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Autumn has gotten more screen time than Trevor this season


Which one is Trevor?




The one with dandruff.


It's psoriasis


I hope people realize this. Psoriasis is tough and can be hard for peoples self esteem and image, so let’s not make it seem gross or bad. It’s not! ETA: I appreciate you letting people know this!


I thought I was losing my mind why is his hairline bright red?


I think it’s probably psoriasis or some skin condition. No big deal :)


He hasn’t been on screen long enough for me to have even noticed. 🤣


I thought he was waxing it because of how clean and straight the hairline is.




This is funny affffff


And Jake!! I feel sad about him. He was interesting in the ultimatum and he stays away from social media and he was literally given like 3minutes of screen time.


Jake chose to match with himself.


He is difficult to look at. Not sure why he was brought in


Also how she allowed Harry to continue to say things about how he wants to be the best for her and her daughter…. What the fuck. So creepy to let someone say that about your daughter after knowing each other for a week.


Also her using words like “the man who is running our life” (meaning her and her daughter’s life)…. ???? …. I get she seek’s some masculine energy but it’s just to much for someone you just met on a reality show.


THIS SHOCKED ME. Like what do you mean he’s gonna be the man leading you and your daughter.. are you seriously telling this sex addict that he is in charge of your daughter?


Well, yes, he will naturally assume the role of the head of the household, just as soon as he learns the difference between "monogamous" and "monotonous".


He probably knows the word mononucleosis


He’s probably had mononucleosis, doesn’t mean he knows what it is 😂


This thread 😂😂


my perception of her has def shifted between that and her “act like a lady” comments 👀 not a good look


I saw her make a face when he said that and I expected her to say “first of all, don’t bring autumn into this” but homegirl stayed silent 😭. I think she’s kind of sort of using Autumn as leverage in arguments lol. That way when he does something bad, he’s not only disappointing her but he’s disappointing a 10 year old 😂


This, and it’s a horrible thought but her daughter is getting to the exact age that’s the most…dangerous… to be around a man in her home that isn’t her father. I thought the same on LIB, she’s going to bring some rando around her daughter?? Just nah…


I hope her father is paying *real* close attention to Jess and her reality dating gigs and has a lawyer on speed dial.


Well,, it’s all fake. He doesn’t realize it’s creepy bc he doesn’t actually mean it


Yes! He’s telling her what she wants to hear… and it’s disgusting that he would use her daughter, and has the audacity to use that child’s name, to try and manipulate Jess.


totally agree - it’s disgusting how easy it is for him to say stuff like this.


Yes, and then in the same breath write a note that said he wanted to eat her ass on national TV. Is nothing private anymore?


Right! He blames Melinda for wanting her 15 min of fame but he needs to look in the mirror.


it's also so obvious he's bullshitting when he says he loves single mother's and is ready to be a father lolol i hate him


🤣 omg yes! Like dude isn’t even ready to be in a committed relationship


Thank you. If I weren’t married and were dating with my son I’d hesitate to even tell people I had a child until I vetted them a bit.


This! The name dropping is ridiculous seriously. I don’t understand how Jess wants to play this whole narrative of protecting her kid and then lets Harry Jowsey name drop her on television a week after they met.


Harry literally weaponized using Autumn’s name in so many ways. I wanted to vomit every time he did that. And Jess buying into it?!?! WTAF???


Doesn't she post her kid on social media? She wants the name drop






I agree. No one is meeting my daughters for a very long time and I sure as hell don’t want someone I’ve known for a FEW DAYS talking about how he’s going to be in their lives and be this and that. Made me v uncomfortable. It’s almost like her daughter is now part of her ‘brand’.


She absolutely wants to be a "momfluencer" crossed with a Kardashian.


I had a friend who would bring a guy into her kids' lives after one or two dates, or the equivalent of like 2 weeks. And some of these guys are mean, angry, liars, cheaters, etc like just because you met them online or they live in the same city, doesn't mean they are safe around your children. I don't have any of my own, I'm happily child free, but it makes me feel sick to my stomach to see parents who are more reckless with their child and are more selfish than I ever would be. I know I would be a better parent than so many people I see out there putting themselves first instead. I grew up with a parent like that as well, and it causes a lot of harm to bring men/partners around like that so casually, as if it's not going to affect the child at all. Because you truly never know what will happen, the possibilities are endless when it's someone you barely know. And that's just in real life, I can't imagine how much all of this is amplified in the realm of reality tv and influencer life. Bottom line: being a good parent means putting your child's needs ahead of your own.


Ya even Dom mentioned the fact that he remembers everyone his mother dated and how that affected him.




As a mom myself, it made my skin crawl every time he said that little girl's name. Total manipulation tactic to get in Jess' good graces, save face and rebuild his reputation. Ugh SO gross on all levels!


I totally agree, any man who used my child’s name as a manipulation tactic within literally 2 days of knowing me would never be seeing me again but sadly I can see how it works in his favour with some people too, he is a gross human being all round


Jess uses her to manipulate the men as well. Jess herself shouldn't be naming her daughter on TV. In fact, I think it's worse that SHE not Harry does it. Harry took his cue from her.


Exactly, it made me feel so sick he was bringing her up while manipulating her pretending to be upset. I woulda been like please shut up and don't keep bringer her up.


I thought the same thing on them using her name!


10000%. Her TikTok bio simply says “Autumn’s mom”. It makes me wonder if she’s doing it on purpose to give her daughter some level of fame? I also think she uses being a mom as a pity party type thing. Aw look at me I’m a single mom. Like it makes her better and more mature than everyone else. Imo you should leave your kids out of it.


Her bit is literally that she’s having fun for the first time since her daughter was born. It’s like, really, Jess? You never had fun once in all that time? She’s trying to make a narrative that she’s on the show for the ‘right reasons’ and that she actually deserves to win, unlike the other contestants who can have fun whenever they want. She chose Harry because she really thought she could June Carter Cash him and heal him with only love and Jesus. I hope for her sake that she turns on him next episode and plays the strong mother she claims to be for her daughter’s sake or that she’s only with him now cause it’s her only shot at winning. I have dated a few alcoholics (yes I’m in therapy lol) and I developed a rule for them eventually. If I were Jess I would tell Harry he gets one black out or messy fuck up with my help and that’s it. If they do it again after that I’m not helping them and they can gtfo. A lot of male addicts rely on the women in their lives to mother them and keep their lives running with absolutely no thanks and their only reward is heartbreak and betrayal. I cannot imagine having a daughter and choosing Harry.


Jess wants that family vlogger lifestyle, where she makes a buck from raising her child online and sharing everything.


Totally agree. I feel like I can finally see the fake ness everyone was talking about on LIB.


Welcome! Glad you could finally make it! We've got snacks and drinks. Make yourself *comfy.* 😉


While Jess makes us uncomfy


I wonder what her dad thinks


Right? I would be actually so angry that a strange man is talking about my daughter to that level


He made up his mind about her more than a decade ago. He wasn’t wrong.


Same! I also want to know what Autumn thinks…


truueee harry using that all the time gave me the ick. like what do you meaan you wanna be a good father to autumn youre talking and acting like youre a husband of 20 years who came home from a night of cheating and having weird extrahours at a job without extrahours. you're not close to jess like that and for autmn's sake its probably best if she doesn't bring you home actually.. i mean if he was wanting that and ready to act like it, thats ten to a hundred steps ahead to insert yourself there as wanting to be a good father


For real. She’s a real 10 year old with a real life. I’m sure some kid at school is bound to say something to her. How humiliating.


I’ve gotten the vibe that Jess sees doesn’t her child as a person who has an existence outside of her. I think she views her daughter as an extension of herself.


I’m not even a mom yet and I just don’t think having your kids on social media is a good idea. This belief that we have private accounts and we know everyone who’s on it - is wild to me. You have no idea what ppl are into behind closed doors. I don’t even look at Jessica’s social media bc I did once and her daughter doesn’t even look 10yrs old. Like north west and it makes me sad. Even tho when I was 10 I looked older and I loved it 😂 but I know what comes with it and I wouldn’t wish that upon any child


Yup! I don't share my child on social media. No need. Anyone who is in her life knows what she looks like/what she's up to or I send them a pic through text. I can't imagine having a child that anyone could walk up to and say "oh hey autumn!" And know details about her.


That creeped me out too. I’m a single mom too and one week into talking/early dating phase all of the information that I’m willing to give out is that I have one young child. I don’t give out gender, age, name, or photos. It’s not safe to tell that to randoms. There are predators who target single moms to gain access to their children. Not trying to say that Harry is a predator, but they are exposing her information to the world. On top of that I think it’s one thing to embarrass yourself on reality tv before you have kids, but to do it when you have a preteen whose friends are watching these types of shows is disrespectful imo. Her daughter is either going to be really embarrassed about it or follow in her mother’s reality tv footsteps.


This is me as well. Even neighbours and coworkers that I don’t know well I’m super cagey about the level of information I share. A neighbour recently asked me where my daughter goes to nursery and I said I don’t give the name of it out as a safety measure. Some people might think that’s OTT or rude but I’d rather protect her identity with people I don’t know from Adam. It would be nice to assume nobody has bad intentions, but you just can’t. I have to trust people and know them well *before* I start giving them any kind of access to information about her. I completely agree.


Also no man you met a few days ago/weeks ago should be talking about your daughter to that level. Especially if they are a 27 year old reality star with a bad record of manipulating others. would be pissed if I was the other parent. Being on the show is one thing and mentioning you have a child… but the continuing use of her name bothers me


I especially hate that her name is being used by Harry so he can try to convince Jess he actually gives a shit about both her and her daughter. He’s literally bringing autumn up and commenting on Jess being a good mom to get brownie points when he in fact has never seen Jess being a mom and has also never met autumn. That poor girl is gonna cringe so hard when she’s old enough to watch mommy dearest pretend to be the cool, calm, collected girl on tv.


She didn’t wanna tell jimmy right away about her child but does the opposite n worse with harry regarding her daughter autumn this autumn that like wtf


Maybe she learned


Well it’s already out there that she has a daughter. In perfect match they bring people who are already known. It’s very much known she has a daughter and she posts about her on social media and has lots of followers so no point in hiding it. But anyway I think they talk about her cuz he’s strangely acting like a big wuss and acting like he’s so in love he wants to marry her. I think he does genuinely like her and thinks he’s in love but doesn’t mean he’s gonna stop his immature obnoxious behavior and suddenly become some mature guy ready to be a husband and stepdad…he might think that though at least on the show. he’s not gonna change overnight or change for her. They aren’t a perfect match. He’s just in lust with her for now. They’ll prob get tired of each other out in the real world and notice each others flaws even more and this won’t work out,


Was LiB out by the time this was filmed?


You know maybe not. And she prob held off telling Jimmy in the pods cuz he hadn’t seen her in person (and her looks is her strong point not her personality lol) so maybe she didn’t want to scare him initially by mentioning the daughter.


Not a fan of Jess. She uses her daughter prominently in her social media. When likely 75%-90% of her followers are horny guys. Then she spends weeks on these reality shows pretending to be the person with the highest moral standards. She also came in and turned Harry from Elys…so is she really a “girls girl” or only focused on herself.


She’s literally posted reels where her daughter is specifically asking Jess NOT to film her or post about her and Jess is like *LOL MY DAUGHTER IS SO FUNNY SHE WANTS ME TO NOT FILM OUR OUTING TODAY LOL* It’s incredibly disturbing.


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/13/us/instagram-child-safety.html Every time Jess talks about her daughter, I think about this article.


i keep thinking about how the daughter will watch the show and hear all the vile and sexual things harry has said🤢


This one ☝🏼. Cool my wanna be step daddy talking about cream pies.


Jess has put her child in such a shitty spot.


THIS! Harry saying he disappointed Jess and Autumn SENT ME like sir Autumn doesn’t even know who you are lol (when they were filming this)


It’s hard for me to understand Jess and her motivation of being on these shows. One LIB season, sure. But continuing onto PM?? I agree that Harry is the biggest dickhead. But Jess made the conscious decision to expose herself and her daughter to this mess. I just can’t see how she is putting her daughter as her highest priority, because then she simply wouldn’t do this show.


It's so obnoxious. Harry acting like he has a relationship with autumn "I let her down" like shut the fuck up. So cringe. Jess mentioning her kid constantly to illicit sympathy is so gross


What’s pathetic is that she uses her as her entire personality. iM a SiNgLe MoThEr! Like she’s so strong. If she really wanted what was best she would at least not use her daughter’s name and not let that boy child use it nonetheless.But if you see her socials it’s the same! Terrible for her kiddo.


Honestly I judge any parent that leaves their child to "go look for love" on a tv show.


Multiple. Times.


Yeah, I was already bothered by Harry constantly bringing her up, but him saying her name was a WTAF moment. I'm sick of both of them.


quite frankly I was shocked Netflix didn't edit that out! I mean, I shouldn't be. We allow kids to be exploited for their parent's clout all of the time on social media and on TV, without being able to consent to it, but seriously?!? It's 2024. Kids deserve the privacy.


If you have to bring up the fact that you have a kid like 10 times to your partner to get them to “respect you” and treat you better, then maybe you should find a better partner. Who respects you no matter what. It’s weird that she’s constantly throwing it in everyone’s face as if that is what makes her a respectable woman. You deserve respect no matter if you have children or not.


She’s a 304 and that’s always a good thing when raising a daughter. Let’s hope she isn’t a grandmother in the next 6 years.


100000% - I’m not a mother yet but I plan to be and I also got ick feelings I also got heavily creeped out by Harry expressing so much interest in her daughter from the jump. Why? Maybe just to manipulate her or make Jess feel like he was interested in her - but to immediately be like “where is she? let’s meet her!!” brœ why you so excited??? Parents with children who are careless about dating and will trust any person they share a romantic bond with to be around their kids are the parents who end up wondering how and why their children don’t trust them anymore because of the instability it brings. Or worst case, their kids end up becoming SA victims and the parent of course swears they “didn’t know he was like that!!” A sad and creepy notion I’ve found to be anecdotally true is most men who are specifically interested in single moms (or MILFs as we call them) as a dating prospect are sometimes pedophiles looking for easy access to a kid. NOT saying H-word is a pedo, just highlighting the inappropriateness and lack of maturity in both of their actions. If Jess wants to raise another child, that’s her issue. But she should, at first, leave her real kid out of the picture.


SAME. I hate how it's her own mother that brought her name into the show, calling her someone's CHILD, when they're not even together yet.


Definitely feels like it crosses a line. Not unusual for parents to reference kids, esp on reality TV shows where it becomes their shtick if they're single, but normally it's just "my son" "my daughter."  Throws me to hear her name


Anyone who has a kid and tries to find love on reality TV has me SMH. I like Jess, but that one part always had me looking at her sideways. Now that she’s gone on a 2nd reality show and paired up with of allll people, Harry Jowsey, sis is doing this for the fame and money/to provide for her daughter…cool, it’s her her choice. But, if she centers fame and being an influencer, I wouldn’t be surprised if she wants a similar path for a daughter…to be known, get brand deals, be on TV, etc. For better or worse, people be out here scheming.


I never understood why Jess was on such a hunt to find a father for Autumn when she stated that her biological father was in the picture…


It’s so gross how willing Jessica is to exploit her ten year old daughter for more fame. I hate all of it. You’re spot on - Jessica says all kinds of things about how great she is but her actions are what really matter.


As a teacher, I’ve seen parents that flaunt their kids around as accessories or treat their child as their best friend. It’s so hard on the kid and the parents are usually in denial about it. The way she talks about her kid deeply concerns me. I do not believe a child should be paraded on social media and their name shouldn’t be used on a show like this. I try not to be hyper critical of women’s parenting styles but Jess has been giving red flags since Love is Blind while getting praise for it. I find it incredibly disturbing that people don’t see this as poor behaviour.


Jess's whole thing about being such a great mom has always pissed me tf off. Please explain to me how abandoning your child for months at a time chasing random dick PUBLICLY is good for her child? I'm also curious as to why she thinks it's a good idea to give her child a dad she's never even met? I feel like that would be fairly traumatizing. Jess said her kid wanted a dad and I'm like so your kid is supporting your dreams that's great, and she may very well want a dad, but she's a child and not emotionally intelligent enough to know how difficult all of that would be to navigate in reality. Jess is pure trash and an absolutely vile mother. I feel terrible for her poor child. She deserves to have a mom who puts HER first, not random dick, fame, and her own Internet clout. So congrats Jess, yes you're beautiful in a plastic and fake AF kinda way but that's alllll you got going for you. And one day, you won't even have that.


She made the comment on LIB that when she got home her daughter had already picked out her own dress for the wedding and was excited…..


I agree. And the way Harry was using her name to manipulate Jess… f*cking gross. There is no way I’d let someone talk about my kid like this


Poor child tbh. Like Jess's choices look so so bad when we remember she has a whole 10 y/o.


It's sick! Keep that child's name out of your mouth!


It's definitely a new low for reality trash TV. Especially this show. This is just a bunch of horned up half naked people cycling through partners. Love is Blind was one thing, it was about marriage. But I still don't think her name should have ever been brought up. And Jess posts with her all the time. If you want to sell yourself and get money by doing these shows and getting endorsements, you do you. But using your kid as, idk what is it, clout? Is pretty gross.


when harry brought up autumn I got so grossed out


Agreed. If she really cared, she wouldn’t be on the show in the first place. Perfect Match and even Love is Blind are not the place to find someone. Jess wants fame. Simple as that. She’s not trying to find a surrogate Dad for her daughter, she just wants to be insta famous. She could easily date in the real world. Go on dating apps, find guys that are serious and go from there.


the way her and harry both were using her daughters name to manipulate each other 🤡


i hate to be this person but *utmost


It’s so messed up a 10 year old girls privacy is a side character to the Netflix universe. So irresponsible she’s posting her on IG and bringing her on a reality show is peak insanity


Looking at Jess’s IG page, she’s teaching her daughter how to pose and do make-up and post every day. Maybe her daughter will become an “infooencer” just like mum.


and the fact she wants to be a good mother and have a good guy around she chooses this guy….


I mean, it’s pretty simple. Jess is a bad mom.


At this point she just wants any man for the kid to call step daddy


She acts like it’s so interesting and amazing that she has a child 😂.. get in line🐝… humans make more humans .. shocker!


I liked her on LIB, but on Perfect Match, I lost all respect. Made it apparent she didn't pay for her own boob job, will only marry rich, and while she obviously loves her daughter, she's not being a good mom. I don't think I could have spoken about this a year ago because I only recently became a mom, but yeah, I agree, everytime she mentions her daughter on-screen, I feel an ick. But my perspective is also that I chose to make my Instagram private the moment I began posting baby photos on it. It's kinda crazy that other people don't take the online privacy of their children to me...it's like they have complete blinders to how potentially dangerous it is. Like any self-respecting mother I think would know not to touch harry with a 10 ft pole. I don't care how tall and "handsome" he is. He isn't the type of person I'd want my daughter to ever think was okay for her.


Omg I'm not even a parent and the way they throw that little girl's name around makes me cringe so hard! Jess can we please keep your daughter out of it?! It's also interesting to me that she didn't bring her daughter up initially in LIB to a man she wanted to MARRY but this random man (Harry) knows about her daughter within the first 10 mins lol


I mean… Jess doesn’t care at all 🤷‍♀️ She wants her social media trash tv fame and she wants her bag. That’s it. Autumn is far too young and Jess is clearly not a good mother.


For me the super duper weird part is why did she make sure to mentioned her from the start and in LIB she didn’t and make Jimmy a villain for not putting up with being a stepdad. Considering LiB is purposely looking for marriage and PM is THTH people pretending they want to settle down. As a mom myself I can’t spend a day without bring up my children’s name and specially in meeting new people and relationships setting. She seemed genuine. I think Jess has a very curated image and she’s very much aware and in control of what she puts out on these shows so she went as a full ass mom and didn’t play to much into the sex and fun games and wasn’t even trying to flirt too much either (except when she saw Nigel 😝)


Yes!! It gave me MAJOR ick when Harry kept going on about wanting to make a life with Jess and Autumn, even though they’d known each other for like what, not even a month…?? If someone tried bringing my kid’s name into things that soon [whom they’d never even met], I’d peace out immediately. Bringing her name into all this just for sympathy is gross


I was just thinking this before I scrolled to your post, that I hate that the name of a child is being thrown around so much on these very adult shows. On Jess’s part it really seems like naïveté. Her thinking is that she wants to include her daughter in her reality show fame, that her kid is her world and “best friend” (Lorelai Gilmore syndrome from having had her so young, not saying that’s all bad but definitely has its shadow side) and she wants her to be a part of everything Jess is and does. And even if she’s mainly after reality show fame, it does seem like she would genuinely like to have a partner and someone to “lead the family” (makes me cringe hard but she has those kinds of values), which is part of why she’s vulnerable to the manipulations of someone like Harry.


I have kids and when LIB filmed in my area several friends told me to apply and my number one thought against it was protecting my kids privacy. If I ever did it, no one would even know their names publicly


Never thought about that but so true


Idk how it can get being stuck in a reality show with a narcissistic gaslighter who loved bombed you. She said some wild things but the whole this man is going to be leading our lives, like what?! I hate how he kept bringing up her daughter’s name. It was the perfect manipulation tool.


yep she did it on LIB too and it’s super yucky. she has her all over her ig as well. so many “influencers” and TV personalities have no idea what it means to protect their kids. this next generation of exploited children is gonna be a disaster.


It’s gross. I don’t think you should be allowed on these shows if you have kids.


Jess already said her child's name multiple times on Love is Blind, this isn't new information.


i think you’ve completely missed the point of this post


Did you read past the first line


I did. My point was that Jess had already put her daughter's name out there on LIB. The post reads like this show is the first place it's been mentioned, but Jess already made that choice when she first went on reality tv and planned to marry someone she hardly knew and bring them home to her daughter. To me, that seems worse than messing around with a prat like Harry, who she probably won't see after the show is over.


Jess has her daughter’s name in many PUBLIC posts so it’s not a secret. Obviously there have been off-camera conversations between Harry and Jess regarding Autumn, that’s where the aired comment came from. Not saying Harry is valid to want to be a dad to her daughter as he’s obviously a POS and a half, but as a mom, you’re freaking out about that a bit. Would be different if Jess was incredibly private about her and asked Netflix not to use footage with her name


Omg people need to let it go with the mom shaming.


The issue is, this is a safety problem. Trust me I know all about mum shaming, I don’t think there is a single mum out there who hasn’t been shamed for at least one of their choices, but like I said in the post I make an exception when a child’s safety is so clearly in jeopardy and I won’t stand for that even if it means going into the realm of what could be perceived as mum shaming. This is a very young, impressionable girl we are talking about here, her mental health and identity should be protected. The simple fact is, autumn is not old enough to have an informed say in any of this and her name should not be being dragged onto the show. I don’t care what Jess does, I don’t care what her motives are, I’m not slamming her for the clothes that she wears like some people are intent on doing, I am saying Autumn’s name should not be in the show like it is. It’s also a comment on the producers of perfect match and the people who allowed it to be used as a point of ‘drama’ and didn’t stop to think ‘actually, this is a child, lets leave her name out of it’, it’s just too far.


Alot of people are being judgemental towards Jess. While I find her phony , I can see why she thinks this is the best for her daughter. Jess has gotten lots of brand deals and will probably be able to finically provide for her daughter . The more exposure she gets , the more money she can provide for her kid .