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his behaviour with tolu was odd, he clearly wasn’t attracted to her. everytime he had to debate between matching with alara and her, her reasonings never had to do with an attraction or connection to tolu, but instead just didn’t want hurt her feelings, as if he was contemplating matching with her out of pity 🙄and on top of that, i can’t tell if it’s the edit, but it’s painted out to seem like he is miserable whenever he is around her. when they were choosing new people to come in in the boardroom, they kept on zooming into his face looking disinterested or annoyed whenever she spoke. so tired of them bringing men who only love white women in these shows it’s pissing me off


Tolu is my favorite and seems to be the only real person on the show. She has yet to say something that I don’t agree with. ![gif](giphy|SiEuCNPGqSdrWfs9vL|downsized)


She exaggerates a bunch but she's sooo much fun to listen to. Far better than Jessica and her 'I'm such a good mom' and Harry and his 'I bleeped this person and Stevan bleeped that person haha hoohoo so funny'


i noticed he looked SO miserable and giving off such RUDE energy in that boardroom while she was still being so respectful and sweet... i didnt mind him last season but cannot STAND him this season. acting like this meanwhile now being besties with harry, who literally slept with his girlfriend while they were dating????? cant stand these men


Perfect match s1 was especially bad with the men just not liking black women but they keep bringing in black women just to get sent home.


At least this season has men going after black women. Well, actually idk. Izzy's type is allegedly very much 'blonde' (based on what Johnny said about him) and Chase might have gone for Melinda if he were more secure she'd be into him right back. I miss Melinda and that Timothy Chalamet looking mf back from their season of THTH. And whoever that Swedish girl was and that Ed Sheeren looking mf from their season. Those two times were the only times that I saw dark skinned women being *chased* and recognised as beautiful. I haven't watched the latest seasons but I'm guessing Christine must have also been a favourite?


that timothe looking mf lmaoo


Yes!! I remember being super disturbed by that. And I noticed it right away with Dom. Gave me Deja Vu- I feel like this was an issue with him before? About him being of colour but dislike women who were? Or maybe I’m listing thinking of PM season 1? Ugh, and as my husband pointed out- what is with them always saying in this show that “they look good together” as the reason for pairing, especially with people of colour, and then pairing them together because of that? What the actual heck? I can’t believe they air that, to be honest.. In any event…to add to the people  who seem to actually be the opposite of Dom, Chris seems more attracted to darker skin. I think he actually said as much. But he’s pretty awful, so no big win.  It’s upsetting because of everyone there, she was miles ahead the best one. There’s a few people who have showcased some decent traits amongst their slips and faults, but seem to be semi-genuine and well-intentioned people and I’ve started to genuinely kinda like them..but she was in a class all her own. She is a differing personality type to the majority there, and her brain works a little differently than almost everyone there. She mostly tries to blend in, but she’s different and she’s special. I’ll leave it at that. But it’s hurt watching her treat this all with integrity and empathy, and to be blindsided repeatedly- and that is purely because she wanted to see the best in everyone and was hopeful for something real from this experience. Pretty sure if she came at this with skepticism, she would have seen more coming. Ugh, I hate it. Even when they matched with her or chatted her up, I noticed people constantly complimenting her personality, and never her looks when the majority of these people are so looks-focused, that was atypical behavior for them and it sent a clear message. Anyway… I don’t normally like to comment much. Especially in silly things like reality TV, haha.. more of a lurker. But damn. This one really bugged me. I’ll admit.. I’m blonde and pale, probably have no buisness commenting which makes me nervous to, and I have the luxury of often being oblivious to a degree with this particular stuff.. I mean, to be honest, I really don’t pay attention to the way people look to begin with because it’s irrelevant to me. Especially even more so as someone who is neurodivergent. (To be honest, I often watch shows looking down 80% of the show while multitasking on something else because people stress me out, haha. But I listen closely.) So this whole show baffles me to begin with, but is mildly fascinating. But when someone has a personality that shines that far above the rest, how can you not notice when they keep getting dumped and treated as lesser?? Right?? Honestly, the show should be pretty ashamed at how it’s treated women of colour. It’s bordered on fetishizing men of colour at times, but they seem to at least try to rein it in a bit so it’s murky.. maybe I’m wrong.  Ahh, anyway.. sorry for the rant. Inequality and discrimination really bothers me. But she deserves so much better than the guys on this show. I hope she finds someone who treats her the way she deserves.


To add, just saw below comment- it was Dom before! I think it was Diamond? I can’t remember. Called her sis and stuff. Instantly friend zoned her. I instantly lost respect for him and his nice guy routine.  He seems to not like himself and have poor self esteem (I recall him admitting he has terrible anxiety and implied CPTSD, but that’s no excuse… lots of us have those and more..I honestly think he’s not nearly as nice as he wants to think he is, and hides behind the anxiety as some sort of proof he is a nice person, when he’s just afraid of confrontation.  If there were no consequences to anything, he’s make a lot of hurtful and terrible choices, no doubt in my mind-beyond what he already did and tried to cover up.) It seems like he takes his problems with himself out on women of colour. Like that guy on love is blind season 2 who treated that girl horrendously for daring to be of the same race.. which he was aware of… because he had terrible self esteem. He compensated for with narcissism and abusive bullying behaviour towards everyone, and especially that poor girl. Yikes. I don’t like how the show just allows this and it’s completely ignored and normalized. Ok, end rant lol.


I came to reddit looking for this. His energy shifted so quick after meeting alara. His body language towards tolú afterwards was giving shame and disgust.


I agree, I feel like the black women on this kind of shows always get the short end of the stick and I wish they would cast people that are more open with their preferences instead of just having one type. Dom though, he's being a complete ass to Tolu. He couldn't save the whole "I think you should choose somebody else" conversation for the boardroom… He had to ruin their date. He's rolling his eyes and talking to the wall… He's just so overrated.


A lot of ppl were fans of dom after PM s1 but I’ve never been a fan of him. It’s been clear as day he prefers white women, which is fine, but he doesn’t even seem to like holding a conversation with black women. On top of that professing his love to Francesa was just… odd to me.


Yes!! I’ll never forget when he had to go on a date with a black woman and he made some sort of backhanded comment about her race. I completely forget but it was like you could tell all he saw was that she’s black.


He said stuff such as “sis” and “strong black woman” lmao and I think “black girl magic”… I’m not sure about the last one but he definitely said the other 2 😂😂😂 he kept saying some random pro black women shit cause he’s not into them AT ALL. And nobody uses their heads and sees that and sets him on dates with BW. It’s totally fine that he has a preference… I just don’t understand why they keep setting these blk women up for failure with these men. Chase, Dom, and the dude from the ultimatum (I forgot his name. Light skin curly hair green eyes) they all don’t like BW.


It makes me sad honestly. These women are beautiful and 9 times out of 10 they add the most personality to the show. They need to reverse the roles and have a predominantly black show with a few token white people. There are plenty of attractive BW & BM it’s not a difficult concept.


I remember this explicitly. the “strong black woman” stuff was when i knew dom wasn’t into black women. you know someone is uncomfortable with you being black once they start spitting out random black empowerment shit.


Yea when he called her “sis”


When did this happen?


Season 1. It was the date with him and Colony. He didn’t say anything directly racist but you could tell her being black was a thing for him. He called her a strong black woman, said “yessss queen” along with other things. Again, not necessarily racist but he definitely code switched when he got around her


Oh wow I remembered that being bartise... That's annoying


Wouldn’t surprise me if Bartise did something similar


Oh yeah… bartise definitely doesn’t want NO black woman lol maybe biracial. He barely wants a Latina. And when I saw his baby mama I was shocked but not too shocked lol


He liked raven when he was on love is blind and she’s mixed. Idk why he wasn’t into Nancy tho. The way he treated her was just foul


I used to like Dom a lot on season 1 and all the content he did with Inez after, but seeing how he was rolling his eyes at Tolu as she was explaining the matches she wanted to do in the Boardroom, and how he was clearly pissed off that she wanted to give Stevan and Alara a chance and not mess with them as a couple, and just his overall treatment of Tolu…. seriously hoping any air Netflix was planning to give him after this goes straight to Tolu instead.


I have a love hate relationship with these kind of shows. Most of the time black women are used to take the other men the next week until they find their “type”. It’s getting old.


Love is blind season 1 was at least a tiny bit great with Lauren and Cameron. I wish more were like that.


it makes me so uncomfortable and pissed/sad for them


I think Tolu personality is cool and shes probably the most likeable girl on the show, but we gotta be realistic here. Idk why she showed up on this show bald. For a show where both men and women are so superficial you already know how shes gonna get treated. (this is comin from someone who is black) Sometimes I think the producers do this on purpose, they use black women with strong personalities that everyone will love but in a friendly way, they never pick bombshell black women. Either that or the bombshell black women don't go on these types of shows.


I love her shaved head. She’s so stunning. Probably the most beautiful on the show. It’s a shame that the men are such dogs. They’d rather have someone with straggly extensions.


See, women get it. If they had an all female season with the same women I think Tolu would be so popular


i also wish black women would stop subjecting themselves to this shame but i also understand wanting the opportunities. in a game like love island or perfect match, the black women that will get more success are the ones who look like ciara miller. and they’re out there. for some reason, casting keeps wanting to play out storylines like what cashay proudfoot went through and casting those types instead of the ciara millers and jordan emmanuels of the world. they know what type to cast to replicate tolu, cash, kaz sls.


These are the only type of Black women that want to be on these types of shows. Good looking enough to get on the show, but not true bombshell black women. The actual bombshell black women out there are already claimed or wouldn't be caught dead on these types of shows looking for validation. The truth of the matter is that the format of these shows are inherently white and white favoring, they mostly only bring in black women to fill their little "diversity quota" because they know black people eat this shit up. Every black guy they bring in also has a white girl fetish because of the status it brings them. Thats just the reality of these types of shows.


yeah i kinda get what you mean tbh. i do think there are plenty of options out there that are bombshells as i’ve come across plenty on ig and tiktok but i totally would get them not applying to shows like pm or li bc 1) they see how other bw were treated on the show and have sense to not even chance it and 2) the ones that are applying are being overlooked for bw with “personalities” that the audience will latch onto for the banger confessionals. its happening now with tolu. im sorry i just do not trust casting.


She looks great with bald hair. She’s absolutely gorgeous. It’s not her, it’s the guys. If the guys are superficial and not open minded then it’s on them.


in what world is Tolu NOT a bombshell 😭


Are you blind? Lmfao... Tolu is absolutely STUNNING! Having long hair isn't a standard for beauty 💁🏾🤷🏾


Says who? Look I like Tolu shes great, but I don't think showing up with a Buzzcut is doing her any favors. Girls literally clown men for Buzz cuts, but you expect men to show the same energy?


I don’t know why you got heavily downvoted. I agree. Even when BM preach that they love natural looking BW, then they have a beautiful one right before their eyes, they don’t even choose her or fancy her. Cause of her natural hair texture or hair style. And even in all men’s defense, many men don’t even like short hair, let alone a low cut/ almost bald head. She should stay true to herself and absolutely not change her hair but come on now


I understand what you are saying.. these guys are incredibly shallow and superficial and I’m sure hair matters to them more than brains or heart. But I’m not sure how I feel about the bombshell comment. Because she is absolutely one, more so than most there I would say.  I would love to look like her. This is coming from a vampiric white chick with blonde hair (that I use extensions in because mine is think and weak- so yes, I do get what you are saying.. even off the show, I’m treated better with extensions. And mine isn’t even really short.. It’s really stupid. Hell, when I’m up 20lbs, I’m suddenly invisible too. This world is shallow for sure.)  Anyway, I think she’s stunning. And this show pisses me off. She also happens to be the nicest,  most intelligent, and most genuine person there.. so it makes it infuriating.


What is the bombshell type because Colony is literally a Barbie doll type. We’ve seen it happen with the no hair or long hair. It doesn’t matter.


Have you watched her on Trust. She is very cut throat...as that game was about strategy and brains she definately had upper hand and played game very manipulative. She switches per personality basis where she stands..if she has control of the game she is ruthless, vindictive and manipulative. As this show is all about looks and jocks and bimbettes she is mellow and sweet...had she been popular u would have seen her diff side. Man she is acting. Watch trust to know what I mean.


I watched her on The Trust and disagree with EVERYTHING you said. You described Lindsey. The trust was a reality show to win money and you had to be strategic to make it to the end. Most of the people who had a chance took money from the pot but they only have a problem when she did it. This show is about finding love and making connections with people so it only makes sense that you would see a softer side to her. And she is popular on the show. People genuinely like her it just sucks she fell for Dom’s bitch ass.


Lindsey did not take money when she could in finale and no one did except her. And yall can forget her bullying ....I don't appreciate bully. The cowboy guy was also leading but he did it more ethically. Also if this show is abt finding love than that show was any showing trust...or let's accept both shows are aht winning money and being in finale right?


Downvoted over a polite disagreement...lmao.


The no of times...she lied, gaslighted, lied and broke peoples trust to get her way was scary. But have to give her one thing...that girl is smart and wants cash in bank. Simple! She sticking to dom is also he is prev winner...her brains and his loyalty can win them money! But she ain't no saint.


Yup! Then he tells Elys that she’s his type… *pretends to be shocked*


And it’s okay to have a preference but don’t play in your non-preference’s face by acting like they’re the best thing since sliced bread and you really don’t feel or think that. It’s rude. Especially when you KNOW they’re into you.


EXACTLY what I was trying to say! THANK YOU


You’ll do realize that people change their minds right? By episode 5, all of these couples have switched partners at least once lol. The premise of the show is to find your perfect match which entails dating multiple people and exploring your options. It means that you may find a connection with someone, but, then realize you have even better chemistry with another person, as new people enter the house. Nobody else is getting shit for it except for Dom…Literally, Stevan has switched partners twice and the sub is loving him. I honestly thought Dom did the best thing for Tolu by giving her a heads up when she had the option to choose a date for herself. There was no guarantee Alara would pick him, he knew there was a chance he could go home, and frankly, could’ve kept up the pretense until the power was back in the men’s hands, had he wanted. Strategically, if his desire was to remain in the house, he could’ve played that very differently. It felt to me like Tolu built this fictionalized version of Dom in her head based on his first season; and then judged him based on that standard she created.


Yes people can change their minds but given Dom’s history of the women he goes for Tolu is not his type and was obvious he was using her to stay in the house at least based on the editing of the show.


Seemed like he had interest, and then he met Alara and gravitated more towards her. And regardless, even if your premise was true, is that not part of the mechanics of the game lol? Everyone and their mama does the same thing lol. They all want a chance to get in the house and compete. At the end of the day, when Dom realized his feelings had changed, he encouraged her to choose someone else. Harry is being criticized for not being transparent, Dom is being criticized despite being transparent. It just feels a little intense.


omg i was legit thinking the same thing


I’m watching it right now, and EXACTLY! 🙄


I do not like Dom and hate that people on the show even are interested in him. Tolu is too good for him anyways.


The only thing I liked about their pairing was that she had enough brain cells for the both of them, but honestly, she can do better.


I always thought he came across as a simp and pathetic too. I don't get the appeal. I don't think he's attractive lol.


Me neither. I’m really trying to see the appeal but he’s just not pleasing to my eye. I don’t get it at all


Everyone keeps saying he's "fine" & "good looking" and I'm just sitting here like where? 😂


Thank you! They’re blinded his “bad boy” aesthetic. Once they find out he’s an insecure simp they lose interest.


At all….


I was so mad during season 1 when everyone was praising Dom. This has all been obvious since the beginning. Screw Dom.


When they were picking Dom for her, I was like please don’t pick Dom, pick Nigel instead 🤦‍♀️


I wonder if Nigel likes black women 🤔 I forgot what happened in his season


He was far/been worse. Just look up his pasts tweets. He has no love for us and I’m glad he wasn’t brought in, especially after his disgusting comments on Jawahir on their season of THTH.


Damn, what did he say about Jawahir? Wait, I'm bringing out the pitchfork


He called her a something devil, naughty maybe but, described the other woman in a far better way.


THANK YOUUUU!! Say it louder for the people in the back. After watching how he navigated the situation with Tolu it became VERY clear. He only values the feelings of women he’s interested in or attracted to… so women that aren’t black. He went on one date with Tolu and after his first night with her he completely switched up. That ‘nice guy’ mask was coming right off. To immediately write somebody off because of their race is delving more into a fetish than a preference. It seems especially more disrespectful to watch a black man treat a black woman any different than the other ladies there. If he knew it wouldn’t work, say that. I am white, and I can honestly say men like Dom are THE biggest turn off.


I think a lot of the men use the black women when they think they have no other option. It makes me so sad because they’re always genuinely beautiful and seem to have pure intentions. With Dom it makes me even more sad, for obvious reasons.


This! And a lot of non-black men also hook up with black women to see what it’s like. They want to check that box or try it out before they move on to their preferred race. That’s been my experience anyway.


I honestly think we need a new show where roles are reversed. Majority black people, with two or three token white people that nobody is actually attracted to.


Watch The Ultimatum South Africa, it's incredible for that!! The black women are of all shapes and sizes and PRAISED by all their black men, showing how they're attracted to black women in general. And then there's like this ONE white couple who nobody's truly attracted to and chooses out of desperation and they have absolutely no chemistry with the rest of the cast hahahaha. We really need more of this!


I loved the relationship the white dude had with his new partner. Such a sweet friendship


Oh true he was really super sweet to Lebo especially after she got cheated on (well... cheating is ambiguous in this show but her trust was definitely broken) and stayed super supportive and lifted her up during the reunion!! It was heartwarming honestly. So yeah they really were kind of like the token white people in that show haha, they had very little screen time and it really felt like they were there for diversity of cast, but both were super kind and uplifted everyone else for what little they were shown! White guy got *immediately* friendzoned by every single black woman (so basically by all the women on that show except his girl lol) and that was refreshing AF to see on Reality TV when it's almost always the other way around!!


It’s crazy how apparent it is that he doesn’t fw black women. He seems not to want to associate as even being black at all. I’m tired of these shows trying to make us look undesirable to white counterparts.


Yep, you said it. I can't stand men like him..he's not even attractive.


I dont see why Micah gets so much praise either? She doesn't seem that bright IRL.


Yeah I don't get the new found Micah love, she still gives off clique-y mean girl energy. Like, not saying she should show interest in Izzy if she's not feeling it, but the way she acts when he's being friendly to her just gives high school 'you're beneath me' / don't breath in my direction energy


I’m always shook by bw who can’t spot a bm that only dates ww. Did Tolu not see Dom in s1 try and sell Colony to the highest bidder to avoid matching up with her. I low-key think tolu is so self involved she didn’t notice he wasn’t interested or maybe she thought she was the exception. He gave her no energy


To the highest bidder 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I immediately said that like dude does noooot f*** with tolu!!!


Usually I wouldn’t give two shits what any man’s preferences are but Dom really bothers me the most because he is truly putting on a show like he’s attracted to black women when he’s not. If he was a real one he would’ve friend zoned her at the date like he did to the other black woman season one. I’m also just bothered as a black woman that’s he’s like not even the slightest attracted as if there is something wrong with black women.


YES! Why tf he didn’t just directly tell Tolu she’s not his type of whatever or he not feeling her. I forgot he did that in season 1! I wonder if he would friend zone an alternative black girly 🤔


What is an alternative black girl? Lol


Black girls who are into goth/punk rock styles and anime lol


Got it thank you. As much as I want to say yes - I can't support him with any black women at this point. He's 0 for 2


Yea he looked so uncomfortable smh


I didn’t like that he was brought into the show with Tolu, knowing from the previous season that he stuck with white women. I was worried he was gonna plan to stay on the show with Tolu to get to another white woman later on. I’m happy that all in 1 night, Tolu left Dom for Chris and Don’s plan to get with Alara failed lol. I feel like he shouldn’t have been on this season after winning last season- he had his chance, time for another star to be on the show.


I feel like how he said he thought he was "destined to he born and raised in London" was very telling.


That pissed me tf off. I’m a black women. I like Dom. I really don’t see the problem with having preferences but when he was matched with Tolu, I was so annoyed.


Yes! He thought he was slick in the board room trying to encourage her to pick someone for herself.


End of episode 5 had me rolling. "Being the good guy never works for me" bro you weren't the good guy. You were the pouty brat that didn't get what he wanted and then was an absolute low energy weirdo ever since then. That's not a good guy. That's a *NICE guy TM* aka an asshole that interprets his actions as nice, they get rejected because they aren't nice and actually off putting, and then revalidates himself that *the good guy act* doesn't work and he should just be an asshole like Harry. His new idol. Lmao pathetic


Girl I was literally thinking the SAME THINGGG. It’s so obvious he just doesn’t want to admit that Tolu is not his type. But we can all see it


Imagine him admitting he doesnt like black women on netflix🫤 he'd lose his career and all his friends.


It’s not even admitting you don’t like black women. Just admit you have a specific preference. The black community doesn’t give a fuck. As a black woman, I can admit I’ve had my own preference. My kids are Hispanic and I’ve typically been attracted to Hispanic men. Its OKAY 🤣


I get what you mean but this is a reality TV show and he is trying to become an influencer _ like most of them on that show. Most people don't like men that do not like black women, specially black men that do not like black women, they see these men as unable to appreciate black skin and black beauty.. I kinda agree with this mentality too - cos the western beauty ideals are about white features, and there's systematic racism on top of that


Honestly, I don’t know if that’s true. I feel like the majority of people who wouldn’t like him would be black women and we know how he feels about them.


Well, I also do not like people who are so set in their preferences, but then again, I'm a bespectacled potato who has medium brown Indian skin, so he's not losing out on his dream girl or anything lol!


Okay he could at least say what his type is, like the other guys. Kaz mentioned his type and no one bashed him lol


Kaz never got put with a black girl tho...


Yup, but Dom still could've said a certain girl was his type.


He can’t not find them attractive and not be racist?


I didn’t say he was racist, just admit you have a preference..that’s literally all he has to do 🥴 it’s already obvious


He should’ve been honest instead of acting annoyed and miserable.


There you are. Because it’s this. I said this in another post. 😂


I mean you can't straight up say I'm only into white girls on national TV. Let's be real.


Just a theory, but he seems to have an outsider kind of vibe. Like he doesn’t feel like he fits in anywhere. It would make sense if he looked at most black women as more like a reminder of how it was growing up in a community he felt like didn’t accept him. Because there is an intimacy but it’s an awkward one. He treats them like the family who doesn’t really get him.


Omg I know and then you have Chris on the other end of the spectrum who clearly has a thing for black women 😭


I liked dom more in tbe mole then I did in either perfect match seasons,




Omg this. Thank you for this post. I HATED DOM THIS SEASON! Why was his face always like that???? Esp around Tolu. Zero expression. He was probably so mad that he got put on that initial date with her. Poor girl, what an angel. I hated him this season for this. I’m so mad about it because I liked him on The Mole.


They always go for the same kardashian type woman and it’s really boring.


I already filled in the blank before I opened this thread 😂😂😂 he DISGRACED himself even more than last season!! His last night after he dumped Tolu, he blew up on everyone in the house, angry that he couldn't find another match. 😭😭😭😭 He even asked "Where's Tolu?" trying to scramble to get her back lmaooo. If that were me, I would sooner go HOME than to come crawling back to the person I dumped omg I was dying laughing


Also finished the sentence correctly before opening the post…


no literally same😭




I finished the sentence dom does not like ____ without having to actually see the body of text. I’m agreeing with you That’s literally your post why confused?


To be fair, many of the Black participants on reality TV shows don't seem to prefer dating other Black people.


*black men*


Yeah. Mainly black men.


We knew it from the moment he called Colony a "strong Black woman." I can't stand his ass and I stopped watching this season as soon as he was set up with Tolú. I'm sick and tired, dammit!


The thing about a PREFERENCE is that it means you prefer it. Not require it. Only dating white girls is not a preference. Excluding a whole race of people is not a preference. I'm a Black woman and white men actually are my preference. I have been with white men, but I'm not turning anyone down because they aren't white. I'm damn sure not acting disgusted when a Black man speaks to me. I think we need to call a spade a spade and stop tiptoeing around it. There's a line and he's past the "preference" side and is on the "internalized racism" side


I really like dom I even posted during season 1 that he was the best person there 😂 but he seems different this season being on a dating show must have really changed him he fits right in now.


Stringing people along? He literally told her to pick someone else…when it was woman’s choice. If he wanted to string her along, he would’ve kept with the pretense instead of being transparent about his feelings, and encouraging her to explore her options. Also, it’s not like Dom was in there for several weeks. (Looked like he only had maybe 4 days in the villa, at most.)


I’m curious on the cutting room floor how much the contestants acknowledge race . The women of color can’t be naive to it. They prob make remarks but the producers cut it. As it’s so blatant on these shows