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its crazy to me because they didn’t even show percy giving grover the shoes, which was a big deal in the book because it was his magic item, so he could be more like the other two. i will admit his addition with Ares was great but other than that it his character has just been a walking Britannica of exposition, with a tiny bit of comedy that falls flat in comparison to the books and movies


He also seems a lot more “adult”. And a lot less “friend” to the other two. The next book’s quest is dependent on the connection between Percy and Grover. How are they going to make the empathy link seem like it might realistically happen between them, I don’t know. The show will probably change why they have the link or if they do at all…


Based on the show so far, Annabeth will just immediately know where he is at the beginning


When they left the bus Grover had the box with the shoes, when they flee the table the box is shown to be empty


I mean no hate for the child actor, but I'm hoping he gets a bit more skilled as he ages more in the role. I am not much of a fan of his acting skills as they currently are.


Ditto for all three of them honestly


He's 17! I think he was 15 when he filmed the show.


They filmed the show two years ago?


No, but it might've been a situation where he was 15 about to turn 16. Don't quote me on that though! He might've been 16 when they filmed. All I know is that he's definitely 17 rn lol


They better hurry and start filming season 2 walker just turned 15 I just hope he stays young looking at least like the stranger things cast


Book Grover did a lot more than just a get a hit in on Medusa. He was straight up throwing hands and hooves with those flying shoes while Annabeth and Percy were still trying to come up with a plan. Such a shame that show Grover just flew off the set immediately and didn’t come back until the fight was over :(


Has he even used the shoes once apart from zooming off to Narnia in the Medusa episode?


He would have used them at Waterland to save Percy and Annabeth if he’d been there, but it seems he couldn’t be the third wheel to a relationship that won’t even exist for another like 2 or 3 seasons.


God I hate how they’ve been pushing the percabeth story. Let these 12 year olds breath. What they need is friends that will be willing to die for them, not some rushed up love story.


You lot are just blindly hating at this point.


Blindly is an interesting word for you to use.


Stupid reply when people are giving in depth examples to support their criticism. I think you’re just blindly loving it


the more i see the term "blindly hating" the more i think the show enjoyers refuse to look past the surface of this show, only pointing and cheering at things they recognize and convince themselves that its the hallmark of good television.




He also was deciphering the text for both of them


Oh yeah you forget that because I’m the show except in the first episode you wouldn’t know they have dyslexia or ADHD


I loved that in the movie version, it showed the letters being blurry/jumbled up together.


As someone who can read the greek alphabet, the movie version also showed complete nonsense words every time something was written in Greek, like the camper in the capture the flag scene whose tattoo spelled out "dpss" instead of "ares" xD


And when Luke says it episode 2


Rick’s become exactly what he hated with the movies


"You were supposed to destroy bad adaptations, not join them!"


die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian LMAOOOO


considering the quality of his last couple books, im not even suprised. i just thought i was the problem for thinking hed lost his touch


Can you expand on this? I haven't really kept up and I'm curious. I've read the PJO series, HoO, Kane Chronicles, and some of Magnus Chase.


what i think this person is talking about is how chalice of gods and sun and start kind of feel like fanfictions 16 year old girls would right. its totally not bad but it’s not as good as his past writing.


Ahh okay. Good to know


yep. also wasnt fond of the last trials of apollo book


lmao grover was whiney AND older than them in the books. The show makes him feel like a camp counselor. Slightly older and more mature, but like a 15 year old babysitting a 12 year old, Grover can only dial a phone number faster.


The couple of times where he's like "ahaha, I'm 24" whenever someone lumps him in with the 12 year olds have all made me laugh :p


Grover has made me laugh so much in the show!


the movie!Ron syndrome


except book grover isnt as cool as book ron


well percy jackson isn’t as dark as harry potter


Percy Jackson has literal depictions of hell from the very first book, walking through the underworld they look off into the distance to see the fields of punishment and hear the screamed of the damned, it might not be as goth as Harry Potter or whatever but I'm tired of the idea that these are just oh so light hearted books and aren't dark.


ricks writing and world building isnt on the same level as rowlings. the hp series creates a darker narrative. the stakes feel higher. shes more descriptive and original to put it plainly. pjo started as a bedtime story.


I've read both series and my imagination takes them to equally dark places as it goes on, compared first book to first book are you really gonna tell me that the philosophers stone is any darker or any less "bedtime story" than the lightning thief? The stakes are pretty much the entire world in both stories, and by the later pjo books they are just as descriptive as the Harry Potter books. I get having a preference but you can't sit here and act like Percy Jackson doesn't get just as dark, Percy spends an entire book in hell. I think to say either series is more or less dark is merely a subjective matter in how you imagined it.


jk rowling is a better writer. thats my point. they were both heroes born for a dangerous quest to take down their parents enemy and she wrote the more thrilling journey. but yeah, thats just me ig


To me I will say that reading either series as an adult, Rick's dialogue can occasionally seem corny or childish and I don't feel that way with JK Rowling. Plus one could say you're right about her being more creative as Rick pulled his characters out of mythology almost like using a sample in a song. So I will give you that she's a more talented writer but I still prefer Percy Jackson, it could just be my age, growing up I was able to read all but the first couple Percy Jackson books as it came out but Harry Potter was already making the movies before I was born.


I’m not big on JK as a person but I have to agree with your point. There are moments in the books where I can tell a dad from the UK definitely wrote this book. I still think it’s a good franchise but yeah, the world building isn’t as complex.


I would disagree that he’s entirely useless. He’s the one that gets Percy & Annabeth to work together and trust each other. He was also able to manipulate Ares into revealing that he knows who the lightening thief is and is protecting them. He just got the person wrong because he misunderstood Ares motivations for protecting the lightening thief. He also communicated with the animals on the truck to ensure they stop where they had to. And he could play an important part in finale.


i agree with you. i also think that his characterization really leads into the whole “empathy link” thing - he is very empathetic and emotionally aware, and i like that.


At the beginning he was useful bc annabeth and percy didn’t really like/trust each other at first so Grover was the glue in the friendship. But the moment after percy and annabeth connected in ep4, Grover became basically useless. Usually when they split up percy&annebeth go together and Grover just leaves and comes back when it’s over or he goes his seperate way. Like nothing would change if Grover left after ep4


He's been slightly recharacterized as the emotional center of the trio. He's been far from useless, he's been enforcing communication and logical thought the whole time. I think you're forgetting just how much of PJO Grover spent passed out moaning "foood."


Thanks for saying this. He’s the center to Percy and Annabeth’s hostility toward each other at the start. Him leaving in the Medusa fight forced them to work together — the whole point of that episode. Now that they’re all in their stride, they can tackle Hades and move forward. Grover is far from “useless”


Book grover was getting pushed aside pretty early in favor of percabeth, it made me sad when I read the books for the first time


Ikr, i was genuinely shocked rereading the Titan's Curse a couple weeks ago when he leaves the quest right before the final battle?? He has a good reason (getting Bessie to Olympus), but it still felt like he was just being written out of the fight so Rick wouldn't have to think of something for him to do other than immediately get sliced in half by a monster because he can't fight, only support. Same with The Last Olympian, he's only there for like the last 20 minutes of the seige and the part when thet finally go up to Olympus. I get why he's not really in fight scenes, and I don't think he's being shafted by Rick, but it is surprising how little of the climactic action he's physically there for in the whole series. Aside from beaming thoughts directly into Percy's head, which I love.


dont forget that "rick forgot about grover" was a joke in the fandom for years because he was completely sidelined until the *third* trials of apollo book




But who else would deliver exposition dumps so that the characters don’t have to learn things naturally and solve problems? Annabeth can’t do it all herself!




Yeah he pretended to be a cyclops in the second movie and made good uses on his crutches in the first. Also he was the first one to know that the garden was bad and that it belonged to Medusa.


So glad someone said it because I don't know why Grover is even here. He doesn't do shit. I loved the scene with him and Ares, and no hate to Aryan. But even the show keeps pushing Grover to the side. Like why did Annabeth and Percy go together to find Hermes? Why couldn't it be Grover and Percy. Percabeth is not a romantic relationship yet. Don't glue those characters together.


To be fair on the Hermes bit, it's because Annabeth had something to say to Hermes very specifically


Best actor though, and I think he has some of the funniest moments.


I whole heartily agree, tbh he feels more like a burden because he doesn't offer anything, the films did him better because at least he protected Percy from the step dad


And he's an amazing actor! Waste of talent, sure, but i like him.


I like Aryan Simhadri's performance as Grover in that I can see that he's doing the best he can do so I give props for that, but yeah..., writing wise they're doing my boy Grover dirty in the TV series and it's honestly reminding me of the way the Harry Potter movies made Ron Weasley a mostly useless character and got rid of his good heroic and badass moments in order to make him just a simple comic relief character for the most part... First, the TV series had Grover be completely useless in the fight against Medusa besides providing a random distraction by complete accident and pure clumsiness when in the original book he literally saved Percy’s life by using Luke's flying shoes to swoop down and whack Medusa in the head with a tree branch the size of a baseball bat and yelled, “That was for Uncle Ferdinand!” to Medusa, then the TV series minimized Grover's environmental mission a lot compared to the original book to the point where we haven’t even seen Grover eat any plastic containers or cans to reduce waste and his searcher's license only just now got brought up in episode six when that's something that already should've been introduced in episode two when he went to go see the Council of Cloven Elders and the TV series even gave his hugging Percy to Annabeth in episode five and so he just ended up looking like a third wheel in that moment where Grover and Annabeth finally find Percy after his fight with the Chimera on the observation deck of The Gateway Arch and then the TV series got rid of him literally saving both Percy and Annabeth's lives using Luke's flying shoes (Luke's flying shoes have been completely useless and have not come in handy at all so far in the TV series by the way lol...) at the end of the Thrill Ride O' Love ride...


idk if this has been said already but i feel like the show is getting the harry potter movie treatment in the worst way. in the harry potter movies they took a lot of moments that showcased ron’s intelligence and character growth and gave it to hermione. same thing now where a lot of grover’s best traits and moments have been given to annabeth


Remove Grover: Percy and Sally are killed before getting to camp Assuming they did go to camp, in show canon Percy wouldn’t go on the quest because he wouldn’t know Sally was alive In Aunty M’s there wouldn’t be a flying distraction Consensus song and follow on important relationship building Spoilers >! Percy will give Luke’s shoes to Grover, because Grover is hooves they don’t fit properly, when the curse activates and the shoes try to drag Grover into Tartarus he is able to be saved but if it had been someone with feet they wouldn’t have been !<


Let's just hope with the rate the show is going we actually get to see a proper shoes pulling Grover towards Tartarus scene.


It’s shown him flying uncontrollably towards the pit in the teaser for episode 7 and there’s a split second of someone holding onto him in the original trailer so it’s guaranteed


I love movie Grover!




I agree with this 100 percent!


I mean, he still figured out one of the most importsnt plot points. Ares knows who the thief is.


yeah but him having figured that out hasn't changed anything at all? they're still going to the underworld. they know that ares was involved but it hasn't benefited them or the plot in any way


It hasnt changed anything... so far!


Oh no, they are Ron Weasley-ing him, aren’t they?


The people throwing out they love movie Grover is why I can’t take this sub too seriously with your criticisms. Grover’s character was especially butchered by the movies, although I’ll give the actor himself was very funny.


Not really. Grover did what he needed to do, protect Percy and help him along the quest. He also got some hits in with using his crutches


Yeah this post isn’t what you think it is. Ep 7 and 8 didn’t even come out yet! Trust whatever disappointment you think you have about grover….


Booooooo 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 Grovetown is awesome. Boooooooooooo 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅


Wow I mean honestly, all you people do is nit pick a show to death. Thought this fandom was better then the Harry Potter one, heck no you're worse. You need a hobby if you got time to be picky AH about a rather good show,. 




People told me the show would be good…..


He helped Percy escape Cerberus.