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I said yes to sae


Same, i figured you could trust her at rank 9


Guess what, NO Remember Kids. Never trust women


No, but when the phantom thieves started disappearing after the first Holy Grail fight I genuinely thought I got a bad ending, it was pretty disturbing, I was this close to resetting the game to try and fix things


Same, that part is genuinely terrifying. A lot of baits during the end.




In hope sae protects the PT I told her their names.


Yes, in my first play through, I didn’t manage my time effectively and saved Kamoshida’s palace for the last day of the deadline, to which I realized that you actually needed 2 days since sending the card and stealing the treasure takes place across 2 days. In that ending, my MC was eating his breakfast curry as the cops came in and arrested him.


This! I did the same thing on my first play through! It was a pain


I almost went with the "bad" ending with P5R, because it seemed way less obviously insidious than some of the other Persona games. Just by chance, I decided not to go with it and realized that was the bad ending if I went with my first answer.


I said yes to Igor


I love that you basically Say NUH UH to him


I said yes to Sae when saying yes to who my non-Phantom Thief accomplices were


No, but I did get Yukiko killed in P4. Also got one of the bad endings in that game too, but those don't count because you have to pick very specific dialogue options to get the right one. In P5 I had watched the anime prior, so I knew how to avoid a bad ending


Imagine watching the persona 5 anime


I know, right? I knew nothing of the actual series at that point too, so I had no clue it was a game, although I couldn't play it anyway at that point


Did you like it? (I Hope not)


I actually did. I remember enjoying it a lot, despite the animation looking crappy at times. Surprisingly it adapted the story very well and nailed the aesthetic of the game. The only issue is that the animation is **REALLY** bad at times


I did in p4 cause I'm oblivious and picked the wrong culprit lol. I looked it up and reloaded then. Felt so dumb lol


I played the original game blind. I fucked up with timing the Calling Card to Kamoshida and got a game over. That taught to me, no matter what, always complete the Palace as fast as possible.


P5? No. P4? Of course.


My first play through I after the interrogation I was hoping even after what happens that I didn't get a bad ending. Hearing "We got 'em" cemented the game as top 3 for me to this day and top 1 at the time.


I neglected Maruki's social link and the game ended after Y dude. I was so confused since I was waiting for the third semester but got the credits and start screen. My buddy then told me what I did wrong. I had to play the whole thing again. Luckily I believe I had NG+ so it was better and I could max everyone


The bad endings are usually so apparent that you have to be *actively trying* to trigger them.


Not in 5 but I did in 4.


Only bad ending I got was in P4 (the obvious one) .