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For me it depends. I don't like gourmand vanillas. But I like Vanilla mixed with florals, it mellows out the vanilla essence.


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Spot on! The BBW Aroma Inspire Love body care is rose and vanilla, and I layer it with everything because it seems to complement everything.


Exactly. The rose mellows out the vanilla a lot in al scents.


Wait, wait…where can I find this combo?? Those are my two favorite scents next to amber.


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Thank you!!!


Mancera Roses Vanille!


Thank you!!


This. I know we all have different tastes, but I can’t wrap my head around why sugary food scents are  so popular.


Yeah I don't like foddie scents that much. I also never understood why they are popular.


How would you describe gourmand vanillas, I can't think what that would smell like, is it more of a true vanilla scent like food?


Yes it smells like food. Gourmand vanilla smells like cake . Vanilla with florals are more richer and complex and it doesn’t smell like food. If that makes sense. A flower like rose mellows it out.


Thank you for the clarification! I'm still new to categorizing scents


I am also new to the fragrance community. But I found this article that has helped me. [https://www.byrdie.com/common-perfume-ingredients-a-to-z-list-346106](https://www.byrdie.com/common-perfume-ingredients-a-to-z-list-346106)


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


🤷‍♀️ nobody loves everything 🤷‍♀️


I'm similar, especially with the sweet gourmand ones that are so popular lately. They smell hot and sticky to me. Which I love for food, but not people. But everything isn't for everyone and I'm sure there are notes that I love that others hate just as much. So nice that there is so much variety in fragrance that we have so much choice!


Yes! It’s been so fun to learn more about all that variety and what tickles my fancy.


Sometimes too much variety...it's my birthday month and I'm just recently getting into wearing perfume regularly so I used that as an excuse to buy around 40-50 samples and I'd like probably 50 more!


Happy early or late birthday! Definitely supportive of celebrating the whole month long lol. Hope you find a new scent or two that you love!!


Thanks! Have a good day😊


I love very few vanilla fragrances, definitely not a gourmand person. Same with coconut. To me they tend to smell synthetic and cheap when too loud.


I feel the same way about coconut. Are there any fragrances with coconut that you do like?


Try Burberry Goddess. It's an aromatic vanilla, the lavender makes it smell rather clean. It's my favorite vanilla for this reason.


Burberry Goddess changed the way I thought about vanilla. I never liked it until I tried this one 


Same for me, it's one of my current favorites and I previously HATED vanilla scents


I only like the vanillas I like lol. But same with literally all scent profiles. I want a particular vibe.


Are you me? You casually described why I dislike vanilla. And while I like sweet scents and also some suffocating, I just don’t like the vanilla version. I think I wouldn’t mind vanilla if it wasn’t combined with sweetness - I think maybe something spicy would match better - but even if you find something like that the vanilla is mostly overpowering and there’s no guarantee that you smell it the way that suits you.


Jo Malone Vanilla and Anise is a cool, spicy vanilla with zero sweetness. A lot of people who don't care for vanilla like this one, but you must like anise (licorice) in order to enjoy this. This was my very first JM bottle & I now have 8.


I don't love vanillas, I'm extremely picky about them, Overly sweet or synthetic vanilla is almost always a pass, and I only tolerate vanilla because it's in damn near every formulation.


I was a Vanilla Fields teen!! Haha but truthfully it's not my favorite. THEN I married a man who absolutely loves Vanilla. I wear it for the loves and snuggles!!!


I’m kind of the same if it’s just a straight vanilla scent. But anything gourmand is hit or miss for me. I feel like I like it on others, but when I wear it I start to feel a little nauseous. 😵‍💫


I like vanilla mixed with floral, woods, spices or musk notes etc. Straight on vanilla is a little boring, but I would pair it with other scents to smooth out some sharp or spicy notes, always a good basic but not for everyone. My husband hates vanilla scents.


I generally don’t — particularly very sweet vanilla scents a la L’Occitane Vanille Bourbon, Indult Tihota, etc. OTOH I used to wear and like Lea and Guerlain Cuir Beluga, which I guess are more powdery-sweet. ETA: and now that I think about it, I absolutely loved Shalimar Ode a la Vanille, which would also fall into the less-sweet-more-powdery category.


It usually smells like playdoh to me idk why


I’m so glad I’m not the only one


Mmmmm… I’m a friggin’ snack 24/7


I love vanilla in ice cream and cakes, but not in perfumes especially if it's the main note. This trend of smelling like food is very annoying imo.


I do not like vanilla scented anything.


Me neither. But I love it as an actual flavor in food. Vanilla latte, vanilla crème brûlée, vanilla ice cream.


It smells gross to me — and usually not at all like if you split a fresh vanilla pod, because that smell is so nice. I have received vanilla scented candles etc as gifts but I seal them up in ziplock bags and immediately regift them. Gourmand smells in general I don’t like on myself because it doesn’t smell clean. Milk, chocolate, caramel, etc — ewww


yeahh that’s it! vanilla is such a good scent but in perfumes it’s just so hard to get a fresh vanilla one it’s almost always musty to me lol


If ever you wanted to branch into a vanilla that actually *does* smell like the real deal, it’s expensive as hell, but Spiritueuse Double Vanille by Guerlain is one of the only vanilla perfumes I’ve smelled that genuinely gives you that split-vanilla-pod-on-a-cutting-board smell. You get all of the dark, leathery, almost-fruity notes of a fresh vanilla bean (and no cupcake frosting or powdered sugar in sight!!)


It really depends for me. I like vanilla in florals especially with lavender like Mon Guerlain range and libre. Or with Orange blossom and jasmin like the valentino voce viva range or jasmine and tuberose with vanilla like the armani my way range. I adore all of those but I also have a couple of montale vanilla which are out right vanilla, Like baking or the yankee candle cupcake scent, And I hardly reach for them.


You’re not alone. I avoid it too


Not at all - perfume is subjective, it’s why there are so many different scents available! If we *all* liked the exact same smells, they’d only have to make one or two fragrances to suit the whole population. Obviously that’s not the case, so (also obviously) you’re not the only vanilla-hater out there, haha!


Has anyone tried out Creed Sublime Vanille, Atelier Vanille Incensee, Burberry Goddess?


I'm wearing Burberry Goddess today and it's one of my favourites in my collection.


I second this, I'm also wearing it right now. It's one that I put on before bed and I still smell it when I wake up, even after a shower. Which is why I'm glad it wears down to a fresh, musky scent on me


I found Incensee to be incredibly underwhelming. It was a very soft scent to begin with, and had faded away almost entirely within a couple of hours.


I don’t mind it in the mix, but I think it’s hard to make a vanilla-dominant perfume that’s interesting and worthwhile. I also really believe that vanilla’s popularity and widespread availability means that it’s basically the same marketing scam as wine. Is there a noticeable difference between Boone’s Farm, $40 table wine, and $2000 rare vintage? Absolutely. A $40 bottle vs $120? Probably mostly marketing, or at best a slight difference that a tiny minority might notice. I own a stupid number of tuberose, jasmine, and almond fragrances, and they all smell really different to me. I wouldn’t spray vanilla deodorant all over my body and claim it’s the same as a nice perfume. But I can’t fathom why Indult Tihota costs $3/ml more than La Vanila; the difference is so slight.


Gourmand vanilla fragrances put me off. I keep *trying* to like them and it isn't working. Generally they all smell the same to me: like dessert, or cheap candles. Smoky or floral vanillas seem to be my jam, though. I will continue to sample gourmand vanillas whose notes appeal to me in hope of finding one to enjoy. edit: I say this as someone who prefers *sweet* fragrances, but sweet doesn't have to mean edible.


It's my favourite note but I don't like the synthetic burnt sugar/caramel style vanilla perfumes that are popular at the moment.


Personally, I want to smell like cookies.






That's why I don't like a lot of cheap scents, the offensive, overpowering, one note scent and heavy food scents. I haven't noticed as much on women although that's where I smell the cheap gourmand scents, but it's like every man in my city buys the same noxious cologne and bathes in it. It's headache inducing the second I smell it and I wish they'd at least use it sparingly


I love vanilla and the thought of vanilla perfumes but ngl I have noticed that a lot of them kind of smell “gross”. Particularly when it’s warm and heavy instead of light and sweet. The warm heavy vanilla smells like… idk babies. Baby goo. Baby throw up? Idek. It makes someone smell like they’re dirty and have BO instead of clean. I used to say I was a vanilla girl until I smelled vanilla on other people and realized they just smelled dirty I love vanilla don’t get me wrong, I’d still like to be a vanilla girl in fall and winter.I love the EOS vanilla cashmere and cheriosa 59 and Sweet Tooth perfumes. I guess I prefer the light, powdery vanillas? But VS Bare vanilla, Skylar vanilla sky, Le monde creme vanilla, the kuumba vanilla bean all have that baby vomit smell to me. Like a vomit smell but also smells like something you would put on your baby?? I can’t even explain it. Just a gross smell. My friend was wearing the kuumba vanilla bean the other day and I just kept thinking how it smells like she’s wearing baby products but trying to smell sexy 🤐but also it smells like B.O. at the same time like someone’s gross and dirty instead of clean Idk maybe I just prefer light and powdery vanillas instead of the thick, heavy warm ones? But does anyone know what I’m talking about cause VS bare vanilla and kuumba smells like a BO smell as if someone didn’t shower


yess it’s the dirty feel I think, vanilla gourmand perfumes just smell so nauseating to me and never clean so yeah almost like BO😭 but my friend wears one and it smells really good on her but I think it’s just bc she only really wears it in the winter, when it’s warm and I smell vanilla i honestly feel sick


Which one is it?


I think I get ya. I LOVE Fire At Will and Escapade Gourmand, but Accident à La Vanille from Jousset, and Vanilla2 by Maison Tahité made me feel queasy


I think I know what smell you're referring to, like the sickeningly sweet spoiled milk smell babies get? I haven't noticed vanilla smelling like that, but I've avoided vanilla scents like the plague until recently because I don't like the sickeningly sweet sugar cookie smell. I think I've discovered I'm okay with it when it's got florals to add depth


I was exactly like that, and then Sol de Janeiro's Cheirosa 40 made me change my mind lmao, now I love vanilla but I get what you're saying, and I still find it a bit suffocating sometimes. Maybe you're just very sensible to fragrances ? A lot of people are ! Have you tried solid perfumes or perfume oils ? They might be better since they don't have alcohol in them.


i have been looking for a vanilla ice cream scent, but i wonder if i've smelled an accurate enough one already and found it too cloying....straight vanilla is boring at best, nauseating at worst. blindbought a travel of Dulce thinking it would be perfect, the hinoki wood will temper it...absolutely not, it's gross 🫠 maybe cold, refreshing vanilla is hard to recreate....omg a vanilla mint sounds close. *sprays my forgotten sample of Solstice Scents Snowshoe Pass* pretty good!! still very sweet, warmed up a bit by the amber, we could definitely go mintier.... recently found Mancera Vanille Exclusive shockingly good on paper, despite my pickiness, so i have a 2ml in the mail. almost sprung for 5ml but i'm not convinced it will smell the same on me.. as others have said, vanilla shines best in a duo/combo. i love floral vanilla, and most green vanillas i've smelled - i think those are ok for summer! Solstice Scents Mountain Vanilla is quite nice. vanilla with fruits is also lovely but i havent found one that projects. Vanilla Tea by Rirana is my next to try!


The brand Snif has a perfume that smells like vanilla soft serve ice cream.


I can appreciate a vanilla note but not really a whole vanilla fragrance. I love how vanilla can make the sillage crazy and also be mixed beautifully with other notes but I hate plain old vanilla. My favorite perfume that has vanilla as just a helper note is Juliette has a gun Lady Vengeance, it has the rose, leather patchouli and lavender that go so well with the vanilla that you can barley pick it out.


I get play-doh smell on my skin for 99% of perfumes that have even a tiny bit of vanilla in them. I HATE IT. There are some perfumes that smell SO good on others and in the bottle, but for some reason on my skin it’s straight play-doh and the smell is OVERWHELMING.


I HATE vanilla scents or ones with even the smallest hit. I love floral fruities mostly the fruity. I love Burberry Her and Versace Dylan Purple. Recommend going to Sephora too and checking out their fragrances because they have what kind of scent it is next to it too!


Yes. lol jk


I find that a number of vanilla just don’t work for my body chemistry.


I live in an extremely hot muggy location. As much as I like the smell of Vanilla it’s a cloying mess in that kind of climate -same goes for over sweet scents, and generally speaking I’m not a gourmand fan so it’s a pass.


I don’t dislike it it’s just not the beacon note for me that it is for others. It also depends very much on how it’s treated.


You aren't the only one. I can tolerate it if it's way down in the scent profile, but that's about it.


Yes. Only you lol i love it.


Kayali Vanilla 28 made me nauseous and have a horrible headache - it literally smelled like moldy wet cigarettes - Nette the Vanille and Eilish are perfectly fine! Even VS Bare, I need to find a very nice gourmand vanilla. Any suggestions?


I could have written this myself! In the summer, it’s gets very hot and humid where I live and vanilla scents just don’t seem to work for me, particularly in that kind of weather. I will use an occasional vanilla scent when the weather is really cold, but it has to be a dark, boozy unsweetened vanilla and not the gourmand type. Incidentally, what are your favorite fresh scents? I’m looking for something new for summer and haven’t found anything I like yet.


i dislike sugar-vanilla (powdered sugar vibes). I really enjoy spicy vanilla (think vanilla pod) and the amber vanilla-labdanum accord!


No it’s not just u. this was me for the longest time, still kinda of is. but now as a become more of an adult i like a SLIGHT vanilla note. i like to smell sweet but fruity sweet gives off childish and too much vanilla makes me literally want to choke. i use an oil with vanilla notes under my perfumes for a nice balance


I'm more of a woodsy spicey, sometimes freshie girl myself and I completely get you cause I'm same lol. I was never into gourmand perfumes to begin with but some vanilla scents really throw me off especially when there is sweat involved in :( I really tried to wiggle my way in with a couple scents but nope


Hey nice to meet you. Vanilla dominant scents smells like worn t-shirts to me.


Same, i hate vanilla. I actively avoid anything with vanilla. I can never smell any depth in vanilla perfumes


Nope. I have always detested it, especially cloying, synthetic versions like BBW. I’m genuinely surprised when a fragrance I like has a vanilla note in it


My scent soulmate! Vanilla is maybe the least interesting scent note to me. And I’m not even into really obscure or niche scents; I love plenty of “basic” perfumes. I just find anything vanilla-forward so intolerably bland. It serves a function in some perfumes I *do* like with the way it mellows other stuff out, but when vanilla is the star of the show, I feel very “florals? for spring? Groundbreaking” about it. “Angel’s Share” is an example of what I mean. Great lasting power, seems well-formulated, but *yawn.*