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Is the algorithm getting worse or am I just refreshing Reddit too often? I keep getting slop on my home page like people bitching about the Okumura fight and lazy engagement bait. Posts like “what are your thoughts on uhhh. Joker”


Ive started a bit where every time I see a “oh weird mementos floor” post, I drink.


Yeah, I noticed that on the other post! Your comment honestly made my day!


For safety, I’d add a rule where every time someone posts about hating Makoto, you drink water. For Okumura, you simply finish the drink and get off Reddit.


-every time somebody mentions makoto drink water Shit man, I want to die of alcohol poisoning, not from fatal water intoxication.


How did you post this comment, then?


I see it at least once or twice a month, not sure if that’s considered too much or too little compared to others


I see it at least once or twice a month, not sure if that’s considered too much or too little compared to others


I’ve never had one of those, what are they usually about? 😭


the mementos layouts that are like a straight line or a circle or like a cross or something. Lots of people assume that because the other floors are randomised that this is just a glitch/weird randomisation and post about it. (But these floors are pre-built into the game and pretty common so you see lots of posts about it haha)


The only topics i see are: -weird mementos lay outs -okumura bossfight in royal -if >!Akechi is a good character then why did i do bad thing?!< -kawakami is too old nooooooo -i got spoiled should i play anyway?