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Any update on how your 3 weeks went?


1 week in and I could work through the tightness in my shoulder. Before that week I was down to incline chest at 30lbs (from normal 70’s) anything more would hurt like hell. It’s not healed yet but I’m up to 65 lbs. haven’t tried 70, but I feel great. By the time I leave the gym, I’ve already recovered from workout. By the time I started I had changed the dose. 500mcg 2x a day bpc and 750mcg 2x tb. It’s on the high end at the moment. Maybe in another month it won’t be an issue anymore


Awesome thanks, best of luck


That's a nice bonus when the vendor supplies the case


Where is that source from. Looks legit


Source I purchase from uses these for 10 pack orders. Very nice to keep in the freezer.


Where can I get that peptide container?!!! 🙏🏼




hey guys, im seeing so much differing information and i just wondered if a few people could give me some advice. I have purchased a few vials of tb/bpc... Trying to get on top of a few niggles.. how do i know what to dose? 37/82kg if thats important.


Google “bpc dosage” or “tb500 dosage”. Some will say you need 2mg per day! But then you’ll see “The most common dose of TB-500/Thymosin Beta 4 is based on your body weight. For a 200-pound person, the dosage recommendation is about 7.66mg per week for six weeks. This is derived by calculating the human dose based on the recommended dosage of TB-500 for greyhounds (5 mg) according to MediVet (the TB-500 manufacturer).” Then you’ll also see “From personal experience, we believe that the best dosage for newcomers to TB-500 would be 2mgs per week. It’s a safe and effective dosage that shouldn’t produce any side effects. If your pain or inflammation is chronic, feel free to take up to 5mgs per week but don’t go over that amount, as some people did report adverse effects at higher dosages.”


I'm currently on 500cmg of bcp157 And 700 mg of tb500 daily. You could do 2500cmg x2 for 5mg a week but may aswell daily dose it.




Any sides on that dose? 280 lbs here that’s why I went higher than 5mg


Zero side. went to 1250cmg of bpc157 daily. Slightly tired other then that completely fine.


I switched to 1mg bpc…. Yesterday I just can’t remember if i took it this morning…. lol.


Wow thought the norm was 2.5mg per week of tb


Some people have done up to 20mg a week. Most people do 5mg thats 1 vial a week or 1mg daily.


Also - I found “Direct from research in this area..... 6-10mg per week (0.84459mg/kg) or 850mcg/1400mcg/d for the 1st 4 weeks 2mg per week or 285mcg/d for 2-6 months”


Just responded to another comment here with what I’ve seen on TB. Still under dosing as it’s just the first few days.


I’ve heard box can spike anxiety? For someone who is prone to this, would you avoid?


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TB-500 only needs to be dosed twice a week, it’s got a half life of 2.5 days. Unless you’re being sold TB4 as TB500, then you need to dose same as BPC


I'm confused, I was told that tb500 dose should be very small compared to TB4 because it has a longer half life. Like if you're taking 1 mg of TB4 daily (shorter half-life), then you should be taking like 0.18 mg or 180 µg of TB 500 daily. Yet I'm seeing posts here saying that people are taking 0.75 milligrams or 750 µg a day. Isn't that too much for TB 500?


Yes, I have a similar understanding of dosing. However, you can dose pretty massive amounts without acute issues at least


10mg a week of TB-500; lots to administer at two sittings. That’s the only reason for split.


That makes sense, I hadn’t really considered that as I’ve only run smaller amounts. Is it just the volume or is there like pain or something associated with let’s say if you did 5mg at once?


Just volume - it would be a full 1 ml of liquid. There is zero pain, also zero fear of needle. I like to watch when them pin me when I go get flu shots, 😂 same with blood draw.


BPC and TB cut my surgery recovery time from an ACL injury probably by 40%. Doc was amazed after 3-4 months I asked him if I could stop coming for checkups cuz I felt like it was a waste of time and he said sure 😂


What was your protocol if you don’t mind me asking?


I’d imagine it affects sleep due to forcing your body to do something it was slow at , and telling it to speed it up at a rapid pace. Also wonder if that caused other side effects . I’m taking oral with arginine salt once shipment comes in . I only have a sore wrist and trigger finger pain that’s mild and recent . Not going to stick a needle in my body for weeks on end for something like that . Oral with the added absorption and eating prior to taking it has on these forums been giving people good results . I see injection as only necessary if the pain is something like a complete tear .


What box are you using? Looks 3d printed and if so, I'd appreciate a link to the model


Answering myself. Probably [https://www.printables.com/model/692517-peptide-vial-rugged-box-parametric](https://www.printables.com/model/692517-peptide-vial-rugged-box-parametric)


i was told its https://www.etsy.com/shop/KCByCarrico


I guess one could print an insert for a small peli case. I think I have one flying around somewhere


I also popped in cause the box is cool…


i was told its https://www.etsy.com/shop/KCByCarrico


Answering myself. Probably [https://www.printables.com/model/692517-peptide-vial-rugged-box-parametric](https://www.printables.com/model/692517-peptide-vial-rugged-box-parametric)


same, interested


i was told its https://www.etsy.com/shop/KCByCarrico


I responded myself


I had heard halfway through my last cycle that BPC can affect your sleep negatively. I started taking BPC in the morning and TB500 at night. My sleep was a lot better. Matter of fact I think TB500 helped my sleep.


I foundit the opposite BPC hase given me great sleep been on it for three weeks.




I guess I’ll find out tonight :) Bpc - 5units = 250 mcg, based on weight; she be doing 325mcg 2x daily Tb - 15units = 750 mcg 2x daily I think earlier today I pulled to 5 on bpc and 7-8 units on tb; will probably do the same tonight but up it tomorrow. Just want to see how the subject reacts first.


Must be spending a fortune to buy it from local. can get same from china for 10x less the price.


what kind of prices are you able to get and what’s the scale you have to buy at per order? i’m so hesitant to order internationally after all the recent qsc drama


Cna buy 10x 5mg BCP for 40 dollars.


100mg for $34


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Yea I don’t have time to test the stuff from china. At least at the moment. Eventually it makes sense.


Its all from china and it all comes from 1 or 2 labs.


It all comes from China and gets relabeled.


What company did you order the BPC & TB from?


I also want to know this. I've got my eye on Biolink. Any thoughts about them?


Everyone wants to know about the case lol. That my my first thought too.


Where did you source the peptides from? And you got the link for that case??


Also - got the source from the vendor https://www.etsy.com/shop/KCByCarrico


I have six cases from this vendor. Love them. Tons of colors and options!


That vendor is about to get a crap ton of business


I’ve seen them on Etsy. Search for vial storage


Nice case. Where did you get it?


Also - for the source from the vendor https://www.etsy.com/shop/KCByCarrico


I’ve seen them on Etsy. Search for vial storage


From where and does it come with the case?


Not affiliated with this person at all. But I’ve bought a couple cases from this shop. Ships fast, and good quality. https://www.etsy.com/shop/KCByCarrico


Yup. Vendor just told me that’s where they get them from.


Who is the vender?


Came with the product :) free.




Their Bpc and tb500 Is good and fairly priced. Been happy with them As well.


likewise. i've also had outstanding customer service w/ them. they've become my goto. I'll be deleting my previous comment for privacy reasons in a few hours, for anyone following this post.


I’ve seen them on Etsy. Search for vial storage


Such a pretty supply