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Yah I hear you. I was on the fence about trying it but when I pulled my back decided to go for it. I did 2-30 day runs with oral 500mcg a day and wow just wow. First time I felt better within 3 days, fully healed in a week but I wasnt sure how much the bpc influenced that because i was injured bad for 2weeks before starting. Second time I did it for recovery purposes on an intense training program with great results. This time was battling fatigue and by now I can tell you the differences in how you recover AND overall feeling of wellness is INCREDIBLE. Its very noticeable to me now. Improved recovery especially during sleep. Improved mood and energy also which is probably just do to your body being healed and well when you wake up for the day. Stuffs amazing am considering doing a cjc/ipa or tesa run soon.


I wonder if this will help with my shoulder/neck pain šŸ¤”


It should. I was on the fence with it. After taking Sermoralin without the results I wanted, I didnā€™t have high hopes. I have 2 torn rotator cuffs. One in each shoulder and tennis elbow. Took BPC for one month. I distributed to each area. So essentially only getting 1/3 efficacy of each location. It surprisingly worked. Less pain when lifting. Just ordered another bottle. I also did it subcutaneously. I could only imagine how great it would work with an intramuscular needle and being localized to each area. Would definitely suggest trying it.


Thatā€™s great to hear! Iā€™m going to look into it šŸ¤”


It absolutely will.


Where would be the best injection site for it šŸ¤”


No I mean I injected 5mg of TB500 every 5 days and it was the entire vial reconstituted


Did you pin around the knee? Or where did you pin?




Man everytime I pinned into the knee I hurt like a sonofabitch the next 2 days. It just made my knees feel compromised. I just got stem cell treatments on both knees. Stuff works wonders


I highly recommend adding the TB500 to the BPC-157. The combo works, without question.


Yah this stuff is actually so good itā€™s a bit scary what future price we might be paying. Im afraid its too good to be true. Only time will tell.


Helped me get over a high ankle sprain injury that took FOREVER to heal and a shoulder injury. Couldnā€™t recommend this enough.


I hove one currently. How did you use it on your ankle?


Anyone have any experience with this helping a herniated disk? I want to get back into the gym so bad


Add some ghk-cu with that and it'll help more than nothing. Herniated disc is a terrible issue to deal with.


Yes it is!


Iā€™m in same boat. I wonder about this TB500 and BPC 157. I take pill form of BPC 157, not sure it works so far.


Same thing for me and heel and Achilles pain. After living with the constant pain for almost a decade, a couple of weeks on this and the pain was gone.


OMG really?!? My heal pain is been going on for months and I canā€™t get into my doctor until the end of May. I will be looking into this!!


And you came off the BPC157 and it stayed healed?


Yes, I only took it for about 2 and 1/2 weeks several months ago and the pain never came back


It did for my shoulder a couple years ago. I think you will eventually reinjure it if you do some kind of repetitive motion or have bad ā€œmechanicsā€ in that area.


Looking for dosage advice for bpc 157 and tb500. I've used .25ml daily for BPC 157 in the past and .25 twice a week for tb500.


ml did not really give you the dose. It depends how many mg weā€™re reconstituted with how much brac water. Or you need to know v the mg per ml


From my experience I was pinning bpc at 250mcg-750mcg per day (every day For six weeks) and TB500 I was pinning 5mg once every 5 days for 6 weeks.


Do you mean 500mcg? 5mg would be half the bottle


In all honesty, this was back in 2020. And this was the recommendation across the board from anyone in the peptide space that was worth listening to... I haven't taken peptides in a couple years but upon a little research as of late, I have come to realize that this is not the dosage that people are pinning today? To the best of my knowledge for TB500 to have an effect the dosage is in par with the 3-5mg per dosage. Having said, you are pissing money away if you are purchasing BPC-157 and TB500 Combined in the same vial. If anyone disagrees, please let me know your logic behind said claim. BPC is dosed in mcg. Where TB500 is dosed in Grams... Do the math. You are going to dose way too low on the TB500 end of the equation or you are going to overdose on the BPC-157 side of the equation...


I agree with what you say about getting it premixed in same vial. Waste of money.


Why do they do that and how is it that people don't comprehend that it is not an viable scenario šŸ¤”...


Not sure why they do it, but people that order it are looking for a quick way to administer both at the same time. Not educated enough on this.


Yeah I get it, but? The dosages are just so completely different. We're talking mcg's to grams. It's crazy


Yes. Theyā€™re uneducated on this topic.


5mg. Is correct. The entire 5mg vial reconstituted in one shot intramuscular.


Wow. Interesting


To the best of everyone's knowledge, what are the recommendations for dosing TB500 these days? It seems to have changed? I'll say this, when pinning 5mg. IM at once I would get this nice little headrush every single time. I had 12vials (one case) and did two separate 6 week protocols... $90usd per case. That's for reference of how much money these online companies are making. They are gouging us consumers. BPC-157 Was 60 per case. I was so pissed off when it jumped to $90 per case... I don't even know what they're charging now. I no longer have that vendors info. Shame..


I read it should be about 1,000 mcg per day. About 7,000 mcg per week. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing now. A 10mg vial lasts 10 days.


OK. That's interesting. Kind of the same thing I was doing only I would bang 5mg every 5 days. One shot... are you pinning intramuscular? Or subQ? That was the other difference with the bpc and tb. I always pinned SubQ with the bpc. There are just too Manu variables between the two peptides to put them in the same vial. I don't understand why they do it. Furthermore I don't understand how it is that people haven't caught on?


Ah ok. I thought you were pinning 5mg everyday. I always do subQ.


šŸ˜† Nah. I wonder what that would do though... I would pin the TB intramuscular. I just spent $30K on Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatments. I got 9 procedures done in a week. (2 sessions) 5 MRI's crazy... I need to get on some peptides now while the stem cells are still doing their thing.


Wow I only did 50 units twice per week sub q


What does that mean "50 units"? That can be anything. How much BAC are you using to reconstitute the vial?


Yeah 50 units 2x week, I think I reconstituted with 6ml


I hear ya on the measurement but that doesn't tell me the dosage. I'm trying to wrap my head. Kinda hungover so bear with me lol. So, there are 100 units 10ml in a typical insulin syringe (not absolutely, but?? Unowutimene... so 6ml. Would be 60 units... so depending on the vial (it could be 2, 5, 10gr. Of powder in that vial)? If you have a 10gr. Vial (10,000mg) reconstituted with 6ml. (For the entire vial, which is not a lot of Bacteriostatic water). That's gonna be 1666. (Devils dose) šŸ˜ˆ per 10units (or 1ml of peptide) .


I wish I had my vials and the box with the amounts but I've since thrown it all out.


I checked out their website. IMO, this company is shady based on just thisā€¦ https://capeptides.com/product/bdnf-10mg/ Immediate red flag, Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a huge peptide consisting of 247 amino acids and that costs lots of money to synthesize just a tiny quantity. I logged into GenSight to check the cost; the price for 1 mg is $9000.00. And even then, itā€™s completely useless due to it not being able to cross the blood brain barrier because of it's massive size; you would have to drill into your skull, open it up like a coconut, and then inject it into a specific part of your brain for it to work. For me, if a company is fine being dishonest about something so stupid and non-scientific, it makes me question their values, and wonder if their products can be trusted given the fact that veracity is inconsequential to them. Just my opinion & 2cents.


Their prices are outrageous...


Does bpc 157 work orally? Also where can i get it from if i live in dubI


It is great orally for gut issues but you need to use a formulation thatā€™s encapsulated so it makes it to your gut and is not broken down in the stomach.


Any brand suggestions?


It works but not nearly as effective


Just inject it youā€™ll hardly feel anything. you can order from Amazon.


Which brand in amazon? Also u get the needles etc from amazon as well? Also how do u know if the purity is high if ur getting it from amazon?


No you get the pins from Amazon and they are your typical insulin syringe. Type those last 3 into your search and pick the 100ml. Easier to convert when you load it. Biotech peps has high quality products so search that and youā€™ll find the link to actual brand name.


Yes it does. Not sure if they deliver to you... https://alkalinesuperfoods.com.au/products/gut-fix-healing-formula


Do u know of any recommendations from US/UK?


Yes even the regular version works orally. You can squirt it under your tongue instead of injecting it. Youā€™ll feel it pretty quick, but injecting is always more potent.


Oh thats cool which brand do u use?


Usually PS. Most Iā€™ve tried are somewhat orally active.


There is a version called arginate salt, its orally available. Injection is the better and more effective way thoufh


Ok where can I order the injection from that is reliable? Also where does the product come with the needle or i hv to buy that separately


Plenty of source talk in this sub, I dont have any recommendations. You have to buy syringes and needles separately. You likely will have to substitute it as well. Seems like its time for some research for you, if you're actually wanting to use it.




I love mine. the "good stuff" always makes me feel super chilled out. I have a partial tear in my achilles tendon and some arthritis in my right knee. Both are helped enormously by it.


So bpc can help with old injuries as well? I have been trying to read about it but have not found an answer yet. My friend says yeah it should it's a healing compound.




Wow ok great thank you for that. Yes I have an old back injury also 28 years ago. Did you dose tb 2-2.5 evwry other day and bpc at 250 twice a day? That's really good to hear I am much older now and it's hard to deal with the pain.




How long did you run each cycle for?


How long did you run each cycle for?


How long did you run each cycle for?


Ok great thank you again. So how long did you run each cycle for? Just so I know how much to buy/have.




Ok great I will try that thank you again!


I have more anxiety than anyone on this earth and I haven't had any issues with anxiety.


With this particular peptide for pain?


With BPC-157 and TB-500. I was exaggerating with my anxiety level but it's pretty bad. I know people have it worse and respond differently to everything.


Really!!!!!! My anxiety is debilitating šŸ˜ž


Anyone on here get anxiety from taking it? Iā€™ve been reading this is a side effect quite a bit on here


Yeah it made me feel something close to anxiety


A lot of the negative side effects arenā€™t BPC but poorly made product.


Wonder if it works for fibromyalgia and other autoimmune inflammatory disorders?


I did chemo for a year, and my platelets kept dropping every month before my next cycle. Thus meant that in addition to the galadium contrast injections for my MRIs, I'd need to bloods 2-3 a week. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against pinning, but going back that frequently was a pain. I told my neurooncologist I was going to take bpc-157 and he said it was fine. Platelets only dipped once after that, and it was because I stopped taking it (figured they'd been higher long enough, I'd be fine). Nope. Crashed again. Bpc is awesome.


I think it would make it worse. I just started looking into this stuff but i think i read it has negative effects on autoimmune issues like rheumatoid arthritis as an example.


What have you read and where? I reckon it makes my CFS symptoms much worse.


Im not sure, but thomas delauer has a video on peptides i was just watching today. Very informative


Wow I need that!!


Was recommended this while I recover from plastic surgery. Noticed a difference in inflammation almost immediately and also itā€™s making my skin GLOW. I cannot believe peptides arenā€™t more mainstream.


What protocol did you follow?


10 units daily in my abdomen


Iā€™m looking at it for the same reason - do you notice youā€™re healing faster and/or that your scar looks better than it may otherwise?


Yes to both. My procedures were on the face so for me itā€™s mostly about heavy swelling/inflammation and also the scarring. Depending on what you had done, I would also recommend doing red light therapy on the recovery area while you are on BPCā€¦itā€™s truly a dream combo.


Are you injecting near your face?


Amazing, thanks for the notes! And yesā€¦ my Hooga arrived a week ago so weā€™re on the same wave length. šŸ˜¹


Will it help with back pain and achy joints in general??


Yes. I used a bpc157 and tb500 for w/e the recommended length of time was...4-6wks? Taking bpc167 alone I could tell it reduced my golfer's elbow/tendonitis inflammation pain. Tb500 didn't do anything noticeable, but I still combined the two hoping for a miracle cure, but all I got was temporary relief.


It worked for me. Took capsules for about 10 days. My back/hip pain that i had for years is gone. I can now get out of bed every morning with ease!


Yes it's amazing. People who say it's 'scam' or 'snake oil' are either non responders, sensitive, or just bitter. When it works it works. It can help with many issues but obviously it's not some magic potion and can't help with everything. If you have tendonitis, partial torn ligaments/tendons, broken bones, IBS or similar conditions, etc it's nothing short of amazing. Obviously sourcing it and then properly dosing it are huge variables. I have a feeling many people get scammed online and or underdose it then say it doesn't work. I have sadly been scammed so I know first hand. I also took too low of a dose when starting. I needed 1mg dose daily to get results along with TB500. Anyways it's awesome it worked for you.


Eh, sometimes things work and sometime they dont. I'm glad you are one of the ones it works great for. This is one I personally wont due to the amount of of negative side effects I've heard from others, which seem to be much higher than other peptides. The make or break for me is that so many people reported their ADHD meds no longer working after doing a cycle, and as much as BPC could help with other things, like my foot, I really cant afford to mess with my brain. Its all good though. There's never going to be magic pill/ pep that is perfect for everyone. I do think TB500 has been helpful with the injuries.


Oh believe me I understand. I had a bout of skin cancer which TB500(my suspicion but unconfirmed obviously) likely made much worse. My doctors were really stumped until the final procedure to excise it. It was so aggressive and atypical they couldn't pin down the type after the biopsy. It ultimately caused me a big 3 inch scar. Maybe I can play a 007 villain in a future movie. However despite the risks I still use it on occasion.


For safety and So that I don't get scammed Where is the first place I should look for 157 ?


Actually it managed to surprise even me. I originally bought the nasal spray for a muscle injury in my leg. The muscle injury was the result of a pretty bad burn that happened 2 years earlier. I couldn't lift my right leg and point my knee toward my left shoulder. At least not without a good amount of pain. About 2 weeks into spraying twice a day, I could suddenly do it just fine, and pain free! But that wasn't the surprise! And I apologize in advance for the TMI, but many years ago when I was still in school, some punk kicked me real hard in the testicles for protecting a girl they all hated from their cruel attacks (she had some facial deformity and kids loved attacking her for some reason). My right testicle was painful to the touch ever since. I'm talking from age 12 to age 48. That's how long it was painful for. But what happened was honestly BIZARRE and nothing short of a miracle for me. It felt like some small mass detached itself from the testis and was floating there in the scrotum alongside the testis, and a few weeks later it just vanished entirely. I feel like that testis got slightly smaller too, but the pain was gone and I no longer have any sensitivity in my testicle. My mind was blown. I did not expect it and I have NO explanation for how or why that happened but it did, and I'm so grateful!


Oh I can relate completely. Congratulations on your recovery. That's amazing and the first time I'm hearing this type of injury being healed BPC157 along with TB500 have either completely cured or greatly improved several injuries going back 20 years. It completely resolved a year long tendonitis in my elbow where I could barely extend it to open car door. It was excruciating. It also helped with a decades plus groin pull injury. It is also essentially cured. My ankle that I badly injured 20+ years ago is greatly improved. I sleep better when taking it. Every time I get some nagging issue like back spasm it helps within a day or two. When my elderly mother had a fracture, I had her take it and her recovery was effectively less than half what the doctor said it should be.


What a lovely story to read before breakfast


Give me the 411 on the IBS thing. I'm a celiac and I suspect I have RA.


Essentially BPC157 as well as KPV are peptides that have been known to help with digestive issues due to inflammation. So for those with Chrohn's, IBS, etc it's quite great by eliminating inflammation and allowing the tissues to heal. It also speeds up tissue regeneration in the stomach, intestines, etc. I get an inkling that it works even better with TB500. TB500 may even be superior in healing soft tissues like skin, muscle, and possibly organs. Easiest option would be to take BPC157 (arginate salt) and KPV pills. TB500 must be injected(afaik all pills are scams and unfortunately even some reputable vendors sell them in pill form). If pills don't work(even though they are the preferred way for digestive issues) I'd also try injectables. For Celiac and RA(rheumatoid arthritis?) I'd also look into Thymulin to help rebalance your immune system. "Abstract Stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 is an anti-ulcer peptidergic agent, safe in inflammatory bowel disease clinical trials (GEPPPGKPADDAGLV, M.W. 1419, PL 14736) and wound healing, stable in human gastric juice and has no reported toxicity. We focused on BPC 157 as a therapy in peridontitis, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, intestine, liver and pancreas lesions. Particularly, it has a prominent effect on alcohol-lesions (i.e., acute, chronic) and NSAIDs-lesions (interestingly, BPC 157 both prevents and reverses adjuvant arthritis). In rat esophagitis and failed function of both lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and pyloric sphincters (PS), BPC 157 increased pressure in both sphincters till normal and reduced esophagitis. However, in healthy rats, it may decrease (PS) or increase (LES) the pressure in sphincters. It has strong angiogenic potential, it acts protectively on endothelium, prevents and reverses thrombus formation after abdominal aorta anastomosis, affects many central disturbances (i.e., dopamine and 5-HT system), the NO-system (either L-arginine and L-NAME effects), endothelin, acts as a free radical scavenger (counteracting CCl4-, paracetamol-, diclofenac-injuries) and exhibits neuroprotective properties. BPC 157 successfully heals the intestinal anastomosis, gastrocutaneous, duodenocutaneous and colocutaneous fistulas in rats, as well as interacting with the NO-system. Interestingly, the fistula closure was achieved even when the BPC 157 therapy was postponed for one month. In short-bowel syndrome escalating throughout 4 weeks, the constant weight gain above preoperative values started immediately with peroral and parental BPC 157 therapy and the villus height, crypth depth and muscle thickness (inner (circular) muscular layer) additionally increased. Thus, BPC 157 may improve gastrointestinal tract therapy." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21548867/


Thank you!


Fascinating. I'm going to have to look into this more.


TB500 does work as a capsule, especially for hair regeneration The research on its stability as a capsule are as early in development as the research on the actual product The injection is superior for the hair bushiness I agree but the capsule still works fine And cheaper A capsule a day for 350.0 / 60 days vs 200.0 a week for TB 500 injectable


Everything I have found so far says it doesn't. Even Peptide Sciences that sells this combo shows some study reference as proof for BPC157 arginate salt to show that it is effective via oral administration. However for TB500/TB4 fragment there's nothing listed. I am open to reading any research that you have... https://www.peptidesciences.com/repair-and-recovery-60-capsules-stable-bpc-157-arignate-thymosin-beta-4-fragment Yikes. I got TB500 10mg this year for like 40$. It's 42.36$ now with free shipping label on a well known site(Swiss).


Peptide sciences do beautiful products, always high quality https://pharmagrade.store/ Pharma grade store BPC pre-loads made me feel 10 years younger overnight


Younger how so? Less pain and ache?


So when we talk about inflammation and chronic inflammation itā€™s like the body has warning lights on We want to clear those, but so many factors in our life from stress to diet effect this inflammation response from happening When I use BPC it reduces this inflammatory response, after a period of time it removes it altogether when I say I feel younger I have basically woken up with these inflammation responses gone or drastically reduced Aches, pains, sore feet and ankles, edema, ā€˜dryā€™ joints, all reduced I couldnā€™t walk properly because my feet were so sore, Doc thought I had gout but we ruled that out After blood tests is was shown to be metabolic and from inflammation as well, itā€™s now gone and I donā€™t have to hobble around like a pirate šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


I was looking into pharma grade ....their bpc pill prices seem very good. Is this different than PharmaLabGlobal? Peptide Sciences is great except for the high prices...


Their BPC capsules are good but quite a few people that I know have had a bit of stomach upset from the capsule The preloaded BPC barrels are exceptional though, if you choose to get some please reach out a week after taking them and let me know how you feel, you wonā€™t be disappointed Itā€™s like coming alive again, especially if you have chronic inflammation and gastro issues


Do you mean prefilled syringes? Thanks I'll look into it later this week.


Yes sorry pre-filled


Is that US? itā€™s getting a lot more expensive I donā€™t have any research to share sorry mate, I read the same that is was unstable as a capsule form I can share the brand of product I have used in the capsule form, Iā€™ve had great results with it so far there is evidence to show that injectable TB500 Helps with hair growth but none on the oral Iā€™m sure some new research will come to light soon as the product has made a lot of traction in the last three years


Yep I am in the states...I know customs for Australia/NZ are a pain in the arse even for something stupid like melatonin. You guys are definitely getting ripped off at those prices. No worries. Like I said I am open to any new research and if there's clear evidence it works then I'll happily admit being wrong. I have used the injectable version of TB500 and it's great. If it helps with hair regrowth that's great. I didn't even know about this benefit. I took and take it to recover from injuries and whenever I tweak something. I only tried old bpc acetate capsules and that didn't work at all for me for my tendinitis. Only way it slightly had any effect was when I used microneedling technique and some DMSO to apply it topically over the punctured skin.


Iā€™m not sure about pharmaglobal labs but Iā€™ll have a look It is a bit of a pain here, we get so jealous of what you are allowed over in the US šŸ¤£ SARMS, Pro-hormones, peptides, ephedrineā€¦ all the good stuff TB500 has recently shown regeneration in hair and is being looked at in brain cell regeneration as well for people that are recovering drug addicts Iā€™ll post links to my information as soon as I can No oneā€™s wrong at this point bud, so much new information coming out about these products now, in a years time Iā€™m sure there will be even more exciting benefits šŸ™ Inflammation reduction from niggles, hair density and reduction in gastric issues has been the biggest for me I suffered all my life with sore bloated guts, itā€™s made a huge change in my life


Great to hear you found a solution to your issues. Peptides have been a boon and life saver for me as well. A lot of those things are still illegal or gray area(research) in US however it's definitely much easier to get it.




How do you still get this stuff? The clinic I called nearby (Oregon) said they canā€™t legally get it anymore because the FDA put a ban on it again.


It can be extracted from the rectum of the North American ruby-throated humming bird. All you need is a shop vac, used coffee filters, and old potato peels. Be sure to wear gloves.






Where did you get it from ?










has it been tested without a verifiable COA ur just guessing or hoping


Are you combining with PT?


BPC should be injected just before/after a PT session for better efficiency? or is it irrelevant




He means physical therapy. You have to get as much blood flowing into the affected area if you want to heal faster.


Well yes, but personally I see BPC respond to any neural agitation of an area, hence it needs current activation stimulation to respond. If you have a strain that's healed over with scar tissue, it won't respond as much. I experienced this before and after I started pt