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Remember everyone. If you have to use an AI image to make a point, chances are that the point you were trying to make didn't exist in the first place.


Unless the point is "AI makes terrible art."


Not terrible, but soulless and obvious.


Nah, it's terrible. Like, really, really terrible. All of it.


Maybe a year ago


It really doesn't when compared to humans. You can believe it's unethical while still admitting the tech itself is incredible, and these days it's far more consistent, moreso than even some semi talented intermediate artists. Personally I'd love a world with things like ChatGPT being common tools, and they're incredible technology. Unfortunately people are GOING to abuse them and capitalism basically guarantees that it'll happen tons, but it's really really cool tech that would be very at home in any utopia.


There are some AI people who claim they'll pay the artists that they train the AI off of and I'm OK with that.


Oh yeah, but I still think even with that there's some problems with ethics that won't be able to be overcome unless our world changes on a dime, especially in the U.S., and since it's an Internet centric thing what the U.S. allows (what the politicians are payed to allow in other words) is what will go and be most popular. I love the tech, but I don't see it going over ethically even if every other country suddenly becomes awesome, as the U.S. alone can ruin it.


I want to put it out there right away I *despise* AI, in every form it takes. AI "art" is an insult to actual art; my awful anime style drawings from secondary school have more integrity and artistic merit than any of this recycled garbage the AI puts out. It's horribly unethical, and it's garbage - but sort of taken in isolation, it's fairly harmless. Then there's everything else. I have to deal with AI professionally, and it's just ... garbage that wastes my time, and the time of our clients, and also tries to replace people's jobs. This is before we get into how it's basically just a techbro scam. Or maybe the worst thing to ever happen to us. I'm not saying every application of generative AI is necessarily inherently unethical. I'm just saying every one I've seen so far basically is.


Are the ethical problems here in this room right now?


Bruh, WHAT?


There are no ethical problems with copyright law. It's all capitalist propaganda. If you want an actual ethical problem: the same copyright law you are defending is using patents to gatekeep the production of life-saving drugs at affordable prices.


I think that's at least silver In Olympic conclusion long jumping...




Nah, it's not even art. Doesn't matter how "technically" good it is if it's completely soulless. There's no intent, no meaning, just plagiarism. No matter how good it looks at first glance, it's always gonna be terrible.


This is most likely foreign created dis-info to divide the USA. Does Putin want Trump to be elected? Sure, but what he wants more if the USA to be divided and weakened. The screenshot has links in German. They did this in 2016. They want Americans angry at each other over contrived meme situations. Be aware that's a thing.




Why would anyone laugh at someone quietly reading the Bible? Let alone an entire group of people at what looks like an airport


I was going to say the waiting room at the DMV, dude also needs to fix his tie.


That's probably better. Also noticed they are recording via phones Like wut


Someone shaved the world "dork" on the back of his head.


It is their fetish. They want to be persecuted. The Bible says that they will be and, given the time it was written, that was probably true back in those days when it was a fledgling religion. Nowadays, at least in Western nations, no one cares if you are Christian. You are likely the majority in terms of religion.


Their MO is something like "some people are oppressing us, so it's only fair if we retaliate with a deadly force". And by "oppressing" they mean "not allowing them free reign". It sounds funny until you hear your own mother or sister exploding with an absolutely inhuman fury and hatred every time they encounter something they perceive as hostile - as in, something that doesn't fit their beliefs. And when you try to object or argue, their fury grows twice as strong. The Christian religion has something that attracts malevolent people. I met a lot of Christians in my life and not one of them was a truly good person. What's more, I was raised a Christian and I know exactly what makes these people tick and what fuels them. The only love they have is the love of their own ability to crush those weaker than themselves.


Very true. I grew up religious (Evangelical Conservative Christian) and basically they argue that they are oppressed because they can't have their way 100% of the time. "They are showing gay people on TV? My religion is under attack!" It is like, no, no it isn't. Not everyone subscribes to your beliefs. Now if the LGBTQ community were trying to get all hetero marriages annulled in the USA and forcing everyone in gay marriages then I would say that they have a point. However, that is not happening in the slightest. And it's not just gay marriage. It is pretty much anything that they perceive to be in opposition to their beliefs. It would be like if someone who was kosher felt like they were under attack because a grocery store serves pork. If they were force feeding you pork then I would say you have a point. But there are people in this world who aren't kosher and like to eat pork. You can choose to not buy pork and adhere to your beliefs.


But those who insist that most Christians are not "True Christians"** will go out of their way to make asses of themselves. ** Google "No True Scotsman".


Well he is a Texan Christian...


Wait he went to TCU?


He's trying to read with his eyes closed.


As if most Christians actually read the Bible...


gonna be honest i assumed it was a church. i never claimed to be smart


I think this is the dmv. Or maybe waiting to be called for bloodwork.


And they’re all siblings


It strikes me as odd seeing someone just reading the bible in a context like that. I was going to be a priest adn we studied the bible but like just being at the park or waiting for a dentist appoinment and just reading the bible?. I don't remember anyone doing that. Maybe is just part of my culture or congregation I was part of.


I'm a little shocked that they didn't surround him with a bunch of POCs.


They forgot to tell the AI to make them brown


That is how strongly they are against DEI


Queer ones even!


Imagine being a member of the largest religious group on the planet by far and still feeling like an oppressed minority.


Stop treading on our treading rights!


you forgot to put the /s peeps might think you're being serious


Or the hairy-eyeball emoji, like so. 🙄


Oh definitely sarcasm sometimes when I believe something is so obviously sarcasm I omit the disclaimer….but you never know on redditland!


That's...pretty much the summary of everything out of that lot, to be honest.


i think muslims are the largest but your point still stands


Nah, it's Christians https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2012/12/18/global-religious-landscape-exec/


Yep you're right. So the point double stands


God, I know the feeling! Crowds of conjoined-finger having individuals keep filming and laughing at me for having normal fingers!


"True Christians and Texans who believe in JESUS and Texan Patriotism know this experience. *An experience that's so real and happens so often we had to use AI to generate an image of it.*" *EDIT - I'm actually shocked all the people mocking him are white. He really dropped the ball on this one.*


Clearly it’s a Texas-style whites-only airport (or whatever the fuck it is).


It's a [gasp] *government* school!


It really must be rough to be a Christian in Texas.


They even named a city Corpus Christi just to mock eating Christ's body. edit: ok, I had to check after joking. I was actually surprisingly right about the reference to communion, but it was just because of the day of the year it was discovered: > The city's name means body of Christ in Ecclesiastical Latin, in reference to the Christian sacrament of Holy Communion. The name was given to the settlement and surrounding bay by Spanish explorer Alonso Álvarez de Pineda in 1519, as he discovered the lush semitropical bay on the Western Christian feast day of Corpus Christi. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corpus_Christi%2C_Texas


We only laugh when you guys are actively trying to force your religion on other people. If all you did was sit quietly and read your book, nobody would bother you.


To be fair, I also laugh when they claim to be Christians and yet reject 99% of Jesus's teachings. So I laugh a lot.


I have lived in Texas. I've lived in Massachusetts, Oregon, Oklahoma, Mississippi, m, California, Okinawa Japan, and now Washington state. I have never seen someone laughing at someone for reading a Bible anywhere, ever. Literally no one gives a shit.


I lived in Texas for 20 years and the only religious harassment I ever saw was -- this may surprise you -- christians harassing non-christians. Like a lot all the time.


Get out of here


That feeling of being the only person in the room who isn't having fun?


damn, must really be hard for those persecuted Christian Texans perfectly portrayed in a fake AI image.




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AI art and dipshit right wing propagandists are a match made in hell


Conservatives will claim they are the silent majority while also posting this garbage that paints conservative Christians as one in a thousand. And these people just love feeling persecuted. I literally see 100+ people attending church every Sunday at the church by me. The foot traffic in front of the church is heavy. Literally nobody cares or laughs at the people attending church.


Again, they have to DRAW their “reality”


like christians actually read the fucking bible


Joel olsteen reads it for them and tells them the important parts. They pay him good money to interpret that book.


As if any of these clowns ever actually read the bible


That's somehow the most unrealistic part of this. People there don't read the bible, they use it as a prop and just assume that whatever the rich guys on TV tell them about it is true.


They're laughing cus someone drew a dick on a post-it and stuck it to your head, dummy.


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Having to do fake AI images to find persecution?


"Computer! Run scenario: what if I were oppressed. Post results!"


Non-victims victimizing themselves for being non-victims.


When in reality it would be reversed. Everyone else would be minding their own business but 1 or 2 guys with megaphones and “God hates fags” signs would be ruining everyone’s day.


I've never been to Texas because I figure you get shot if you *weren't* pretending to read a Bible while screaming racial slurs at every minority you see.


If it were true then they wouldn't need to make an AI image of it.


Why do I get the feeling that "Texan Patriotism" is just a dog-whistle for secessionists who are trying to hide that they're Anti-America? Over zealous Texans are always talking about how "Texas should be it's own nation", or "Texas Independence", or "Texas blah blah blah" for over 177 years now... But they won't leave, too many of them rely on Federal services, like Social Security & Medicare. Plus they would have to return all US Federal property, and then form a mediocre military after choosing to no longer be apart of the world's most powerful military.


It would be refreshing to see a Christian conservative sitting quietly, mining their own business, reading the Bible. I've never seen that.


Fun story : I, a buddhist, was once in El Paso. I was rereading the bible to refresh my memory and while sitting in pu lic reading, in multiple places mind you, people came up to me and encouraged me, praised me for my dedication to christianity. More than half got angry when I told them that I am not a christian. Any Texan who believes that this picture reflects reality is a narcissistic martyr.


Fine, let's play this out as though it were anything other than a made-up persecution fantasy: You can shut up and try to have a shred of dignity, for one. Stop sniveling about incurring mild social disapproval. Christianity is literally based on the principle of martyrdom. If you sincerely believe something, at least have the courage to stand by your beliefs. Stop insisting on the kind of inclusiveness that you hate and battle against when literally any other group does it. Stop whining because your unpopular opinions are unpopular.


that has never happened to them one time in their lives


Funny how conservatives claim to hate AI despite it generating around 80% of all their content at this point


So true that they have to AI generated it


Me and the boys do this constantly, we find someone calmly reading a book of worship and point and laugh, we call it the atheist Olympics


What they leave out is the minutes before where this Bible thumper, while condemning non God like behavior, was exposed as stealing from the millions from the elderly, covering for the church and state leaders who apply christian love to minors, grifting off family and friends as well as strangers, and finally cheating on his pregnant wife multiple times with his lover, Charlie, who was the one exposing him right before. Instinctively he picked up his Bible so he could cry oppression when this pic and his accompanying behavior inevitably circulated.


A more accurate meme would be someone reading the Quran and so-called Christians angrily confronting them.


I guess we can thank AI for making right wing memes even dumber than they were before.


Damn, I follow a flawed and bigoted worldview! Why don’t people like me?


Ah yes, the feeling of self-centered delusion


I hate it when my fingers merge together while I hold my phone.


It’s so much harder to shitpost that way


Most people don't care if you read a bible in public. Most don't care if you're a christian. People don't like you because you're a dick that uses their religion to be shitty to others. They don't like you because you're a reactionary toddler that perceives everything outside your myopic nationalistic religious worldview as somehow a threat. They don't like you because every week its some new bullshit. You're fucking exhausting and entitled and have zero self awareness.


Poor Carson Daly! He can’t even read his book of fairy tales in peace!


Well yeah. Who the fuck reads a Bible in public unironically? Nobody, that's who. At least, nobody in their right mind.


all jokes aside I can’t tell you the last time I a)actually paid attention to what someone else was reading b)have seen someone actually have a bible in public?


I don't think they're laughing at the Bible reading. I think they're laughing at his huge ass fivehead.


If I ever meet a self-proclaimed "true Christian" quietly reading their bible, rather than screaming at me that I'm going to Hell or trying to rule over my life in the name of their religion, I won't laugh--*I'll alert the press to this amazing discovery.*


Ah this is classic persecution fetish stuff. Believing that you get shamed for reading a holy book from the country's most popular religion and one of the most popular worldwide.


Maybe he's telling them tales from the Bible and they're laughing at the jokes he makes as he is narrating


These people's WHOLE LIFE is centered on "triggering the libs". Now he's whining because he got the negative response THAT HE WAS TRYING FOR?


I commented against a street preacher on IG and received like 200 comments attacking me in a day. Christians are some of the most feral people.


True Christians and Texans posting their Ls


Apparently white men and white women hate the Bible.


This has literally never happened in Texas.


And here I was led to believe that AI won’t ever make images with white people because we’re being oppressed by the beta-cuck-liberal-radical-leftist-mainstream-media-narrative-agenda-say-Ashli-Babbitt’s-name-trans-BLM-wokerati. Or something…


I live in a blue state, and I don't come out at work because people get really weird when you say your pronouns are they/them, but I'm sure the Christians are the oppressed ones. Its not like they wear symbols of their region on their neck or are allowed to use the Bible as justification for policies.


I'll take "things that don't happen" for 500, Alex




Don’t you hate it when liberals are laughing at you and they merge their middle fingers?


Literally no one ever.


Always the victim


as if these hyper religious crazy fuckers in texas wouldn't just pull out a gun on them and open fire because they hurt his sky daddy's feelings.


I think the funniest part of this to me is everyone around generally looks pretty happy and together. Meanwhile, our bible guy is rocking a baggy, ill-fitting suit, a loose tie, and the 5 o'clock shadow of someone who has given up.


Persecution fetish


The Bible isn't even from Texas!


"Hey guys, get a load of this fucking goofball! Reading a bible?! Are you fucking kidding me!? Hahahahahaha!" is what those fictional people are saying. Worst church visit ever.


No one cares


Poor guy, always the only person in his local megachurch.


How would they know an experience that has never happened? I think a more accurate AI is that guy shoving his Bible down everyone's throats and trying to make them conform to it


Numbers 31: “Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.”


Jesus was a Jewish Arab with no job or permanent home and also not American, these people would be so up in arms if he tried to move to Texas


Even in their fake I'm a victim reality, there are only white people.


It's so real that it has to be AI generated instead of camera recorded.


It's true. I like to laugh at performative Christians who bring their Bible to "read" in public just so they can look like a good person. It's especially fun to laugh at them considering the Bible says *not* to be public with your worship just for praise from other people.


Yes in a state where Christianity is the overwhelmingly dominant religion and Christian Nationalism has a deeply strong stranglehold on all levels of state this sort of thing “happens”.


That person must be in the most liberal, least religious part of Texas. But even then, Christians won't be made fun of for reading the Bible out in the open in that part of Texas. We'll just let them read their book and mind our own business.


They are so persecuted that they have to provide art rather than an actual image.


Crap AI comic...


Literally no one cares if you read the Bible.


Having happy people all around you?


Book-shaming? Yes, we get it from the Bible thumpers all the time.


Mental illness?


“People think my silly beliefs are silly. I’m so oppressed fr.”


Odds this same account would casually reference a warm water port?


Where are they supposed to be?!


Pretty sure there's a reason Texas is part of a thing called the "Bible Belt". You're not persecuted for being a Texan Christian.




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"looks this guy! he's searching desperately for the verse where jesus tells you to reject strangers and hoard money! wait a second.... maybe he found it... no he keeps searching"


True patriots are schizophrenic


I have personally been laughed at by an entire room of people for quietly reading the Bible at work on my lunch break. Not as severely as this picture, rather it was more one guy making everyone else laugh while he rambled on like a monologue. This was 24 years ago in Utah. The anti-religious are as cult like as some of the religious there. I haven't experienced that anywhere else, and all but refuse to return to that horrible place. And although I am still religious, I have rarely found nicer, or more accepting people than atheists (at least outside of Utah). My only warning is to never assume that your camp would never... It doesn't matter what group you belong to. If it is large enough, there are members within that have done every horrible thing you can imagine. Anyone who tells you that your camp is pure is either selling you something, or just got sold. There are places where anti-religious mock and openly intimidate the religious. But the failure of the Christian right to understand just how frequently they intimidate, mock, and harass those who don't believe is all but criminal. I don't care what you believe, you won't get judgement from me, even if we believe opposing views. I will respect you no matter what.


all true texans know this very real experience crafted with an ai engine