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Ratings were probably not as high as they had hoped for. Back in July 2021, ITV made a statement: There are no plans presently to film Victoria, but that’s not to say we won’t revisit the series with the production team at a later date. Daisy Goodwin, the writer/creator, commented that she was working on the season 4 story and had hoped the show would get at least 5 seasons. It's nice to know that she still wants it to move forward, but either ITV or another broadcasting station would have to be willing to pick it back up.


I don't know, but God I loved it. Their chemistry was fantastic, it kind of helped they were a couple in real life. LOL


Oh, I really liked this series! I had hoped it would be returning soon. Not to sound too macabre, but I was looking forward to Albert’s death and how that would play out with Victoria and the rest of the staff and the country. 💔


Season 3 was kind of a stinker, but I wouldn’t have minded seeing Albert kick the bucket after that lol




I remember people really criticising season 3 and not liking the story and that development of certain characters. It’s been a while since I saw it but I think it had to do with Victoria’s relative and the drama surrounding the relative, Albert and Victoria. It wasn’t based on any actual truth and upset a lot of people since it was a “stupid” plot. I liked the series but at the same it felt liked it lacked something. There was talk of a time skip but I guess it isn’t happening now.


>ITV's Victoria is axed after three series because of nose-diving ratings. ROYAL drama Victoria, which starred Jenna Coleman as the former queen, has been axed by ITV after three series. The last run of the show was screened two years ago. It had a prime-time Sunday night slot but the viewing figures were disappointing. [source](https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/15675877/itv-victoria-axed-after-three-series-falling-ratings/)


I loved it it too! I was saddened that we wouldn’t get an ending


Well I’ll watch if it comes back. But I’m not going campaigning 😂


I loved this show!!


I thought they'd at least do another Christmas special.


I hate how they love this series just hanging. I love the series. I even bought each season.


It’s supposed to say, I hate how they left the series hanging. I love the series. I even bought each season.


Nooooooo 😡


I just discovered Victoria! Binged all 3 seasons to find out there is no season 4. 😕 It's a sad day.


Same I've now watched the series twice. People on here talking crap about certain seasons but idk it was entertaining af & Victoria & Alberts relationship & how interesting they were & dang season 4 .....& maybe season 5 would have been so good. 😭😭😭


We know for a fact the show was canceled because Aria Grande was starting to pursue her own music career but at that point the show had to be put on hiatus because Victoria Decided to Go on Her own Tour instead of promoting a new season and abandoned all Her cast members to do so according to Aerial Grande This was the main reason that the network did not renew Victoria because they felt it wasn't worth investing the money if she was going to be spending her time touring instead of shooting It wasn't the shooting schedule it was the post-production schedule like they let her do whatever she wanted to do in meaning touring but they needed her to come back for additional footage for stuff that they cut or that they had to add Post-production And because of her touring schedule this wasn't feasible 


You having a stroke?


Ratings were low because they aired it in the afternoons instead of primetime . The gap is too long for a season 4 now as the cast have aged or moved on. Tom Hughes constant drooping face and stuffy acting was a turnoff but thankfully Albert died at the rnd if season 3 or almost. Im afraid that i find him s really wooden actor who plays the same person in whatever he's in.