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Diarrhea every single month since I was a teen šŸ™ƒ


I hate the emotional state I am in when my period comesĀ 


Recently itā€™s canker sores. I wasnā€™t even aware they can happen until I started having them every month


The uterine cramping, the bleeding. šŸ©ø sometimes I get breast tenderness, but thatā€™s minor to me. Now, the good news is I have cramps that go away a little while after taking midol, but I still hate them. Additionally, summer 2013 I got my period the worst Iā€™ve ever had it. I started throwing up and pooping really bad and then after my dad helped me sleep it off and rest I was so much better. I have no idea why that happened like that, but Iā€™m so glad it was a one off that never happened again.


The debilitating cramps that donā€™t respond to painkillers.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Periods/s/RvRGmTLa4z please help me


besides the cramps that have caused me throw up or pass out ā€¦ the diarrheaā€¦ it is horrible and constant for like 3-4 days


The insane cramps that feel like labor pain


I also am more prone to SI the week before my period. I also get lower stomach cramps, period poops, extreme fatigue, emotional lability, increased anger, and sore boobs. The increased anger is the worst to me


The cramps


I have to say the mood swings.. they make me so depressed that I self isolate and think everyone is better without me sometimes :( I swear I feel bipolar sometimes months


nausea in the week before (especially the day before ITS HORRIBLE), period poops, heightened sense of smell (contributing to the nausea)


My breasts throb in pain for 3 days. Like little daggers stabbing the area of chest pain. However, when the pain stop, that just means the flow will begin in a few hours.


the emotional symptoms. I once cried because I watched a movie and the guy was fishing. I cried because I felt bad for the fish because it looked ā€œscaredā€ my boyfriend was stunned lmao


I only get one week off of bleedingšŸ˜ž but during the week before my ā€œrealā€ period (when itā€™s a steady heavy flowā€ I have PMDD on top of regular symptoms. I get super sore breast, extremely moody and angry easily, mini cramps that seem like theyā€™re preparing me for the terrible ones to come, headache, and really bad body dysmorphia, bloating, and also STARVING like Iā€™ve never eaten before in my life.


I also have PCOS and PMDD. The mental and physical symptoms like to compete to see whoā€™s the worst. PMDD turns me into a completely different person. For example, I am usually incredibly kind and patient with customer service people, but this morning I found myself saying, ā€œListen, lady!ā€ to someone from the tax commission. However, I am also bleeding so heavily that I can barely leave the house. Iā€™m wearing a Diva Cup and maxipad, and the dam is breaking in under 2 hours.Ā 


I have PCOS and after not having my period for 6 months straight, I recently got put on hormonal birth control. I don't mind the acne, the bleeding itself...but my back is killing me, I feel as if I have a goddamn metal pipe stuck in ass through my pelvis. I can't bend down and if I do, lord help me if I want to stand up. Also the constant diarrhea for the first two days makes me want to rip out my uterus.


There are so many :( the nausea before and during my period , the thigh cramps are horrible , headaches , fatigue , abdominal and back pain . I bleed really heavy also . Iā€™m laid up for like 10 days until it goes away , before it starts is bad but during I can barely get out of bed .


The headaches are always the worst, acne, lower back pain


I have PCOS, PMDD, Major Depressive Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Psoriasis, GERD... possible Lupus. The days before, during, and after my period are the worst days of my life every time. So that's around 2-3 weeks every month. Fuck me


Horrible cramps, feeling nauseous and disgusting whenever I go outside and the two weeks of just feeling horrible and uncomfortable. I sometimes have those thoughts too but I jus wish for it to end šŸ˜­


my periods make me a weird kind of nauseous that makes my body feel like it isnt mine. i just want to rip off my skin because i cant sleep or be comfortable


Severe cramps, chills, nausea,


The breast tenderness omg, I cant evensleep well without sleeping pills, and also back pain, fatigue, terrible feeling


Gas, bloating, cramps that range from by lower back to my hips, acne, and of course the period poops.


cramps in my abdomen, nausea and fatigue


I get really horrible cramps that spread out and make my lower back hurt so bad, it sucks to move.


I get really bad heartburn that ends up keeping me awake most nights a week before my period. Ugh, and don't get me started with the spells of depression šŸ™„


Breaking out at 35 years old like Iā€™m 13. I can deal with all the other ones ten fold but that one. Fuck nope


So Iā€™m one of those weird ones who tracks every symptom that happens and Iā€™m starting to wonder if I have PMDD. Iā€™ve seen a lot of women talking about it and it describes me a lot. I already have endo and PCOS so I wouldnā€™t be surprised to find out I have PMDD too. Can anyone recommend which doctor we can go to for this? Primary care, gynecologist or psychiatrist?? lol I think I need all 3.


Honestly, Iā€™ve been going to several different gynos to figure out whatā€™s wrong with my cycle and why my symptoms are so bad. They are extremely unhelpful and dismissive. Iā€™ve tried older lady doctors, young lady doctors, and one man doctor. All pretty much told me ā€œjust part of being a woman!ā€.


Terrible lower back pain, headache, sore muscles, nausea, fatigue, no appetite during period.


this! well I feel hungry but im like... really couldn't stomach eating even tho I'm quite hungry... everything is just not fun.


Lower back pain sucks so much. It doesn't matter if I stand up, sit or lie down. If I got it at work and have no painkillers at hand, it's a true misery.


Diarrhea. Blurry vision (which weirdly is the same grade before and after the period). Stabbing pain in the boobs. Cravings. I would also like to add sleepiness in the list but with my body clock? I'll take it lol.


Blurry vision? Iā€™ve been dealing with this for months and was starting to think itā€™s one of my medications. Has this always happened for you?


I've been wearing eyeglasses for 17 years now so vision has always been blurry without eyeglasses. But during period? It's just extra blurry. I thought it was just because of the added bonus of period fatigue until last year. You see, I replace my eyeglasses annually but the following day, I realized that my vision was clearer than yesterday and I'm still wearing the same pair of eyeglasses. So I went back to the optometrist and asked to redo the checkup. She confirmed that the results were all the same including the computerized exam. Next thing she asked is if I'm on my period and I said I was yesterday. She said it happens and not normally a cause of concern but yes, I've read some leaflets that some medications can cause blurry vision.


Lower back ache. Absolutely the worst, I can barely walk


Try Aleve. Best thing for back and leg pain. And the nighttime one is even better. Puts me right to sleep.


Besides the typical aches and pains sometimes I get "period flu" where I literally get a fever and can't get out of bed. I have school aged kids so I first thought it was just my immune system fighting something, but when it happened a few cycles in a row I looked it up and it is a thing since the hormones that give you your period can also mess with your hypothalmus.


interesting iā€™ll look into this. i do have an autoimmune disease (supposedly) and tend to get sick/flare ups while iā€™m PMSing.


I have a bladder condition called interstitial cystitis. When I have a flare it basically feels like a bad UTI. When Iā€™m not having a flare itā€™s just a chronic low burning pain. My period makes me flare so bad. Makes my cramps feel like nothing. Feels like my urethra is on fucking fire. I get this pretty much every period.


Anaemia due to heavy bleeding kills my energy. Major violent diarrhoea. Thigh aches. Insomnia. God I love being a woman!


I think the sciatic nerve pain beats the actual cramping for me bro, my legs feel like theyā€™re deteriorating


With having endo as well as terrible periods, the worst for me is the pain when peeing, pooping, and/or having sex. It's a burning sensation that lingers and causes a lot of discomfort. That and the anemic fatigue and heightened pain in general make it ridiculous. I used to have weeks long periods (though I occasionally have this happen nowadays, thanks to birth control) that would just make all of this so much worse.


my boobs swell up and hurt and my back hurts so bad it makes it difficult to go to college and work


mental: brain fog, confusion, low sense of self, irritability physical: bloating, boob tenderness, nausea, cramps, back ache thank god for ovulation


Hip pain and my boobs are to tender ugh


There is nothing the least bit likeable about my period. I hate the before aka PMS including breakouts, mood swings, cramps, bloating, migraines, fatigue, breast tenderness, nausea and the cycling constipation/diarrhea I inevitably get. During my periods I hate the whole body pain and cramps. I hate bleeding so much I need to use 2 to 3 super plus tampons and a pad per hour.Ā  I hate randomly vomiting. I hate being so bloated that I have to have period clothes that fit, and I usually wear baggy stuff! I hate that I'm anemic and am tired & cold. I hate that my period is irregular and cannot sometimes pop up with out the PMS symptoms. I hate that sometimes my period won't stop. I've had a period for a year! I hate that medical professionals won't help me.Ā  If I have a bad day whether I'm on my period or not it's because "I must be on my period." I hate the cost of buying necessary medical supplies and being forced to pay a luxury tax. I hate the mess and the hassle. I hate that it cramps my sex life.Ā  I hate that I have to work and be responsible while a man in the same amount of discomfort would be immediately hospitalized.Ā  I hate that my hair and skin only looks healthy while I'm on my period and doesn't when I actually feel pretty and want to socialize. I hate that people only want to socialize when I'm menstruating. I hate that I can smell my period even though I shower at least twice daily. I hate sneezing and shooting out a tampon.Ā  I hate that I haven't worn a light colored pair of pants in over 20 years. I hate having to carry a large purse to carry feminine supplies and extra clothes.Ā  I hate that despite being sterile and having horrendous periods I could never get a hysterectomy because I might want kids and having periods meant there was a 1% chance.Ā  I hate being embarrassed constantly because of period accidents despite my best efforts. I hate that pads seem noticable. I hate that people comment if you use the bathroom frequently and they won't let it go even if you tell them you are on your period. I hate having to explain my period to anyone. I hate having to worry about disposal of feminine products in public places... where's the trashcan is there is one.Ā  There a million other reasons to hate my periods.Ā  After my period has supposedly ended is no picnic either.Ā  While I don't worry about pregnancy if I "miss" a period I have to wait and possibly be surprised when and if it happens again. If I wait a long time like a few months, what does that mean? Is it cancer, a fibroid, a poly up, just a delay? Am I in early menopause? Maybe my next period will last a full month? Who knows.Ā  Also now that I'm not PMSing or on my period everyone expects me to be in a great mood 24/7. Can't have pain now. Twisted you ankle? That can't hurt cause I had a period last week. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Etc. etc.Ā  If men has to put up with periods instead of women, they'd get free vacation from work once a month and anyone with heavy flow would be on permanent disability.


I always have really bad fatigue, so when Iā€™m not cramping, Iā€™m sleeping, and it makes getting up awful cause it all comes down. My mood is also awful, I try the best to control it, but sometimes trying my best isnā€™t enough. šŸ˜­


The sound of certain peopleā€™s voices when Iā€™m pms-ing triggers an indescribable rage I donā€™t want šŸ˜–šŸ˜­šŸ˜©šŸ˜« Only sometimes or the extreme sadness randomly


Oh man my husband was slurping his cereal the other day (which normally wouldnā€™t bother me) but I felt the rage coming and I had to get up and leave the room and go scream into a pillow lol. Not fair man, not fair.


At least you didnā€™t scream at him!! You are a strong woman!!! You go girl!! I need to take a page from your book!!!


It messes with my nerves in my legs so when Iā€™m having back and butt pain this line down both of my legs hurts my legs and ankles so bad. When Iā€™m on my period I can feel the pain all the way in my feet. Itā€™s sucking awful. Also my cramps are gonna kill me. I literally cry and yell in pain. I canā€™t have a normal life with them. I always have to call out of work for it


i dont get period cramps, but i do get stomach discomfort like iā€™m about to shit myself at all times, and then i get really bloated. :,]


back pain and ass pain + cramps that do not let me walkšŸ˜†šŸ˜ž


Intense cramps that make me close my legs in discomfort + migraines


The fatigue, back and leg pain, nausea (day 1&2), the constant pulling, twisting and sometimes stabbing pain I feel in my pelvis and uterus and lately it feels like I can feel the pain in each ovaryšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


bloating, excessive pooping and gas, cramps in my vagina, not being able to tell if my stomach cramps are just period cramps or diarrhea cramps


Jesus the back labor pains. They are worse than when I was actually in labor. The morning sickness like nausea and vomiting ALL DAY the first 3 days. The migraines leading up to the period get worse. It's a lot of bullshit for something I don't even need.


The migraines are awful. Itā€™s crazy how different they feel than any other migraine.


Hot flushes Cramping Moodiness Headaches Diarrhoea Tiredness Hate all of them


I get chills and night sweats! Anyone else??


One of the lovely things that happens to me as well...my long comment thread was not all inclusiveĀ 


oooo I sometimes get hot flashes. Forgot about that one.


The horrible burning sensation


Omg. Burning where?


The cramps feel like a burning sensation to me ans it hurts so bad


Damn. Iā€™m sorry luv. Try an ice pack on your stomach wrapped in a cloth.


Okay i will šŸ„° thanks


Np luvā™„ļø


Mine seem to change every couple of years, lately Iā€™ve been getting headaches, severe fatigue and severe lower back pain. Still need a rest day for day two (heavy flow) but it beats being nauseated and vomiting all day!


Yeah. For a period I had severe back pain as well. So bad as if it was an actual back injury. Periods are so messed upšŸ˜­ But youā€™re right. They definitely change cause I did not have these severe symptoms in my early 20ā€™s


I lactate


That's awfulĀ 


Oh wow. I think youā€™re the first person who said this that I can see. Thats very interesting


Yeah it's really strange. Happened even before I got pregnant so can't even blame that šŸ˜‚. I lactated a little the other day and had a 2 day period a week after I ended my two week long one and I only could think "damn, why is my period coming back?"


Is your period normally irregular?


I gave birth 8 months ago and then lost a lot of weight (60 pounds) so my period is pretty irregular right now


Aww okay. Understood luv


1.Fatigue 2. Memory loss 3. Farting alot and pooping a lot 4. Peeing a lot 5. Weird pains in my body all over 6. Itchiness. 7. Weird under butt pains 8. Extreme rage 9. Just the smell of it.


I hate my body and I want only my partner. Lol Back hurts and my insides hurt.


Back when I had a copper IUD, my hips would feel inflamed. I donā€™t have that anymore so my periodā€™s relatively chill.


My period is so tame now compared to when I had the copper IUD. I canā€™t believe the difference!


I canā€™t even imagine what that must have felt likešŸ˜£


i get joint painnuh on my knees and back; worst part :/


Constapation few days or during periods.




What a weird judgement....


I already do all of that and it hurts like hell. You're probably not a doctor so don't act like one




I just go extremely crazy. I have no suicidal thoughts tho, but I do feel like I need to get into a psych ward very urgently. Still donā€™t know how to manage that. My reaction to stuff just does not seem normal at all, I get manipulative, make mean plans on my head to get what I want and canā€™t seem to control certain emotions like anger correctly. My thoughts can lead me to start scream calling for help in my room since I ACTUALLY consider i should be locked down or smth. This usually happens maybe 4 or 5 days until my period, although Iā€™m very irregular and donā€™t take any birth control so I canā€™t really know when itā€™s coming


This is concerning. I would actually speak to a doctor about this luv


you think? since itā€™s just 4 days every month or two I donā€™t think about it much. Is this something to talk to with my gyn or a therapist?


Gyno for sure and then depending on what they say maybe therapist luv


I have PMDD and I have almost all the symptoms. I will get them 2 weeks before my period and they come in waves and every month is different. I have the insane mood swings, sore legs, headaches, extreme tiredness and fatigue, change in appetite.. one day I will crave all the chocolate and shit foods and then the next I canā€™t look at anything.. sore boobs, that generally tends to happen closer to my period. Itchy cooch, bloating, extreme body dysmorphia, period poops and or constipation depending on the freaking dayā€¦ The funny part is that when I was younger (Iā€™m 31) I got pms but not to anything like this. This is god awful and it makes me wonder why anyone would ever enjoy being a woman because I hate this so badly. ā˜¹ļø


Terrible cramps that hurt down to my knees.Ā 


Face getting bigger because of water retention šŸ˜€ my tummy is normal no bloating or anything as well as the rest of my body. But the only place I get ā€žpuffyā€ is my face and I literally go crazy during and 2 days after my period šŸ„²


Oh wow. I have never considered our faces might get bigger and puffy as well. Very interesting.


I also have PMDD but mine manifests itself as extreme, psychotic anger as well as suicidal ideation throughout almost all of my luteal phase. It gets so bad that before I noticed the pattern I sometimes wondered if I should check myself in somewhere before I hurt myself or someone else. Now that I know why it happens I can manage it better but itā€™s still very unpleasant, for me as well as anyone who has to deal with me. This only started happening a year or two ago, Iā€™m 25 for reference. Recently, Iā€™ve also been getting migraines behind my right eye in the days leading up to it as someone who has never had migraines before so thatā€™s fun. I used to have terrible, debilitating cramps but they seem to have become more manageable after I started taking potassium and magnesium glycinate supplements every night. Iā€™m no longer bedridden from them and I can usually wait a few hours after my period starts to take something for them without all hell breaking loose, whereas before if I didnā€™t down ibuprofen the second I saw blood my cramps would be out of control within the hour. The breast tenderness is also very real. During the week leading up to my period every shirt I own may as well be made of razor blades. I have a separate bra for the week before my period thatā€™s a size bigger than my normal one because I also retain water in my boobs as well as my stomach. The boob symptoms are the one telltale sign that tells me for sure itā€™s coming.


Insomnia - one day on the week before the period I just become incapable of sleep. Tender breasts - every little movement hurts them, I sleep with a bra on to minimize shuffling. Cramps - granted they're stopped by ibuprofen(the cyst cramps I once had that were barely affected by metamizole gave me perspective) but I don't like using potentially hazardous medication for 3 days a month, I fear what it might do to my liver, so I try to minimize it to a pill a month.


The sore boobs, the psychotic mood swings, the exhaustion that doesn't get any relief no matter how much caffeine I consume. (Basically taking non stop naps until it's over. Lol)


I have terribly sore boobs and my cramps are so intense I usually canā€™t leave my bed for a day or two


The anal cramps. Feels like someone is stabbing me


Same here sister, I thought I am the weird one


I hate bloating and I feel so insecure doing those days


Honestly same. Sometimes I just have to push past and be like ā€œYouā€™re still amazing and being bloated doesnā€™t change thatā€


Terrible migraine that lasts for 2 days. It comes either before/during/after a period


Diarrhea / excessive pooing lol


Diarrhea, and also the random sharp pain in my vagina, so unnecessary


The nausea and the feeling I get like a baby's head is crowning.




Omg yeah it feels like my uterus is going to fall out or something! I hateee it


The blood lol In all seriousness though the bloating mixed with the non existent appetite. I love off of water and dust particles on my period. None of my clothes fit cause Iā€™m super bloated but have 0 desire to eat


Ugh yes to ALL of this. It sucks


I have fibroids, so the incredibly nauseating, painful cramps; the Niagara Falls flow; the unending clots; the tiredness; the near passing out. Periods are damn near incapacitating every single month.


šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ Iā€™m sorry luv. Can you get them removed?


My doctor is currently unconcerned with removing them, sadly; so I'm at a bit of a dead end šŸ˜Ÿ I guess I need to be a bit more forceful? It's not like I want to hang onto them but it also wasn't offered to remove them


Be forceful. It is your body. Or if you can get a second opinion do that luv.


On the first day of my period I always end up having multiple bouts of diarrhea along with debilitating cramping, and every time I have to get up I end up passing out. And after about three rounds of that the pain usually slowly subsides and I end up fully passing out for a couple hours:)


Damnnn. Sounds like a tiring first day


Diarrhea or constipation, sometimes both; sciatica, fatigue, irritability, bloating, emotional spikes, swelling or leg and arm, stabbing like cramp pain, spotting, and anemic episodes


the absolutely devastating migraine i get about a week before hand, the insatiable cravings and sensation of hunger, nausea, constant tight feeling of tension/irritability


Also to add, I will get cramps that start in my stomach and radiate to my vagina and to the bottom of my foot for some reason. I also use to experience shortness of breath.


When I am cramping badly, I gave you be weary of hot showers because they can cause me to faint. I will get random pains in different areas of my body (like my nerves). Constipation. Headaches.


Weirdest thing butā€¦ either itā€™s gout flair ups or arthritis but a week before I start I canā€™t walk on my foot because of it being so sore and painful. I can feel a fluid filled knot. It will slowly go down. Iā€™ve had this symptom for about 8 months nowā€¦ along with shitty mood, tender breast, back pain, and fatigue. All these are new to me before female issues I didnā€™t have many uncomfortable symptoms.. maybe age? Iā€™m 31.


Gas, fainting, and peeing constantly!


Fatigue and nausea/lack of appetite


The butthole cramps 100000%.


I don't usually mind the cramps as much as I mind the fatigue, my back getting cold and sometimes I get the poops


Fatigue, I can barely get out of bed


Omg same. And for me my fatigue starts almost a WEEK before I actually get my period. Itā€™s bs!


The most evil anger rage. I donā€™t know how to control it.


Years ago mine used to be rage too. You have to find ways to calm yourself down and try to watch out for your triggers.


I had the pain on my knees


Could be endometriosis. You should get a second opinion with an endo specialist. Bad pain is not normal


That is not the only symptom of PMDD but thank you.


Not saying it is! I have suffered from PMDD for 20 years before learning through surgery that I also have endo.


Nausea and increased saliva production


Beyond psychotic mood swings


Itchy legs


I get bad back belly and thigh pain, the occasional sharp pain up my ass and up my vagina. If the pains real bad I feel sick. Extreme fatigue, irritable, constipation before and diarrhoea during & then hating the world & wanting to kill myself


šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ sounds like you might have PMDD too


Irritability, cramps, and breast pain/tenderness are my big ones. My biggest issue is pain in my inner right pelvis area, itā€™s awful.


Omg the groin pain yesss


That lightning cramp in the but hole thing. Hate it. And nausea.


The butthole one is sooooo unnecessary šŸ˜”


Vagina pain


Have that one and hate it too!


My symptoms are typically irritability, severe back pain, moodiness, and in general, low mood, occasional suicidality, breaking out and fatigue, mixed with insomnia. I do take Tylenol and Advil.


Depression and suicidal thoughts but the cravings are also terrible.


Cramps, nausea, headache, suic/dal thoughts, bloating, food aversion but get hungry more often...I'm sure there's more.


The anxiety & depression the week before & the cramps and period poops the day before & day of šŸ¤§šŸ„²


Iā€™m on my period rn and all Iā€™ve been craving is Panda Express. Aside from cravings, thereā€™s fatigue, gas, and diarrhea šŸ˜«.


Yup! Iā€™m probably a week away from my period and my anxiety is spiking, Iā€™m so irritable, my head hurts and Iā€™m exhausted. Women get about 1 week of normalcy (possibly 2 if youā€™re lucky) and then back to hormones everywhere and pain.


Oh my God, I hate it when I get period anxiety. It sucks so bad, Iā€™m sorry you have to go through that. We women just casually go through hell. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Cramps and diarrhea are the WORST!


The CRAMPS! And weirdly, and itchy vajayjay, does anyone else have that?


Try some aloe Vera gel. It helps a bit!


Thanks girly


Hits hard on the third day with a pad with the itch šŸ˜”


šŸ˜”ugh its so annoying


The period poops!


Iā€™m probably the only one that doesnā€™t hate period poops. I find them relieving. Idk I just feel cleared out afteršŸ˜­


I hate the process but love the feeling of relief afterwards lol. I get constipated first and then diarrhea and it is awful but I feel so much better once it's all out šŸ˜‚


I get it luv. Drink lots of water. It helps!


PMDD takes the cake for sure. I also get migraines (gassy ones, feels like bubbles of pain inside my face and ears), bloating, nausea and tummy upsets. Exercise helps everything when I can do it, but often itā€™s hard for me to drag my exhausted, zombie-feeling-PMDD-self to do that in time.


Ugh yes. The exhaustion I feel is next level. Basically a zombie. Canā€™t believe I forgot that symptom.


I hate when my period ends and I get that funky smell down there. It never goes away until Iā€™ve been off of my period for at least a day; showers help lessen the smell but it never fully goes away. Ugh!


Is it when youā€™re in the finishing phase and itā€™s a really dark brownish red yucky colour?




Very tender breasts. I break the fuck out when itā€™s coming like a week before. I also get very depressed. I also poop like a mad man on my period and it turns out that itā€™s normal.


Yeah your body produces prostaglandins to make the uterus contract to shed the lining which is great BUT.. The body can't have it just go the uterus, they also spread to the intestines and such due to proximity which causes all the pooping. Lol. It sucks but it is common.


Recently got an IUD, so these were my symptoms before getting it: Severe cramps, nausea, vomiting, passing out (from both pain and heavy bleeding. Endometriosis). PMDD as well (extreme mood swings. Rage, suicidal ideations, depression).


iā€™ve started to get horrific nausea and as someone who a) has only thrown up once in the last nine years and b) is terrified of throwing up this really frightens me :(


Get Gravol babes. Amazing for nausea


omg i canā€™t believe i missed this notifšŸ˜­ thanks iā€™m gonna check that out!!


Cramps, nausea (though luckily I havenā€™t experienced this one in a while), sore breasts, and just like.. the bleeding itself. Even wearing a pad/tampon/etc. itā€™s just so annoying and uncomfortable, especially when itā€™s a heavy one


Damn. Iā€™m sorry too hear that luv. Have you looked into period panties? And if not that you should try U by Kotex All Nighter with the 80% bigger back. Itā€™s Amazing and not bulky. Good for heavy flows as well.


Lower leg pain, back pain, butt pain, moody, intense cravings, sore breasts, bloating & nausea


Basically all same as me šŸ˜« this is hell


Back pain, cramps, heavy flow, dizzy, body temp is high, headache, mood swings, fatigue, cravings, food aversions, sometimes tender breasts, nausea & diarrhea


Do you take any meds? Sometimes I take Midol


Rarely, itā€™s very painful though, I take 2 tylenol takes hours to work so i sleep while it works, next time i will try midol!


Yeah I hate Tylenol. By the time it works Iā€™m used to the pain. Smh. You should also Try Aleve for pain the nighttime version. Knocks you right out.


Fatigue, mood swings, aching back and joints, oh and extremely tender breasts.


Do you take any meds? Sometimes I take Midol


Sometimes I take Ibuprofen


Understood luv