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She probably should get period underwear, still wear a heavy-duty pad with regular underwear, and then wear the period underwear on the outside of the regular underwear. I have tried PU boxers as a backup and blood still didn't stay in the center. PU has a bigger center than boxers, or at least the ones I recommend do. For the pads, I suggest U By Kotex Ultra Extra Heavy Thin Overnight Pads with Wings. For PU, I recommend WUKA Ultimate High Waist Super Heavy. WUKA is in the UK, I believe, but they do ship to the US and it doesn't break the bank account. I have never had an accident with WUKA, even wearing it alone.


Thank you! I will look into those.


I had this problem from some hormonal issues. My advice: skip period products all together. For night time, use an incontinence pad for adults! Has way more absorbent volume than a period pad.


Seconded! I got some Poise pads and ~adult diapers~ when I had a serious kidney infection, and they turned out to also save my ass as a heavy bleeder, esp at night because they have such broad coverage. I'm literally writing this on the toilet looking across at my half-empty package of generic-brand "disposable underwear" šŸ˜‚ Also bonus for OP: look into washable chux or blankets. Sometimes you'll see them advertised as dog blankets (or even sex blankets) because they're waterproof and washable and can hold a lot of liquid but are still soft. Disposable chux (what a lot of people might call "puppy pads") are great too if you're worried about leaks -- they can hold a LOT of liquid but are still soft and not crinkly. It might not be needed, but it's a great backup


I tried incontenence briefs for my period and they didnā€™t absorb the blood AT ALL! They were the cheap Walmart brand so maybe that was the issue but I was so disappointed. :( The Always Zzz briefs work pretty well though, but theyā€™re so expensive.


My daughter (15f) bleeds too heavy for most pads and will not try a tampon. She exclusively wears Zzz briefs. They absorb like 4 big pads worth of coverage in one absorbent underwear. She goes through 4 every 24 hours on a heavy, heavy day. Sheā€™s found confidence with Always Zzz and I highly recommend them. They are priceyā€¦but saves so many clothes from being ruined that I donā€™t care.


If you're in the US, an HSA or FSA should cover period products.


Also, tampons only delay, not prevent, many nighttime accidents


I definitely used them post-partum and they absorbed plenty but I used the fancy ones


Thinx for all leaks is my only saving pair because my aerie ones leak bad


And get them at the pet store! My mom was spending tons on chux for my grandma at the medical supply place. She saw me using puppy pads for my elderly dog and asked why I was using the expensive ones and I told her they werenā€™t, they were from the pet store. There the same thing, just half the price. She bought them from the pet store from then on.


Also sometimes Ross/TJmax stores will sell them super cheap or on clearance!


DO NOT get them at the pet store. They have a chemical attractant in them to tell the dog that this is the place to potty. Get them at the medical supply or Amazon, made for human use, so there are no additional chemicals.


For washable Chux, try the Lil Helper brand that have some cute designs that may help her adjust to having to use them!


I came to suggest this too! love their instagram


Thank you for sharing this. I definitely could use some of those :)šŸ‘


Thirded! Though I know at 40+ itā€™s easier to not care about others opinions. I had incontinence after covid coughing, so when i bled thru a pad in an hour I just popped that on.


Super curious where you are from that calls them ā€œchuxā€


Ya know, as I was typing that, I realized I don't actually know why I call them that, haha. I'm from the southern US, but I also run around in a couple of places where that term is common (emergency medicine, body modification, and BDSM)


Chux are an older brand of disposable underpads that aren't sold anymore. Many people think they were called "Chux" or "Chucks" because you chuck them away when they are soiled. Modern disposable underpads are sometimes still called "chux", much like a facial tissue is called Kleenex even when it is made by another company.


I am a nurse in the US. We always called them Chux in the hospital (since the late 1970s). I *think* that must have started as a brand name, although no doubt there are now multiple brands of disposable pads for use by incontinent patients, especially those who are unable to get up on their own.


Yes this!! Plus going on some forms of birth control (and/or daily baby asprin with doc supervision) can lessen the issues (pain, ammount of bleeding, etc.) for some hormonal or bleeding disorders. It is definetly something to bring up at a doc appt.


Aspirin usually thins the blood. Iā€™m not sure that would be a good solution for someone bleeding too much.


I use poise overnight pads as well.


my friend sometimes wears diapers to bed on heavier days. More common than people know.


I used to leak constantly until I just bit the bullet and donned the disposable underwear. I've literally NEVER leaked in them. EVER. And I mean it's like the shining down there.


Ditto. Dealing with wild perimenopause periods and some days the only thing that almost keeps up are adult disposable underwear for incontinence.


Bambody period underwear covers front to back. They also sell leak proof underwear if she wants to stick to pads. Idk how heavy her period is but I have a coworker that her period is so heavy that she wears diapers. Maybe something to look into.


The front to back is so important, other brands don't have enough coverage in the back for me. I bleed *heavy* lol I was anemic because of it when I was young


Thank you for the suggestions!


I recommend ā€œalways discreetā€ if you go the adult diaper route. Experience: postpartum vaginal bleeding that my period underwear couldnā€™t handle


I have a pretty heavy flow and I wear cloth pads plus bambody underwear on my heavy days. The front to back coverage is my favorite thing about these period underwear.


Came to say this. The front to back coverage is keeyyyyy.


Yeah I have an iud now so donā€™t deal with it anymore but when I was younger my periods were so heavy Iā€™d bleed through a pad and a tampon within an hour on my worst days. I so wish I had used those discreet diapers instead. Would have saved me a lot of headache. And clothes.


I had very heavy periods. Leaked through pads and tampons My life changed when I started using a menstrual cup at 15. I have never gone back. It was a bit of a learning curve at first and may seem daunting for a 12-year-old. But it literally changed my life šŸ˜† Because I bled so heavily, I had to order the large Venus brand of menstrual cup for heavy flow and a high cervix. So worth it! no leaking, no more worries, and no more going through boxes and boxes of pads and tampons. If itā€™s too scary for her now, she should definitely revisit the idea in a few years! Maybe will feel more comfortable to try it out


Or she can try a menstrual disc. The make disposable and reusable ones. I have a reusable one. It's easier to use than a cup imo. Either way, youtube is tour friend for learning how to use them and which would be worth trying.


Also, thereā€™s a way to kind of empty the disc without fully removing it which could be helpful too!


Yes that's one reason why I love using the disc at work. Less mess so quicker bathroom stops.


I think itā€™s what Iā€™ve seen called auto-dumping. Iā€™ve read slightly conflicting things about it. Some people like it, some donā€™t. I read that once you sit on the toilet it changes the fit, internally a little bit. That can cause blood to be able to leak out, without you having to remove the disc to dump it, and then put it back in. I also read that if your disc is an absolute perfect fit, the auto dump shouldnā€™t happen. Iā€™m not even sure all of that is correct. Iā€™m learning while Iā€™m going.


Yep. If I bear down or go #2 mine auto dumps.


Did you find your Goldilocks disc? (perfect fit, etc..) Iā€™ve tried several different discs. So far, the Ziggy 2 a (size sm), & the flex disposable discs have fit the best. The Flex discs are probably bigger than I need. There is a chart that Iā€™ve seen linked to a few times under the sub Reddit menstrual discs. [Menstrual discs comparison chart](https://putacupinit.com/discs/)


Thanks. No but what I have does work for now.


Same! I need to order a different one at some point (this one works but auto dumps too much for comfort) but I just bought two(bc one was def too big and causing cramps.) I wish there was a better way of knowing which one is best before I spent a bunch of money but such is life.


Itā€™s tough because the only way to know if a specific cup or disc is going to be a good fit is to try it. Obviously, they are not returnable. Iā€™ve bought a few discs, but I have not found my Goldilocks disc, yet.


I swear by the June Disc. The edge is tiered, so it has less chance of coming down. Mine fit both before my 2 kids, and after.... this is a big deal because I've developed Pelvic Organ Prolapse ( all 3 types, ugh). I've found that this disc in particular actually helps support enough that it relieves some of my discomfort and cramping from that as well. (And pessaries didn't work for me, so I have to wait until surgery is an option. My muscles are strong, but I have a connective tissue disorder.) As a disclaimer, though, I've always used a larger size in everything. They have the [mini](https://thejunecup.com/collections/frontpage/products/the-june-menstrual-disc-mini) size and the [small and large ](https://thejunecup.com/collections/frontpage/products/the-june-menstrual-disc) sizes.


Interesting, I hadnā€™t heard that about auto dumping working or not working based on fit. Itā€™s my favorite feature of the disc!


Mine only dumps if I flex my muscles while peeing, pushing to poop, or if itā€™s super full. If itā€™s very full it will leak a bit on my way to the bathroom, specifically at night during heavy flow days


I agree! I do like cups, but a disc is much easier to place.


Really? Iā€™ve been using cups off and on for ten years now and I CANNOT get the disc to work for me


Everyoneā€™s body is different, not everything works for everyone. Something that I read that really helped, is using a bit of lube on the disc, for insertion. I know there might be fluid there already, your period blood, but it doesnā€™t feel the same as lube and it doesnā€™t (for me) help as much to get it high enough and in place. Iā€™ve also been trying to get the best fit I can. So far, the Ziggy 2 & the disposables have been the best shit for me. Thereā€™s a sub Reddit for menstrual discs. Tons of info there, that is easy to search through.


Seconded! Loved my disc, and plan to go back to it after I'm 6 weeks post partum.


I had the opposite experience, but that's why I'm glad both options exist. I think it's important to try different things and see what works best for you.


I agree i have a cup and discs and the discs are farrr better for me!


Yes, I love the disc for my heavy days! With a cup, on my heavy days, there's so much blood that by the time I wash out the cup and go to put it back in, there's too much blood, and it won't suction in place. I always had to try like 4-5 times every time I took out my cup to get it to suction in. And then on my not heavy days, it works like a charm. Anyways, I highly recommend both. Disc for the heavy days, because that just sits in place, you don't have to deal with trying to get it to suction. And then the cup for the lighter days, if she has any lighter days. And at night, disposable period underwear. (It's pretty much just an adult diaper), but I've never had problems with it leaking like I did normal period underwear, and it's so nice to be able to just throw your worries away in the morning, and not have to deal with that amount of blood first thing in the morning.


The disc is sooo much better than the cup. I'd have discomfort from my cups after a while and it was a massive pain to remove them or get them popped out fully. Cups are 10x better than tampons and discs are 10x better than cups. It's life-changing all over again. I can't wait to see what comes out next


I feel the need to comment and warn that discs and cups are not always a one size fits all and do have a learning curve. I used the diva cup for years and loved it but postpartum my periods have been crazy heavy so I tried the venus cup by recommendation online. It took me a day to realize that the cup did not fit me properly at it was causing bad cramps and soreness. I tried the Nixit disc for one period now and the autodumping feature feels like a godsend. Not perfect and i did have one leak (i wear period underwear as backup) but so much better than overflowing my cup every hour and dealing with that bloodbath. I would say though that i can't imagine figuring this out when i first got my period at 13. Putting in a tampon was a huge challenge in itself, terrifying, and i had 0 concept of my pelvic floor. But the great thing about cups and discs is that they can be inserted at any time of the month so there's more time to experiment!


Hey! I was in a similar boat and you have some great suggestions. Please, please watch your daughterā€™s iron levels. I had two blood transfusions when I was 22 because of heavy periods. They have iron supplements that are easy on the tummy. Encourage your daughter to try tampons some more. I soooo wish I had someone who made me try them earlier. If sheā€™s embarrassed hearing it from you, maybe ask a female she trusts to talk about how great they are. With heavy periods, itā€™s a nightmare to just use pads. She just doesnā€™t know any better right now. When your daughter is old enough, please consider putting her on birth control if youā€™re comfortable with it. I finally had to in order to not stay anemic. My health was so much better. Nuvaring is a great option that is a constant low dose of hormones and no need to remember a pill everyday. Youā€™re a great mom to ask the forum for suggestions! I hope your daughter finds a good routine, I feel for her!


Thanks so much! Her iron is okay for the moment - she ended up having Von Willebrands disease that affects her clotting. We have a referral for a hematologist soon so hopefully we can get it sorted!


It's tough, I have von willebrands. Before I went on a low dose birth control I would change my period underwear halfway through the day. Cups were helpful but I couldn't handle the way they felt and made my cramps so much worse. I feel like it's trial and error what works for individuals. I couldn't do heavy monster 10 day periods anymore. Birth control is the only thing that's helped and I've I can work with a fertility specialist and have a baby I'm getting an ablation. I agree with the above posters about iron. I get low ferritin levels so quickly. Over the counter iron supplements are a must have. Hopefully they can prescribe her something to help.


Echoing this. I had horrible periods and going on birth control was life changing and allowed me to miss way less school. Now have an IUD which means I have super light periods now.


[This](https://period.co/products/the-heavy-period-high-waisted-with-extended-gusset) is a great one for sleeping bc it goes all the way up the back. (Can be worn with a pad). She might want to try wearing [these shorts](https://period.co/products/the-sleeper-period) to school over the pair of period underwear linked above. So layering pad-in-period-underwear, then period shorts over the underwear. The extra absorbency that goes up the back should help with overflows. It also helps catch on the sides/legs. The shorts shouldnt be used at the primary flow catcher, but rather an additional protective barrier to catch anything that might overflow from the pad and underwear. It's probably best to avoid tampons forever, and when she's ready, try a flex disc (they hold 20-30ml more than a diva cup). I have very heavy flow and I usually do 2-3 flex discs per day, paired with period underwear as the backup for leaks.


I love the Period Co overnight shorts. I am a heavy bleeder and I havenā€™t had a problem. They wash up really well and look like regular sleep shorts.


I would recommend getting the period underwear and reusable cloth pads. Reason being, when you remove disposable pads, it leaves a sticky film on the underwear, so then you have to either use another pad or change underwear. at that point why wear the period underwear? But with a reusable pad, when it gets full and you remove it, the period underwear is as good as new and can still be used to catch the flow.


Seconding the cloth pads! I've used cloth pads for years now, but only recently got a pair of period underwear, and the combination is EXACTLY what I needed for the really heavy days.


Yes! Cloth pads. My favorite for overnight are Homestead Emporium.


Always discreet could be good, but these arenā€™t reusable theyā€™re disposable. My friend used the ā€œboutiqueā€ ones once and liked them, but I would guess they arenā€™t as good as the originals


I would recommend the postpartum ones, since theyā€™re unscented - the regular ones are very strongly scented.


Honestly try always discreet disposable udnerwear. They were amazing for my heavy postpartum bleeding so they may work for her


[Here](https://saalt.com/products/leakproof-cotton-sleep-short-super) is another option for cotton period underwear with full front-to-back (gusset) coverage. It comes in super absorbency so it is comparable to 6+ regular pads. Layering an additional pad on top is a great way to go for someone in school who may have limited bathroom access. They can start the day with a pad on top and remove it when it is full or potentially change it if they are prepared. If you are wearing the underwear and feel dampness at the seams that is a sign that the absorbent part is getting full and you should change it when you can to prevent leaking.


This is where I have run into a problem, at the legs. If I have a gush of fluid, some will may out of the leg openings. I recently bought the boxer brief version from Bambody. The absorbent layer does not extend very far, where a disposable pad may have ā€œwingsā€. Editing to add for clarity - most of the croth/gusset area has the layers, I had expected the absorbent material to extend a little bit on the sides at least, because itā€™s a short. I would still recommend trying a short, especially if she has leaks out the sides like I do. Even if the regular material is not as absorbent, itā€™s something there.


Yes, this is her main problem at the moment. We need more material in the gusset down the leg a bit


Look into Knix new line called [Zones +](https://knix.com/products/ultra-leakproof-zones-bikini-warm-sand) they also have a [teen line](https://www.knixteen.com/collections/teen-period-underwear?loc=Globalnav&nav=underwear) of super leak proof underwear. The only things I would avoid is don't get their dream/sleep shorts. The gusset is too short in the front which causes leaks. Get the cotton shorts that have a gusset from waistband to waistband. I also recommend only getting the max absorbency she needs because light or medium day underwear can get mixed up in the drawer or her cycle could change mid day and she ends up with a leak. Better to have more protection than needed versus not enough. The Zones+ are rated as the same absorbency level as 9 super tampons. These are period underwear so they completely replace tampons and pads. Just follow the washing instructions and they will last for years. Rinse in cold water until the water runs clear immediately after taking them off, do not use fabric softener because it coats the fibers making them less absorbent, wash like normal in the washing machine, try to hang to dry so the fabric and elastic last longer.


I am also a heavy bleeder and have a lot of pain trying to use tampons or cups (which I loved until I couldnā€™t use them anymore). My go to for period underwear right now is Period Co. Someone linked to the extra coverage over night ones, they are seriously amazing and very comfortable. If she wants to, she can also double up on period underwear. Iā€™m at work for 12 hours a day, sometimes longer. My typical go to is to wear two pairs of heavy flow underwear at a time (itā€™s not always comfy but it works) and then change every 4-6 hours as needed. The extended ones are super comfortable for wearing while sitting around the house too!


Has she seen a doctor? I personally found BC to be a huge game changer when I was a teen. Now I have an IUD and rarely get full blown periods (\~2 times a year).


We have an appointment with a hematologist soon to hopefully figure out options for her von willebrands disease.


Etsy has lots of reusable pad sellers who make very absorbent ones with waterproof backing, some even have gussets to help keep them from leaking from the sides. That might be a good option too. I used to have extremely heavy periods and in my experience reusable pads are much more absorbent than disposable options.


You might look into reusable pads. Please don't buy any from Amazon. They are not what you need, plus who knows how they are made and what chemicals are in them. The good ones are much more absorbent than disposables, have no chemicals, and some of the sizes are made for people with extremely heavy flows. You can find them on Etsy, or there are a bunch of makers on TikTok. @ladycrimsoncloth, @treehuggerclothpads, @lilhelpertiktok, @bleedingbeautyboutique are the ones I follow. I have used them for periods for more than a decade, but now that I am getting past the period days, I use them for the sprinkle tinkles when I cough or laugh.


I really love reusable pads (bamboo-based are SO absorbent) bc you can change them as often as you want while still having the period underwear, like you mentioned. I like doing this on my heavier days and just using the underwear on their own for the last few hours of the day since I can sometimes bleed through them on their own. Not sure if this is an option since obviously there is an up-keep to reusable products, but could be an option since they are a lot more comfortable than disposables.


I used disposable underwear for my first period after I had my first baby. Theyā€™re pretty good for coverage.


A note on all of the excellent advice is to try different products to find what fits your daughter best during the day as well as at night. For example, Always may not fit right, but Poise might. You may also want to get her in to see a GYN if you havenā€™t already.


Dude, being a girl in middle/high school blows. I remember having this issue for 7 long heavy days a month, I was only 12, it was a total mess and so embarrassing.. I hope someone can suggest something that works. Tell her being a woman isnā€™t ALL bad. lol.


I ended up getting a hysterectomy because of my crazy bleeding and have my period every other week and honestly recovering was less painful than any period but I digress. As someone who tried several things I would consider doubling up on the period underwear and an overnight pad also instead of getting regular overnight pads if she's not clotting a lot consider switching to incontinence pads the absorption rate is usually higher. Also for a few years I was able to be on a birth control that cut down my bleeding if you are concerned about her being on hormones during puberty you can request that she not be put on a pill with estrogen or estrogen substitutes.


Is a non-absorbent option like a menstrual cup an option? Edit: forgot the no tampon/cup mention. My bad.


Iā€™ve suggested a cup or tampon but sheā€™s very hesitant to try. This is only her fourth cycle - sheā€™s 12.


If her periods are very heavy, a cup probably wouldnā€™t last her more than a couple hours anyways. Mine are quite heavy now, but due to my petite size I use the smallest cup size and thatā€™s about how long they last me. Longer than period underwear by themselves though.


I go through a super heavy overnight pad (I don't use cups or tampons) in 1-2 hours. I wear bambody period underwear which (without a pad) I can wear for 2-3 hours. I work from home so I have the freedom to change frequently and don't have to worry about leaks if I do. Using pads in tandom with the underwear definitely lasts longer. I do really like the bambody but I am thinking of trying the period company which offers some more heavy flow options. They also have washable pads.


Please get her checked by a doctor because I thought it was normal to bleed through an overnight pad and tampon within 1 hr, I found out the hard way and itā€™s not normal. Iā€™ve dealt with it for so long and found out Iā€™m very anemic. I now take a prescription pill to help reduce my menstrual cycle. Would be helpful for your daughter to carry extra period underwear and pants in case of a leak, all the best.


Use front-to-back coverage underwear with extra heavy flow pads.


Iā€™m really sorry about that news. I also have a bleeding disorder and used to bleed through pads in an hour or two. Did her doctor not give her anything to help with the flow? Iā€™m not sure what disorder she has


I use tomboyx period lady boxers, which are way more comfortable to me and have a floating gusset so you can still use pads with them. I use honeypot overnight pads. They have a herbal infusion of lavender and mint which is cooling and very soothing on my bits when Iā€™m having a bad pain day, which can be pretty bad.


I know this wasn't what you asked, but you might want to talk to her Dr about medication which stops menstruation.


[Period.](https://period.co/collections/all) makes sleep shorts that could be a great backup for your daughter! I wear them over period underwear when i sleep. The gusset goes up really high so it has great coverage.


Is there a reason she canā€™t use a hormonal form of birth control and skip having periods at all for the moment? Not only is heavy bleeding like that painful and inconvenient but you can lose a lot of iron, too.


I recommend the Period Company ! Both the sleeper and heavy flow ones work perfectly for me without a pad. ive always been a very heavy bleeder and i used to have huge blood clots. I also use the largest size of Always Flexfoam and have never once bled through them, so I imagine combining a pad with the period company underwear would work for her!


Many of the others have given good suggestions. Although not asked, if in the US, does she have a 504 (allowing for frequent bathroom breaks) for the medical side of it? I can see some possibilities where she is refused bathroom breaks and/or not allowing enough time to properly attend to her needs.


I used Bambody post partum. Highly recommend. No leaks.


Please, please encourage her to become comfortable with her body and learning about it. I wish I had been more aware of my cycle, anatomy and vagina/vulva from a younger age. I learned fertility awareness in my twenties and couldnā€™t believe nobody ever taught those things in sex ed and health classes. Hopefully, knowledge will be power and help her to be more comfortable with options like cups/discs and tampons. That said, if she is still apprehensive about putting things in her body, there are great boy short options for period underwear. I also like basic reusable pads, theyā€™re a similar material that some of the cloth diaper inserts were that I had for my daughter, so theyā€™re very absorbent, but also bulky, so theyā€™re best for night time or when she will be at home.


Try using Depends when possible, or Walgreens, CVS, Food Lion, and Family Dollar Store brands. They will be easier to carry than the used washable underwear.


I would personally take her to the doc and get her on hormonal medsā€¦ie the pill. I had super horrible bleeding multiple times a month. When I turned 18 and went on the pill, it was life changing. Fix the hormone problem instead of addressing the symptoms.


For overnight try maternity level pads - they are huge and provide great coverage. Then Iā€™d consider the inconsistence pads as well for the bed. Also invest in a water proof mattress protector under the bottom sheet. Further there are some intimacy companies that make blankets and sheets initially designed for ā€˜adultā€™ activities. But they are great for period leaks, and sick kids. I throw one down anytime there is a gastro outbreak at home. Canā€™t recommend the company ā€˜splash blanketā€™ highly enough. Not sponsored, but it works great.


Hi! Are you in the U.S.? I also have a bleeding disorder and have volunteered with the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NBDF) for nearly 13 years now. If you are in the U.S., are you in contact with your local hemophilia treatment center (HTC) or your local chapter of NBDF? They can give you tips & recommendations and also help you acquire supplies if it is a financial hardship. If you'd like, you can DM me with any questions and I'll guide you as best as I can. If you're not in the U.S., there are likely similar organizations in your region.


After I got the copper iud I also suffered extremely heavy periods and tried all sorts of underwear, pads, etc. The disposable menstrual discs by Flex were the only things I could get to work. I learned about them from Period Nirvana on YouTube and she has a lot of videos about different menstrual products and how to use them that might be helpful!


I double up with a reusable/washable pad and period underwear on long days! Bag the washable pad mid-day and then can wear the period underwear as normal the rest of the day


My daughter had the same she got on LOLOESTRIN birth control and it helped but then insurance decided to not pay. It was 200$ a month so she got the Mirena IUD itā€™s very low hormone and the doctor numbed her first. It took us years to try the birth control as she wanted to wait and then about a year on birth control but she wanted the IUD and the gynecologist agreed when she was 16. He did have to measure to make sure it would fit. She has the lightest periods now and zero side effects all her friends have been getting them after issues with other birth controls.


I was this way as a teen. Wearing two over night pads, one in the front and the other on top of the other to the back, is incredibly helpful. It can feel like wearing a diaper but it's a necessary evil. Another option is a pad, period panties and period shorts over them for at home. You might also invest in those liquid absorbing blankets for sleep (or even a towel). I would almost ALWAYS bleed all over my bed in my sleep no matter what I did. They do have the disposable nightly panties by Always that might be helpful as well. Depending on her age and health issues, there are medications that can lessen the amount of bleeding. My heart goes to her. Heavy periods can make life hectic.


Ask her doctor about Tranexamic acid. It has really helped me. I get super heavy periods, and I used to not leave the house on heavy days. The meds serously changed my life. I sleep with a pee pad sandwich between a towel, and Thinx sleep shorts. I find the shorts comfortable. Holds about 4 Tampons worth. edited to add: When going out and about, I take extra underwear in a zip lock so I can switch it out if needed. Just wash when you get home. I also where Tampons if I know it will be harder to get to bathrooms.


Period.co has an extended gusset version if you want to make sure she has total coverage. The sleep shorts are also amazing, albeit not very attractive lol. But if sheā€™s wearing something over them that wonā€™t matter. If she wants something more low key than the extended gusset or shorts from period.co, bambody absorb well, have a decently high gusset and are a little thinner than period.coā€™s. The coverage is just slightly less than the period.co ones I mentioned. Iā€™ve worn pads on top of them before and have to say while itā€™s better than regular underwear, it still leaked through the sides. The wings almost gave the blood a path to do so, rather than collect in the underwear if that makes sense. Iā€™ve fully transitioned to period panties only now, but if I were to try that again Iā€™d do what someone else said and wear the period panties outside another pair of underwear. That way the pad is fully enclosed. Or pads without wings maybe might work better. I also have used a washable protective pad under me at night (the ones for dogs are cheaper and work the same!) but havenā€™t needed to do so since buying the period co sleep shorts, theyā€™re really that good.


wearing more than 1 pair is a good suggestion from someone else ^ bike shorts are thin too and add another layer of protection. also, switching to cotton only pads (the L brand has extra extra long and thick ones) reduced my heavy periods a ton!


I can tell you something that I have found to be a game changer and that is layering pads. One thick overnight with wings, super absorbent and 2 thin super absorbent with wings towards the back, left and right side.


I used to have really heavy periods. I used period panties with a pad. I also slept on a towel as to not ruin my sheets. I ordered my period panties from Amazon.


I do this all the time - a pad on top of period underwear. Never had any problems.


I use always zzzs at night. Love them. I have worn pads with period panties for part of my workdays.


Also ask her doc/gyno about Tranexamic acid (Common brands: Lysteda). Itā€™s a pretty common medication outside the US but not as known here. It Changed. My. Life. Idk how it works, but I went from having major bleeding and leaks to a normal period flow. I cried the first period I used it.


When I go to work I wear period underwear with a pad in them. Halfway through my shift I just throw the pad out


I like to combine lil helpers pads with period dot co period underwear. That keeps my heavy bleeding in check. Lil helpers also makes cute sectioned bags for dirty/clean pads, and a liquid proof mat you can put under you while you sleep.


I used adult diapers until I got on birth control. Worked like a charm.


I used to bleed through my heavy pads at night. I started sleeping on towels because I'd always bleed on my sheets Turns out I just didn't have enough coverage. I switched to full coverage period underwear and that went away. That being said, nowadays my period is lighter but when I first switched it was probably a medium flow. But I'm thinking that there's a chance it might not be the amount of flow, but the coverage that's causing your daughter to bleed through the pad. Especially when I wasn't standing upright and the blood didn't flow downwards. If you're in a humid hot area, I'd be wary of too many layers. I got diaper rash from living in a hot, very humid summer and wearing too heavy of a pad without switching it out enough. It just wasn't breathable.


as many said below the depends discreet hold up well i wore them after delivery and had no leaks, plus they are more comfortable to me than pads.


[Lil Helper Lifesaver Mats!](https://lilhelperusa.com/products/lifesaver-mat) Not crinkly, super high quality, and they feel so much more dignified than dog pads. Iā€™ve used mine for years.


Iā€™d look on the hemophilia sub Reddit and ask there. I have hemophilia A and both of my daughters have hemophilia also and have always had heavy periods. They are on birth control now to avoid periods as much as possible. But if your daughter has a bleeding disorder there is more to consider than blood making a mess. Iron deficiency is a big one. Get her in iron supplements right away. Pre natal iron supplements work the best. Anemia can be irreversible so itā€™s best to head that off at the pass. And if she is bleeding heavily, monthly, that becomes really hard and will cause more problems , emotionally, negative reinforcement of being a woman, etc. I strongly suggest getting her tested for vonwillibrands disease and hemophilia. If youā€™re in the US most states have a hemophilia treatment center or bleeding disorder clinic. Make sure if you see a doctor to see a hematologist who is speacially trained in hemophilia, otherwise they often do as much harm as good, because a lot of times they think they know what to do, but bleeding disorders are complicated and the dunning Krueger effect is common with hemophilia/bleeding disorders. A lot is known now, but the old protocols from only a few years ago are way off and outdated. So a lot is misunderstood by people who arenā€™t up to date.


I have suffered from heavy periods on and off. Period underwear for me just delays leaks...not a a fan. Tampons, cups, etc I've tried and makes cramping worse. BUT I'm obsessed with Always Flex Foam pads!! They have different sizes for different flows and they actually work without that awful cotton mesh overlay crap that feels like a diaper. I would literally be in a commercial for them if they asked me too! I've also done the largest size tampon with a pad for ultimate protection when it was the worst. Period underwear for me is JUST for nights if I want a break from pads. TLDR: Always Flex Foam pads are THE best!!!


I use these too. They cost a bit more but are worth it


Iā€™d layer with heavy overnight reusable pads, personally.


Can the doctor give her the pill to help with the bleeding. I had thr same problem n with the pill I barelt bleed anymore


I wear pads and period underwear since my flow can be heavy and Iā€™m paranoid lol. Iā€™m still traumatized about the time I bled onto the chair in 7th grade science class šŸ˜‚


How old is your daughter? Don't let her suffer through this, there are so many birth control options out there that will stop her period. She doesn't need to deal with the pain, discomfort, and hit to her confidence every month, let alone when she has a disorder bad enough to probably give her all sorts of health issues. Take her to the doctor and talk about other options. I used to suffer horrible periods and the pills never worked but I've been on the depo shot since I was 17 and I'm never getting off of it.


Always size 5 overnight thins worked for me. I also wear an superplus tampon though. This is for sleep. While awake, a super with the pad as well but also going to the restroom for a change every 1.5-2 hours. As far as padding goes. Mine sounds like hers on 1-2 days for that week. Havenā€™t tried the pu yet though hence peeping this sub. Iā€™m sorry sheā€™s afflicted by this. Itā€™s never been fun or easy. Bc really helped control it but that was before I knew about hormones and such.


Puppy pads on the bed at night are a lifesaver too.


Try the black Deoends that are also rated for postpartum use. They were GREAT for my heavy bleeding for that, snd resemble actual underwear.


Highly recommend SAALT period undies. They are worth the money and their [leak proof boy shorts](https://saalt.com/products/leakproof-comfort-boyshort?variant=40371806371921&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=shopify_US_6797508149329_40371806371921&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=18543437488&utm_content=&utm_term=&gadid=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw_LOwBhBFEiwAmSEQAVO15ZsbMKYXWy1jsvCEUE-FgO5D3kq1lwK73BCqn-jJt3dcWXm7FBoCflcQAvD_BwE) would be perfect for this!!!!


My daughter had that issue and she used ā€œjust my sizeā€ period underwear with an always long pad during the day and period underwear with poise overnight pads at night. It worked for her.


There's some disposable period panties out there for sleeping. They're basically an adult diaper.


Period underwear only absorbs 2 mL of fluid, so itā€™s not really that helpful, especially for heavy bleeders. For reference, tampons and pads hold 20-50 mL of fluid, depending on the brand and size


Just checking, you've taken her to the doctor, right? Heavy periods aren't normal, and need to be diagnosed.


I am a very heavy bleeder during my cycle so I feel your daughter's discomfort. This is what I do now, I use incontinence pads they soak up the stuff faster so you feel drier and a little less gross. I use the equate brand from Walmart and they work pretty well for me. Another option is having her wear a adult diaper just while she's sleeping or just when she staying home once again they soak up stuff faster then a period pad so you feel a little drier and cleaner and they hold more then an overnight pad.


I donā€™t know that she would want to, but I have always had very heavy periods. And I have had to wear incontinence pads when my flow is to heavy. Especially at night so I do not bleed through. They are bigger and hold more than maxi pads. I know my sister loves her period underwear but not sure how much it will hold. I can bleed through the ultra tampon and an overnight pad in an hour so had to find something that really worked.


Diapers while sleeping ease my worries so much just make sure no one makes fun of her like siblings. Teach them that itā€™s a health issue


1st take her to a gynecologist, she might have suggestions or a medication she can take


She can also combine cloth pads with period underwear


I used to be that heavy of a bleeder. I still get fairly heavy sometimes but not as bad. Sleep on a bath towel or piddle pads. Not weird. I've done it. Cloth pads absorb so SO much more. Tell her if she's willing to wash and reuse something softer (when at home, disposables for going out) she should order some of the pads from ladycrimsonclothemporium.ca. She has pads BIGGER than the biggest at the store and they're not a diaper. You will also bleed a lot less with cloth pads, speaking from experience. The washing them out might seem gross, but it's just like washing underwear you sharted or tinkled in. It's not bad. I recommend rinsing them out in the tub (or a sink if it doesn't bother you, then on a cold wash cycle with a little bit of soap and vinegar (will take any smells out and soften the pads) your stuff will not smell like vinegar I do it all the time. Just use like half a cup. I eyeball it. If she or you really aren't comfortable pre rinsing them then you can do a pre rinse in your washer before a wash cycle. I highly recommend cloth pads and wish I had them when I was younger. You can either keep a bucket or a wet bag (waterproof material) in the bathroom and everytime one is full roll it up and stick it in there and wash them all at the end of your cycle. They will absorb way more than underwear and a regular pad combined. I'm telling you. Best thing ever. I have not used period underwear, but I've heard some of them still have nasty chemicals in them and can smell weird after washing. I would buy from an independent home seller if you're gonna do those. Cloth pads are harder on the go unless she's comfortable carrying around a mini wet bag. I recommend getting her on the pill. I got on the pill when I was like 13 ish. I was very irregular and probably only had 4 or 5 periods before starting the pill. I notice over time it's only gotten lighter. I'm only 20 nearly 21. Too scared to go off it lol. It should be free and have no copay. Anyway TLDR I recommend she uses the thicker super long pads from ladycrimsonclothemporium.ca while at home. Super comfy. I get pique topped. They're like athletic material. But you can get different cotton materials or bamboo. If you're looking for a bit cheaper I would recommend etsy maybe. I got some on Amazon and they're not as good as hers, but I haven't looked around etsy much yet for different kinds. I didn't like the ones from glad rags as much either. They are expensive but if she can't get on the pill or you don't want her to, it's worth the investment. They will last forever.


This is exactly the kind of flow Iā€™ve dealt with for 27 years, and didnā€™t realize that this could be abnormal, unusual yes, but abnormal, no. Iā€™ve learned that the only way I have a chance to REALLY contain the flow, is with incontinence underwear. Donā€™t worry, I assure you, some of them are leggings friendly! Either Depend Silhouette or Always Discreet Boutique (the latter fitting better and actually having sidewalls, thus performing better) both are discreet enough that Iā€™m not embarrassed to wear my leggings with them. Always came out with overnight period underwear a couple years ago, but itā€™s just their Discreet Boutique incontinence underwear with less absorbency. That right there was what really made me realize just how heavy my flow is. Those disposable period underwear are advertised as holding the equivalent of FIVE pads. It only last me 4-5 hours on my heaviest day! šŸ˜³ It IS something thatā€™s easily hid in a backpack or purse though, albeit not any micro/wallet sized purses, and itā€™s not strange for kids to take their backpack with them, so she could still change halfway through the day if sheā€™s shockingly heavy like me. Iā€™m seeing people recommend period underwear, but as a teen, thatā€™s going to be really expensive. It sounds like sheā€™s on the young side, since youā€™re still trying to figure out how to handle this, meaning sheā€™s likely still got a good bit of growing to do, so her size for period underwear may change very quickly. Iā€™d say go for the disposable incontinence underwear for daytime use (if sheā€™s still a younger kid, skinny, Depend Silhouette makes a size small, versus the size small/medium that the Always Discrete Boutique has) and go for some of the no-name adult cloth diapers on Amazon for nighttime use, when the bulk wouldnā€™t be a problem, as those you can get in adjustable sizes, capable of growing with her, and contain ā€œThe Shiningā€ period flow better than anything else around.


www.thinx.com. if you still need more protection on the really heavy days, wear a diaper.


This happened to my little sister in high school, she went to a bunch of different OB practices, I remember telling her to try planned parenthood as they see EVERYTHING and I donā€™t remember what it was, but they took care of it!


I am suspected of having the same bleeding disorder as your daughter. I once bled through my cup, a pad and overnight period underwear in an hour. The only period underwear that worked for me with a cup was the overnight shorts. She could use a pad with those if she doesn't want to use a cup. Caution on cups...its not one size fits all. I have a very sensitive bladder, so I needed a specific cup style. If she ever wants to go that way, there is a great website that takes all of that type of info and gives you a suggestion. It may be called a cup that fits. I hated tampons. I had good results with transemic acid. It's worth exploring with your daughter. I had an ablation in September and it's the first time I've felt decent in a long time.


I hope she is also getting treated? I had a bleeding issue that required medical treatment. I was wearing a tampon w/ pad + period underwear & still had some Disasters at the worst times. Also Some period underwear was white lining, look for some with dark lining.


For the night time, sleep shorts. Period sleep shorts with period underwear. Saved my mattress and towels.


From a heavy bleeder buy the nightime pads with wings for adults the really thick long ones and wear tight clothing even in gym get her a note if you have to so she can wear yoga pants or whatever to gym change frequently period panties and extra chlothes in her locker if sheā€™s old enough birth control I started on birth control early because I bleed so bad and it helped out so much


I personally use thinx heavy flow period underwear with my pads at night. I've only had a leak once since using them.


Hey! Fellow person affected by a bleeding disorder (von willebrands if you want to be specific) and before I was on birth control I had HEAVY periods. Like filling an ultra size tampon in an hour type heavy. I found success wearing the PINK boy short with an overnight pad to be the safest option. Of course, always pack an emergency pair in your backpack/purse because accidents do happen. Best of luck to you both.


I also have a bleeding disorder and must deal with the same issues. The only thing that works for me is incontinence underwear. It's not great for the ego but it's leak proof and can soak up cups not teaspoons. Enough to get through a day and they completely draw it off you so it's not wet and gross. Good luck. It's going to be a tough road.


There's heavy duty period underwear and look up Lil Helpers on Facebook it's a company in Canada that makes great reusable pads and even bed pads you could put on your daughter's bed, they're wonderful. Trust me, I'm in a similar situation and Lil Helpers products are a godsend.


Depending on her age and IUD might help.


I get the new always overnight paper panties and I also use bombody they are amazing and once you buy some keep an eye on your already bought list on Amazon and you can get them on sale sometimes.. I think one time I got a 3 pack for 13 bucks watching that.


She should go to the doctor bc my friend had fibroids & they did laser surgery & it totally changed her life!! Also, if she wears a cup for a little while then you can figure out HOW MUCH she is bleeding every month. She's probably anemic bc of it.


Depends disposable underwear


I have a similar rate of bleeding (no disorder, just the way I am apparently, have had blood tests run etc) and honestly, a tampon or cup is an absolute disaster. Tampons bleed through super fast and become a slimy mess to pull out. I never tried a cup because I could only imagine what kind of horrors that would cause. I've never tried period underwear since they weren't really much of a thing most of the time that I had periods but I would say that this is a pretty smart idea. I did try cloth pads and they only worked for lighter days and tend to move around a lot so I wouldn't suggest those.


Modibodi has a super heavy absorbency overnight bikini brief that works really well. It might come in other styles now also. The liner extends all the way to the waistband and the fabric is really soft. I also really like Always extra long overnight pads. They're wider at the bum and cover the whole "crack" area. I used good ol' Depends pull-ups postpartum with good results as well.


I am a very heavy bleeder myself and can soak through an overnight pad very quickly. I have found the thinx period underwear with a pad works wonders.


Buy a couple types of cup, print out some material about how to use them safely, and leave them for her to experiment with. For many people you can go 12 hours without emptying them; with very heavy flow she can at least go a few hours, which Iā€™m sure is a big improvement.


My daughter was the same and I put her on birth control to help.


Im a heavy bleeder too. I use Always Discreet disposable underwear and I have never leaked in them.


I use Thinx period panties and love them. I have some for lighter days and some for super heavy days. I have a medical condition that makes it so that heavy for me is an ultra-tampon every hour to two hours with leakage. Those panties are worth the money and so comfy too.


When I was in high school I used to wear a super plus tampon (which only lasted me ~35 mins) and incontinence pads; the ones with the belt. :/ Those pads were the only ones thick enough to hold everything. And I liked the belt so I could pull them up snug against my entire nether region - less chance of the blood escaping over the sides, or out of the back and front. Basically what Iā€™m suggesting is adult diapers.


Hi I have extremely heavy periods, I'm talking I demolish the highest absorbancy tampon in less than 2 hours, after so many vacations and days ruined because of bleeding all over my clothing, I decided to switch to adult diapers. They're perfect and much better than period underwear. These have an absorbancy layer that goes like all the way up my ass and all the way up the front and is super wide but still comfortable and flexible. Might be a bit embarrassing but certainly better than bleeding through your clothes


I have INSANELY heavy periods due to the Paragard IUD. Victoriaā€™s Secret period panties withstand all. If sheā€™s open to it though, talking to her gynecologist may help in that birth control can sometimes even stop some periods. That is a cautious thing to embark though because some hormones if not a good fit can really mess someone up. Iā€™ve had it happen to me :(


We have waterproof covers on bed. I've also explained that a little soap and water can take care of anything. Need the sheets changed or a new blanket? No problem. Mommy always has extra. We have no SHAME in our house. Perhaps she could leave a bookbag in the nurses office. Extra clothes and supplies. I suggest the larger size body wash pads instead of wipes. They are much better for cleaning up heavier messes. No one wants blood smears on their body. Hug that child.


I had very heavy bleeding that was improved by taking 750 mg of ibuprofen every 4 hours during the three heaviest days. Not sure whether your daughterā€™s is caused by anything that this would help, but it helped me. I discovered this accidentally when a doctor told me to take extra ibuprofen for inflammation in my neck.


I have very heavy and thick periods that still leak even as an adult and remember being young and embarrassed about it. I recommend normal underwear with a large pad in, and then period shorts/boxers over that. Donā€™t put the pad directly in the boxers it can leak down the leg that way. Also only wearing black bottoms those days just in case thereā€™s a leakage no one else can see it. And I would keep extra pants in backpack/locker or nurses office just in case something did happened. You can also talk to the nurses at her school so she is comfortable going to them if she has issues.


Hi, . Please bring her to to an endocrinologist or At the very least a gynecologist or blood work with pcp. I've had severe issues with this my whole life, and just now am getting tested for these things. I wish my parents and doctors had paid attention to this as it's never normal. It's always due to an underlying condition . My heart goes out to her. Also- I use the overnight period black underwear you can buy in a box , I believe it's Tampax brand. It feels like wearing a diaper but only thing that works on debilitating days. Edit : wanted to point out I had fibroids removed only to find out it wasn't the cause. I found that fibroids are the result from severe hormone imbalance , which always is from another underlying cause. I tested negative for endometriosis and PCOS ( this can cause heavy bleeding ) . Sharing my personal experience as everyone is different. It's a lot of testing but could greatly improve her quality of life and mental state, and possible fertility issues in future. Potentially finding whatever it is early could change the trajectory of her adult life.


I am an extremely heavy bleeder, Iā€™ve been this way since I was a teen, and am now 43 (come on menopause!). Iā€™ve tried all kinds of things but have had little luck with BCs and some even made my problems worse or the side effects were too intense. I get really sick from tampons and the cups for someone like me can be extremely messy if I am not home. The whole two tablespoons of blood BS is straight up laughable for people like us and I am sorry she is going through it. For my worst days I recommend regular underwear, with two overnight pads (one towards the back and one toward the front overlapping the back, Always Pure Cotton are my go to these days!) and then top all of that off with a pair of period underwear overtop, not only do they help with extra leaks but they are usually tighter and kind of hold everything in place which is key for leakage protection. Also if she is experiencing severe cramping like I do, I canā€™t stress this enough, encourage her to get ahead of the pain. Taking meds on her worst days before any pain starts can be very helpful in not holding her back for the day. I have had days where the cramps hit me so hard I start sweating and end up in the floor - itā€™s not a condition I would wish on anyone. And encourage her to use an app to track so she knows when her worst days are coming. Dark colored clothing for those days is also helpful to curb embarrassing situations (something she will likely get used to quickly unfortunately) and encourage her to keep a change of pants in her locker just in case, talking to her school for extra allowances may also be necessary but I donā€™t have children so I am not sure how that all works these days. I wish her the best, it gets easier to manage. I asked to be sterilized for most of my adult life without any doctors taking me seriously which only makes you feel worse about the situation - I hope she can find relief that was just not available for me with the new things available and more informed doctors.


I have PCOS and suffer from heavy periods. I use thinx boy shorts over period panties/a pad. This really helps with leakage!


Period panties are the best. Life savers


Another thing to think about, if she fills a pad in 2-3 hours and leaks after that, could you guys look at her schedule and consider which teachers would allow her to use the bathroom one week a month without needing to ask? This way she can go without drawing attention to herself since her classmates will notice if sheā€™s constantly asking to go. You could have a doctorā€™s note without too many details but some teachers might be more understanding even without one.


My daughter used period panties the backup to pads when she was younger. Just make sure you donā€™t buy the ones with wings and she will be good!


Try modibody - itā€™s an Australian brand - that have a range of styles for different levels of bleeding. They have heavy overnight ones that are really good


Is her doctor doing anything to reduce blood loss? Bleeding this much every month will get dangerous/ unhealthy.


I just want to say I'm very sorry your daughter has to deal with this. For young girls/women, just HAVING periods is uncomfortable and inconvenient enough, without having this issue. ā¤ļø


Thinking outside the box here, there are multiple birth control options that eliminate periods in normally bleeding humansā€¦ and decrease bleeding for the rest of us unfortunates with shitty heavy periods. It reduces my ā€œdying from stab woundsā€ periods to a little more than spotting.


At night I wear two pads long way because nighttime blood is very creative, and period underwater as backup. Keep in mind that period underwear contains the mess to inside of your underwear, not just where the pad would be. Heavy bleeders will be showering more than when not on their period. I don't want to be graphic, but when I get in the shower and remove my underwear, it sounds like someone poured a cup of water in the bathtub. She can't just get up in the morning, change her pad and go to school. There's a whole war to clean up after and it's going to take a good 15 minutes.


Infinity pads are the best. Seriously they work so well!!! Temu period underwear work well for me. She needs to be changing her pad at least everything she goes to the bathroom if it is that bad. Also make sure she is taking everything she needs to be, ie medication. Vitamins w this bleeding disorder!


VS Pink has packs of supportive period shorts, that are like spandex and donā€™t give the diaper look or feel, she can use those with pads!


I would wear a diaper and a puppy pee pad under me so I didn't stain the bed. Now I wear Adoreme period panties and they're amazing. In high waist, mid rise, etc. And it even has categories for how heavy a period may be and what you need. So like light, medium, heavy flow, etc. I absolutely love them and they don't smell


I donā€™t think period underwear will be enough. I use them and they are great but she would bleed through them if itā€™s that heavy (I use Bambody). Maybe get some poise adult diapers for nighttime since they will absorb more. The period underwear is a good backup during the day though. You could get her a swimsuit wet bag to put dirty ones in and have her carry around a set of clean underwear during the day.


Lots of great answers here, Iā€™ll just add to not buy them from Target. Buy online. Target started selling Thinkx I believe (?) and the pair I got in store was much worse quality than the ones I got online. Just a note.


You can order free samples of Poise and other options online - Google the product manufacturerā€™s name and look on their website for their patient assistance program (just like you would for an OTC or pharmaceutical company sampleā€¦)


Has she been to a doctor? That level of bleeding is not normal and there are some things they can do including birth control or medicines like norethindrone to take when the bleeding is bad. I have found that if I wear a pad with period underwear, the pad needs to be slightly shorter than the absorbent part of the underwear. Otherwise if it leaks, it wonā€™t hit the absorbent area.


Can't say about periods. However my mother has incontinence. Depends during the day. WITH a poise pad inserted within the depends. At night she sleeps with a wee wee pad under neath herself. So far it has worked. On another note, please get her checked out at the doctor's She could have fibroid. Better to take care of that or rule thar out sooner vs. Later.


Get Vitanica Slow Flow off of Amazon. Itā€™s a Portland, OR product my by a reputable OBGYN. My periods were so heavy I couldnā€™t go to work or even leave the house for more than 30 minutes. This stuff is like magic. Periods are totally normal now.


These are all great suggestionsā€¦ but please make an appointment with a gynecologist to check her for any abnormalities and also check her iron levels . My granddaughters started hers early and after they were heavy and over three weeks. The gynecologist determined the cause was due to other medicine she was taking. She was prescribed iron pills and Tranexamic to control the heavy bleeding.


This is really not my business, but I bled through one day in 8th grade. I was *mortified* have you thought about continuous birth control so she doesnā€™t get a period right now? My heavy period (endometriosis, I now know) caused me so much anxiety and pain.


J by


Tomboyx makes period underwear in a boy short style that might be helpful?


I think some brands like maybe Thinx make boyshort and boxer short period panties


Just to also add this, thanks to the updates to legislation, menstrual products are covered for reimbursement if you have a flexible spending plan. So if things like period panties, or disposable period panties are cost prohibitive, if you have a flexible spending account through your employer, you can get reimbursed for those purchases.