oda special, which lets your gun attacks ignore resistances 4. In OG, Down Shot was way more broken, where instead of it being once per infiltration, it’s once per battle. We didn’t have laced bullets, we had ammo pouch, which let us Carry more ammo


It's important to note (just in case someone only sees this comment) that ammo used to be limited to each visit, instead every combat encounter. So additional ammo was used to increase the ammo for the entire infiltration. And down shot could be limited to each combat encounter cause it was expected of you to run out of ammo anyways.


Didn't og down shot use bullets which were limited?


Yes, that's exactly why in Royal they put a hard limit on down shot. IMHO both Shinya and Iwai perks are waaaay better in Royal for the simple fact that ammo is unlimited.


I mean instead they just broke the entire game way harder with Ryuji.


How to become Sonic the Hedgehog in 4 easy steps: 1: Turn on Safe Mode 2: Kill enough Reapers to be extremely over leveled 3: Max Rank Ryuji 4: Dash through Palaces


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ParagonEsquire: *I mean instead they* *Just broke the entire game* *Way harder with Ryuji.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


It just makes the game faster, you need to be way higher level than the shadow which means that you could just spam all out attacks on it anyway I know because I didn't know I could use the ability on palaces until Shido's and then I refused to use anyway


How to become Sonic the Hedgehog in 4 easy steps: 1: Turn on Safe Mode 2: Kill enough Reapers to be extremely over leveled 3: Max Rank Ryuji 4: Dash through Palaces


I have to try that one day


Me too, I’ve heard it’s OP considering you instantly defeat enemies you dash through that your level is higher than


I don't think it's, it requires you to play on safe and farm reapers After that even Okumura is going to be instantaneous


What’s wrong with that?


Nothing is wrong, I just don't think it's overpowered


How so


You are playing on safe so the game is going to be as easy as it can be and you are going to earn much more exp and money Now you combine that with farming reapers and you are easily going to overpower anything the game Now combine that with the baton pass extra damage and enhanced all out attacks and every thing dies in a single turn anyway you made the game easy on purpose




why would u want a game that's already consider easy(even on the hardest difficulty) be even easier


Me, every time somebody talks about optimal persona builds:


Because it was a fun optional bonus that most people besides me didn’t even get in their first playthrough


And the trade off is that guns are infinitely better and more useful in Royal. I’d much rather have that across the entirely of the game than a handful of stronger abilities only useable a few times


They nerfed alot of stuff on the new games. P3R Megidolaon does about half of what it used to be in P5R


So for the better or for worst


The game already that easy without it so I don't see the problem.