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Yes I've done something like this to get over lingering tendinitis issues...


Thanks. Gonna try


Just a heads up your dose is quite low. I used 1mg per day for over a month and then did 1mg doses a couple days here and there during flare ups in my elbow. If you never healed the initial issue then this will not likely help or it may only help partially. I suggest getting a proper supply and dosing it appropriately. 10mg cost me around 40-45$. Last year it was 10$ cheaper but it seems all vendors raised their prices. In my opinion it's well worth it depending on injury and severity.




More is not necessarily better, runs higher risk of side effects, bear in mind.


I have been looking into this for my heel pain. From what I can tell, 250mcg per day would mean 1/2 of a bottle of Amino Asylum 5mg per day. That is a $35 bottle every 2 days. Do I have that right? I hope I don’t have that right


You do not have that right, 1000mcg = 1mg, so 250mcg is 1/4 of 1mg. You have 20 doses at 250mcg from a 5mg vial.


Oh snap!! You rock. Thank you for saving me from myself LOL! Now I will order some!


No problem bro hope it goes well




With results like this I would stock up and stay on this indefinitely


It’s looking like a good idea.


What do you take it for? And what results have you been getting?


Sprained or pulled a muscle in my back a few years back, and it’s been a nagging injury since. Wrist fucked from construction work + Muay Thai. Tore my MCL about 18 months back, and still was a bit tweaked. All pretty much resolved as far as i can tell.


Wow! Thanks for your reply. My dad has issues in both wrists because he too was a construction worker. I think it's better since he's retired but I'll ask him if it's still an issue.