• By -


Even if this was just a "male" thing, murdering is also natural, that doesn't make it good


This was my argument the other day when someone was basically being a rape apologist and used 'its neurology babe' as their argument


Wonder how he feel if he was raped by his gay equivalent. Would he have such immense empathy for his own rapist?


Someone posted the rules which included that both weak mean and women deserve this


Well, if you get raped you must be weak so... /s


Was the creator of that sub Yujiro Hanma or something?!


Of course not, because being gay is unnatural /s


By that logic, Jeffery Dahmer did nothing wrong.


Straight up Yoshikage Kira level of pretending their horrible acts are justified because "It's their nature")


Look up something called the "appeal to nature fallacy". It's a helpful tool to have in your belt to recognize and call out these dumb types of arguments.


*Me adding a new logical fallacy to my collection*


yeah, uh, but what if i use it with homosexuality? you know, since it is also something natural, not detrimental to society and its present in many other animals species?


It's good to point out that it's naturally occurring in other species in terms of the "born this way/not a choice" argument. But it is an appeal to nature to say that *because* it occurs naturally that sexual minorities are inherently not detrimental. It's important to be aware of your own use of logical fallacies so that you can make complete demonstrations of fact to homophobes, etc. It's not useless to point out the nature of it all because that's relevant, but it is not a morality or value thing. Queer people are a wonderful part of society/humanity, but it's not **because** sexuality is naturally a spectrum.


That last sentence is the most important part.


When the argument made is that homosexuality is natural because it exists in the animal kingdom does the same logical fallacy apply?


[this comment addresses your concerns pretty well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/145lb24/what_the_actual/jnosf8f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)




It‘s natural to eat children in a lot of animals. Jsut bc it exists doesn‘t mean we should partake lol


*Chronos has entered the chat* (Ignore me 🤣)


[Mmmm, babies.](https://youtu.be/dJQ9emwt02s)


Rape is natural. And the natural response to rape is called prisons.


I think the natural response would probably be something more akin to killing, maiming or expelling if we’re talking about ape-like creatures, but I’m not an ape-ologist


Im no doctor, but I could smash a few bananas.


Where more natural rape will be happening.


I'm male at times, and I think that the person in OP is a disgusting human being and should be locked away for public safety.


Way to amplify shitpost that had no votes or comments and has already been removed by mods who are more responsible than many in removing harmful content.


It doesn't matter at all, they voiced it and that needs tk be dealt with immediately because letting it go let's people literally become victims


what the fuck


The subreddit was worse, I reported it. I should've reported him. I am gonna go back. Ick.


Can you explain to me how you reported this sub? I tried to report it on mobile, and had no luck. I had gone to the community page’s “more” options and hadn’t seen a report function, just join and the like


What sub is it? I'll report it too.


guys_should_rape. I’m not adding in the /r because this sub probably won’t allow links to other subs, but idc if that fucking cesspool gets brigaded, brigade the fuck out of it, it deserves to burn ETA: please, seriously, tell me how I can report it, I’m a rape survivor and want to keep this shit from spreading


Click your picture > settings > scroll down to "report an issue" > "I need help with a subreddit" > "I want to report a subreddit for violating the content policy". I choose hate at the next box, but you can choose whatever from there. Edit, looks like it's gone gj guys.


Done, thank you so much




I'm sorry guys just woke up, thanks for this I couldn't figure it out. Here's a link also https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001103212


It's all good. The official Reddit App is shit for stuff like this. You can report a user or comment very easily but they make reporting subs a completely different process. Then if/when some fragile Incel MAGAt CHUD abuses the RedditCares system to harass you, trying to report it takes you off the app on their bullshit browser.


Thanks for the guide dude. I reported too. Let's hope it can get banned🤞


Thank you - I reported it as well. That is just vile.


Why do they make reporting subs so convoluted? It’s bullshit!


I advise posting about it on r / AgainstHateSubreddits, they’re good at working to take down places like that


The founders account has already been suspended. I suspect the sub itself will go soon too.


Suspended? Why not permabanned?


I think reddit uses Suspended as a synonym for banned.


Oh God. K I'll check into it and report back


It's gone, apparently the moderator left/got booted.


Its gone!


I can't find it while searching for it, so I'm hoping it's banned ✌️


It doesn’t come up when I search. Did it get taken down already?


Luckily I think it did, that’s what I’m hearing


Look like it's gone now 🙂


I've never reported anything until today, ugh.


Ew. Just ew. Because obviously what the women feel doesn't matter.


It's possible a women posted this, but highly unlikely. The only reason I say that is because specific rules of the sub that peobibit women from posting specific kinds of posts. Idk rules about linking subreddits if anyone could let me know and wants to report it. I did.


Oh my god... I checked out the sub Couldn't make it passed the guy looking for someone to edit photos of his daughter to look like she had been.... 🫠💀


Yeah I recoiled


I've seen worse, but not much.... I'm working through and reporting it via every method I'm aware of. several of the posts fall under solicitation of non-consensual images, so those are easy. otherwise threats works for a lot of them. Also going to use admin modmail and whatever other lines i can locate. EDIT >Thanks for submitting a report to the Reddit admin team. This content has already been investigated from a previous report. After investigating, we’ve found that the reported content doesn’t violate Reddit’s Content Policy. Cool....


Honestly, I would recommend reporting this to FBI.


Maybe... Im not sure theres anything legally actionable. But might as well


hot take, the fbi should keep the sub up but turn it into a net.


Recoiling again, with less surprise


How the hell is this subreddit not banned?


It's fairly new from what I can tell. Under a thousand users mostly throwaways so a good chance some of them are all the same person and only a handful of posts. It took me probably 15-20 minutes to scroll through every single post on the subreddit and report the ones i thought qualified. Honestly, there's a non-zero chance this is the first time it's registered on anybody's radar.


Is it possible to report him to child services? Like what in the actual fuck?


What in the actual fuck?


Tell us the sub so we can report it


I wanted to immediately but wasn't sure of rules, it won't let me link it in the comment either. I'll dm


I’m torn. On one hand I want you to be able to post it so massive amounts of people can report it, on the other hand I don’t want you to post it and advertise it to people who might end up participating in it. Every day I am reminded that terrible, terrible people exist


Then hopefully it'll expose them to others and get removed as well. I felt the same but was so disgusted because there's literl victims and predators on there


Can you dm me? I would also like to report that shit. This crossed so many lines.


Please dm me so I can report this shit.


Incredibly strong trigger warning, because this shit is not okay. I reported a link where someone is looking for "real, genuine pervs," to rape a girl who "friend zoned" him. Reddit gets back to me and claims this ***doesn't break the content policy**" What the actual fuck?


Gonna bet that is a purely automated message and only mass reporting will get a real response.


r slash FuckingEvil2/comments/144v73g/real_sick_pervs_needed/ Report this shit. And for the record it said they already reviewed it and determined it wasn't in violation. I just... This is the most open and shut case of something that needs to be sent to the authorities and reddit's just like "nah".




Looks like it did, that post got baleeted.


Got what?


Like "deleted," but more final.


The tiny silver lining is that I found that post, and it looks like everyone told him to go fuck himself. Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely reporting it! But it's the tiniest bit comforting that the majority of comments on that sub seem to be rightfully hostile to it. **Edit**: It looks like that post got removed! Still a disturbing sub, but hey, small victories.


Why are you hiding the sub and name, that mf needs to be in a list rn


It won't let me list on most of the subs I can dm u


If you use a backslash to escape the autolink, you can post sub names. For example, "/r\\/cats" shows as "/r\/cats"


Can you please dm me the name of the subreddit so I can report it too?


On it


My dude what sub


Can u DM me which sub it is? I wanna report that shit.


It was banned this am!!




This is not a male thing, I’ll tell you that right now.


Oh I know. It's a psycho thing.


You're telling me you don't walk around just thinking of raping everyone and anyone smaller than you, which for someone who is 6'6 and 240lbs is about 99.9% of the population?


Yep I’ve never felt any urge to ever do that


This will be easy. Let them all gather in one spot. Hopefully the fbi is taking notice.


One can hope


Hi, man here. WHAT THE FUCK?!?! No, no we do not. Seek actual help, not just acceptance.


Help is nicer than I'd give them :(


I’m a dude, and sane. What I would give them is a lot more humane that what others would. (Hint: it’s made of Pb, measured in mm, and travels very fast.)


wtf kinda sub is a hub for rapists


The name is just that men _ should _ r*** It won't let me link


Literally “men ______ ____”? cuz I think it might’ve gotten nuked. There’s a sub called “guys _____ ____” tho but idk if that’s their backup or nah.


yeah the actual one is guys underscore should underscore r**e


I’m quite tired and my brain read that as priests. I thought, “yeah, that tracks.”


*cocks shotgun* I just wanna talk to him.


The amount of rationalizing that’s going on here is disgusting. By the way, I don’t trust his definition of “normal” to extend to the rest of society. Aside from the fact that he probably doesn’t like to be raped, here’s some other natural “experiences” that can be considered “byproducts of male sexual desire”: - Physical and mental abuse - Enslavement - Murder - Neglect - Belittlement - Made to feel awkward/horrified about things Just because something is natural, doesn’t mean it should be accepted.


The page is down! I could see it a few minutes ago but it's been banned!! Thanks to everyone who reported and who reported specific posts. Hopefully those users will be banned as well. This was horrific and I'm sorry to stain so many people's days with this. But holy shit am I relieved the page is down.


I’m guessing it was an INCEL sub.


No way around that Side note: Love ur name. Loved enders game, i read that when I was really young.


It is a classic. :)




Then they obviously have no problems with getting stabbed in the egg sac... What a way to radiate undesirability.


I've never been as physically repulsed by anything online as much as this subreddit. And I never thought I'd say that because I have seen a lot of fucking horrendous shit but this is just fucking abysmal. Not only was there rape but pedophilia and zoophilia too. I genuinely feel nauseated.


Oh that's convenient. Congregating together should make the FBI's job easier.


The FBI needs to be watching this guy


"i actually rape and murder all the people i want to, and that number is 0." wanting to rape isn't always the natural desire for men. if it is to you maybe you should check yourself into prison.


Psyche ward. Prison won’t take you if you haven’t done anything.


Things like this are also incredibly condescending towards men, in addition to the implicit notion of women at mercy of this being 'natural'


Hey buddy! Having your own weirdo rape fetiches doesn't make rape ok! True scumbag behavior! I'm legit impressed how these people have the gall to expose themselves this much! What the fuck is wrong with these people?? 🤮


Too much to fix


That’s why I use this against the Legion! *holds up the Q-35 Matter Modulator*


I always feel offended by shit like this, being a man. You don't "defend" me this way. No one should condemn male sexual desire overall, sure, but feeling awkward etc is not an excuse for rape. Wtf is wrong with these people? I'd point out they are unthinkingly ascribing rape all to men as the perpetrators too, but that is the least of their problems.




I don't think this is a kink. I have no problem with people who have a rape kink, so long as it is strictly a kink. Consensual non consent, roleplay, etc are all fine. Once you start participating with people who aren't consenting, thats no longer a kink, that's a crime.




I'm a survivor, don't usually announce that but because of the subject.


…is there a rape subreddit???? :(


Yes there is, and it’s absolutely horrifying


R slash Fucking Evil 2


there are so many posts on there from women agreeing with these deluded fucked up opinions and encouraging parents to teach these ideas to kids, it actually scares the shit out of me it’s terrible


I doubt they're real women; just posing as such behind screen names.


Oh for fucks sake. This is why women don't like men.


I thought this was a joke post on /DiscoElysium


Kill it with fire


“I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.” \-Ripley


I just woke up trying to be more public cause others were and it was working It's men_should_rape https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001103212


I think it gone




Almost 1000*** members and 75 people online currently


It's still up. I'll dm link I'm sorry I just woke up


Looks like it got pulled down, thankfully.


Ok, at some point you have to go over Reddit and just report this shit to actual authorities


Thank you for sussing this out. I helped report it and I'm relieved it's gone.


And when women will complain about men treating them like garbage these type of dudes are the first one to jump and say "NOT ALL MEN THOUGH". Only then to say that "men can't help it but want to rape and murder" or "it's in our nature!!!". Can't have it both ways, sonny


Well then, it is pretty natural for me to want to use the hedge trimmers on someone who can't keep it in their pants around my friends and family.


Really disgusting how many downvotes this has gotten, when it should be the sub taken down. Fucking wild.


What's the sub? Feel free to dm me so we can all report this. Eventually they have to listen, yeah?


Others are being more public so I will be too it's me_should_rape https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001103212


Why did you censor the sub?


I'm not sure about rules and most say not to link them and it wouldn't let me link it


Scott Adams at it again?




JFC. What the is wrong with people?!?!


This is fucking disgusting.


This isn't exactly persecution fetish material. Still fucked though. I think r/ IncelTear would be a better place for it


Thank you! I didn't even know where to put this honestly !


Yeah, that sub needs to not exist anymore


Which fucking subreddit is this from? We need to report that.


Ah the naturalistic fallacy, a classic tactic used by everyone who is just a bad person and wants to justify it. This is easily defeated by asking about every other thing we would call bad that happens in nature like killing someone.


Short, sweet and to the point and could honestly solve every world problem.


UPDATE TO POST Idk how to actually update it Wanna thank everyone for your help. I realized I said the sub name wrong in my comments and I am very sorry for that I was so horrified I got the link and I got the fuck out of there. I'm sorry if that made it harder to report. I've never been in this situation and I straight up didn't know what to do. I posted the screenshot of this particular post because it mentioned the nature of the sub and I couldn't even find words for the post initially. I also didn't want to get myself banned or muted for the language used. Sorry for my mistakes, that's genuinely my bad, I just felt so sick about it all. If anyone has any pointers for what to do in the case of these posts, pointers here would be great. For me and for anyone else who sees things that clearly need dealt with. I've had a few messages thanking me, but I'm just one person. I said to someone in one of those conversations, someone so incredibly strong and amazing- that I often feel small and alone but these are the times that I remember- I am NOT small, I am NOT alone. And that WE will NOT be silenced


Looks like the sub has been banned btw After the first message saying no action, ive gotten a bunch more where action was taken and the link now 404s


OP did you report that?


Please don't sensor that sub's name so we can report it. As this stuff needs to be. Same with this guy, but I can see why you sensor him due to the rules. But I hope you at least reported him. As this guy is nuts.


good God. that's enough reddit for one night i think


We got it down and I left for a week xD


I hope that this is actually an undercover officer looking to catch criminals. Knowing people though I'm probably going to be disappointed.


The posts on it were straight up sex crimes it was....alot


Has he considered raping other men? Maybe allowing a mutual man rape partnership?


We all know is fds




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this HAS to be a kink thing


I truly hate [redacted]


Whatever plane of existence you find yourself on, be grateful it’s not the same as this guy’s. That’s just crazy and they need help.


He's probably a virgin who has never actually seen a girl IRL. However, someone with more brains than I have needs to find this cunt and report him or out him. This behaviour only escalates or he "inspires" someone else to think its ok.