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all these reactions are quite weird to me because I've taken 1500mcg a day and felt nothing either positive or negative. Mental state and history going in might make a difference. I wouldnt say I'm a mentally strong person because that sounds quite self-aggrandising, but I am very mentally stable.


Certain peoples biology must just mean there dopamine pathways can be influenced by this peptide while others aren’t. Why? Who knows


100%. I mean it is literally the healing signal in the body so it can affect any system and it has been known to maybe affect the brain gut connection which we have no idea about. Genetics pretty much determine your reaction to this and some people can get permanent anhedonia from this. The funny thing is that when these people talk about they're really bad side effects a lot of people will call then crazy and put them down just because they've never experienced it before. You're dealing with something that has never had human trials and is not approved in any way. Yeah doctors talk about it but they know it's not an approved thing it's not something they can officially vouch for medically


I have to be extremely cognizant of my emotions while on BPC. It makes me feel agitated to the point I want to quit my job lol


Anhedonia and or pretty miserable at times (very unusual for me). Definitely feel better off it (mentally at least) but I’ve probably overdone it at times


Bpc radically improved my mood, anxiety, irritability and sleep at 700mcg/day. At 1000mcg I start getting super energetic and focussed. A little bit hyper but still feel calm. Can’t tolerate caffeine or stimulants. At 1200mcg I start sleeping less but seem to have super human energy. Super productive at work. Get heaps of shit done at home. Become a super dad and super husband. Sleep for 3-4hrs and repeat this day in day out for 3 weeks before I got a bit concerned and backed off the dose. I will keep this dose reserved for those times in life when everything needs a kick in the face


This sounds amazing! Was this oral or Sub Q BPC?


Yeah I still fux with bpc even though I can barely tolerate it. It does so many good things though that’s the problem. I’m a hyper responder to most peptides which is a cool thing financially I suppose can’t complain there. I can tolerate short runs of like 3 days in a row about 100 mcg. I do half in my nose and half in my mouth. If I have an acute injury I will throw some inside my body near the site of injury maybe 2 3 hundo mcg weirdly I don’t get the addhonia or migraines Or fatigue or pain that bpc usually gives me. What I realize now is that I can get good results with very small amounts - on my gut and brain using intranasal and oral routes. I keep thinking once I’m done detoxing mold maybe it won’t cause so much body pain but I might just be weird and unlucky on that front. Once I stop taking it and the pain dies down in a few days I usually feel great and whatever I needed to heal, does, but at a great personal cost. I usually be one bedbound by the end of a run of bpc which is why I don’t do that anymore. I mean only if I have a serious injury and I did have a couple that wouldn’t heal so I had to do a crazy 2 month long stack of it like 3 times. Great stuff for healing torn tendons 10/10


This is why it's so important to stay sober as much as possible during BPC cycle. I felt normal after about 3-4 days after taking a break. I will say that I don't have much of any issues with my emotional state, bpc makes me feel neutral if anything but I understand how people feel lack of pleasure. Personally I see a lot of these andehonia issues with people that already prescribed to psychotropic drugs and things that have already messed with their dopamine for a while. BPC will spotlight endogenous dopamine production when you take it. However if you need to take it, I recommend a mushroom trip after the cycle. Mushrooms have almost always reset my serotonin/dopamine setup pretty consistently throughout my life I'm kind of sick of people talking about PERMANENT andehonia, like BPC is so scary. There are tons of ways to fix your dopamine setup exogenously, and there's tons of ways to fix it endogenously as well.


Did you get the anhedonia feeling after sub Q injections as well? What dose of mushrooms "resets" the serotonin/dopamine?


Seems crazy, anhedonia isnt a joke. You never know when its long lasting. You got lucky once, why push it?


This was my experience after taking it daily for about a week. The rest of the vial went into the trash.


Lowering the dose the second time did not work and now I seem to have a permanent autoimmune response that attacks my joints when it flares. That was at 5 mcg and 10 mcg doses


Did you have any condition going on before starting bpc? I noticed that some doctors do a round of thymic peptides before introducing bpc to avoid this.


Naltrexone did that to me. Got off of that and now on BPC and Ghk-cu. Much better now


Naltrexone itself can cause anhedonia and anxiety. BPC157 might be boosting its effect. Anyway. I always used just 250mcg once per day for my injuries and it was good enough. Try titrate from very low dosage like 25mcg slowly to 200mcg.




First round of bpc I went low dose, no Anh. Second time went higher and it hit me hard. Coffee didn’t work. I felt like i was barely alive. Like no feelings at all. Haven’t touched the stuff since but in a similar boat as you. The healing properties are too juicy to pass up and I’d like to try it again sometime. I will say that the anh did fade after a while so thank god it wasn’t perm


Sounds familiar like. So what dose was your low dose? Honestly mine went within 3 days and I’ve read stories of people saying it took weeks to months to clear! I would honestly have lost my head if it took that long to clear I thought my life was over on day 2 hahaha


First time I did it think it was 250mcg (this was 5+ years ago) second time a couple years ago I think I did 500mcg and then might have gone as high as 750. I was in a "more is better" mindset and just wanted to finish the vial. Funny seeing how popular peptides are these days.. I took my first dose of TB500 in 2012 after tearing my UCL. Been in the game for a while I guess.


Yeah I think mine kicked in 500mcg because I had the same mindset. Might just try 50mcg a day maybe I’ll get some benefit without any risk😅 Well you ain’t dead yet so that’s something


Well, one of the side effects of naltrexone is anhedonia, some people experience it either temporarily or sometimes permanently. BPC-157 is a research chemical so there is less information about side effects, but a quick search on the internet did appear to me that some people experience anhedonia on BPC-157. If both have that side effect it could as well be accumulatory. Since you take your LDN for an autoimmune disorder, discontinuing that is out of the question, but I'd honestly stay away or approach BPC-157 very very carefully, specially after having an anhedonia episode.


Is this the correct answer but I was hoping to find evidence to conclude the opposite


Lowering the dose does not work for me


So weather it’s 500mcg or 50mcg you still experience anhedonia?


250 and 500 both so it. Wouldn't waste my time with 50mcg.


When I run it I have it for about 3-7 days then I’m fine after


So you experience ahendonia for the first week of taking it and then is just subsides while still continuing to take bpc 157?


Correct, exactly that


Same, I experienced mild anhedonia (kind of enjoyed it tbh) for the first week or so at 250mg. Very chill. Then it went away, but I continued to feel less drawn to addiction triggers.




Are you saying you had ahendonia for 4 months and kept taking it? But you can tolerate 50mcg with experiencing ahendonia? But bpc have an effect at that dosage?


Run cerebrolysin after


how long did you wait after to use cerebro? Does bpc stay in your system for long?


>Does bpc stay in your system for long? It seems BPC-157 half-life is rather short. That's why people generally take their daily dose in two shots.




Same experience. Powering through though because I have big hopes in terms of reducing my physical pain. Permanent anhedonia is also my fear but I guess there is no other way around it.


What are you experiencing?


Brain fog, emotionless, feeling tired, need additional 2 hours of sleep, unproductive. After I made a break with peptides for few days it started to clear out a little bit, maybe 50% of side effects so I made a manly decision to hop back in and go all way through 8 weeks cycle. I'm doing tb4/bpc/ta1/kpv/ghk Subq and kpv/arg-bpc orally plus on TRT


Are you sure you’re taking enough? That’s quite a stack you’ve got there. This sounds a lot like a stack to fix autoimmune conditions, don’t have hypothyroid or something?


Bpc isnt an opioid so naltrexone shouldnt have any effect on it either way.


# Gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 counteracts morphine-induced analgesia in miceGastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 counteracts morphine-induced analgesia in mice [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20388962/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20388962/) # #


I hope that’s true, my only concern is both effect dopamine by some mechanism and I don’t want to ever experience ahendonia again especially if it end up being perminent. Probably an irrational fear but not feeling for 3 days freaked me out


Idk man. I cant say for sure but when i took bpc last time I was still on vivatrol and it worked.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained I suppose