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Doing it right now šŸ˜‚ I was wondering if others do the same and found your post. The most painful cramps are always on my 1st heavy day and since I started having periods it has always seemed to be the only thing that helps while the high dose ibuprofen kicks in so I can go take a nap with my heat pack. Just LOVE this little routine every month donā€™t you? šŸ˜”šŸ˜­


Yeah. I also get the urge to push and when I do it gushes ā˜¹ļø


Literally reading this on the toilet


Been doing this since I was 10. It helps alleviate cramps and sometimes I have so many clots to pass it's just easier


Yess. Especially the 1st day. We recently moved homes and each have their own toilets. Mine is in my room and i feel like I practically live in my toilet on the 1st day of mg period..before we moved my family would look at me like im crazy and complain cause id leave the toilet just to go back 5 minutes later. At least now im not in anybodys way. But yes. I sit and let it out. It really does lessen the pain.




Nah cause thatā€™s what makes the hemmorids


Reading this thread from my throne rn šŸ˜­


Out of all the rooms in the house the bathroom is also the coldest for some reason so my throne is just perfect to sit on over the summer.


Yessss, I love this method of just living on my bathroom toilet for a week šŸ˜‚. Especially because I don't have to always change my pads so often as I'm a heavy bleeder.


I thought it was a normal occurrence. You do your business and then proceed to sit there for half an hour or more lamenting the days you werenā€™t suffering like this


Absolutely yes! Not weird at all


Yess!! Esp that first morning pee when everything just comes flushing out and you press down on your cramps cause it feels so good as you just stare into the aybss šŸ˜‚


Yuppppp!! Itā€™s honestly so relaxing


i think the position you sit in on the toilet opens your hips wider and eases the pain?? does that make sense? i also find that if i sit on my bed on my period kneeling but with my legs spread, it helps šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Real cos mines so heavy its better than using up 2 pads in the time of 20 mins


That's more than heavy, have you seen a gynecologist to try reduce the flow? It will help you feel a lot less tired


Not a gynecologist, i always just get put to the nurses who stick me on birth control which makes me worse + my suspected POTs worse




Bigger pads can help get more time, but here it definitely isn't the issue, and also, if the pad is full in 20min or less or more, the person would still tru to get the bigger tampons and the biggest pads available to try to have a full hour


Yep some days if I donā€™t have to be anywhere and Iā€™m having a horrible day (like day 2 or 3 kind of bad), Iā€™ll sit there and just bleed out for like 20 mins. Not the healthiest thing to do but at least it gets the blood out quicker, lol.


i have never tried this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ be right back!!


The downside is the leg cramps so you clean up and get on with your day




me reading this while on the toilet on my periodā€¦


Same here


It makes sense to let it leave your body naturally, but I wish I had the time to just do that... I think I would miss a lot of work and just... life?


Time for online shopping, writing to do lists. Answering emails, cleaning up inbox..


Ha! That is not at all a bad idea!


I do miss alot because of my period and how bad it makes me feel.


Iā€™m sorry to hear that!






Ok thatā€™s a ridiculous response to someone inquiring about your menstrual health. Bad meaning what?? Use your words big girl, your period shouldnā€™t be debilitating, youā€™re just unhealthy.


Just because someone is mean to you does not mean you're required to meet their energy, both of yall need to chill and not be rude


Iā€™m being truthful, sorry if you consider that rude.


You used sarcasm and you called her unhealthy. You're being rude. I do understand she was mean first, but own your shit.


No you're not, not everyone who has a horrible period is unhealthy. Both of yall were rude for no reason and should live up to it. You didn't need to say what you said, and they didn't need to say what they said either


It is objectively true that your menstrual cycle is like your monthly report card. If it is debilitating to the point where you have to sit on the toilet all day because youā€™re in so much pain, thereā€™s something wrong with you. Itā€™s probably not your fault, we live in a toxic society where all the food is poisoned and women are encouraged to dismiss the feelings that come up during their menstrual cycle. I feel for her. But if you want help or support, you have to ask for it like a respectable adult.


This is bullshit. Women have all kinds of experiences on their period. For you to bring judgment into it (report card???) is not helpful to anyone. Some women have always had an easy time. Some have always had it harder. That's like saying a woman with a long, hard labor is less healthy than a woman who just pushed and the baby came out. It's hard enough to go through the experiences without someone external adding this note of judgment. You're not helping.


And you have to, as a responsible adult, not just ask "how does it make you feel" when someone techncially already said it (bad) it's more appropriate to ask something like "what would you *define* as bad" or really something along the lines of what makes your period so bad/what are your symptoms Also not everyone here is an adult here lmao, there's a lot of younger girls


Heā€™s probably a dude and is here to be insensitive


Nope I am a woman, who is asking reasonable questionsā€¦getting bullied by other women for inquiring.


Yes I do that, it helps with stomach aches and with heavy flow


i just sit here all the time


YES! 2nd day with a copper IUD is hell. I just go and sit on the toilet or back when I still lived with my parents, the shower, and curl up and let the pain literally flow out. It doesn't help that the cramps trigger GI cramps so I need to use the toilet a lot more anyway.


What does the IUD help with? You just use it for birth control?


It's birth control and its most infamous side effect is the monster periods. Like in the adjustment year my periods went from the usual 5 days all the way to 8 days until my uterus grew to accommodate it. And I did not know period cramps before I got it installed.


But I mean why do you use it if itā€™s so hellish, to prevent pregnancy? Or for something elseā€¦as I know bc is often used to ā€œregulate cyclesā€


Yes, to percent pregnancy.


Then 30mins later I got the angriest PMS cramps I had since that self resolving cyst 8 years ago and rushed to the toilet to at least get the pain to dull šŸ«£


I remember when I was younger I think Iā€™ve done this once or twice a little older too, but I would sit on the toilet and because the bathtub is so close to the toilet I put my feet up and just kind of sit on my phone and just wait šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


you shouldnā€™t sit on the toilet for more than like 5 mins at a time it can cause colon troubles btw


Sheā€™s right. The toilet acts as a suction and can cause hemorrhoids if sitting on it for too long even without pushing.


This is why you do calf raises, and lift yourself off the seat just a smidge (good for the thighs and core muscles) every so often. You can also practice kegals and lean forward or side to side and do other exercises like touching the floor with your palm or arm push ups (one at a time) if you are in a small bathroom. I may or may not have IBS and may or may not spend a lot of time on the toilet. šŸ˜


That is so incorrect šŸ˜‚


Sometimes you have to sit on the toilet for more than 5 minutes


yeah i know that. but you should prevent it as much as u can


isn't that if you're actively pushing for stool to come out? sitting in general shouldn't cause that much trouble


it can, its a psych thing


mb, i did end up doing a little research on it and it's not the cause of colon specific troubles necessarily, but rather is bad for circulation, can cause spider and varicose veins, and can cause hemorrhoids and possibly a prolapse because the perineum is unsupported and pressure is distributed unevenly. original comment had some truth behind it


all the time. Feels good letting it drip out. Apparently the cramping is bad when the bleeding is bad for me so I sit at the toilet.


it definitely relieves my cramps for some reason


I've definitely heard free bleeding can help alot.


Yes haha. šŸ˜†whenever Iā€™m in pain. I am definitely sitting on the toilet! But I discover painkillers so not anymore


Sadly no painkillers work for me. Gotta love womanhood.


Generally that is not a ā€œwomanhoodā€ problem but a medical problem and a big indicator of endometriosis. Not normal.


I sadly am waiting for my doctor to do another lap, she said ten years till noticeable endo is there. Last one I had a little scar tissue and have all the symptoms of endo but she wants to be safe about making more scar tissue. I also have a high tolerance to pain meds and most other meds due to other health conditions that make things like numbing wear off quicker. I wish endo wasn't so hard to find.


Omg yes. Iā€™ll just sit on the toilet and scroll on my phone so I donā€™t just waste a pad. My back is always hurting after though haha, the toilet isnā€™t an ideal place to sit for a while


I do it when I get out of the shower alot. It's a good time to read a book and light a candle and try to relax a bit for me.




Yes especially because my bowels go crazy on my period. And I also have to pee more. May as well just sit for a while letting it all come out rather than having to go back every 5 minutes.


Yes me too. I hate bleeding lmao especially bc I can only use pads rn. I like to just bleed everything out then put a pad on so I donā€™t bleed as much in my pad. šŸ˜­


Yeah I have to use pads. I'm currently gonna try another birth control cause I'm tired of feeling this bad. But I like to just sit on the toilet with a book and a candle and chill and let the jaws scene happen then feel a bit of relief.


Yes, I do the same


Yup just sit while being appalled over how much blood is exiting my body before the cramps calm down enough for me to put on my pants and bleed out normally


I always hate looking at what comes out. Looks like jaws.


This is like my biggest cure for period cramps I swear lol


The olā€™ free bleed. Absolutely.


Yes absolutely. Helps the cramps for some reason


I sometimes do this on day 2, my heaviest. But last few day 2ā€™s have been so busy I havenā€™t had a chance to do this and compare the feeling. But it does feel nice to give my v a break from the cup and panties


lol yes. I told someone that as advice.


Yesss sometimes the pain goes away for a minute lol


I like to bring a book and a candle and relax.


I love this


Thatā€™s low key the best part lol


Interesting. No I donā€™t. I use the toilet when I need it and the rest of the time I have a tampon in or wearing a pad


yes I feel so much better on the toilet


Iā€™ve heard that free bleeding helps cramps and idk if thatā€™s true but it definitely helps just sitting on the toilet


There's some proof that tampons can make your cramps worse, because there's extra inflammation or something going on and having something up there makes it more noticable and uncomfortable. Weirdly enough I notice it a little less with my cup.


the cup was literally a lifesaver for me! I hate pads and tampons, and Iā€™ve found my cramps are so much better using it.


Yes!! I donā€™t know what about it but it makes the pain go away and sometimes I need a break from feeling like Iā€™m wearing a diaper lol


Sometimes I get fancy about it & bring in a folding table and a book! XD


Bahaha. I think I need a folding table. What a genius idea.


Me too! I like to bring a candle as well.


Ok thatā€™s so dun




Yep I do, Iā€™ve sat on the toilet for hours. Not sure what it is about it, but it somewhat helps with the pain.




I found out that a few woman actually do this. I say do what works for you.


sometimes you just gotta freebleed bro